Naked (Billy Butcher X Reader)

By BadWolf911

38.2K 1.5K 178

Hughie Campbell suffers mental trauma after his girlfriend Robin is killed in a high-velocity impact with cel... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 1

4.6K 114 4
By BadWolf911

The shop was quiet that day, a lady had come in, but Hughie handled her just fine. He made a great sale, just what he wanted to ask his boss for a raise. He looked at his coworker, seeing her give him a thumbs up, encouraging him. He gave her a small smile, breathing through his mouth before going up to his boss.

"Hey, Gary! Uhm... I really need to talk to you about-"

"Later, kid." the guy interrupted him.

"Okay. Cool. Later. Like in thirty minutes? Like a solid thirty five?" he said, backing away and pretending to look at some products.

The girl on the end of the store called to him, not loud enough for the boss to hear. He went after her, his sad face saying it all.

"How did you manage to do it?" Hughie asked her, whispering next to her ear while looking at his superior.

"I don't know." she stopped to think about the offer her boss made some months before, one hour extra and a pretty good raise "I think it's 'cause he wants to fuck me." she said shamelessly, giving him a naughty smile.

Hughie almost burst out laughing, covering his mouth to not make too much noise.

"Don't say that!" he pushed her shoulder lightly, she smiled a little and turned back to her phone again.

"You should look for a job that values your hard work." she said, still looking through her phone.

"I'm fine here, and besides, it was the only place that accepted me after four months of desperately looking for a job." he went behind the counter and arranged some gadgets that were out of place.

"Well, I wasn't supposed to say this, but Gary literally asked me to work here." she turned to him, her elbows propped on the counter, her eyes following his back to his booty, biting her lips while doing so "If it's any consolation, I think he did this to every girl that entered the store. He was lucky I was desperate enough to accept it."

"I'm happy to know that he chose me for my body." Hughie laughed, turning to her again, having grabbed some wires to work on a project of his "Can you cover for me at lunch? I know Robin's gonna come to the store to take me away." he made those puppy eyes he was so good at.

"Sure, have I ever let you down?" she asked, her smile faltering just by remembering the boy's girlfriend.

She turned back to her phone, tuning out the sound of the street and the television behind her. Some time later, Robin entered the store, she said some nonsense to Hughie and pulled him away, giving a wave to (Y/n) on the way out. The girl knew she was only being polite, but she couldn't help but feel jealous. She smiled anyway and waved back, not really wanting to hate the girl, but doing it nonetheless.

She couldn't stop thinking about all the fun things they must do on Hughie's lunch break, just walking alongside each other seemed like a dream in itself. She breathed through her mouth, trying to calm her heart and her mind down. Having no friends to go out with was taking a toll on her, her loneliness seemed to be getting at her. Her studies kept her busy at night, but when at work her mind roamed free. The store wasn't exactly popular, so there were not many customers around to work with.

A few minutes later, she noticed a commotion on the street, some people were running to where Hughie and Robin went. Her mind wandered to the worst places, thinking of what might've happened. She let go of her phone and ran out of the store after telling Gary that she would be back in a few minutes.

She didn't have to walk for long to find what was happening, Hughie was screaming, some people tried to get closer, but they couldn't get close enough without getting blood all over them. She couldn't understand what was going on, there was blood all over the street, some guts were thrown around and Hughie was holding somebody's dismembered hands. She got closer slowly, trying not to freak out when she noticed to whom the hands belonged to.

"Robin!" he continued to scream and cry, not noticing the paramedics and the police coming towards him.

She touched his shoulder, getting shouted at by the police, but ignoring it all, her mind focused only on the guy's well being. He turned to her, hearing her call his name softly kind of broke the spell he was in. His face said it all, there was snot coming out of his nose and his eyes were red like never before. He was still holding Robin's hands, his grip on it strong, his knuckles white from the force.

She held his bloody wrists, her eyes finding his. She caressed his wrists, trying to calm him enough to make him let go of the dismembered hands. It worked, he slowly let the hands go, but his hands began to shake before holding onto (Y/n)'s arms and he lost the feeling of his legs, if not for the girl holding onto him, he'd be with his knees full of blood.

"Hughie." the girl called, trying to make him look at her, but his eyes kept roaming the scene, making him panic more "Hughie, look at me!"

The guy turns to her, his cries nothing more than some sniffles, but she could see the light in his eyes fade, he was clearly in shock. She let go of his arms to embrace his neck, standing on her tiptoes to reach it. He began to cry again, holding the girl close to him. Some minutes later, he stopped crying, but was still clinging to her. His mind was numb, he blacked out, not literally, but his mind was not fully on the scene anymore.

The paramedics talked to him, the police talked to him, (Y/n) talked to him, nothing seemed to work. She discussed some things with the medics, then took him by his hand and dragged him slowly away. She entered the store where they work and talked to Gary, they left right after. She tried to talk to him again, but again he didn't respond. She entered her apartment, explaining to him what she was going to do. She took his hands again, pulling him towards her bathroom. She sat him on the toilet, taking off his shoes then his shirt, she got him up again and took his pants off, leaving his underwear on. She helped him into the shower and turned it on, the warm water numbing his muscles. She left the bathroom, taking his clothes with her.

He slid on the bath wall, sitting under the flowing water. The tears came back, being hidden by the clear liquid that ran on him. He watched as the blood on him went inside the drain, bringing to his mind the last minutes with her, how happy she seemed, how they were making plans. He grabbed his knees, pressing them to his chest while trying to hold the choked scream in his throat. He didn't feel the time pass, but it seemed that it had been a long time since (Y/n) knocked on the door before entering and seeing him broken like never before.

She sighed right after looking at him, new clothes on her hands, which she placed on top of the toilet. She crouched down next to him, one of her hands on top of his head, caressing his wet locks of hair. The other hand went to his face, bringing it to look at her, his puffy eyes opening just a little. She gave him a little smile, her thumb brushing over his cheek, slowly wiping his tears and water from his face.

"I'll take you home." she said softly, getting up and taking a towel for him to dry up.

She explained about the clothes she brought and told him to get changed. She closed the door, waiting outside for him to get dressed. As time passed, his mind seemed more numb, doing things like he wasn't inside his own body.

When she opened the door again, he was already dressed, his eyes were blank, looking at nothing in particular. She grabbed his wrist, pulling him out of the bathroom and bringing him with her out of the apartment. There was a bag with her, probably with his bloody clothes inside. She dragged him to his own apartment, the whole way there he was still in a trance. Before knocking on the door, she stopped beside him, her hand on his face, directing his eyes to hers. She sighed again before speaking.

"Your clothes are inside this bag. I didn't want to bring you home the way you were, so I took you to my apartment." she told him, her thumb brushing his cheek.

He didn't say anything, only turning his head to the door, as if asking to enter it already. She knocked on it, waiting for his father to show up. He answered it, not understanding why his son was home early and accompanied by a girl younger than him that wasn't Robin. Hughie entered without saying anything, his father was going to call him, but a hand on his shoulder told him not to. He turned to the owner of the hand, her face saying everything with a look.

"Can I come in?" she asked, giving him a small and polite smile.

He let her in, hesitant about not knowing what was happening. She sat down on the couch, she gave the bag of clothes to him, explaining what happened hours before. He sat through it all, listening carefully. In the end, she thanked him for his time, got up from the couch and left, on the way to the door she said she had to get back to work.

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