π—ˆπ—…π–½ π—π–Ύπ—‹π—Œπ—‚π—ˆπ—‡ | toget...

By babixdoll

202K 4.2K 327

i didn't say 'i love you' to hear it back, i said it to make sure you knew. (previously titled 'in this toget... More

THE PLAYLIST. π—‰π—ˆπ—: 𝖼𝖺𝗇'𝗍 𝗁𝖾𝗅𝗉 π–»π—Žπ— 𝖿𝖺𝗅𝗅 π–Ώπ—ˆπ—‹ 𝗁𝗂𝗆
Chapter One
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Chapter Forty-Three
Chapter Forty-Four
Chapter Forty-Five
Chapter Forty-Six
Chapter Forty-Seven
Chapter Forty-Eight
Chapter Forty-Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty-One
Chapter Fifty-Two
Chapter Fifty-Three
Chapter Fifty-Four
Chapter Fifty-Five
Chapter Fifty-Six
Chapter Fifty-Seven

Chapter Two

8.1K 146 27
By babixdoll

"The Places You Have Come to Fear the Most"

"So that's the guy that beat Nathan?"

I asked my best friend Peyton Sawyer, while I stood on the sidelines with her and my twin sister Brooke Davis, they were all cheerleaders. I was the captain of the team. Brooke ran for captain as well but lost to me and she wasn't very happy about it for along time. Nathan had told me that he'd asked Lucas Scott, he's half-brother, to play a one-on-one game against him, which Lucas expected. Nathan also told me that he only asked him because Couch Whitey Durham asked Lucas to join the team.

Brooke looked out onto the court to see who I was looking at, and when Brooke saw who it was she automatically bit down on her bottom lip. "If you showed up you would know." Peyton snapped at me. Peyton and I had been on the outs recently, but I tried my hardest to be her friend giving the situation I was in. I wanted nothing more then to tell my best friend that I was pregnant but I couldn't. I looked at Peyton and rolled my eyes, the only reason I didn't go was because I was throwing up all night at Nathan's house. Over the last four months I'd been sleeping at he's so he could help with baby stuff.

Brooke looked at the two of us realising that there was some tension and rolled her eyes. She hated that I had been spending nights at Nathan's and basically living with him, because she knew that it was pissing of Peyton. "Well he's good from behind." Brooke said, trying to break the tension between the two of us which actually work. It had all three of us laughing. I looked over at Nathan and gave him a smile which he returned. I watched as Nathan and the team ran onto the court taking their spaces ready to start the game. I stood in the middle of Brooke and Peyton like I always did but Peyton rolled her eyes and moved the other side of Brooke.

Nathan stood in the middle of the court ready to take the tip off. He looked over at me and gave me another smile, and then he looked over at Peyton who gave him an evil look, which he just shrugged off. He jumped up winning the tip off and hit it over to Lucas, who went to grab it but missed it. I quickly jumped out of the way, because if I didn't I would have been hit with the ball that was coming towards me.

"Nice hands, asshole." I teased him, with a little anger in my voice but then I laughed. Lucas looked at me and smiled.

"Nice skirt." He teased back, causing me to laugh a little more, and then he ran back out onto the court. Peyton looked over at me and rolled her eyes at me and I shrugged it off and looked back at the court and watched the guys as I waved my pom poms. I had my eyes focused on Lucas for a couple of seconds, he was doing terrible on defense and the other team was scoring on him easily.

"Hey, what side you playing on?" Nathan yelled at him. I then went back to staring at Nathan, which was weird. Ever since I found out I was pregnant and how he was there for me all summer, and now we were back a school I would stare at him during practice not thinking much of it, but now I was doing it during the games and that made me more confused. I looked over at Peyton who had a fake smile plastered on her face, as she shock her pom poms.

"Go Ravens!" She exclaimed.

Nathan throw Lucas the ball, and I looked at Peyton who winced to herself as he let the ball drop to the ground. Lucas quickly grabbed the ball, and throw it at the hop but it just hit the rim and bounced off. He grabbed the ball again, and tried making the shot, but missed again. Tim grabbed the ball and throw it over to Nathan who made the shot. Whitey then called for a timeout. When the team came running back out onto the court, I found herself looking for Lucas but she couldn't see him, and then she noticed he was sat on the bench. The game continued, and the Ravens won the game. Which added to their perfect record, making them 6-0.

❪ 💍 ✧₊ 🎤 ˚.❁ ☔ ❫

Third Person Point of View

Later that night, Brielle was sat in Nathan's room on his bed. She was watching the tv while doing some studying, which she never normally did but with the baby coming along she felt that she had to pick up her school work. Meanwhile, Peyton Sawyer pulled up outside Nathan's house ready to surprise him. The two hadn't seen much of one another the last four months and now that school had started again, she felt that maybe they'd go back to focusing on them again.

She walked up the stairs and over to Nathan's room and when she opened the door he wasn't in there, it was just empty. "Nathan, is that you?" Brielle yelled from the bathroom, she'd just gotten into the shower. Peyton heard Brielle's voice and turned back around and walked back into her boyfriend's bedroom and made her way over to he's bathroom. When she opened the door she saw Nathan's shirt and a pair of Brielle's underwear on the floor.

"I know it!" Peyton yelled making her way out of Nathan's bathroom, tears rolling down her face. When she walked out of Nathan's bedroom, he was walking out of another bathroom in the house.

"Peyton? What's wrong?"

She didn't even say anything to him and just continued to walk past him in tears. Brielle climbed out of the shower hearing the sound of Nathan's voice calling out for Peyton, and grabbed a tower. "What's going on Nate?" Brielle asked walking out of he's bedroom.

"Peyton was here crying."

❪ 💍 ✧₊ 🎤 ˚.❁ ☔ ❫

Brielle Davis'

"You know, early in his career, Hemingway was frustrated. He was a good writer who wanted to be great. . . and eventually he discovered that less was more. Brielle. Can you describe Nathan in one word please?" Our English teacher Mr. Kelly was telling to us them on Monday. Everyone turned to look at me. I looked at Nathan, and tried to think of the perfect word to describe him there were so many things that I could say abdout him and I didn't want to say something that could come off as if I liked him. I thought about the way he'd been there for me the last few months, always being there for me when I needed him. He was even there when I didn't want him around, he stood by me even when I was pissed at him for no reason.

"Dependable." I said, Nathan looked over his shoulder at me and smiled before looking back at the front of the class, and everyone else filled the room with 'awes' and 'ohs' because they know that Peyton probably wouldn't like it.

"Okay, everyone quiet please. Thank you! Nathan. . . care to respond and describe Brielle?" Mr Kelly asked.

Nathan turned around in his chair and looked at me. "Beautiful." Nathan said, and I smiled at him. I turned around to look over at Peyton who looked angry, and then she raised her hand.

"Yes, Peyton?" Sir asked, and with a fake smile on her face, she spoke.

"I can describe Brielle in one word." She said, and everyone looked at her with curiosity, they were all wondering what she was gonna say next, no one more then Nathan and I, because she still hadn't spoken to either of us since the night after the game, and we still didn't know why she was crying. Peyton looked straight at me with a fake smile on her face, as she spoke.


"Insecure." I fired back at her, and then I throw my hand over my mouth wanting to take that word back, I was just angry that she of all people could call me a bitch. There were more laughs and 'oohs', and not even Nathan could keep a straight face. Peyton looked at me anger filling her eyes.

"Slut." She fired back, and my eyes widened. I looked at Peyton trying to fight back my tears because I wasn't about to cry in front of my whole class. It was just my hormones messing with my but I couldn't explain that to anyone other then Nathan. And then I just let the tears fall unable to fight them back.

"Peyton what are you being so mean to me? I haven't done anything to you, I've only ever been here for you through everything. All I ever try to do is be your best friend and you just throw it back in my face." I yelled before I got up and ran out of our class with embarrassment.

Third Person's Point of View

The class filled with 'oohs' as they looked over at Peyton, who just looked down at her sketch book. "Okay, okay, class. Quiet." Their teacher spoke, and then Nathan raised his hand. "Yes, Nathan? Please do not add to the problem." Their teacher said.

"I can describe Lucas in one word." Nathan said, and Peyton looked over at him, as did Lucas. They were both wondering what he was gonna say next, he was only saying something because he was pissed about what happened to Brielle and he just hated Lucas.


Peyton's eyes widened in shock. She didn't think Nathan was shallow enough to go that low, but then again he could say the same about her and what she had said to Brielle. He believed that was uncalled for so he decided to do something that was uncalled for. Lucas' eyes went from clam to annoy to angry to furious in a matter of seconds and then he jumped out of his sat, and tackled Nathan out of his, and sooner or later the two were on the floor, and Lucas was on top, while he rapidly punched Nathan in the face.

❪ 💍 ✧₊ 🎤 ˚.❁ ☔ ❫

Brielle Davis' Point of View

I was sat in the bathroom still crying, the tears just wouldn't stop falling. I knew it was about time to tell someone anyone about what I was going though. I wouldn't be able to keep my pregnancy a secret for much longer, I'd be showing before I knew it and people would start talking. I grabbed some more tissues and wiped the tears from my eyes and cheeks, and then left the bathroom. Going to find the one person I knew I could count on, Brooke. She was on a free period so she was in the library with a few other cheerleaders, they of course weren't studying just talking about cheer, parties and boys. I walked into the library seeing my sister, laughing with all of the girls, missing the times I used to do that with them.

Brooke looked up and when she saw I had been crying she looked over the girls and said goodbye. "Elle, what's wrong?" Brooke asked, running over to me sister and wrapping her arms around me.

"Can we go talk somewhere private?" Brooke nodded her head linking her arm through mine and we made our way to the gym. We took a seat onto the bleachers and I took a deep breath unsure how I should actually tell my sister, and without thinking I just blurted it out.

"I'm pregnant."

Brooke's eyes widened with confusion. I could tell that so many questions were running through her mind and that she was unsure what to do, I expected her to ask the questions that were going through her head. But instead she just throw her arms around me.

"I'm here for you, Elle. Never forget that."

❪ 💍 ✧₊ 🎤 ˚.❁ ☔ ❫

After Brooke and I had along conversation about everything, something we hadn't done in along time. When we were younger we did everything together, and then we started high school and things changed. I was walking down the corridors of Tree Hill High when someone bumped into me. I looked up seeing Lucas Scott. We just stood there staring into one another's eyes for awhile. I felt like I couldn't look away, as though something was pushing me to stare at him, while every part of my body wanted to look away from him.

"Um, sorry Brielle." Lucas said, when we finally were able to unlock our eyes from one another. I gave him a weak smile before turning my head to see Nathan who was staring at the two of us from he's locker.

"It's fine. . I'm fine." I told him before walking off over to my best friend. Nathan looked up from he's locker and didn't even smile at me, which hurt me a little bit but she just shrugged it off. "So Lucas is a little weird, right?" I asked breaking the tension between the two of them and we both burst out laughing uncontrollably. When the laughter died down Nathan pulled out a bracelet from he's back pack.

"What's this for?" I asked him confused. Nathan had given me gifs in the past but they were always on my birthday or Christmas never in the middle of the school halls.

"I got it in a Cracker Jack box this morning, and well it just reminded me of my amazing brave best friend." Nathan said, making me smile uncontrollably, and my heart started to flutter. But yet I still wasn't sure if what I was feeling for Nathan was real.

"Don't say I never gave you anything, Bree."

❪ 💍 ✧₊ 🎤 ˚.❁ ☔ ❫

The next morning, we were all sat back in our English classroom. Nathan and Lucas were far away from one another because apparently when I left the room yesterday they got into a fight, and Peyton and I were either side of the classroom. I was never told by Peyton why so was so pissed off with me but Nathan put the pieces together for me. Nathan was convenient that Peyton was pissed because she thought something was going on with the two of us. "Okay we're gonna try our little Hemingway project again. . . but in order to avoid a bar fight, we're gonna do it on paper."

I rolled her eyes when I noticed that Peyton was looking at me. I had tried so hard to be friends with Peyton over the past four months given the situation I was in, but I realized it was just to much hard work for me. "Now, you don't have to put your names on these. Simply write one word. . . one single word. . . to describe the hat you want most in your life right now."

I looked down at my piece of paper unable to think about what I wanted most in this world. I looked around seeing everyone in the classroom easily writing something that they wanted, but I just couldn't think of anything that I wanted. Eventually, I thought of something I wanted, I wasn't sure that this was something that I could write down or not but I wrote it anyway. I wanted.


❪ 💍 ✧₊ 🎤 ˚.❁ ☔ ❫

After school I was at Nathan's place packing my bags. I didn't wanna leave but I felt that I had to if I wanted to get back to a good place with Peyton. I walked over to a draw pulling out a my clothes, when something fell onto the floor. I put my clothes into a bag before crouching down and picking up the piece of paper. I opened it up, and when I saw what it said her heart stopped. I forgot that it even existed, I forget about my promise I made.

𝐢 𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐬, 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐞 𝐭𝐨 𝐧𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐩𝐞𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐧 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐧.

I folded it back up and slid it into her pocket, and tears started to fall down my face. It's what I had done, come between the two and now I know exactly why Peyton was so pissed of with me. I glanced over seeing Nathan walking into he's bedroom with a basketball under his arm. I just looked away and continued to pack my things, and then I felt Nathan out his hand on mine, which caused me to look up at him.

"What's going on?" Nathan asked me.

I looked away from and moved my hand out from underneath his and continued to pack my things. When I was ready she throw her bags onto her shoulders. Nathan had left when he knew I wasn't gonna talk to him. I looked back over into his bedroom remembering all the fun times they'd had in this bedroom. From the age of 10 til the age of 16 we'd shared so many memories, and I would cherish them all. I slipped the bracelet, that Nathan gave me, off and set it onto he's bedside table. With a note.

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐬𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐫𝐮𝐥𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐲𝐭𝐨𝐧. . .

❪ 💍 ✧₊ 🎤 ˚.❁ ☔ ❫

I pulled up outside a house I hadn't been to in along time. This particular house was the only one on the road that had a red door, this was my house. Brooke loved being the girl behind the reed door, but as for me I didn't really care. Everyone thought that I was just like her, because that I portrayed myself. But that wasn't really who I was. I was secretly a girl who loved books, really old movies, even the black and white ones without much dialogue. I was actually really smart and kind of a nerd, I was an A student and I had a 4.0 GP. But I thought that I had to be this party girl to fit in, but now that I'm pregnant I'll probably started being the real me. Because who cares if I fit in anymore.

I walked into my bedroom, switching on the light, smiling to myself slightly. I looked around seeing pictures of me with all her friends. I had a whole wall dedicated to mine and Nathan's memories. Nathan and I stayed up one night just sticking up pictures and other things that we shared over the years they've known one another. While I was putting her things way, Brooke walked over to my bedroom and I'm guessing she stopped and leaned against the doorframe, I could tell that she didn't know if she should make herself known even though I knew she was there because I heard her walking over to my bedroom.

"So, you back for good?" Brooke decided to asked. I turned around and nodded my head with a weak smile which Brooke smiled back at. "That's good." Brooke said, with not much enthusiasm as I would have expected.

"Who's the father?" Brooke blurted out.

"I'd rather not say, Brookie."

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