Chapter Ten

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"Crash Course in Polite Conversation"

"Crash Course in Polite Conversation"

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"Hey Brooke, hey Bree, hey Rake Boy." Mr. Sawyer said from Peyton's computer screen, when the three teenagers walked into the young blondes bedroom. Brielle had told the Sawyer girl that she had to go in for a shift at the cafe, so Peyton invited them all over early in the morning so that the Davis girl wouldn't be late to work. The older brunette girl looked over at Lucas and raised an eyebrow at the nickname, and then just laughed. Larry Sawyer had given him the nickname because he walked into the Sawyer house with one, and was basically going to take the person in peyton's house to death until he found out that it was her father.

The blonde turned around from her computer too see the three of them walking into her room. "Papa Peyton, the scruffy thing's working for you." The younger Davis told him, and her sister laughed slightly. Brooke had always thought that Larry was good looking, and Brielle had to agree that was, but she wasn't into that kind of thing as much as her little sister was.

"What are you guys doing up so early?" He asked.

"Well, I'm going to work soon, but Peyton asked us. .-" Brielle was saying until Peyton jumped in.

"Oh. . no, you know what? You'll find out when you get home." The blonde told her father.

"Not even a little hint?" He asked.

The Blonde shock her head. "Not even. I love you." She said, and the Davis sisters waved at him, as he smiled at his daughter then at them.

"You better, love you too, honey." He said, and then the blonde ended the call, turned off her camera, and then spun on her chair to face her friends.

"So, what's this big surprise?" The older Davis sister asked.

"I need your help with something." Peyton said, as she picked up her leather jacket. "Come on." The blonde said, as she walked out of her bedroom. The three teenagers stood there for a few moments, exchanging confused looks, and then they followed that blonde out.

Once they had made it outside of the house, the blonde lead her friends over to her driveway. There was something under a cream colored cover, which Brielle assumed was a car. The blonde then pulled the cover off, which revealed a red car underneath it.

"Damn. . that's nice." The Scott said, as he whistled which caused the older Davis girl to roll her eyes. She didn't understand why boys liked cars so much. "This your dad's?"

Peyton nodded her head. "Yeah. He hasn't driven it in over a year, though." Peyton responded to Lucas' question. "Do you think you can get it to run?"

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