Infinite Stratos X Neglected...

נכתב על ידי Karna-the-lancer

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I say this for every book, but I own nothing. עוד

Chapter 1: New Arrival
Chapter 2: The Dead Soldier
Chapter 3: The bet
Chapter 4: The prototype
Chapter 5: A Sniper, A Sword, And A Soldier
Chapter 6: Family, Pride, and...
Chapter 7: Even Until His Final Breath
Chapter 8: Two New Addition
Chapter 9: Another Problem
Chapter 10: A...Minor Change
Chapter 11: A Time to Relax
Chapter 12: New Homes Are Cold
Chapter 13: Recommendation...Seraph!
Chapter 14: Echoing Bells
Chapter 15: A day Off
Chapter 16: New Students
Chapter 17: Airport Pickup
Chapter 18: Germany's Respect
Chapter 19: Confrontation
Chapter 20: Seven Attempts, Eight Losses
Chapter 22: A Culprit
Chapter 23: From Bad to Worse
Chapter 24: Sharp Experiences

Chapter 21: Stars Align

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נכתב על ידי Karna-the-lancer

Kuro's POV

Ah, how nice it is. It's a clear and lovely night, the moon is full, and since it is past normal students' curfew, most of the lights are out. 

Walking back to the dorms, I can't help at giggle at the sight that soon appears before me. There Ghost is, again.

"Staying up late again to look at the moon?" I asked as I peeked my head over his, blocking his sight, gaining a rare twitch of surprise. 

I guess he turned it off to enjoy the night sky. 

"Yes, it is one of the few things that I still enjoy."

Tilting my head a bit, I asked with a small smile, "Am I included in that list of yours?"

"Yes, you are."

Hearing that made interrupting my walk worth it. Slowly, I laid down next to him on the grass to look up at the giant orb in the sky that the three of us were all somehow obsessed with by now. 

"Tell me, Ghost, does staring up into the night sky still fill you with that feeling of satisfaction and freedom?" I asked as I got myself comfortable. "I know it does for me, but..."

"Do you still retain feelings of guilt and regret?"


The night that we were rescued, he gave up his own freedom to ensure that Kirin and I got ours. I watched his final smile fade beneath the rubble, and I can't help but feel disgusted at myself for feeling even the tiniest bit of joy right after it. 

I felt joy for finally being able to leave that hell, for my sister finding me, for seeing the face of the one that saved me from my own insanity, and from seeing a smile grace the face of the one that I always felt lacked a sense of happiness anymore. For me to feel even the tiniest sliver of it after all he'd done for could I even look at myself anymore?

"When I look up there, seeing the moon and the stars, my muscles relax, my body feels lighter, and I"

That night, the first thing that awaited Kirin and me, was the same that greeted Yn when he too escaped. Those emotions of freedom, of salvation, were undoubtedly reflected upon its surface, which is why all three of us can't help but love it. But it still acts as a reminder of how terrible I am, how weak I was for not even being to help him in his time of need. 

"Kuro, you're trembling."

My heart skipped a beat when he pulled me against him, and I could feel his warmth, I could feel his steady heartbeat. I can...

"Calm down. I'm alive and well," he assured me. Just those few words, those short responses that I knew were true, but it only made me cling to him tightly.

"'re not..." I whispered as I buried my head into his chest. "It's slow...but...I...I don't want to lose you. I don't want you to go!"

He just held me there, not moving an inch, letting his own heartbeat calm me down like a lullaby, but he didn't even realize that it was just like a bell ringing to tell me of my mistake. No matter what happened or what I said, his heart would never beat any faster than it does now, not unless there was something physically exhausting. It was yet another contribution to my mistake, to my powerlessness, because if I had just helped back then, maybe he wouldn't be like this, maybe he could have turned out differently-!

"Rid yourself of those thoughts immediately."

My eyes shot open, gazing into his own singular eye. I hadn't even noticed that as I continued to let my emotions run rampant, he had guessed my line of thought by my grip of his uniform and my own heartbeat. 

"This was done to me before I met you, and there was nothing to be done that could have changed the outcome."

"...It's nearly at forty percent..."

"I know."

"You lost your eye, limbs, kidney, voice, and even a lung before getting treatment by Tabane."

"Technically my lung was damaged during the procedure."

"You became a weapon for America so you could continue to let myself and Kirin live in peace, but we threw that opportunity away to stay with you..."

"I am aware of that."

"You didn't hesitate to make Throne, and even take on the mental burden of both Castle and Crown..."

"That is correct."

" much of you is there actually you even want your emotions back...?"

"I...cannot give you a clear answer."


We laid there in silence for an unknown amount of time. I was just letting out my own stress and anxiety about him now. I guess that's just part of his charm, that you could speak to him about anything, and he'd listen without judgment. 

It didn't matter if anyone ridiculed or yelled at him, he couldn't care. Literally. But if someone was to try and harm anyone that he cared for, for the few people he still held close, he wouldn't show mercy. I wanted to believe that this was his own emotions faintly rising back to make him protect those he cares about, I wanted it to be true. 

"However, I do not regret it. I no longer regret any of my decisions and choices."


"I used to think about it during my spare time, what could have been if my choices had been different. Perhaps Chifuyu would still view me as family, perhaps I could have had a normal life, or I could have even met you and Kirin outside of that place. But it doesn't matter, it is history, and one I would still gladly write if given the chance. My own happiness is irrelevant. I do not care for what I must endure to continue on, anymore, I have too many debts to fulfill to spend any time thinking about dropping it all for my own selfish gains. You, Kirin, Tabane, and Kaede are more important than myself-"

Rolling myself onto him quickly, I didn't care about being flustered by basically straddling him since I quickly grabbed his collar, making him look directly into my eyes. 

"Ghost, don't you dare put us above yourself!" 

Why am I acting like this?

"Don't you understand? You may put us above yourself, but we do the same for you! If it weren't for you...if it weren't for you, I'd still be stuck there! I'd still be too scared to even go outside! I'd be too weak to even speak to another person!"

Why am I telling him all of this again?

"I can't live without could I?" I whispered. "Don't you understand our feelings? We..."

We all love you.

"...I can't...Please, just...just don't say that you don't regret it...please don't say you don't regret saving me..."


I shivered slightly as I felt something on my face. I felt a gloved hand gently touching my cheek, making me suddenly stop in place. I wasn't trembling, I wasn't crying, I wasn't even sure if I was breathing, but...that faint expression that I'm almost sure I had imagined...that ghost of a smile that had only been there for possibly a nanosecond...but, maybe it actually happened.

"Kuro, you seem to be misunderstanding something. I fully understand your feelings, and it is for that reason I do not regret my actions. If everything had happened differently, I may have never met you or the others, and you already know my views of you all."

Ah, that's right...

"Your thoughts and feeling are much like mine were, and still are. But there is no need to be scared. Whatever happens, I will still stay with you, come whatever, I promise you that."

...He's scared to reciprocate our be loved...

"No matter what, I won't leave you alone, that's what I vowed, remember?"

And I'm scared that my love for him will change if he ever regains his emotions.

"...Yeah...I remember."

Gently, I leaned down onto him, putting my head against his chest once more, and listened to his heartbeat once again. 

"Hey...Yn. I'll never leave you, okay?"

"If that is your wish, I would never refuse."

I finally used his real name.

I finally called him by his name. He wasn't the same boy I fell in love with in the cells, he's the one that saved me from it, the one that saved me from myself, from my solidarity and fears. He's no longer the Silent Ghost from the arena...he's Yn, the ghost that'll follow me wherever I go, and I'll do the same.

Before I knew it, my heavy eyelids slid closed, and sleep took me. The most wonderous and relaxing sleep I've had in years. 

3rd POV

By the time Yn had carried Kuro back to her room, with Kirin already being fast asleep, he was certain that Charles had already gone to bed, considering how late it was, even if it was a Friday. Imagine his none-existent surprise when he opened the door at the same time that she opened the door from the bathroom, hair down, but trying to tie it up.

...Okay, Yn, whatever you do, do not look down.

While Charles was still dressed, her wrapping were loosened and slightly visible, and to anyone paying attention, they'd probably understand within a moment, but that would mean looking down, which Charles would most definitely notice where their eyes were drawn to. 

"Charles, I did not expect you to be up this late."

Yn retained perfect eye contact, even as his roommates' cheeks flushed and she stuttered slightly, "I-I was just finishing some work. Then I got a shower, and we are? What were you doing?"

"Understood. I was just getting back from returning Kuro to her room, we were star gazing."

"Stargazing? I was not aware that you had such a hobby."

"It isn't truly stargazing as I simply enjoy the view of the moon and stars, but I tend to refer to it as such."

Your stuff seems to be untampered her at least. But we were already aware of Houki attempting to open our suitcase.

We should've recorded it! It was hilarious when she couldn't!

As Yn entered the room, Charles stepped back to allow him more space to get in, soon enough they were both seated on their beds. Charles continued to ask about when he first started enjoyed stargazing, seeming genuinely interested in it, and as he confirmed that it was not related to her father's request, he answered. 

As the night continued on, the two continued to chat with questions back and forth, and at some point, Charles even taught him some french. 

"So, I do have to ask, why is it you enjoy the feeling of warming up? I remember you mentioning it when I tried your glove when we first met," she tilted her head slightly, wondering why such a sensation was nice enough to you for you to even simulate it daily. 

"In the past, I was bleeding out, and the more I did, the colder I got, but my own blood felt warm. It was an odd sensation to be both warm and cold at the same time, from the outside to in, respectively. Thankfully, I was saved by Kaede, and that feeling permeated my body as the greatest view and moment of my life occurred, engraving it onto me."

Charles blinked in surprise and stayed silent in awe for a few seconds. He didn't even hesitate, to tell her something important to him, but he knew she was misunderstanding the situation he was vaguely explaining. She knew he was a soldier, albeit a young one, not to mention being the unbeatable Ghost, so thinking he was wounded out in the line of duty was within reason. 

It was only because she believed it to be something more difficult to speak about, despite him saying how he first became obsessed with the feeling, that she did not ask any questions about the where and why. But he only answered her on the recommendation from Castle since he decided it had been long enough for this charade to happen.

"As you have asked about something important, and I have answered, I would like to do the same," this grabbed her attention swiftly, making her stand up straight, waiting for his own question as she felt the need to answer, thinking she owed him for hers. 

"I'd like to as to why you are have agreed to steal data for your father?"

A shiver went down her spine as his expressionless nature made his question even more impactful. She wanted to ask how he knew. No. she wanted to refute him first, but the words just wouldn't come out as his single eye stared her down, making her feel small. 

"I was going to wait until you decided to tell me yourself, however, with Laura being here and beginning to investigate you in order to blackmail you and do something against me, all on her mentor's orders, I must take action."


"Yes, much how I was able to, she will be able to find out your reasons for being here by relying on contacts and comrades back in Germany, though they shall take a far longer time to figure it out as France has your own personal data on lockdown for being a Representative contender."

"T-then how did you get it?!"

"That is classified."

After taking a moment to calm down, Charles sighed. Clearly, she'd underestimated the Ghost, again. There was nothing left to do if he was already aware of her gender, that alone could be used as blackmail, allowing him to take her father's entire company hostage, not to mention all of France. 

"I am aware of your main reason for coming to the academy. You have been asked by your father to collect data on third-generation I.S', which is not illegal in any sense as each Representative is doing the same, however, you were also tasked with stealing data, in other words, taking what cannot be recorded by an observing third party. You were told to delve straight into another person's I.S and take every bit of information that you could possibly get your hands on, which is against the rules and laws set up by the U.N."

So far, she nodded at every statement since he'd yet to be wrong about her purposes.

"I also deduced that your father wishes to display you in public as the third male I.S pilot to bring fame to his company and save it while it's in a crisis. He wishes for everyone to suspect that the only reason you were sent here is to draw attention to it, leaving your true reason to be overlooked. Not to mention being able to get close to Ichika or I much more easily, as the three male I.S pilots would, assumedly, stick together. I am just confused about why you agreed to such an operation?"

"I..." clenching and unclenching her hands several times, her gaze had moved toward the floor, refusing to meet his own anymore. "...It's because I owe him my life. When my mother passed away, he came for me, brought me in, and even gave me an I.S. He is my father, it is only natural that I should do as he asks, no?"

Son of a...

Yeah, I know. But I'm sure he had his own reasons...let's just give him the benefit of a doubt.

I wanna hug her!

Seriously? The issue at the moment is her father!

"I will willingly give your certain data, along with aiding in securing all the information on your file to ensure that Laura and anyone else working to get their hands on it will be unable to do so. In exchange, I will request your cooperation in dealing with Laura, Houki, and Chifuyu Orimura."

"Miss Orimura?" she questioned quickly. "What...would I be doing to help you?"

"Keeping them away from me at certain times, being an excuse to leave conversations or situations with them, backup for when conflict is inevitable, and various tasks associated with the previously stated ones."

She was more than a little baffled and worried. As much as she didn't want to admit it, she didn't have a choice, for he could ruin everything for her with a few calls and emails, and she would powerless to stop him. However, the benefits far outweighed the risks. Sure, she might get mixed into his business with his Ex-relative, but he was world-famous! This would give even more attention, as well as him giving data and perhaps even a chance to meet with the creator of the I.S herself if she was lucky. 

"I just...have to ask one thing..."

"This is acceptable."

"...What else did you find out on my file?"

He obviously knew what she was referring to, but his approach to it, from what Throne was telling him to do, would be a more subtle one. 

"Is there something specific that I should know about?"

"...About my mother and...current family situation..." she avoiding it herself, though if it was out of guilt, shame, or something else, was unknown. 

"I am aware of your location of both, mother, family background before being taken in by your father, and his relationship with you."

"No, that's not what I mean...what I meant..." she didn't continue on any further, not knowing how to say it. There was a small part of her mind that believed that he had simply deduced her reasons for coming here by logic and intel gathered by connections. This small part of her mind couldn't believe that he had the capabilities of hacking the systems of France and getting all of her details. 

The majority of her knew that it was more than possible that he had done exactly what the small part of her was doubting, but that small part was still overpowering, not wanting to reveal her true gender in case he truly didn't know. 

"Personally, I am not interested in your personal and familial problems, therefore I only recited the parts I deemed most important. There is certainly more, of course, but I shall not look into it anymore if you do not wish me to." Though that would only be if she accepted his deal.

"So you didn't look into anything except what you've told me?" she questioned hesitantly. 

"To make it easier to understand, after accessing your files from France, I used a program of sorts to scan the documents from over the years and had it give me anything that related my myself and the academy. Once I had that, I dug deeper to understand the reason behind it, that is all. Is there something I should be aware of?"

"Non! Nothing..." she almost cursed to herself. This wasn't like her, she usually didn't act like this, but with the Ghost in front of her who held her life, her father's life, and the entire reputation of France in his hands, she couldn't help but get nervous. 

"Understood. Should I take it that you agree to my terms?"

"I...oui. I will do what I can when called upon and also...thank you."

Yn ignored the last part as he nodded, heading into the bathroom to clean himself up. "I wish you a good sleep, Charles."

"Oui, have a nice sleep as well."

And that is how she awkwardly fell asleep after making a deal with the devil. 

Meanwhile, two others were having a meeting about said devil themselves. 

"So, have you been able to find anything useful?"

"No, Mentor. The defenses on his information were nearly cracked when someone else interfered. The security suddenly became much more advanced, apparently evolving with every attempt and even trying to counter to gain our of data, nearly succeeding. They were forced to cut the connection to stop it, but are suspicious that we may still have been hacked on lost something, but we are still unsure." Laura gave her report while Chifuyu read through the papers that her student had given her. 

Chifuyu could no longer rely on her own connection anymore many were too suspicious of her, calling it too risky to be seen having any sort of contact with her. This happened because of Yn. When he had returned, it raised questions at Chifuyu about how he had survived when she was claimed with one-hundred percent certainty that he had passed away. 

Several countries put her on a watch list, observing her every move in order to document it and give that information on what she was trying to do, if it was harmful, to the Ghost so they could gain favor from him, meaning she was stuck in the spotlight.

She was still revered as one of the few Brunehilds that were known as the greatest I.S pilots, so she still had many connections, but they were far too public to be of any use for something like this. 

From her time teaching in Germany, she had a great relationship with them, so calling in favors with them was easy and risk-free, but it appeared as though it would not work a second time. Even Germany was unable to get any information on France's representative, and she was absolutely sure that either Tabane or Yn was the cause of the sudden security upgrade in France's servers, after all, an evolving program to even take information from another was something they were both more than experienced in. 

Sighing again, Chifuyu put down the papers and turned her head to look out the window. It seemed as if nothing went her way anymore, it was all slowly crumbling and falling apart. 

"What's your opinion of him from a professional perspective?"

"France's representative, or the Ghost?"

"The latter."

"He is an ideal soldier with no failure to his record. He is extremely skilled in what seems to be all forms of combat, capable of maintenance of his own gear, indicating a high level of intelligence and the experience and wisdom to use each piece effectively. He bases all decisions and tactics on logic, however, this only applies to himself. I have deduced that he takes into account the emotions of others and uses them in his planning to lead to the best possible position, though as he all but lacks them himself, does not need to worry about stray thoughts. He values very few things, making him have just as many weaknesses, and none of those are by any means easy to sabotage or threaten. He has the attention and desire of nearly every country in the world, all being after his skills, fame, and connection with the creator of the I.S, Tabane Shinonono. He is a perfect soldier that has all the resources he could ever ask for simply by owing a favor to any major power." 

"If you two were to fight, who do you believe would win?"

"It would depend on which variety of I.S he is using, but I believe I would lose in the majority of possibilities. Victory is possible, but I doubt I would come out unscathed," she replied with a seriousness in her tone, that only continued to get colder. "Moreover, if it were a battle to the death instead of a match, I have no doubt that he would be the victor."


Silence, that is what worried Laura after she had finished her own personal and professional views of herself and her country. Her mentor had almost never acted in such a manner. There were small instances when she would be homesick, missing her younger brother, Ichika, making the young girl grow a sort of disgust for him, but they were never like this. This was something different. 

"Mentor, if you returned to Germany and continued to train us all, perhaps we could win. These girls are a waste of your talent, they take your teachings for granted while you are forced to lower yourself so you can't even exhibit half of your potential."

"And why would you say that?" Chifuyu didn't even turn to face her as she spoke, hiding her expression from the silver-haired girl.

"They lack any sense of danger and treat the I.S as some sort of fashion accessory! Even those in your own class are falling behind, yet do not care. How could you bear to teach someone like him-"

"I believe you've said enough!"

Realizing her own mistake of pointing out Ichika, she couldn't correct herself. The times she had spent in Germany with Chifuyu was the best of her entire life...but she was a different woman then. 

Ever since she came here, she had been different. Whether it was Yn or Ichika, she couldn't tell, but as the skeletons came out of the closet, Chifuyu struggled with personal affairs, ones that Laura couldn't help but notice. 

"You're still only a fifteen-year-old girl, it'd be best for you to keep your mouth shut about such matters and get back to your dorm before you're given detention!"

"But Mentor, I was just-"

"Get out!"


One ruthless and cold glare from her mentor was all it took to shut her down, sending a shiver of fear down her spine, all before turning and running out of the room. 

Why? Why is she so obsessed with them? 

She ran faster and faster, not stopping for anything as she attempted to get back to her own room. 

Why is she so affected by the Ghosts reappearance? Why does she call him a monster?

Slamming her door shut and sliding her back on against it, she allowed herself a moment of weakness. Curling up into a small ball for a moment, she tried to think of why. Everything she had been told about him by her Mentor couldn't be a lie, it...couldn't be?

"Why..." with a small shiver in her voice and a few tears falling from some kind of feeling of betrayal, she did her best to bury her feelings after her last question. "...why is she like this? Who...what really happened?"

The entire time she had been running back to her room, she hadn't cared or realized that her thoughts were audible, that she spoke them quietly during her period of distraught and confusion. And as she ran, the camera's followed, but they didn't lead into her room, as privacy was important, just as was Germany's representative making sure there were no hidden ones either. 

But that wasn't needed, because just outside her door, someone stood there, hearing it all. Tall in an I.S, one that was familiar, but different from all that was shown so far, as it lacked as much plating and the weapons that were attached to the two that Yn had used in matches and practice. 

But as a few sobs escaped from the other side of the door, the I.S disappeared, and the Ghost, who lay in his bed, finally closed his eye. 

Yn, I wonder if you know what will happen at the end? Surely you must, but perhaps you're just avoiding it because...well...who am I kidding, you're completely avoiding it and trying to find a way around it...and that makes me happy. But you should enjoy this time while you can, or rather, I wish you could, but you can't, because...Because I...

- Throne

A/n: Midterms done, thank god! I really do apologize for not updating in a long time, I had planned to get this out much much sooner, but everything decided to pile in at once, and whenever I got free time I was too mentally tired to try and go at it, and even now I feel like this chapter could have been a lot better, but if I don't do anything now I know I won't get back into it, which is why I wanted to write this chapter. Also, hint and teases on the big secrets! Though I'm sure a lot of you have taken a guess on what those secrets are. Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Until next time. Bye!!!

המשך קריאה

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