Falling For A Player

By alisha1251

81.5K 2.8K 5.7K

It's a story about a girl falling for a player.Theplayer does bad stuff and the girl doesn't like that so the... More

Chapter 1-How it all started
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31 I"ll Wait.....
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43

Chapter 3

2.2K 80 62
By alisha1251

Anna Pov
I woke up and Ag was still asleep so i got in the bathroom and took a shower and changed.I did some tiktok and drank my red bull.I turn around and saw ag awake. "You should get ready class is starting soon"i said "I'm not going to school"she replied "Why not"i asked "Cause i got suspended for 3 days and it's not fair cause that idiot didn't get any punishment"she said "I mean it's your fault for beating him up,he almost was blackout"she said "But it doesn't make sense he the one who started and the principal doesn't believe me"she said "I can see why the principal doesn't believe you,Ben is all cute,sweet and innocent while you're the player,trouble maker and fighter"i said "Why are you defending him,you know he started it"she said "But still i wouldn't believe you either if you said he started it"i replied "Whatever"she said covering her face with the blanket "Are you mad"i asked "why do you care if i'm mad or not"she asked "I don't but i'm leaving bye"i said and left the room.

Ag Pov
I don't like Anna defending ben,i don't even know how to explain my emotions.It's the word i have never experienced,Jealous is the word.I never felt jealous of any girl i dated even if they talked to boys or do cute stuff but with anna i feel very jealous,Im not with her or have a crush on her either wait nvm maybe i do a little bit but i don't even think he notice her.It has been hours i can't do my work cause the words anna said earlier kept repeating in my head "Ben is all cute and sweet and you are a player and trouble maker".Wait why do i care what she thinks of me gosh i never feel anything when someone call me player or another bad things but when it's anna i feel something,Am i really falling for her?!! I mean i know that i'm trying to make her fall for me and i'm just gonna play her but now i don't even want to hurt her ughh this must be what the simps feels like.

Ben Pov
While i was walking to my second class i heard avery and mia talking about ag.This is the time to decide what my revenge should be. "Avery i really think ag is having a crush like a real one"mia said "What do you mean and who is it"avery asked "The one and only anna"Mia answered "Woahhh how do you know"avery asked "Cause she just texted me asking about anna and what she is doing"mia replied "Wow sophie was right anna is really a different type of girl,even ag falls for her"avery said "Yup i hope every things works out cause we finally gonna see the simp ag and really see her happy self"mia said "Yea i miss the happy ag it had been 5years now since that girl broke her heart"avery replied. "Yup"mia said.I just got the greatest idea,I know what my revenge is going to be now.I'm gonna make anna like me and make her hate ag even more but i have to really make sure anna is the one she actually like.I have her in my last class i think but i'm not gonna talk to her yet.

Anna Pov
I'm in my last class now thank god i feel very tired idek why. "may i ask you a question anna"my teacher asked "Yes sir"i replied "Is ag your roommate"he asked "Yes she is"i replied "Good will you plz give her this form to her and tell her to do today's assignment too"he asked "Yes i will"i said "Oh and another favor can you help her with it because ik she's not gonna do that,you will be rewarded if you can make her do it"he said again "Well if there is an reward i will help her"I said "Thank you anna"he said "No problem"i replied and we started to do our work again. "Anna that cute boy keep looking at you"Emmi whispered "What cute boy"i said confused "The one and only ben"she said "Oh really"i said looking at him "Wow i can't believe this"i whispered "Ooo anna crushing"emmi said "Shut up do your work now before we get in trouble"i said.The bell rang and we exit our class and got my car. "Anna do you wan to hang out today with me,julia and ami"Emmi asked "Yea sure after i help ag with her work"i replied "Oh ok"emmi said and got out of the car and walked to her dorm.I got out my car and walked to my dorm as well,i opened the door and ag is sleeping wow she really like sleeping i thought this is perfect time to do my revenge so i got close to her and....

Ag Pov
WAKe UP!!WAKE Up!!! i got up and fell to the floor i look up saw anna laughing,aww she so cute when she is smiling hold up what did i just say bruhh i need to stop. "Anna why you do that to me"i asked "Revenge for last time"she replied "Ig it's fair"i said and got up from the floor,got in the bathroom and washed my face.I wiped my face and got in my bed "Did you do any work today"anna asked "No i couldn't"i replied "Why not"she asked again "Because was thinking about...about someone"i said "Oh who"she asked "She have brown wavy hair,wear a lot of rings,very pretty,different form any other girls,blue eyes and her laugh and smiles are the cutest"i said regretting it "Uhh are you sure you're not describing me"she asked "No way i don't even know you like that and your laughes are the worst sound i have ever heard"i said not meaning it "Oh wow i get it you don't have to go that far"she said throwing some form "What's this"i asked "Our professor told me to give it to you"She said "Bruhh i haven't even done his work that he gave me"i said "Oh yea good news for you bad news for me,I have to help you with today's assignment"she said "Ooo nice"i replied. "Ok come here and pull up the assignment for today"she said.I sat down on the chair and opened my computer and got my assignment out.Anna was standing next to me and helping me.

No One Pov
Ag-I never know what do to but now that anna helping i kinda get it,I don't even know what my professed was teacher until now,it's easy when anna explains it.
Anna-I got to say ag is pretty smart,she knows all the answer but just scared to say it i think.I mean she look like she understand what i'm saying.She really said "is it just me or is our professed talking in giberish i don't understand a think what he is teacher but when you say it i understand" I started busted out laughing "I guest i'm a better teacher"i said "That's for sure"she said looking at me and now our faces were so close.Her hazel eyes were so pretty i never noticed until now
Ag-Omg my her face is so close to mine,her clues eyes are just gorgeous,i then got away and said "Sorry" "Well we are done for today i'm gonna go now"she said "That's was fast but where are you going"i asked "Emmi asked me to hangout with my other friends"she replied "Ok tell emmi i said hey"i tell her but she left. *Ring Ring* i got a call from mia "Hello"i answered "Hey ag wann skate with us today"mia asked "Oo yea sure"I replied "Ok meet us in my dorm so we can all walk there"she said "Ok i be there in a few minutes"i said and hanged up.I change into my nike shorts and clack t shirt with my red polo hat.I grabbed my skateboard and walked to her dorm.

Anna Pov
I got to Emmi's dorm and everybody was there so we thought of what we should do. "Y'all i'm hot we can walk to the ice cream shop near by i heard they taste very good"Julia said "Ooo sure iam feeling for ice cream right now"I said "Ok let's go"Emmi said.We got out of her dorm and walked to the shop we stop walking when we hear someone yelling our name,we turn around and saw Mia,Avery and Sophie with there skateboards "Where is Ag"julia asked "She right here"sophie mia pointed behind her.Ag was wearing a polo hat which looked good on her,she was too focused on her phone taht she didn't even notice us until avery punched her jokingly "Owww"she yelled and looked up "How did y'all get here"she asked again "We been here for along time it's just you that didn't know"i said "Sorry i was looking for a ice store,i'm kinda hungry for ice cream right now"ag said "We going to an ice cream shop right now"emmi said "Ooo can we come with y'all"mia asked "Sure"ami replied.We then all walked to the shop.

Mia Pov
When ag got here we started to walk to the skate park as we were walking ag was saying how she wanted ice cream and we decided that we would go to one if she find the store.While walking i saw anna and her friends and i knew right away what to do but i told avery what i was doing so she would get it.After telling her i yelled out anna name and they turn around and we walked to them.We talked for awhile and they tell us they were going to an ice cream store too so i asked them if we could come and they said yes so we all walked to the store.

Avery Pov
We finally arrived at the store and we order our ice creams. "Who's paying"i asked "Not me"everyone yelled "Ok last person to say not it and touch their nose have to pay"i said "Sure"they all said" we played and ag lost "Ag you have to pay"mia said "Gosh dignity darn it"she replied and we laughed.We got our ice cream and ag payed for us. "Ok i think it's time to walk to the skate park"ag said "Yea the sun about to go down"mia said "Wait can we come too,i want to learn how to skate"Ami asked "Yea we want to learn how to skate"Emmi added "Sure just follow us it's not that far"Is said.We started walking and i keeping seeing ag looking at anna everytime she smiles and laugh or even talk wow my friends is finally simping i thought.

Sophie Pov
We arrived at the skate park,we sat down on the ramps and ate and talk before we skate.I notice that everytime anna talks or smile ag would look at her and smile too.Omg this is so cute and mia and avery told me that they think ag have a crush on anna but they not sure but i really think she actually like her and not play her like she do to other girls.I'm definitely here for it if they start to date.I'm not sure what anna is feeling tho,i don't think she is interested in ag.But that don't matter yet of ag really like anna and won't break her heart then i would do anything to make them together.

Ag Pov
Every time i hear anna i just want to look at her and i do look at her and i can feel my smile growing every time i see her smile it's just so cute i really think i like her,maybe crushing on her a lot more now. "Ok we have to have partners to skate cause we don't have enough skateboards to teach y'all"mia said "I choose sophie"Ami said "I choose mia"Julia said "I choose Mia"anna said man i really wanted her to pick me then i hear emmi whispering to anna "Nvm i change my mind i pick ag"she said "I choose mia then"emmi said.We got apart and i started to teach anna how to ride the skateboard "Ok are you a righty or a lefty"i asked "Righty"she replied "Ok so put your right foot first then the left foot at the end"i said.She got on the board and "Here"i said giving her my hand she hold both of my hand with hers then i started to pull her "Ag you're going tooo fast slow down plzz"she said "ok"i said slowing down "Now try it your self"i said letting go of her hand "Wait no ag hold my grand right then i do it my self"she said so i hold her hands again wow it felt great hearing her say hold me tight.She started to move forward with her skateboard but then she accidentally pushed it with one foot so she almost failed on her back but i caught her,Her arms were around my neck and my hands were around my neck and our face were closer thank before. "Awww y'all are so cute"we hear our friends say so we let go "Are you ok"i asked "Yea i'm fine"she replied. "I think we should go,it's getting late and we have school tmr"anna said again "Yes"everyone agreed so we walked back to our dorms "Take care of anna"I hear Julia,Emmi and ami say "I'm not a kid guys"anna said "Yea we know but you literally almost broke your back a minute ago so yea take care and byeee"They said and left.Now it's just me and anna walking back to our dorm.

Mia-Ag is definitely simping
Avery-I shipp
Sophie-She definitely Likes her
Emmi-Omg why do i ship them,i never seen ag this happy and careing with anyone else before
Julia-Bruh ik ag a player but she don't look like one right now,they so cute together
Ami-Man Couple goallls

Ben Pov
I saw anna and ag and theirs friends coming out of ice cream store this is the perfect time to see if ag actually likes anna so i followed them.I can see that ag keep looking at anna but anna doesn't even look at her this nice i can make her like me more faster i thought.Then they started skating and ag was holding annas hands it looks like she really likes her cause she was smiling the whole time.Man anna almost broke her back but ag saved her wow ag being superior for once.Then they started going back to their door so i just decided to go back to my dorm to and plan things for tmr.

Anna Pov
We got back to our door and we took a shower "I feel very tired"i said "Same"she replied "Thansk for saving me today"i said "My pleasure"she replied and got on her bed.She was smiling the whole entire time we got back from the skate park idk why but i never seen her smile like this "Why do you look so happy"i asked "oh no reason today was just a good day"she said "Is it because you got to hangout with me"i asked "Maybe"she said "Ohh i see"i replied ready to sleep. "alright good night bub"she said "Wait what did you call me"i asked "Bub is that a problem"she asked "Why you call me that"i asked again "i call my friends bub"she replied "So i'm your friend now"i asked "Yes am i yours"she asked "No i told you we can't be friends"i tell her "Oh ok goodnight anna ig"she said turning away from me"she said "Goodnight ag"i replied and we feel asleep.

Author Pov
Thank you for reading
I agreed to update another chapter so there you go
I hope you like it
what do you ben is planning to do??
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