Black Rose

By _therealdesiree

75.3K 4.4K 814

Ryan and Dave are back, only this time they're now married. Their relationship was rocky in the beginning but... More



2.3K 79 26
By _therealdesiree


I was sitting at the table waiting for my ex and his girl to show up. I had been here for about 15 minutes so I was just scrolling through my timeline. I heard the door open and when I looked up, in came Dave and I'm guessing new bae? She wasn't ugly but you could tell she's had surgery to enhance some things. I stood to my feet and they came closer, "Hey." Dave and I said at the same time as he embraced me into a hug. "Hey, I'm Ryan." I said reaching to shake her hand. "Alexis, nice to meet you." she said as we all took a seat. "So Ryan I asked you to meet today cause this is Alexis, someone who I'm kickin' it with and she was interested in meeting Kam and Kairi." I nodded slowly, cause this nigga could never ease his way into something. "Well being as though I just met her not even 2 minutes ago, I wouldn't be to fond of her being around our kids." I simply said. "So Alexis, how old are you?" I asked. "30." she said. Okay so someone closer to his age? Interesting. "Where did you and Dave meet?" I asked curiously. They both looked at each other than back at me, "strip club." he said. If I was eating I would've choked, I nodded. "Do you plan on being around permanently cause I'm not one who wants her kids being introduced to multiple women and Dave knows that." She nodded, "I completely understand I'm the same way with my children." I nodded, "How many kids do you have?"
"5." she said proudly.
We spent the rest of lunch getting to know each other and I was honestly proud of myself cause the old me would've been petty, but I was nice. I knew if I was Dave I would want my ex wife to be civilized with my new partner. Once lunch was over we all stood to our feet, Dave whispered something in her ear and she walked out. "Thoughts?" he asked. "I mean she's okay, doesn't give me any weird vibes. That doesn't mean I want her around them right now, I just want you to be completely sure that this is what you wanna do cause this is a huge step considering y'all have only been together for a few months. He nodded respecting what I was saying, "I feel you Ry, ima wait before we do that. Today was already a big step." I nodded agreeing. "I appreciate you making time to meet up with me." He said pulling me into a hug. "No problem." I said awkwardly. We said our goodbyes and left, it was weird to actually sit in front of my ex husband and his new girlfriend and discuss the kids and whatnot. Was the old feelings returning? I don't think so. Now the dick was a whole different thing. Cause no matter how much I couldn't stand Dave he was the best I've ever had. But when you give it to somebody else I no longer want it. I left out of the restaurant and made my way to my moms to pick up the kiddos. My phone rung, it was Brooke I quickly answered and put her on speaker while sitting the phone in my lap. "Hello?" I greeted. "Hey girl what are you doing?" she asked. "Just left lunch with Mr. Brewster and his new girlfriend." I heard her gasp. "Oh lord, how did that go?" she asked trying to get all the details. Once I filled her in on the entire lunch the phone was silent. "You there?" I called out. "Oh yeah girl, that shit is just crazy. I could never." she said. "I use to say the same thing but why give him a hard time when we're not together? If it doesn't concern or put my kids in danger I could care less about what he's doing. Cause I might be dealing with someone else as well, it's just not serious enough for me to introduce them to Dave or the kids." I said stopping at a red light. "Bitch since whennnn?" she asked. "Like 3 or 4 months now, I'm taking things real slow I wanna make sure that this is something I want." It was different but I also had my guard up, he was really sweet. He was a known rapper from Chicago and was a father of 2, we were still getting to know each other so we hadn't even brought up meeting the parents of our kids. And unlike my lovely baby daddy we actually met outside of Kairi's daycare, weird I know. But we exchanged numbers and we've been in contact ever since. And knowing Dave I just knew if he did meet Antonio he would be petty, that's just him. I was now sitting in my moms driveway on the phone with Brooke still, "alright girl when I'm about to go inside and pick up Kai and Kam, I'll call you later."
"Alright, kiss my kiddos for me!" she said as we both hung up. I got out the car and made my way to the front door, I knocked then opened it. When I walked inside I seen Kairi watching tv. "Kai, where's grandma and Kam?" I asked. She shrugged her shoulders and refocused her eyes back on the tv.
As soon as I went to say something else, I heard my mom coming downstairs with Kam in her arms. "Hey." I greeted her as she handed him to me. "Hey Ry, how was lunch?" I didn't tell her exactly who I was going to lunch with and the reason for us having lunch together cause knowing her she'd be dramatic as hell about it. Some people are still rooting for us to work things out but no, I feel like just because you have kids with someone doesn't mean y'all are obligated to stay together. I'm happy where I'm at, and to my knowledge he's happy where he is. "It was interesting to say the least, were they good?" I asked looking over at Kai. "Of course, they're always good with me." She said. My kids were fake as hell cause how are they always on their best behavior with my mom but with other people they show their ass? I made sure I had all their things as I carried the both of them to the car, after making sure both kids were safely strapped in, I told my mom goodbye. Leaving her house I made small talk with Kai, something I did often since she was a talkative child. She basically rambled about where she wanted to vacation at, I didn't wanna tell her that this year would be different since her dad and I split up. I focused on the road as she went on and on about it, the drive home was fairly short since traffic wasn't as bad as it usually is. While I carried Kam inside my phone started ringing, "shit." I said struggling. "Mommy you can't say that." Kairi said. "I'm sorry." I sighed finally making it in the house. I sat Kam's car seat down on the island, I ran upstairs quickly packing their clothes. I was suppose to be meeting Dave at the office in less than an hour, I made sure I put Kairi's iPad charger in her bag. Once that was done, I changed Kam's diaper and gave Kai some juice. "Okay let's go." I said gathering them once again. "Where we going?" Kai asked walking towards the front door. "Your dads." I said locking up the house and going back to the car. I strapped both kids in and made my way to the office.


Ryan was on her way to the office to drop the kids off with me for the week, something was off with our meeting earlier. I truly thought she would be petty and throw jabs but she didn't do either one, I had recently gotten word that she was dealing with a nigga from Chicago, he was some rap nigga that blew up. And I'm not gonna lie and say I'm over it but it was nothing I could do, and if he made her happy than so be it. I stood by my car waiting, I was about to call her until I seen her white Bentley truck pull in. She was running her mouth on the phone when she got out the car, she got Kairi out the car first followed by Kam's car seat. Whoever she was on the phone with had her cheesing, "okay well I'll call you back when I get back home." she said shortly before hanging up. She said hey to me and handed me the car seat with a sleeping Kam inside. "Kairi give me a hug." she called out to Kairi, she ran towards to Ry and embraced her into a hug, she grabbed her mamas face planting a kiss. "I love you." Ry said with a smile. "I love you too." Kai said playing with Ryan's necklace, something she's done since she was a baby. Ryan then came over and planted a kiss on Kam's forehead. "Call me if they need anything." she simply said to me. "Okay be safe." I said putting them in the car. She got in her car and pulled off, I shook my head cause reality settled that we would be doing this until our kids are grown..


Alexis Anderson, 30

Thoughts on Alexis ? 👀

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