Beyond the Realms of Reason (...

By Miracle-the-Fangirl

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A human from our world gets teleported to the trollhunters show. Now they must find a way home without destro... More

A New World
Figuring Things Out
A Friendly Visit and an OtherWordly Call
A Heroes Merit
Trollhunters Woes
Magic Musings
Gnome Hunters
Reposting this from another Chapter
Hi this is important
Shrinking Solves Everything
CreepSlayerz X Reader?
Small Issue
A Decision to Make
Waka Chaka
I started a Ko-Fi!!!
Goblins and Changelings
Guys I'm Alive, Chill

HeartStone TrollMarket

3.3K 103 99
By Miracle-the-Fangirl

  "Bular almost killed us!" Jim yells as you take deep breaths. Your eyes are wide as adrenaline courses through your veins. Bular almost ate you and Jim. And what did Bular mean by mage?

 Blinky simply stood at the a little ways aways and smiled clapping his hands together. Still catching your breath knees and arms throbbing you bend over hands gripping tightly to a crystal.

 "Aha but Master Jim a life of almost is a life of nevers!" Blinkous states. Glancing up you glare at Blinky. Huffing you decide to focus on breathing instead of him.

  Feeling better you begin to look around. Crystals jutting out of the ground and black rock surround you on all sides. Your all standing in a small cavern with barely any light and you wonder if this is any better than being outside with Bular. At least then the street light and stars would let everyone with non troll vision see better.

  Blinky steps away from all of you and watching him closely he smiles excited. Tapping his foot the sound ricochets bouncing off the walls. Suddenly blue light softly illuminates the cave as crystal steps descend deep into the Earth.

 "Besides Master Jim." He states turning to walk down the stairs. "You must remember you are the first human trollhunter. The Amulet will have it's setbacks and confusions." He hums. Jim makes strangled noises and looks at you for support but your taking in your surroundings and not the trolls twisted logic.

 "... This is Trollmarket?" You mumble in awe. Blue and purple glowing crystals now decorated the cave, the black rock they grew from reflecting their bright light. Holding out your hands you were a kaleidoscope of colors.

 "Entrance." Aarrrgh corrects before nudging you forward. Observing the small details you take it all in, slowly descending down the crystal steps as you follow your friends.

 "... I want to live here." You mumble and Aarrrgh purrs at the idea. Petting him he chuffs. Blinky turns smiling back at all of you.

 "This way Masters. This way." Blinky states leading you all forward. Looking around mouths open in awe and eyes wide he seems happy.

 "Woah!" Toby gasps watching the crystals behind you turn off before hurrying after Blinky. Jim hesitantly follows after looking up at where you'd come from.

 "Are... are you sure were safe in here?" Jim questions Blinky skeptical. He shifts nervously and the blue troll turns.

 "Indeed. The incantation forbids entry to HeartStone Trollmarket by Gum Gums." Blinky explains. "Including Bular for they are the most fearful trolls."  

 "Gum gums?" Jim asks looking at you. You shrug and Aarrrgh chuffs tickling your neck with hot air.

 "Scary ones." He explains as you stiffle a giggle. Nodding in understanding you hum taking the information in. Jim looks nervous and rushing forward he steps in front of Blinky.

 "So wait wait. Bular can't get in here? To HeartStone Trollmarket?" Jim demands. He was stressed and you could see him shaking. Seeing cuts on his hands you flinch remembering your own.

 You could see the amulet glowing but the Daylight armor didn't appear. The amulet could tell Jim was scared but not in any real danger.

 Blinky stops and smiling softly he puts his hands on Jims shoulders comfortingly.

 "No Master Jim." Blinky states before pushing the young lad forward gently. Jim stumbles almost falling off the steep steps but catching himself he looks up. When he does he gasps.

  You, Toby, and Jim stare at the scenery before you in awe. "This is the world you are bound to protect! Welcome to Heartstone Trollmarket!" Blinkous says proudly.

 This place was beautiful. Elaborate carved Bridges criss crossed the deep caverns below creating places to cross into Trollmarket and making portals for trolls to travel in and out of. You watched some trolls dissapear while others walked around looking at vendors. 

 Crystals jutted out from every surface bringing light to the underground world and trolls of all shapes sizes and colors bustled around Trollmarket.

 "Woah..." You mumble and the boys nod agreeing with you.

 "This is HeartStone Trollmarket!" Blinky enthusiastically says. Still in awe you watch as Jim wanders down the steps first.

 "This is your home?" He asks spinning in a slow circle.

 "Trollmarket is home and hearth and sanctuary for all good trolls. This way my friends. There is much to see and explore." Arrrgh nudges you forward again and you run despite your knees pain to catch up with your friends. Toby takes out his phone looking around taking pictures and you decide to do the same.

 "Dang and here I thought the only thing under Arcadia was dirt and plumbing." He says snapping a pic of a troll getting a tattoo. You snort and Toby gives you a high five before walking further ahead to keep pace with Blinky.

 "Stay close." Blinky warns you all. "Human feet have never graced the grounds of Trollmarket before." He looks at each of you worried before turning away continuing to walk forward. You follow him careful to stay close.

 You listen to the hustle and bustle of Trollmarket. Coins jingle and feet stomp as trolls endlessly talk and barter. Some speak in their home tongue smacking against stone while others speak English. Staring at all the stands and watching the trolls you back up as one steps towards you.

 "Human?" The troll demands glaring at you. Jim and Toby flinch while you cling to Blinkies arm surprised. Aarrrgh turns and growls softly making the troll backup into a stand. You watch as rope and metal clatters to the ground gaining some unwanted attention. 

 "Friends." Aarrrgh huffs stubbornly snapping at the rude troll. Onlooking trolls look away backing up as Aarrrgh chuffs. Following close behind you Aarrrgh looks around uneasy. 

  Blinky laughs and pats your head as you continue to wander Trollmarket. Pulling away your head turns a mile a minute as you try and take everything in. 

 Looking at all the vendors and shops your enraptured. It was all so bright and beautiful and different. The trolls used glowing crystals for light and all the vedors had amazing signs. Some were hand painted on wood while others looked like neon human signs that'd been stolen. Barrels, rope, and cloth laid around helping keep stands grounded as trolls sold their wares.

 Many stalls were made from hung cloth but you noticed some were made from broken ship wood or plastic garbage bags as well. It was all so unique and creative, each stall being different than the last. 

 "This is so cool. Tobes (Y/N) you guys are getting this right?" Holding out your phone you flash Jim a thumbs up. Blinky smiles at your curious nature but you see him watch you Jim and Toby closely. Trolls murmer around you and you can see he's worried. 

 "On it." Tobes states snapping you out of it.  You both begin taking pictures. Tobes focuses on rocks and trolls while you focus on vendors and what their selling. Silks, cloth, socks, meat, televisions, crystals, potions, artifacts, creatures, and books were just some of the items being traded and sold.

 You watched as coins made of silver gold and bronze were exchanged but in some cases it was fabric for a weapon or ale for a book. It was a veey intresting process.

 Whelps ran around the market place as trolls milled about. They stopped and stared at you but you didn't mind. Aarrrgh pulls you a bit closer and you make a point not to go too far as some trolls stare with unkind looks.

 Toby keeps muttering awesome sauce while Jim stares wide eyed at everything. It was so much to take in...

 Continuing to explore the market place you pass actual businesses. There's a troll pub and cats cuisine.

 Toby puts his phone away and gets excited as you pass under a low hanging arch covered with crystals. Reaching out he points at the stones looking at you and smiling. "Check it out. Peridot. Topaz. Cassiterite." He gasps rushing towards some more rock and you stiffen seeing it's a troll. "Cornerupia..." Toby states putting his hands on said troll. Grabbing him as the troll growls you pull him closer to Arrrgh and Blinky walking away quickly.

 "Let's try and stay alive." You suggest and he nods swallowing nervously. You pass two female trolls banging on a t.v and decide to keep going as the screen cracks now emitting static. One of them eyes you and you run to keep pace with your friends.

  Blinky hums avoiding a low hanging rope before turning around to look at Toby.

 "Tobias your knowledge of minerals is almost troll like." Blinky commends and Toby smiles proud. Jim looks ahead before turning towards the troll curious.

 "So your kind. Trolls... Do all of them live here?" He questions. You glance around and there are a ton of different species here.

 "Trolls travel from far to our market to find comfort and remedies. You always find what you need and sometimes you find what you never knew you needed." He hums proud of his home.

 Jim nods but you pause hearing a chuff. Turning your eyes widen as your met with Draal the Deadly. Yellows eyes glaring into yours he growls lowly making you nervous. Turning you speed walk ahead clinging to one of Blinkies arms. He chuckles and ruffles your hair before continuing forward.

  You notice Jim's fallen behind and looking for him he was observing something on the ground.

 "Awwww (Y/N) look! It's so cute." Jim coos. Looking down you flinch seeing a gnome. It's beady eyes stare into your soul making you uncomfortable after seeing Draal. "Hey little guy that's a cute pointy hat." He keeps cooing.

 You and Jim both jump back as the gnome bears it's sharp teeth and hisses making loud threatening noises.

 "Ahhh pointy teeth! Pointy teeth!" Jim yells distressed before jumping back surprised. The gnome runs in circles around his feet kicking up dust and small rocks at him. Jim begins dancing around the violent thing and Blinky charges forward.

"BEGONE VILE CREATURE!" Blinkous demands stomping his foot repeatedly making the vermin scatter. Other gnomes gather chattering around your feet as they chomp their teeth hissing. One blows a raspberry before they all scatter running away to hide.

 "What was that?" Jim demands looking disturbed. You wrinkle your nose and he stares at you eyes wide. 

 "Those are veemin. Pick pockets. Scum of the earth!" Blinky curses them as they leave. "We only tolerate them for their grooming services of the larger trolls. And of course the occasional snack." He informs pointing at Aarrrgh. Aarrrgh watches one pick something out of his furr before flicking the poor thing away. The gnomes on him all scatter but one remains by your feet.

 The noise of Trollmarket is loud but bending down it's chittering almost sounds like actual words. Confused you get down lower but seeing you it drops something at your feet and skitters off.

 Confused you take the object it'd dropped and hold it. Had it meant to leave this? Was it giving it too you? 

 It was a sharp piece of gold, almost like a claw attached to a bit of emerald. Tilting your head confused you slip it in your pocket as Jim pulls at you wanting to show you something.

 "Jim! (Y/N)! Check it out! Ultimate veleocity!!!" Toby says excited. Jumping up and down the red head rushes forward through the crowd and heads straight for the Heart stone.

 "... Amazing..." You mumble basking in the heartstones orange light and Jim nods squeezing your hand. Blushing the teen looks away embarrassed before you both follow Toby. 

 "HeartStone." Aarrrgh hums as you pause at a large ledge. Leaning over the rock your the ledge overlooks most of Trollmarket. You can see houses and shops down below along with the HeartStone.

 "The lifeforce of Trollkind the means that keeps us from crumbling to stone and the source of light and sustenance to trolls." Blinky states as you all take it in. One of Blinkies hands is on your shoulder while two more sit on Toby and Jims.

 "Okay that's totally the bomb..." Toby says and you and Jim smile staring at the giant stone. You feel a gentle shove and turning Blinky blocked you Toby and Jim from being seen while Aarrrghs hand kept you from falling over the edge.

  A large crowd of trolls stood before you and had cornered your group.

 "What are humans doing here?" One of them demands. He stares at you and you swallow looking at Blinky and Aarrrgh nervous. The two trolls stiffen while crowd begins to chat names.

 "Fleshbags!" One calls spitting towards you.

 "Puny!" Another shouts stomping their feet.

 "Blood sacks!" The insults keep coming as the trolls begin to move closer. 

 "... This isn't good." You mumble and Aarrrgh chuffs agreeing.

 "We've attracted the paparazzi." Toby jokingly says looking at the unruly crowd. You glance at Jim but he remains silent. As the crowd gets more rowdy Blinky holds out his arms to sheild you three.

 "Friends there is no need to be afraid. He is the trollhunter!" Blinky states. Jim glances at Blinky before stepping forward looking around at the crowd of imposing trolls. You watched his hand clutch the amulet in his pocket while he waved.

 "What is this?" Draal roars pushing others aside to come to the front of the crowd.

 You hadn't gotten a good look before when he was shrouded in the shadows of a stand but seeing him now he's huge. He was thick and tall looming over Jim. Large horns jutted from his head as dark blue spikes covered his body. His gold red eyes glared at Blinkous as he chuffed chest puffed out to assert dominance. Tusks and fangs poked out of his mouth as he snarled.

  His fists were huge and laid on the ground as he stared straight at Jim. He chuffs loudly nose puffing out hot air making his gold nose ring twitch. Many trolls stepped away letting Draal air his grievances.

 "I was just getting to that Draal..." Blinky says nervously looking at the bigger troll. He steps forward and you do too glaring at him as he glares back at you.

 "Human feet have never sullied the ground of Trollmarket before." Draal states marching up to all of you. He stands before Jim and huffs. "Who are these fleshbags?" He demands Golden eyes staring daggers into Jims blue ones. Fists still clenched you walk forward puffing your chest out too. Standing next to Jim you huff at Draal annoyed. His eyes widen at your boldness as you snarl flashing your own teeth.

 "These fleshbags have names." You respond taking Jims hand and holding it. Draal turns towards you and you glare mouth in a sneer. You may be nervous but he had no right to be rude and you'd set him straight if you had too.

 "Draal believe it or not." Blinky states carefully pulling you and Jim back. "How do I put this... He is the new trollhunter. These are his human associates." He clarifies.

 Gasps ripple through the crowd as trolls take steps back. You watch as gnomes scatter chittering in fear and some of the whelps run away crying.

 "He can't be the trollhunter! He's not a troll!" Draal roars bringing his fists up. Tackling Jim you both fly to the side as Draals fists crash to the ground making large holes where Jim used to stand.

 "Draal please calm..." Blinky states but Toby walks forward.

 "Show em Jimbo." Looking at Jim you nod agreeing and help him up. He holds out the amulet and reads Merlins incantation out loud.

 "For the Glory of Merlin Daylight is mine to command!" Rocks near Jim levitate and your hair moves back as a gust of wind pushes it away. Blue light fills the plaza and trolls watch in silence as armor appears around Jim. A moment later and he sinks to the ground armor making a loud thunk as he does so. He looks at the crowd showing them the armor. 

 "... A human... our trollhunter?" Murmurs pass through the crowd and a stillness falls as everyone stares. Jim holds out the Daylight sword and smiles. The silence breaks as Bagdwella steos forward speaking up.

 "A human protecting us?" She questions. A troll faints and panicked whispers begin to spread faster as everyone stares at you Toby and Jim.

 Draal huffs and stalks forward poking Jim's chest. Jim stands his ground and looks at Draal annoyed. 

 "Bushigal!" Draal roars in rage. "I am Draal son of Kanjigarr! I am the amulets rightful heir!" Draal states slamming his fists down once more. The ground shakes but keepimg eachother steady Jim looks terrified. 

 "Your his son?" Jim demands. "Wait he's his son?" He whips around asking Blinky for clarification. Blinkous coughs awkwardly and nods.

 "... This may be a problem." You mumble. Jim turns and Draal reaches for Jim's amulet planning to rip it off. You feel powerless as can't stop him but freeze when you feel energy flow through the air.

 "When my father fell the honor should've passed to me."

 "Wait!" His claws dig into Jim's armor but the amulet blasts Draal back barreling him into the crowd. Jim's yanked out of your grip and flies back into Aarrrgh. Aarrrgh catches him and glares at Draal angry. 

 "Amulet chose!" Aarrrgh growls holding the  trollhunter close after catching him. 

 "We'll see what Vendel has to say." Draal retorts swinging his head like a wild bull. His nose ring clanks against his stone and everything is quiet as he heaves in air angry. 

 "Feel free to fetch him." Blinky repsonds before turning and waving his hand dismissively. "Meanwhile lots of trollhunting business to be done. Draal wonderful to see you as always." Blinky says sarcastically before walking away. Draal growls and you smile smugly. 

 "Cool meeting you." You chirp waving before following after Blinky.

  Minutes later after walking down a sloped hill you arrive at the Heroes Forge.

 Bounding up the steps a long hall greets you. Smooth obsidean walls surround you as you walk down. Your steps bounce echoing around the hall as you reach your hand out sliding it across the inky black wall. You feel it flow over the smooth stone noticing how it was cool to the touch.

 "Woah..." You mumble amazed at the walls. This place hummed with energy and you felt many presences here. The trollhunters were laid to rest in this arena and you could feel them. Meanwhile Toby was awwing over the stone while you focused on the energies coming from it curious. Maybe the trollhunter ghosts could help you get home...? 

 Hearing a small tink you turn hand falling from the wall. Jim stands without his armor amulet in hand and a confused expression on his face. 

  "Ummm what just happened?" He questions. Blinky turns before smiling clapping his hands together.

 "The amulet responded to your unconcious command Master Jim. He hums. "You feel more at ease do you not?" He asks. Jim pauses and looks at you before glancing away blushing.

 "I am actually." Jim says agreeing.

 "It senses that. You are beggining to master the amulet." Jim smiles and you smile back before looking forward and racing Toby out into the Forge area.

 "Race ya!" You tease and the red head chases after you.

 Your eyes widen as you go out into the Forge. The obsidean walls open up and fade into rough red brown stone. The room is huge and has stands for trolls to watch fights. The wide steps lead out to a training center and around that center lays deep pits. Poking your head over you look down into an endless abyss. 

 "Whoops." Jim teases pushing Toby forward.

 "Dude!" Toby snaps nudging Jim back. "Don't do that." He scolds and you laugh before scanning the arena.

Paying close attention you see cables and wires connected to axes and spikes. You can see where the panels end and listening carefully you can hear soft machinary ticking away under your feet. Distinct lines run through the floor letting you see where the panels split apart and move. 

 ".... Holy trolls. Is this a Palace?" Jim questions looking around the large room.

 "No Master Jim. Master Tobias. Friend (Y/N) this is the Heroes forge!" Looking down patterns depicting past fights lay under your feet and glancing around you see the trollhunters bodies watching over you. 

 "Magnifico..." Jim mutters from behind you. You see him from the corner of your eye and he looks amazed. "Wait are those...?" He points at the statues and you swallow.

 "Trolls." You state. You can feel the past trollhunters watching Jim and you wonder if someday you'd get to see them or better yet meet them.

 "Very astute observation (Y/N). Have you been reading on our kind? I believe humans have many stories and books about us. Though many are outdatted or untrue some legends still remain." Blinky hums. You just nod as you keep looking around fascinated by the architecture and design of this place.

 "Wait their statues of other trollhunters?" Jim questions. He looks around taking in the past trollhunters looks. He noticed Draals father Kanjigarr.

 "Past trollhunters." Aarrgh corects him.

 "A line of heroism that reaches back to the age of Merlin. They are your predecessors Master Jim. This is the final resting place of Kanjigarr the Courageous and all Trollhunters who haved been felled." He says solemnly. "One day there will be statue of you here." Blinky informs proudly. "One day very far off on the future." Blinky corrects himself when he sees Jim looking panicked. 

 "Yeah about that there's just one thing I'm not getting." Toby states confused.  

 "Just one?" You and Jim tease. Toby glares before looking at Blinky continuing.

 "You guys are trolls. So trollhunter makes it sound like you hunt yourselves you know?" He asks.

 "Toby the trollhunter obviously hunts bad trolls. Like Bular and maybe Draal." You tease. Tobes stiffles a laugh as Jim elbows you. 

 "Gum gums." Aarrrgh adds patting your back. You wince at the impact but nod you head. Hunting Gum Gums made sense.

 "Not exctaly the most terrifying name." Jim laughs. Blinky looks concerned and paces closer shaking his head. 

 "Oh master Jim Gum Gum in the troll dialect means bringer of horrible slow and througgly caculated death." He states blandly.

 "Oh." You, Toby, and Jim all say looking nervous.

 "But you have nothing to be concerned about Master Jim the Gum Gums were exciled centuries ago by Deya the Deliver. Only one roams free." He says relieved.

 "Bular?" You question and Aarrrgh and Blinky hum. 

 "He want to kill you." Aarrrgh says pointing a finger at Jim looking worried. 

 "Wait Bular is one of those unspeakably evil trolls?" Jim questions uneasy. He had to protect Trollmarket from that? And kill that? 

 "Indeed. All the Gum Gums were locked away but they have been trying to escape with the help of Bular for centuries. I sense ill times are upon us. It is imperative to start Master Jims training now." Blinky states. You watch him walk towards a lever and looking down your on a crack.

 "Step back please." He instructs. The boys look confised but do so.

 Jumping as he pulls the lever the floor splits where you were standing right as you land on the other side. Looking over the crack you saw you saved yourself from falling to a horrible demise beneath the machine.

 Listening you hear several clicks and turn. Axes swing out and Toby and Jim run as you roll forward dodging the swinging blades. Hissing you ignorr the throbbing in your knees ans rush forward as swords and axes continuing swingong and spinning. 

 "BIG BLADE!" Toby yells panicked. Jims eyes widen and he rolls forward looking alert now.

 "WATCH THE WALLS AND FLOORS!" You shout barley avoiding an axe about to hit you. Jim looks down and jumping back as a blade shoots up through the floor he runs around it looking at the swinging weapons. Toby, Jim, and you find stone breaks where the axes don't swing and lean against them.

 "Excellent reflexes Master Jim." Blinky says clapping from the sidelines. The axes swings become blurred as they get faster. Looking at Toby and Jim panicking you glare at Blinky.

 "BLINKY ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US?" You demand cartwheeling away from flames that get shot at you. Thankyou gymnastics.

  "Yeah! Maybe we could start off easy like you know with less swingy slicey things?" Jim demands as he ducks to avoid a rock. 

  Looking for Tobes you see him struggling and about to get sliced. Charging at Toby you tackle him away from a surprise blade. Landing roughly you get up helping Toby to his feet.

 "Blinkous Gladrigal!" Echoes through the forge. Watching Blinky he looks panicked and turns off the Heroes forge leaving you relieved. Toby huffs hugging your arm mumbling thanks. You nod and watch as Vendel gets closer. "Blinkous Galadrigal!" The elder repeats voice booming through the arena.

 You stand still and watch as the troll stalks forward. His staff tapping the ground with every step he takes.

 His orange skin gently glows in the Forges light while his white hair is fairly well kept for a troll. His horns are like a rams and stick out with bumping curves and deep lines. Dotted black crystals grow from his horns. Coming forward your head barley reaches his chiseled chest, clan marking and personal tattoos covering his body.

 "That's your name?" Jim whispers and Blinky looks away embarassed.

 "Horrible I know." He mumbles before facing Vendel worried.

 "I wish to see see the fleshbag supposedly chosen by the amulet." Looking at you he meets your eyes and you bow your head in respect for elder troll. He hums pleased. 

 "Vendel." You greet and he huffs poking you.

 "They show respect. Perhaps there is some hope after all. I am Vendel son of Rundel son of Killfred." He introduces himself. Smiling you look up. 

 "I am (Y/N) (L/N)." You respond. "But I'm not the Trollhunter." You hum. Toby takes out his camera to take a pic but remembering what happens you lower it before Vendel can see grab it and accidentally smash it. "He is." You state focusing Vendels attention on Jim. Turning sharply Vendels staff smacks the ground and Jim straightens in fear before he copies what you did by bowing his head. Vendel snorts in bemusement and looks unimpressed.

 "Produce the amulet Hunter." He orders.

 "Amulet chose." Aarrrgh states proud before nudging Jim forward. Jim holds out the amulet looking flustered.

 "So Draal tells me. Ridiculous. However the amulet has been known to make mistales before and ill fated choices. As you know." Vendel sneers turning towards Blinkous. Blinky lowers his head looking ashamed. The red light of the forge reflects of his stone and he appears smaller than he actually is. 

 "What does that mean?" Jim asks clearly confused.

 "Blinky trained trollhunter before. Unkar the Unfortunate." Looking up where Aarrgh was pointing you see a troll in armor turning his face away mouth open forever in a scream.

 "Why is he unfortunate?" Jim asks. "First night out. Torne." Aarrrgh hums solemnly.

 "Like conflicted?" Seeing the cracks on his statue your nose crinkles.

 "Like ripped limb from limb." You state disgusted. Jim looks panicked. One of Unkars arms falls and Toby screams as it almost hits him. Scooting closer he huffs hugging your arm tightly. You let him and focus on Vendel. 

  "If the amulet chose you the soothescryer will reveal it." Vendel states walking away.

 "Please Matser Jim hasn't even had an hours training!" Blinky begs. Vendel narrows his eyes and points his finger down in front of him grunting. Blinky shuts up and looks at Jim nodding his head slowly. 

 Jim steps forward and stands where Vendel had pointed. Taking out the amulet Jim looks at it nervously as the arena begins to glow. Red lines pass through the orange stone and loud clicking and rumbling is heard. Red dust flies eveywhere as something rises from below the staduim.

 "Behold the Soothescryer! It will judge your true spirit." Vendel states stomping his staff. Staring at the now emerged Soothescryer Jim turns towards you before glancing back at it nervous.

 Oh boy.

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