Chapter 5

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Anna Pov
"Hey Anna wake up wake up"i hear ag whisper and shaking me. "It's 7:30 you're gonna be late for class"she said "Whatt!!!7:30 why didn't you wake me up earlier"i asked "I don't want you to be mad at me like last time i want us to work out"she said "Us?well ok my bad"I said rushing to the bathroom and started to get ready.

Ag Pov
Anna was in the bathroom and i'm all ready so i thought i would get us some breakfast i don't want to be starve,Wow when did i care about someone anna is really changing me.I went out,got on my skateboard and skate to the store.When i arrived i started to order my food,i didn't know what to get her so i texted emmi since they bff.

Emmi Pov
*Ding ding* who is it julia asked "Umm Ag?!!"i replied "Omg what did she say"she asked "She said what do anna like to eat for breakfast"i replied "Oh my I starting to think ag really likes anna"julia said "I do too she never do these stuff for anyone before"I replied "I ship them if ag doesn't cheat is it ok if they dated"julia asked "I mean i don't ready care if they dated,if anna the reason ag change and become a better person then i would want them to be together and i do ship them too"i replied "Ok now what are you gonna tell ag"she asked "What do anna like to eat"i asked "I pretty sure pancake,Egg with grilled cheese and iced coffee"julia replied "Ok"i said and texted ag back. "We should get going or we gon be late for school"i said "Yes"she replied.

Anna Pov
I got out the bathroom after wearing my outfit,i smell food then i saw ag setting up something. "What you doing"i said she turn around and said "I bought us breakfast,this time i didn't forget about you"she said She really like to use the word *Us*.I walked to the table to see what she got me "omg you got me grilled cheese,french toast,egg.pancakes and Ice coffee"i said running up to her and hugged her jumping up and down "Thank you thank you,you're the best"I said going my to the table and started to eat. "Wow you really love food"she said "of corse"i replied she came and ate her food too half way there i look at her food and saw bacon omg my favorite.I think she saw cause she got one of the bacon and feed me so i split my grilled cheese and feed her.We both smiled and started to eat our own food.I looked at the time and we had 10 mins "Omg ag we gonna be late get up we got to go!!"i yelled grabbing her hand and running.

Ag Pov
Anna grabbed my hand and started running to our class,I was behind her i looked down and she was holding my hand so tight i love it.As we were running i also thought about what happened earlier us feeding each together food we kinda act like couples kinda but ik she just gonna ignore that and think it's normal.We arrived at school and everyone was looking at us, Layla came up to us and said "Watch your hands shitmate she's mine" "Don't worry i don't want her,she just a friend"anna said rolling her and walking to her class.That kinda got me mad but she is right we just friends..Man if layla didn't come we would've hold hands the entire time and have the best day ever but that was ruined.I really hope nothing bad happens.

Julia Pov
"Woah emmi do you see that"i pointed my fingers toward anna and ag "Omg they holding hands ahhhh"emmi replied "And not just taht anna is holding ag's hands"i said "Wow i didn't know anna like ag"emmi replied Then taht layla girl had to come "Gosh i hate layla she so ughh so wonder anna doesn't like her"I said "Yea i can tell ag doesn't want her just by analyzing her facial expressions,ag definitely look happier with anna"Emmi said "Yea i agree"I replied.Then anna started to walked to the class so we followed her.

Ben Pov
I don't like what i see this morning but at least anna made it clear taht she doesn't like ag like that but at the same time she was holding on to ag's hands and they both looked happy.Today is the day i thought i have to make a move,since anna had the same class as me i started to walk over to her and talk to her,make her and her friends like me.I made them laugh a lot,i can tell anna was blushing but it might just me hot for her then the teacher started to tell me to go back to my seat.

Falling For A PlayerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora