Let Us Help You

By Descendantsfan03

11K 310 320

April Dibrina has finally accepted her new life as being not just a dancer herself, but being a dance teacher... More

What's Going On With Mal?
Let Us Help!
Is She Going To Be Okay?
Should We Do This?
Going Home
The Start Of A Better Life
A Pretty Bad Night
Shocking Explanations And Fighting
Is That A Yes Or No?
Another Hospital Trip And A Big Question
Upgraded To Mommy And Daddy
Passing Time While Stuck In A Hospital
She's What!
Going Backwards
Revealing The Real Truth
Separation Issues
A Family Of Three Gets A Little Bit Bigger
Accidents Happen
Waiting Room Troubles

More Suspicion

841 18 8
By Descendantsfan03

    April just sighed as she was trying to sleep as she had just gotten back from Nick's house, but everytime she tried to sleep her mind would just start thinking about that small purple haired little girl.

She just sighed as she got out of bed and saw her father was still up. "Dad, can I ask you an important question," April asked her dad who gave her a smile. "Of course! What's on your mind," April's dad asked her, making her sigh. "It's just that there is this new kid in my class and I'm a little worried about her. She had a huge melt down today at the grocery store over strawberries and Nick and I happened to witness it," April told her dad who just nodded.

"I see and um how old is she," April's dad asked her, making April sigh as she looked at him. "Four I think but she does act kinda younger sometimes," April told her dad who just gave her a smile. "Oh well then that's perfectly normal. Children that age throw meltdowns all the time. You should have seen you when you were that age. Man those days were hard," April's dad jokingly told her, making her sigh.

"So you don't think anything could be going on then," April asked her dad, choosing to ignore his comments about her. "You probably just witnessed a normal tantrum. Younger Kids can sometimes act like they are dying when nothing is even wrong. Now is that all you wanted to ask me about," April's dad told her, making April sigh as she decided her dad was probably right and she was just overreacting.

She was used to teaching older kids around 11 or 12 and even the littles were about 6 or 7 which was a good two or three year older than Mal. Her dad was probably right she just wasn't used to teaching a preschooler.

"Thanks dad. You're right. I'm probably just overreacting. Anyway good night," April told her dad as she went back to her room and fell asleep as she wasn't really worried anymore and figured Mal was just reacting like how any other preschooler would react.

"Okay now we have to beat the Royaltons this year so let's back to work! Get into position now!" April screamed out to the girls as it was now the next day and she was trying to prepare the dancers for their big competition coming up.

Mal just sighed as she was trying to focus, but everything was starting to feel dizzy. The two little girls June and Michelle who were standing next to her immediately noticed that Mal looked off as they started to talk to her wanting to see what was wrong getting the attention of April and Miss Barb.

"What are you three doing! Stop socializing, you can do that later!" April told the girls in frustration.

"But Miss. April, Mal says she doesn't feel good," Michelle told April immediately causing both her and Miss Barb to look at Mal as they saw how pale she looked and how she looked completely out of it as they realized Mal was about to pass out and they both went running over to the young girl in panic trying to help her.

"Mal sweetie what's wrong," Miss Barb asked the young girl who just started crying. "I feew how an izzy," the young four year old cried out, making Miss Barb immediately sit Mal down. "Okay sweetie just sit down okay and I'm going to get you some water okay," Miss Barb told the young girl who just slowly nodded. She then turned to April who was just standing there in concern as she had never witnessed anything like that before and had no clue what to do.

     "April this is the number for Mal's mom can you call her while I help get Mal some water and calm the other kids," Miss. Barb told April who just slowly nodded, but at the mention of calling her mom, Mal started freaking out even more.

       "No! No wan mommy! Mommy busy! I otay I ju a wttle izzy, bu Id go bye bye now," The young four year old screamed out as she tried to stand up. forced herself up, but ended up getting even more dizzy than before. "Mal sweetie you almost fainted. We need to call your mom," Miss Barb told the small girl who just started crying more as she didn't want her mommy. Her mommy was going to hurt her more if she found out.

Once Miss Barb ran off to get Mal some water and calm the other kids who had witnessed it all April just looked at the young girl in concern as she was about to start drilling the girl for information when Miss Barb came back with the water.

Mal just quickly took the water as she chugged the whole thing and began to feel better as she quickly stood back up. "Yay! I feew Aw bewew now! No caw mommy! I bewow now! No mommy!" The young four year old screamed out excitedly as she ran over to the other kids like nothing was wrong.

Miss. Barb just laughed as she watched the young girl who recovered, so quickly as she figured Mal was probably just a little dehydrated and would be fine, so she wasn't worried at all. April however just watched the girl in concern as yesterday's incident was starting to look more worrisome. Especially when Mal freaked out just at the mention of even calling her mom.

April just sighed as she put her stern look back on deciding she was probably just being paranoid and went back over to the dancers. "Mal! Go sit down over there! You are not dancing right now!" April told the girl when she saw that Mal was in her position about to dance again after almost collapsing.

Mal just looked at April. "But I hab a ge bewew! I otay now! I no izzy no mow," the young four year old told April who just glared at her as she didn't want Mal dancing after almost passing out.

"I don't care! I am not letting you dance after almost passing out! Now go sit over there and watch us!" April screamed out making Mal immediately obey her as April was starting to scare her and sound like her mom with her harsh tone.

"Yes ma'am!" Mal screamed out as she quickly got out of position and sat down on the sideline to watch. And the other kids just started laughing and talking as they found it funny how Mal called April ma'am.

April just glared at the kids in frustration. "Okay I get it haha a four year old called me ma'am like I'm old or something. Whatever let's just get back to work!" April screamed out immediately snapping the kids back into focus as they continued on with practice.

A few hours later April decided that it was enough for the day. "Okay we're done now class is over. Now remember to keep practicing at home!" April told the kids who nodded as they all started to leave including Mal.

"Bye bye  Mi Bawb dank you fo hewping me! Bye bye Mi Apwil!" The small girl screamed out as she got up from her seat and was beginning to walk out, but April pulled Mal back as she was worried about her with Mal almost fainting in class, and she wanted to talk to Mal alone.

"Not so fast! You and I are going to talk," April told the young girl who just shook her head no as her mommy would get mad and she needed to be home or else she would get a worse punishment as her mom was still mad at her for being late the day before.

"No dank you Mi. Apwil. My mommy howm! I gotta go howm ow see gonna be ma aben. An I gotta get howm befow mommy fin da sawbewies!" The young girl told April as she began to run out the door of the barn, but April grabbed her by her arm to try and stop her causing Mal to start crying as she had a lot of bruises on her arm that she was covering with a jacket.

April immediately looked at the girl in shock as she had barely even grabbed Mal. "That hurt? I barely even touched you," April told the small girl as she tried to lift up Mal's sleeve, but the small girl just quickly released herself from April's grip before April could pull up her sleeve.

"I sowy Mi Apwil! I weawy gotta go howm now! Bye bye," the young four year old screamed out in panic as she quickly ran home leaving April just in complete shock and concern as Mal wouldn't even let her see her arm after crying from barely even touching her. Which meant something was definitely wrong.

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