Chapter 25

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Anna Pov
I woke up and quickly looked at ag's side ofcorse....she wasn't there.It's been 1 week since the incident that happened,she haven't been sleeping in the dorm and i rarely see her anymore.I hope she not mad at me she told me she wasn't last time i saw her,since today is a school day i got up and got in the bathroom,i brushed my teeth then took a cold shower then put my cloths on.After getting ready i packed my soccer stuff,i ate the breakfast that i made then got in my car i feel so empty riding and eating by myself usually ag and i would do all those things together but all this is my fault.

Ag Pov
I woke up in the hangout place just like every other days,i been sleeping here about for a 1 week now because i just thought it would be good idea to stay away from anna for awhile so i wouldn't stress as much.I haven't talk to her yet i have once when she came back from her house and that was all,i don't really see her at school probably because i skip some classes,i just don't feel like going to classes after that day i been feeling pressured lately.I got up,got my keys then drove back to my dorm,usually anna would be at school when i go back to get ready for school.I got in my dorm and started to take a shower and brushed my teeth then wore my outfit.I got my key hopped in my car and drove to school,when i arrived lexi came up to me "Hey ag"she said "Hi"i replied "So how was tactics yesterday"she asked "Pretty good hbu?"i asked "Good we have our next game next Thursday"she said "Cool"i replied.As we were walking she randomly put her hand around my arm that was in my hoodie pocket so i looked at her and she looked at me we were had an eye contact it didn't feel the same as me and annas i smiled then look back up and saw my friends.I didn't know they would be waiting for me usually they not cause it's cold outside and i come late so i walked toward them.

Mia Pov
Today me,julia,emmi,ami,avery and soph decided to wait for Ag and anna because they look like they haven't talk in a while.Ag barely come to school after that day and anna looks like she want to ask about ag but she too scared or something so now is like the time they reunite ig and julia told me and ag haven't been sleeping in her dorm with anna so yea i'm kinda worried. "Julia you got any news about anna and ag?did anna tell you any thing"i asked "Uhh no she haven't been asking me about ag but every time i mention ag her eyes lid up and she just look excited"she said "Oh ok well you know ag have been skipping a lot of classes lately right"I said "Bruh frr she she turning back into a trouble maker again"Ami asked "Idk but i think she been doing this because of that day"i said "Same"they agreed "We can't let her turn back into a trouble maker and a player again"Emmi said "Yes we need to do something about this"Soph said "So y'all know how anna and ag haven't really been talking and ag is trying to stay away from anna well that what it looks like"i said "Yea?"they relied "What if we try to let them hang out together like we tell them we all gonna hang out and meet up somewhere but when the time come we not actually gonna go when they arrive they not gonna see us but they gonna see each other and then they prob gonna call us then we gonna say y'all gotta hangout with eachother or something like that"i said "Good plan plus if ag know anna going she prob not gonna go so this a good plan"Ami said "What plan"anna said walking toward us "Plan?what we didn't say anything about a plan"avery said "Oh ok well i need to ask y'all something"anna said we all looked at each other knowing what she gonna ask us "Do y'all know where ag is?have y'all talk to her?is she ok?"she asked "We haven't really talked to her,she been skipping classes so we don't see her often"i said "Well if y'all see her can y'all tell her i'm worried and i m...iss her and she should come back and sleep in the dorm"she mumbled Woah did she just admit she miss ag "Uhh what was that"i asked pretending not to hear what she said "Nvm"she replied "you know anna you should tell her your self"julia said. "But i rarely see her she prob don't even want to see me anymore"anna said with her head down "There she is"Ami said then i saw anna head shoot up looking all excited but it quickly turn into a sad face with she saw lexi.

Julia Pov
Annas Face quickly turn into a frown when she saw lexi walking with ag.Bruh that girl ughh she always be around ag do she got nothing else to do other than taking annas soulmate smh,now we have to find another way to make ag and anna together gosh.Anna turned around to walk away but i grabbed her "You can't just run away from her you need to tell her or you're just gonna stress"i said "I don't think i can with lexi around her"she said "It's ok we will help"mia said. "Hey guys...hey boon"ag said looking at us then to anna and smiled "Hi bub"anna replied "Sup ag"mia said "im surprised how y'all waited for me today"ag said "Dude we wait for you like everyday last week but you're always late"avery said "Sorry it's not my fault i don't want to... ag looks at anna and realized anna head was down when she said that "To be in class"ag said finishing her sentence "ohhhh ok"mia replied "Hey it's time we need to let them be together"i whispered to mia "Ok get lexi"mia said "Alright it's almost time to go so yea lexi i have the same class as you let's walk together bestie"I said to her "Uhh no you don't"she replied "Whatever you're walking with me anyways"i said then we walked away leaving the others behind.

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