
By 5avages

30.2K 859 68

"She's mad, but she is magic. There's no lies in her fire." THE LAST KINGDOM SIHTRIC X OC 18+ More



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By 5avages

The next coming weeks dragged for Else, not even evenings with Ulf could satire her boredom. She found herself reading books on the Christian god, and their Saxon history, but even they began to grow tiresome. However, her father began to speak to her more frequently, telling her of what she must do and what was to happen. It made her afraid, but she would follow his orders.

After leaving Uhtred with his shadow queen, they had travelled to Cynuit, the place with the golden altar, and ransacked what they could. They made camp soon after, in the forest land of Wessex after hearing of Guthred and Ragnar's invasion upon the Kingdom had been successful. They planned to join forces is what Loki had foretold, and so Skorpa did so. Despite this, they had lost warriors whom where spying on the Saxon's whom hid within the Marshland, how they had failed was uncertain, but nether the less, fail they did.

A Saxon, named Odda the Young, had been sent forth with negotiations, inviting them to his hall in order to try and join forces. They agreed, promising their arrival for the next full moon. When that time had come, they where met with Uhtred Ragnarson. He told them of how Odda had been lablled as a traitor and was no longer of the land of the living. They where told how the great Saxon King Alfred was building an even greater army, and even the suggestion made Else roll her eyes.

Of course, the only thing to do then was to seek out Guthrum and Young Ragnar who had teamed together to take down the Saxon army. The three of them agreed that they would defeat them, and rule over Wessex themselves.

Over her time spent in Wessex's, she became good friends with the Young Ragnar and his companion Brida. She appreciated the company of another woman who was not intimidated by her reputation or appearance. They prepared for battle together by training and sparring in the yard.

When she was not with them, she was discussing tactics with Skorpa and deciding who would be stationed where during the battle. Finally, her bordum has been cured with the promise of a fight brewing in close time.

When the fight came, she was not afraid. The Saxon's cheered, shouting 'No Mercy' from across the field. Else would shake and laugh, she never showed mercy. "Then no mercy there shall be." Skorpa had said, his face like thunder. Her uncle was not his normal self, there was fury in his eyes, not excitement like normal.

She had spotted Uhtred with his shadow queen, and gave Ragnar a pointed look. He had sworn that he would be able to kill his brother if it came to it, but Else had her doubt about that. Brida reminded him of such. "Should you meet Uhtred on the battle field there can be no doubt."

"No mercy." The blonde man answered.

"Hm." Was the only sound that came from Else.

"We should not be holding back, Lord." Ragnar presses to Guthrum. "We should attack with every man."

"Agreed," Else came to stand beside them. "We look weak, Guthrum."

"I will decide how we fight, and you will follow my orders." The older warrior stood his ground.

"Yes, Lord." Ragnar sighed.

"He will be our defeat." Else spoke once he was out of distance.

"How can you be so sure?"

"Because my father said so." She glanced up at him.

Once more, Ragnar sighed before walking away. "Let us pray he is wrong."

"My father is never wrong."

As each man got into position, she watched as the opposition did so too, on Uhtred's command they began to form a shield wall. Of course, the Dane raised Saxon gave away their best defence tactic. While Ragnar marched at the front with shields, Else took her stance at the back on horseback alongside Skorpa and Guthrum, she was much too agile to be weighed down by a shield. It stopped her moving as quick as she could. On her uncles command, they moved forward backing Ragnar's men.

Skorpa raised his sword into the air with a battle cry, and she and the men followed suit. With a yell, the Vikings moved forward with speed whilst the Saxon's remained still, holding their ground. Shields clashed together and the Vikings began to force their swords through the gaps in their wall, stabbing blindly wherever they could. Yet, no matter how well they where fighting, the Vikings started to loose ground as men began to either drop or step back.

"No more ground shall be lost!" Skorpa growled next to her. A plan had been formed in his head, Loki had already seen what he would do and therefore so had Else. She knew, this was the beginning of the end for her uncle. "Follow me!"

So she stayed.

Else was itching to get involved, to take her sword and charge forward, but she knew this was not her battle. Not anymore. She watched from her spot, each army edging backwards and in their wake leaving a mass of bodies and blood sprawled upon the once green grass, now painted red. The smell of death was in the air.

Minutes had flown past, though it felt like hours and Skorpa finally appeared upon the horizon. Else didn't need to see what he held in his hand, she already knew what he had done, but she looked anyway.

"Uhtred Ragnarson!" The warlord called out. "Can you hear me?!"

"I hear you, Skorpa!" Uhtred yelled back. "Do wish you surrender?!"

She could hear Skorpa's cackle from where she stood. "I have a gift for you!" He shouted. "Your queen!"

In Skorpa's hand he held the decapitated head of the shadow Queen, his face enlighten with a grin. He threw the lifeless head to the floor before screaming, "No mercy!" And the cheers of those behind him called out to back their lord.

Then came chaos.

Skorpa began to ride off on his horse, entering past the shield wall that their side had created, causing Uhtred to loose his cool, the shield wall broke apart as he pushed himself out of it. The Saxon son of Ragnar ran forward with long strides and with a confidence that she'd never seen before, he launched himself upon the shields and climbed across him. Uhtred had one target in mind, and nothing would stop him. A spear flew through the air, she wasn't sure who had thrown it, but watched as Uhtred caught it and threw it towards her uncle.

Skorpa was taken down instantly, a spear through his heart and pierced to the ground.

She had shed her tears already, having been told of such tall weeks ago. That, however, did not stop the lump that formed in her throat. Though a gods daughter, she was still human, she still felt. She was not made from stone.

Gulping down what she could and pushing the emotions to the back of her mind, she pushed her horse into action and rode towards Ragnar and Guthrum.

"What are you orders lord?!"

"Did you see that?" Guthrum spoke softly. "It came as the priest said."

"What lord?" Ragnar's face was filled with confusion.

Else shook her head. "I told you Ragnar," she said. "Guthrum would be our downfall."

"Their god is with them."

"So what are your orders?!" The blonde demanded. Upon Guthrum's silence, Ragnar gave him a disgusted look, before turning and running back into battle. Victory, or Valhalla after all.

"You're weak," Else stared at the older man, a smirk etched onto her face. "Simply giving up to the Saxon's?" Guthrum turned to look at her, and she could see the disappointment he held. She gave him her final words, before following Ragnar into battle."Ubba will be cursing you to hel."


She became a prisoner of war, or a hostage perhaps, alongside Ragnar and Brida at Uhtred's request. She wasn't sure exactly why he had decided to spare her, most likely because of the stories and tales that had reached his ears, or perhaps it was because of her father. Nobody would ever want to upset Loki.

Despite being in a cell and having a lack of ale, the King Alfred treat them fairly. He fed them well and offered wine. Though, as time went by, she started to feel more and more like an animal trapped inside a cage. Probably, because she was just that.

She often thought about Skorpa, and how she wonders what would have happened if she had told him of his own fate. Perhaps she would not be sat in a damp cell right now. Perhaps he would not of gone into battle that day, but then she also knew how head strong her uncle was. She doubted she could of stopped him anyway, but that didn't stop her wandering thoughts. He had raised her, shaped her into the fighter that she was. Else would remember him always.

She prayed often, to Loki and to Thor, and to whoever would listen to her thoughts. Loki spoke of only 'soon', that her time would come to be apart of the outside world again. To be doing what she was meant to be doing, whatever that may be.

Ragnar and Brida prayed too, to the same gods as well, but often asked Else to look for a sign or to pray harder to her father. The girl would only roll her eyes and explain that wasn't how it works. Loki came to her, not the other way round. They would grumble about such and not speak to her for days, but Else would never break the silence first. She was too stubborn that way, but she understood their frustration.

It was during one of these silences that the trio where disturbed by visitors, she could hear the numbers of footsteps approaching. Else remained with her back pressed up against the stone wall, lurking in the shadows as Ragnar and Brida approached the metal encasing them in. "Right, you three, get up." Came a Saxon sounding voice. "You've been summounded by the king."

It felt good to stretch her legs, despite being surrounded by guards the entire time. The three Dane's where marched through the halls of the Kingdom, halls that she recognised from previously residing there with Guthrum and Ragnar.

They came to a halt in front of the King Alfred, his trusty advisors at his side. "Earl Ragnar," he spoke clearly. "I have a task for you, and with some careful consideration, Else if she will. I am told she is good with guidance."

Finally, she thought, believing this day would never come. She lifted her head to look at the King, and when Alfred finally laid eyes upon the women he had heard so many stories about he found he could hardly look away.

"Why not Brida?" Ragnar asked.

"Brida is to remain here as a hostage." Alfred explained, finally turning back to look at the Earl. "We fear your brother has been taken, that is what Hild here reports of." He gestured to a lady who was dressed like a nun, bar the long hair. "With both yours and Else's skills compined, we believe that you can undoubtedly retrieve your brother and bring him back to safety. If you both do not return, then Brida stays. You come back with Uhtred, Brida goes free with the both of you."

"Why do I feel like there is more to this?" Else questioned, tilting her head. "Are you trying to deceive me?"

"No. I simply want one of my best warriors back safe. Find Uhtred and you will all be pardoned and go free." Alfred refused to look at her, instead keeping his gaze upon Brida and Ragnar, she knew she made him feel wary.

"Then it will be done."

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