Legacy of a Senju (Sequel)

By PrettyLilyAnime

1.1M 36.9K 27.4K

Haru Oshiro Senju returns to the leaf! Though she's not the same innocent genin that left, she comes back a... More

Prolouge πŸŒ™
Chapter 1 πŸŒ™
Chapter 2 πŸŒ™
Chapter 3 πŸŒ™
Chapter 4 πŸŒ™
Chapter 5 πŸŒ™
Chapter 6 πŸŒ™
Chapter 7 πŸŒ™
Chapter 8 πŸŒ™
Chapter 9 πŸŒ™
Chapter 10 πŸŒ™
Chapter 11 πŸŒ™
Chapter 12 πŸŒ™
Chapter 13 πŸŒ™
Chapter 14 πŸŒ™
Chapter 15 πŸŒ™
Chapter 16 πŸŒ™
Chapter 17 πŸŒ™
Chapter 18 πŸŒ™
Chapter 19 πŸŒ™
Chapter 20 πŸŒ™
Chapter 21 πŸŒ™
Chapter 22 πŸŒ™
Chapter 23 πŸŒ™
Chapter 24 πŸŒ™
Chapter 25 πŸŒ™ part 1
Chapter 25 πŸŒ™ part 2
Chapter 26 πŸŒ™
Chapter 27 πŸŒ™
Chapter 28 πŸŒ™
Chapter 29 πŸŒ™
Chapter 30 πŸŒ™
Chapter 31 πŸŒ™
Chapter 32 πŸŒ™
Chapter 33 πŸŒ™
Chapter 34 πŸŒ™
Chapter 35 πŸŒ™
Chapter 36 πŸŒ™
Chapter 37 πŸŒ™
Chapter 38 πŸŒ™
Chapter 39 πŸŒ™
Chapter 40 πŸŒ™
Chapter 41 πŸŒ™
Chapter 42 πŸŒ™
Chapter 43 πŸŒ™
Chapter 44 πŸŒ™
Chapter 45 πŸŒ™
Chapter 46 πŸŒ™
Chapter 47 πŸŒ™
Chapter 48 πŸŒ™
Chapter 49 πŸŒ™
Chapter 50 πŸŒ™
Chapter 51 πŸŒ™
Chapter 52 πŸŒ™
Chapter 53 πŸŒ™Part 1
Chapter 53 πŸŒ™ part 2
Chapter 54 πŸŒ™
Chapter 55 πŸŒ™
Chapter 56 πŸŒ™
Chapter 57 πŸŒ™
Chapter 58 πŸŒ™
Chapter 59 πŸŒ™
Authors note
Chapter 60 πŸŒ™
Another Authors Note! πŸ’ž
Chapter 61 πŸŒ™
Chapter 62 πŸŒ™
Chapter 63 πŸŒ™
Chapter 64 πŸŒ™
Chapter 65 πŸŒ™ Part 1
πŸŽ‰πŸ’–Happy birthday Haru! πŸ’–πŸŽ‰
Chapter 65 Part 2 πŸŒ™
Chapter 66 πŸŒ™
Chapter 67 πŸŒ™
Official Character Art πŸŒ•
Chapter 68 πŸŒ™
Chapter 69 πŸŒ™
Chapter 70 πŸŒ™
Chapter 71 pt.1
Chapter 71 pt.2
Chapter 71 pt.3
Chapter 72 πŸŒ™
Chapter 73 πŸŒ™
Chapter 74 πŸŒ™
New book!

Chapter 75 πŸŒ™

21.3K 338 1K
By PrettyLilyAnime

Authors note: Hello my lovely readers! There is smut in this chapter (18+ content)! There will be a warning in bold and an ending for the smut in bold so if you wanna skip it you easily can! Ty for reading!!


Morning Sunlight bleeds into the bedroom, and I groan at the sensation of it irritating my closed eyelids. I should really start summoning blinds as well for when I create these houses.....

I open my eyes wearily, quickly rejecting the sunlight and bringing up a manicured hand to block my sensitive eyes.

After moments of adjusting my vision to the new lighting, I frown at the absence of Sasuke right next to me. It's rare that I ever wake up before him, he usually stays by my side until I get up!

I sit calmly in the bed, frowning at the quiet atmosphere. Glancing up at the clock, I realize that the house is too quiet for this hour. Normally this would be the baby's wake up time!

Now feeling worried, I rip the warm sheets off of my body, exposing myself to the cool temperature and causing goosebumps to rise all over my legs.

Of course in the moment I don't react too much, sliding on my fuzzy high socks for some extra warmth, I stand up from my bed and quickly walk across the hall to my son's room.

I stop right before I reach the doorknob as I realize it's already open, and I glance through the open crevice between the door and the inside of the room.

My heart melts on the spot when I see Sasuke leaning by one of the windows, our baby nestled comfortably in his arms as his small hands play with the ends of Sasuke's hair.

Sasuke easily senses my presence on the other side of the door and raises a brow at me much to my own dismay.

"I thought something happened." I mutter sheepishly as I push the door open, smiling widely because oh my gosh they're so cute!

"I've been here for a while now." Sasuke admits, looking back out of the window and into the forestry that surrounds my protected house.

I hum quietly, closing the door behind me and walking towards the father son duo. "How come?" I ask, placing a quick kiss on the corner of his lips before looking down and smiling at the baby.

Sasuke doesn't answer me, but since I'm so transfixed with the way the baby bats his big red eyes at me, I don't even notice.

"Have you thought of any names yet? I have a bunch but I'm not sure about any." I pout to myself as I place a hand gently on my kids head, brushing away all of the black hair he already has.

Sasuke looks down at us before glancing out the window. "I'm not sure either." He admits. I look back down at our son, admiring the way the golden sunlight reflects off of his red eyes creating a pretty unique shade.

"How about Katsuro?" Katsuro Uchiha?" I ask, looking up at Sasuke to gauge his reaction. "Katsuro?" He questions, before looking down at his son's face.

"Victorious son?" He asks, and I nod. "If you're feeling unsure we can always change that last name!" I tease, giggling when Sasuke rolls his eyes at me. "Katsuro it is then." He responds, handing him over to me when he starts to show obvious signs of wanting me to hold him instead.

"Katsuro eh? I'll call you Katsu! My cute Katsu!" I squeal, walking away from Sasuke with the newly named baby giggling from all of the kisses he's receiving. Unbeknownst to myself, Sasuke watches me walk away with a fond look in his eyes, sighing to himself once I'm out of sight.

His thoughts are running wild between Katsuro and the upcoming war. Thinking about how he's going to come into play in the war, how i'm going to affect the war, where that'll leave the two of us since he knows we're going to be on opposing sides

"Katsu NO we DO NOT eat mommy's hair!" Sasuke hears me yelp from across the hallway and smiles softly to himself.

He has to figure out how to get Haru on his side.


I've spent all day looking after Katsuro, bathing him, feeding him, playing with him, rocking him to sleep, dealing with his obsession of tugging on my hair, all of the above! Sasuke on the other hand has been eerily quiet and almost distanced, taking me by surprise.

Last night he was all over Katsuro, carrying him left and right until he fell asleep, but today? After we named him this morning he's been acting so He's so strange!

And by strange I mean, distant.

I'm already mentally preparing myself to confront him on his weird attitude, and it's just my luck when Katsuro falls asleep in my arms, his red eyes which mirror my own closing drowsily.

I'm quick to head to his room and place him in his crib before pressing one last kiss on his cheek (Never being able to resist his chubby cheeks!) and walk straight back out like a woman on a mission.

Finding Sasuke is easy since he's already in bed, but he doesn't make any move to turn to me once I enter the room.

I narrow my eyes, suspicious by his lack of a reaction. Normally he'd turn to me or make any sort of acknowledgment of my presence!

I run a hand through my hair and sit slowly on my side of the bed, staring at his back as if that'd make any difference.

It doesn't, and if I didn't know any better I'd think he was already asleep! I'm not scared of him though, and I reach out a hand and place it on his back.

"Did I do something wrong?" I ask, genuinely confused by the sudden cold shoulder. To my pleasant surprise he moves from laying on his side to laying on his back, his eyes instantly meeting mine.

"I promise I dont think your last name is ugly, it was a joke!" I start, wracking my brain for any possibly offensive things I could have said today which would have warranted this reaction from him.

Sasuke rolls his eyes and grabs my hand, pulling me towards him so that our chests meet and I'm practically laying down on him. "I'm not mad, I'm just thinking." He states, closing his eyes as I place my head in the crevice of his neck.

"Babe, if you're gonna act like that everytime you think about something we're gonna have problems." I joke much to Sasuke's dismay. My eyes narrow when he starts playing with my hair, a move which would render me to sleep on any regular day, but it wont work today!

"Whatcha thinking about?" I ask, my voice coming out as being slightly muffled due to my close proximity to his neck. His hand which was once stroking my long locks away from my face freezes, and I look up at him curiously.

"The war, whose side will you take?" He asks, despite knowing the answer.

I smile cheekily and look up at him "What? You're scared that ima beat you up or something?" I ask, yelping in surprise when he pinches the skin on my ass. I slap his chest playfully and smile again when I see that I've gotten him to loosen up.

"You wouldn't be able to win against me." Sasuke deadpans, and I'm quick to retort, telling him about all of my wood jutsus, summonings, sage mode, everything that I could possibly do to defeat him!

"Hn, you can do all of that. But I know I can put you in a genjutsu to make you feel like you're asleep. I win instantly." He says with such a straight face it takes me a moment to figure out whether he's joking or not.

Either way, my cheeks flush at the comment. "Sasuke, that happened once. You also promised me you would never bring it up again YOU LIAR!" I groan, bringing my hands up to my face to cover it.

Did Sasuke chuckle? I could've sworn I heard him, but with him I honestly never know.

Coming off of my embarrassment, I whine childishly when he flips me on my back so that now he's the one on top of me. "Can we ever cuddle with me on top for ONCE in our lives." I complain, not really minding his weight on my body.

He's like a weighted blanket! Only heavier! And Muscly?

His response in a "Hn" does absolutely nothing to appease me and I'm stuck wrapping my arms around his neck.

Maybe if I just choke him out right now he'll never be able to bring up that sparring incident ever again. . .

Despite all of that from before, I return back to our serious mood from earlier, and think back to his question. Whose side will I take?

"Whose side am I gonna take? Ah people are gonna expect me to show up right? Well I don't know" I admit, earning a curious look from the Uchiha. I sigh, raising one of my hands from Sasuke's neck to the ceiling, analyzing my black nails.

"Sasuke, what are you doing? When we met Kakashi that day, you looked....different, to say the least." I ask, different being a huge understatement.

"I want to destroy the leaf village, avenge my clan and Itachi's sacrifice. They're all living off of the destruction of my clan." Sasuke bluntly states, any humor from earlier officially gone and my jaw drops.

Already predicting that I'll ask him to reconsider his way of going about everything, he pushes himself up on his elbows directly above me and takes my face in his hands so that I'm staring at him directly.

"Haru, the leaf village, every single person in the leaf village is happy only because they destroyed the Uchiha. They killed the Uchiha and tossed Itachi aside to preserve themselves. If Katsuro were alive then, he would have been killed for the sake of the people who imprisoned you for years. Don't you get that?!" He snaps, not upset with me but instead almost pleadingly.

My eyes widen once he mentions Itachi, and I could practically feel my heart tearing apart when he mentions the very honest truth that is what could've happened to Katsuro if he were just any other child in the Uchiha clan on the day of the massacre.

"Yeah. . ." I whisper softly. His thumb strokes my cheek lovingly, almost as if it were to calm me down. "But is killing everyone the way to go? Is that how you see it?" I ask, and he doesn't even have to answer as I already know.

Oh my Kami, he really wants to kill all of them!

"Sasuke, I'm not you, and I'll never be able to feel the same type of pain in the way you did. But the village hurt me too, Danzo is already dead. Why punish those who literally had nothing to do with this?" I ask wearily.

"Why did they punish those who had nothing to do with their issues Haru? My entire clan, women, children, my mother! What the fuck did my mother have to do with any of the issues regarding the Uchiha and the leaf? No, they didn't care, they punished all of us."

My eyes lower when he speaks of his mother, and it's like my heart breaks all over again.

If the massacre had never happened, would Mikoto have been able to meet Katsuro? Help me do my hair in the mornings like she always did? Help me figure out how to be a mom because lord knows I need it?

"So this cycle of hate. . .You're just going to continue?" I ask.

"I'm going to end it, by killing them all. That way Katsuro won't have to. Whether you like it or not Haru, he's an Uchiha. He bears the blood of those who were massacred, the leaf village would've killed him too."

"I'm not going to let my clan die in vain. I'm the last one Haru, I'm the one who has to do this."

I stare up at him, not really shocked but more so saddened by his words. He has so much hate stored inside of him that I could practically hear it from the way he speaks!

"Sasuke." I say, a weird sinking feeling in my stomach after gauging how....how emotional he is. He's right in being so, his trauma being one I can't imagine ever facing, but the way he wants to deal with the world's truths, I'm scared of him doing more harm than actual good.

"Even if...Even if we don't agree when we're out in the battlefields, we're still okay here right?" I ask, uncertainty etched in my tone.

He looks down at me for a moment, not saying a single word. My heart beats even faster than before, feeling uneasy at his lack of an answer. I take in the silence to let my eyes trace along his features, from his sharp onyx eyes that I only kinda wish Katsuro inherited, to the curve of his strong jaw.

"Babe?" I ask, only to gasp softly when he leans down towards me. At that very moment his lips brushed over mine like a wave of warmth and my body reacted to him instinctively.

I wrapped my arms around his neck once more, pushing him impossibly closer to me all the while my heart skips a beat.

It's honestly a sweet kiss, one that makes me feel happy and reassured in our relationship, and when he pulls away I'm left looking up at him with an arched brow. "We're always going to be okay, alright?" He murmurs, a subtle rasp in his tone that automatically makes my face heat up.

"Yeah! I'm yours and you're mine. Always. Right? You know, I even felt that way when we were broken up." I say, mentally smirking at his arched brow.

"Yeah?" He asks, seemingly not interested in my slight change of topic but I know better than that.

"Yeah. Even though Gaara was nice enough to let me stay with him during those times, I still couldn't get you out of my head." I admit, feeling just a teeny bit evil for throwing Gaara's name out of the bus like that.

-Smut warning! (Breeding kink involved oop)-

Perhaps it's because I know him so well, but I could practically see the change on his face, going from the loving boyfriend I have the pleasure of seeing everytime we're together alone to what he is now.

A small part of me knew damn well what I was doing when I uttered those last words. Sasuke has always had this possessive streak when it came to sex, and the way he's looking at me now tells me a single thing hasnt changed.

The second he notices the way my thighs clench together the slightest bit, his expression darkens even further.

Sasuke's onyx eyes flooded with unspoken lust as he slowly leaned back down towards me. This time far slower, like a lion, watching his prey before pouncing.

I gasp as he hovers over me, attacking the sensitive skin on my neck with wet kisses and harsh bites

He's got me completely pinned, rocking his hips into mine as he kisses a wet trail down my neck, large hands slip under my- no his - shirt to squeeze at my athletic hips, pinching my ass because for some reason despite never being vocal in bed himself he just loves hearing me.

Sasuke has always been this way in bed, rough and demanding to a degree. I already know I'm gonna be littered with bruises head to toe once he's finished.

I watch with half lidded eyes as his hands come together to pull my thighs apart, tugging both my shorts and panties down at the same time with his teeth none too gently as he eyes my soaked cunt.

Although he's oftentimes demanding in bed, he's more so on the quiet side since we're so used to each other already and know exactly how to pleasure one another.

So for a while now, I've been used to Sasuke being more on the quiet side, never really saying anything except for a few curses within his own pleasure here and there, so his voice startles me just as much as his tongue does, pressing flat & wide against my swollen clit.

"This is mine," he snarls, his voice low and raspy, and all I can do is nod helplessly.

Sasuke, always being a demanding lover clearly doesn't like that, hiking my thighs up over his shoulders to bury his face into my wet cunt. "I said," he repeated, impatience laced into his tone as he pressed a harsh kiss to my clit again, "This is Mine You're mine."

"It is, I'm all yours I promise," I sigh immediately, arching into the rough yet languid strokes of his tongue; his mouth is absolutely sinful, and since he knows just about everything there is to know about me, he clearly knows every little trick to make my legs tremble.

I watch during my approaching high as he lets go of one of my hips and runs his hand over my flat stomach, reaching up to grab one of my tits, and I have to bite down a moan for the sake of not screaming as he coaxes his tongue inside my warm walls as his nose nudges my clit with every stroke.

At that point, I could barely keep myself together, my hands reaching down and tugging at his hair as he showed me no mercy in toying with my clit, determined to watch me cum with his head between my legs.

I instinctively tug his hair the second he starts to quicken his pace, with every held back whimper that leaves my mouth for the sake of not waking up any sleeping members in the house, taking my lack of moans as a personal challenge.

"Sasuke please." I whimper, feeling like there's a rubber band inside of me that just needs to snap and release.

Luckily, he's feeling nice today as one finger slowly curls inside of me, then two as he traces his name over my clit, over and over until I'm seeing literal stars.

My orgasm crashes through my body like a storm, and I could swear for a moment I almost black out from overstimulation.

My thighs tremble against his large hands as he guides me through it, tongue lapping circles around my clit as I settle down into the mattress once more.

He's quick to press a final kiss to my heat, using his strong arms to push himself up and sit down right between my thighs.

He eyes me darkly as I reach for the bottom of his shirt on my body, and stops me before I could take it off. "For someone who swears up and down they don't like the Uchiha, you sure like getting fucked by one dont you?" He asks with a smirk and my jaw drops at the audacity.

He flips me around so I'm laying on my stomach and eyes the crest I'm wearing, the cocky smirk on his face staying. "What would all of those stupid leaf ninja say if they saw you now huh?" Sasuke rhetorically asks, gripping my hair by the root and yanking me upwards so my back meets his chest.

"Senju princess my ass, look at who's wearing the Uchiha crest." He lowly murmurs, his hands stroking my hips to relieve some of my tension there from previous events.

He's quick to use his free hand to lower his sweats and tug down his boxers, wet from his leaking cock as he strokes himself languidly behind me. He releases the grip he has on my hair, and takes both of my thighs in his hands, pushing them apart so that he has easier access in our kneeling position.

"Look at you. So fucking wet, their little princess is just desperate for my cock." He scoffs as he reaches a hand to my cunt and pushes two fingers inside at the same time.

I whimper at the feeling of his digits curling inside of me, my back arching away from him out of reflex but his free arm is quick to wrap around my midsection and hold me there.

I turn my face to the side and moan in satisfaction when his lips meet mine, only to gasp in his mouth when I feel the tip of his cock at my entrance. He then removes his fingers, lining himself up perfectly.

The first thrust leaves the two of us breathless, I'm forced to break away from his addictive lips and cover my mouth because if I didn't, I would have definitely alerted anybody in a five mile radius of what was happening.

He always stretches me out so perfectly, Sasuke himself buries his face in the crook of my shoulder from the way his cock fits so snugly inside my wet, velvety walls, like I was made just for him.

I literally have to resort to biting my bottom lip to the point where they might start bleeding if I bite any harder when Sasuke decides to set a brutal pace, showing me absolutely no mercy.

"Tell me. Tell me exactly who you belong to, who gets to fuck you like this." He demands haughtily, face buried in the hollow of my neck to bite and suck a mark right where everyone can see.

He knows exactly what I was doing when I mentioned the kazekage, Gaara. Sasuke hates that idiot, absolutely loathes him. If it weren't for how good I felt wrapped around his cock he probably would've headed to the sand village with Gaara as his target.

Sasuke is by no means, stupid. From the second Haru walked in the chunin exams all of those years ago, she was instantly heart-eyed over the redhead, and it even bothered Sasuke then.

So to hear that she stayed with Gaara while she was single? Sasuke saw red.

I'm his, and his only. And he's intent on making me see that. His hips don't show any signs of slowing, and I don't even hear him tsks under his breath, letting go of my midsection to press a harsh slap to my ass.

"You really think Gaara could fuck you like this?" he warns, and I nearly cry from the feeling, barely even hearing Gaara's name since I'm so wrapped up in my own pleasure.

"N-No of course not Sasuke, you get to -oh! fuck, only you get to fuck me. I love you so so fucking much" I promise full heartedly, both out of lust and genuinely, my moans barely even being considered moans, more like pleasured screams, muffled by the bed sheets beneath me as he angles to hit that one sweet spot inside me.

He's relentless, sending me barreling towards another orgasm without warning.

That doesn't stop him either, he doesn't care if I've come three times by this point, he's not stopping until he deems me properly knocked up, dripping with his seed as he fucks it further and further into my cunt.

To Sasuke, it's the ultimate form of possession; knocking me up with his child so that everyone knows exactly who me belong to, who's fucking me raw and desperate every night.

God, to Sasuke, Haru was always so stupidly pretty. No matter what she did she always got the attention from the other boys in their classes. There wasn't a single moment, even as mere kids, where Sasuke didn't feel some level of threat of his position coming from another man in Haru's life.

Ever since Katsuro came and entered their lives, Sasuke finally felt it, the finality of winning her over completely. Nobody could compete with him, she was his, she had his kid, no one else's.

His thrusts start getting rougher and slower as my wet cunt swallows him in deeper and deeper. I can tell he's close by the way his breathing shallows out, muttering absolute filth into my sweaty skin as he leans over me and fucks me through yet another orgasm.

"Fuck youre always so good to me. God What if I just- fuck- if I just knock you up again huh?" he asks, hips slamming into mine with new purpose.

"You're mine, Who would've thought huh? Look at you, The leafs favorite fucking Senju's gonna ruin hereself- have all of my kids- fuck." he's hooking his arms around my stomach as he leans over, so that although I'm on my elbows at this point, my back is flush to his chest, his cock pressing right up against my cervix, painting my walls with his cum as he fucks it into me slowly, carefully.

I breathe out, more like sigh out in exhaustion, quirking a brow once I realize that he's still very much inside of me, only to turn my head and face him. I don't say anything, nudging the side of his face with my nose. "Babe?" I ask, tilting my head in confusion.

"I was serious, you know." He mutters, and your jaw drops at the admission. He still hasn't pulled out and I'm just laying here like an idiot.

"......I'm taking the pill tomorrow and there's nothing you could do about it. We are giving Katsuro ATLEAST three years by himself before we introduce another baby Sasuke."-

Sasuke honestly, just having had one of the best orgasms of his life, zones out my talking as he slowly pulls out, making sure to leave the least amount of a mess possible before getting up and dragging me along, pulling me into the shower so that we could clean off the mess we made.

I smile up at him once we're in the shower, reaching up on my tippy toes and giving him a sweet pop kiss, not even noticing the literal mess of hickies he left on my smooth skin or the dull ache that's already forming.

In my lovesick, oblivious state, I shower fairly quickly and smile up at him "Hey I don't think that I'm gonna be sore tomorrow!"

--Smut ends--

I was so, so wrong I think to myself, sitting down on the edge of my bed and glaring fiercely at Sasuke who walks in with a very happy Katsuro in his arms.

The corner of his mouth tilts upwards the slightest bit, and I feel my glare deepen "Not sore tomorrow huh?" He asks, his smirk widening just a tiny bit.

If it weren't for the literal NIGHTMARE between my legs, I'd be chasing him and trying to put him in a chokehold, but of course, I'm limited to glares and verbal curses for now.

Sasuke sighs and walks closer to me handing Katsuro over to me with ease and crouching down so that he's closer to the two of us while I'm in my seated position.

"I know you insisted on me leaving today but, isn't that fucked up with you being this debilitated." Sasuke bluntly states, and I deadpan at him.

"I'm sore, not dead! Plus, Isamu is. . . around. . . so he can help me"

Sasuke lifts a brow at my embarrassed expression, not realizing or not caring what I mean by Isamu being "around" (He MUST'VE heard last night's events) before glancing down at Katsuro fondly.

"Okay well, I'll see you soon then. I'll send an eagle to you when I reach Madara, make sure to send it back when you're on your way to meet me alright?" He instructs and I nod, relaying the plan in my head.

He looks down at Katsuro before poking his forehead softly, to which my heart tightens because I'd know that gesture anywhere, he then turns to me and plants a kiss on my forehead. "Be safe." I call out, jokingly blowing him a kiss to which he nods and rolls his eyes, walking out of the room and transporting out of the house entirely.

I sigh at the silence in the house since he's gone, looking down at Katsuro only to giggle at his languid state. "Ahh my little legacy I love you!" I laugh, placing a kiss on his head and laying back down on the bed.

I place Katsuro on my chest, allowing the two of us to bask in the morning sunlight the window offers.

"My little legacy huh" I wonder, not noticing both of our eyes glow with a fiery red under the golden sunlight.

"I don't care what your daddy says! you and I are both legacies of the Senju"


Hello my lovely readers!! I'm literally gonna cry I can't believe this is where I end this book lol.


I'm already working on next book! Please make sure to stay tuned, I'll announce it when I publish it as an update on this page alongside my own personal announcements which you'll get it you follow me! (it'll literally probs be tomorrow lol)


What do we think about the babies name? Katsuro Uchiha! Meaning Victorious son!

How do you guys like seeing the SasuHaru interactions?! I personally feel like Haru just brings back Sasuke's humanity at home so its nice to watch lol.

Oop, did y'all see the segment where they talk about Haru in the war? Whose side is she gonna take? Who will she help? Lemme know your predictions!

If you read the smut----- Sasuke's wild lemme just stop there fjkdfnjfkdnf

(Gimme feedback pls I barely ever write smut so I'm still working on it lolol)

If you read the smut, what'd you think abt Sasuke's jealous streak?? Oop-

HOMIE HAS BEEN WAITING SINCE THEY WERE KIDS LMAOOO Y'all who mentioned that having the baby would lead to Sasuke going s m u t t y ? Ur so right lmfao

What'd you think of the ending? With lil Katsuro?

Anyways!! Pretty pls comment and interact! Lmk abt your predictions for the next book! Do you want more smut in the next book?


LOL lmk lmk, thank you all so so much for reading this book and staying with me, I'm so happy to create content for y'all and continue Haru's story. I'll see y'all in the next update!!

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