Villainous Heroes (Bakugou x...

By juliaim5

82.9K 2.8K 930

Karin Komei's dream is to be the #1 pro hero and joining U.A High is step one to achieving her goal. Little d... More

Character Info 🖤🖤
Welcome to U.A High!
Battles: Heros vs Villains
Stand Up
Let the Festivities Begin
Karin Komei: Origin
Let's Do Our Best!
The Ultimate Team
Competitive Spirit
Uraraka's Determination
Bakugou vs Komei
Three Bitter Days
Hero Agencies
Back To Normal
Exam Time!
Breaking Point
Shop Till You Drop!
Haruka Air
Let's Get Wild
Pink Lemonade
He's Gone...
Operation: Rescue Katsuki Bakugou
All For One
Welcome To The Dorms
Karin and Katsuki
Together At Last
Do or Die: Survival Training
Licensing Exam
Express Yourself
The Big Three
Work Studies
Crimson Wings
Enter: Hawks
Long Distance
You And Your Golden Eyes
Strong, Fierce and Stunning
Rising Phoenix
Scaredy Cat
School Festival
I Am A Hero Too
First Date?
Sweet Sixteen
Happy Halloween!
Nomu Strikes
♡⭒ Artwork ⭒♡
Louder Than Bombs


1.1K 50 14
By juliaim5

"Alright, for the one hundred of you that passed the first test... please turn your attention to the screen-"

"It's the test arena..." Midoriya looked up

"I wonder what they'll make us do next-" Komei cocked her head to the right starting at the television as buildings suddenly began to blow up

"W-WHYYY?" The students began to spazz not understanding why they are creating destruction

"There's only one more round for the exam... this one is simple. This is a rescue exercise. Save the bystanders that are trapped in the disaster sight"

"Use this time to show us how to carry out rescue procedures. Treat this as though it was the real thing."

"This looks familiar..." Iida stepped forward

"Yeah, it's like Camino Ward-" Midoriya nodded as Komei stayed silent

"Yes... Our only goal then was to rescue Bakugou from the villains. We let the pros handle search and recovery and if you recall-- there were many casualties" Iida turned to face the duo

"Not this time-"



"You with the collar-" Todoroki turned

"Did I... offend you somehow?" The boy walked up to the Shiketsu student as the tall wind user scornfully glared, catching a lot of people's attention. That being Midoriya and Komei's as well.

"Oh no I'm sorry, did I hurt your feelings??"

"Well the thing is son of Endeavor, I just can't help but hate both of you..."

"You changed a little bit when our paths first crossed, but you definitely still have your father's eyes-" He disgustedly glared as a chill ran down Todoroki's spine


"Something wrong Yoarashi?"

"NOT A THING SIR!!" The tall Shiketsu student shouted walking over to his classmates leaving Todoroki frozen

"S-Shouto..." Komei walked over to the boy

That didn't seem like a very pleasant conversation...

"M-My father's eyes..." He inaudibly repeated but Komei was close enough to hear it

She watched the icy-hot boy... and he was completely out of it.

"Shoutoooo?" She questioned leaning over trying to appear in his sight of vision childishly 

He snapped out of it noticing her bubblegum pink hair and the boy's mood ultimately lifted. 

Before Todoroki had a chance to respond, they were interrupted by the instructor signalling it was time for this part of the exam to begin. 


"You're going on your own again?!?" Mina shouted in the midst of a sprint turning to the hot headed pyro going in the opposite direction

"As if he wouldn't, Mina-" Komei shot back quickly following his lead


"We just wanna~" Kaminari and Kirishima chimed simultaneously trailing behind Karin and Katsuki with smiles on their faces

Kirishima, Bakugou and Komei were a trio from the beginning so that was normal... and Kaminari?? He had his own reasons for wanting to tag along. (a.k.a wanting to find out more about Bakugou and Komei's relationship)

Mountain Zone

"Help! Someone-"

"My arm hurts really bad..."

"Look! It's the civilians we need to rescue!" Kirishima pointed as Komei climbed up to where he was standing 

"Bakugou, on top of the mountain looked down and scowled at the lost pair. 

It won't be long before he-


Kirishima and Komei's eyes widened at the blondes outburst

"K-Katsuki!!!" Karin spazzed

"Bakugou!!" Kirishima jumped in standing behind her

"Man, you really gotta work on your rescue style-" Kaminari spoke as a third head popped out behind Kirishima

"They could be really hurt Katsuki..." Karin narrowed her eyes towards the ground 

"We can't just leave them here!?!" Kirishima's expression dropped as Katsuki frowned looking the other way

"He's right, we are supposed to be low priority victims with only minor injuries..." The civilian woman began

"So you think... he figured it out?? That's why he told us to go off on our own?" The man questioned

"Your kidding me? They took it in a way that made it sound okay?!?" Kaminari stood in awe

"We'll get you two somewhere safe-" Kirishima jumped down followed by Kaminari. They slid down the hill leaving Karin and Katsuki a top.

"That one though was wildly inappropriate, minus points-" The man spoke and when he did... it awakened the beast that's always been awake inside Katsuki Bakugou.

"WHAT... THE HELL... DID YOU... SAY!?!?"

"Katsuki!!! Quit it!!!" Karin comically tried to pull him away until numerous amounts of explosions went off through the arena surprising the duo.

"What's going... on?" Komei unlatched herself from Bakugou's frame as they both stared at the smoke

"A villain has completed another large scale attack-"

"A villain?!?" Karin repeated eyes motioning to the big screen to get a better view

Gang Orca was shown with some of his men.

'Oh you gotta be kidding me...'

After getting the civilians and small children to safely the group of four began to fight off against Gang Orca's lackeys.

Though, they weren't just ordinary 'villains' they knew how to push each and every student.

Bakugou, Kirishima and Kaminari didn't have a problem fighting the men, but when it came to Komei... she froze.

Caught in her own head, flashes of Camino shot through her mind. The terrified feeling... Katsuki  being taken away from her, the flame villain... herself...

It's as if time stood still on her part. 

"What the-" Kaminari looked up feeling raindrops hit the top of his head

"It's like a tsunami!!" Kirishima spazzed as the clouds began to roar

Feeling the harsh water droplets hit against his cheek and hearing the thunder, It was as if an alarm went off in Katsuki's brain.

Standing, feeling the rain swish across his face... surrounded by villains... this had to be some sort of deja vu.

 Coming to realization, on instinct, he quickly turned around.

And there she was. Not moving a muscle. Electricity spiking out from her feet. 

"K-Komei!" Bakugou roughly shouted catching Kaminari and Kirishima's attention before he trudged back to her single figure

This time, their eyes widened realizing it was Komei's doing. They knew her situation concerning her quirk... but why was it spiralling... especially now?

Karin's mind was foggy. All she could do was feel the burning sensation in her wrists, ankles, stomach and shoulder. All the memories came flooding back. The training camp wasn't all that long ago and everyone was still dealing with their own grief. The girl's body was on fire. Scrunching her eyes tight, piercing blue eyes stared back at her. 

"Idiot-- Karin, LOOK AT ME!!"

She was afraid. All the girl could do was replay herself and Midoriya frantically running towards Katsuki, not able rescue him. The pinkette was losing it. She couldn't concentrate.

The anxiety, the frustration, the pain...

All of a sudden she felt a tightness grip on her arm.

'K-Katsuki?'  Seeing orange and green through her peripheral vision, it was obvious it was him. Her maroon orbs then shifted down to see his... sizzling hands?  Her eyes began to trail up his body, moving over to his torso... then to his face.

But it was his expression that got her. At this very moment Bakugou was literally getting electrocuted by her, but didn't move an inch trying to get through to the girl.

 "Argh!-" He twinged, grunting his teeth but never let go. His brows furrowed, burgundy eyes withering in pain.

She could feel the tension and strain of his body against hers... and it was all her doing.

She was hurting him, inflicting damage on the one person she cares about the most.

"H-HEY LOOK OUT!" Kirishima dove pushing the bystanders out of the way as they squealed in fright 

Her head whipped over to the red head.


Her body, she couldn't control it... it's happening again...

"KARIN!" Katsuki's shouted letting his voice rasp

"Look at me-" He grabbed the sides of her cheeks with one hand softly yet sternly


"JUST STAY B-BACK!!" She spazzed breaking out of his hold pushing him backwards

She didn't want to hurt anyone anymore, but it's all she ever did. What Uncle Daisuke said, Shouto... and now Katsuki. 

The boy clicked his tongue now in aggravation not giving up.

"I'M NOT GOING TO STAY BACK YOU IDIOT!!" He shouted walking back over to her carefully shielding himself from the strikes 

"K-Katsuki..." A tear shed down past her chin as her legs gave out

Bakugou took off in a sprint and caught her before she collapsed.  

She trembled in his arms as his eyes widened watching her. 

Damn, she was really shaken up. 

And with that, a loud buzzer went off.

"So um yeah. At this time, all the bystanders have been rescued from the disaster zone. The provisional licensing exam has officially been completed."

"After we tally the scores, we will reveal the results in the arena. Anyone injured should go to the infirmary. The rest of you can change clothes and wait wherever you like."

'It's over???' Komei thought blinking in realization 

"DAMN IT!!'" She picked up her fist and smacked it into a nearby bolder creating a giant hole

Her lips quivering, eyes wavering... Katsuki watched her defeated expression.

His hair lightly shagged over his eyes and picked her up in one scoop, bridal style. 

Through, it's not like the girl could complain. She couldn't even feel her body in the first place. 

Kirishima and Kaminari watched in worry as Bakugou walked with the pinkette in his arms towards the resting area. 

There's no way she could've passed the exam after that. What kind of hero would freeze up, injure their comrades and put the lives of the citizens at risk?

No hero she knew. 

After all that training... she still couldn't control it.

"Okay. Everyone, thanks for your hard work on today's exam. The names of those who passed are listed here in alphabetical order. Now here you go, search away" The prompter rose his arm to the screen as all the students began to search their names in panic 

Too afraid to look at the board, Komei kept her eyes glued on the ground. 

"I did it!"


"Another small step towards being a pro~"

"I passed, I passed!!"

"Killed it!!"

Hearing all the cheering from her classmates it made the anxiety in her chest whirl.

She peaked her head up... and nowhere did it say Karin Komei... 

Dropping her head again, tears threatened to spill out.


Karin was gloom, Todoroki stood in silence and Bakugou was ready to commit murder on Kaminari.

"Looks like our class hierarchy is collapsing..." Mineta sent out a jab before Iida picked him up, hushing him. 

"I can't believe this..." Midoriya gasped




'They actually failed?'


11:00 p.m | U.A dormitory grounds

Komei went for a late night stroll. Today was a long day. Mentally, physically and emotionally. Another step closer to becoming a pro hero... and she blew it. Not able to sleep (as usual) she went out for a walk maybe to calm herself down. 

Although, it didn't work that well. It just made her feel more and more worse.

Dragging her feet, Komei kept walking forward until she saw a single silhouette down the sidewalk.

"Mr. Aizawa..." She looked down avoiding eye contact.

'Shit I'm in trouble now...'

"You shouldn't be out wandering. It's late-" He spoke with a hint of annoyance holding a stack of papers in his hand

She clenched her fists, furrowing her eyebrows. A thought has been swirling around in her mind since the exam this afternoon... This is not what she wanted... but maybe... it was for the best.

 "I don't think I should be a-"

"NO-" He cut her off slightly shouting which made the girl jump in surprise

"I'm not even going to let you finish that sentence." His tone deepened

"I will not let a student of mine fall into the darkness."

"Mr. Aiza-"

"I don't want to hear it Komei-" He narrowed his eyes

"I personally, will get you to the point where you can control your quirk. You got that kid?"

The girl didn't say a word.

"Komei-" He repeated watching her broken down expression

"I just..."

"Don't want to hurt anyone anymore..." Ashamed, she dropped her head even lower

"Karin, I as your teacher, have my word." He let out a monotonously smirk putting a reassuring hand on the girl's shoulder

"...y-yes s-sir..." She mumbled biting her lip in frustration before feeling the right hand placed on her shoulder.

Her eyes widened as she looked up to see her homeroom teacher.

The poor man was exhausted. Hair up in a low bun, eyes dry with bags underneath... but with all that said, she's just never really seen the man genuinely smile.

A wave of relief washed over her. The pinkette knew at this point she could put her whole trust in the Erasure Hero.

"M-Mr. A-Aizawa..." She sniffled as tears began to well up in her maroon orbs once again

Embarrassed, she slapped her hands over her eyes rubbing them playing it off as she got 'dirt' in her eyes.

"Eraser Head, your students are loitering around Ground Beta. It is your responsibility to round them up." A drone came flying towards the pro and student

"Are you kidding me???" Aizawa growled

"Komei, head back to your dorm and go get some sleep. I have to go handle this-" The Erasure Hero sighed pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance

"y-yes sir..." She stuttered eyes wandering in curiosity after hearing the giant boom.

'Who else in their class could make an explosion the size of that?' She questioned before her eyes widened coming to realization 

"KOMEI NOW-" Aizawa's growled sending shivers down the girls spine 

Obviously he knew it was Bakugou and Midoriya, but having Komei in the mix right now... it would just stress him out even more.

"Okay!!" She jumped running over to their dorm building 

Mr. Aizawa's word's did make the girl feel a lot better. She never had a teacher, nor person for that matter that wanted her to succeed pertaining to heroism.

She went to her dorm room, changed into some comfy pajamas which consisted of a soft pair of pj pants and a tank top. 

Laying down on her bed, she tried to relax by putting on some of her favourite shows (a.k.a anime) on, but her mind was just elsewhere.

'Come on Hinata, spike the ball you can do it!!' She watched the little orange haired main character jump to the net only to let the other team block him completely

She sighed, rolling her eyes, flipping on her back now staring at the ceiling.

'Shouto and Katsuki failed too...'  Her stomach began to churn thinking about the two as she closed her eyes. 

She couldn't believe it. 

They all failed.


2 hours later, Komei jolted awake hearing the loud volume on her computer.

"Jeez-" She pressed the spacebar to stop the video and groggily sat up eyes scanning her room to find the clock

1:30 a.m

What made her get up and walk to the door? She didn't know, instinct?

Maybe she was curious about what happened earlier? To check and see if everything was alright? The pinkette didn't know, but she definitely didn't expect to see the spiky ash blonde at her doorstep.

"Katsuki?" She rubbed her eyes trying to wake herself up from this so called dream. 

Getting a better look at the boy, she eyed him head to toe.

Burns and bruises we're all over his body. 

'So it was him fighting...'

Not able to catch his gaze due to his hair shadowing over, He took a few steps closer and literally dropped into her arms. 

"K-Katsuki!!" Komei squealed in surprise catching him as the weight made her fall to her knees

She could feel his body tremble which froze her to the core. 

He let out a whimper, arms squeezing tight around her waist as he sobbed into the girl's chest making Komei's heart figuratively shatter.

"K-Katsu-" Her eyes softened as her lip began to quiver.

Seeing him like this...started to make herself waver.

They both had an awful day. All she could do was sit and stare at the blonde. Witnessing Katsuki Bakugou on his knees before her, shaking with the force of his own mental breakdown.

Now that's a sight to see, reddened face streaked with tears, shaking. It was agonizing to watch, the typical strong, tough-as-nails, Katsuki Bakugou like this.

"Hey, it's o-okay--" She soothed him, wrapping her hands around his blonde locks pulling him in closer. 

"I'm here..." She hugged the boy, letting her chin sit on top of his head closing her eyes

They stayed in that position for the next five minutes until Komei started to shuffle. Her legs were going numb. 

"Come on Katsuki-" She whispered in his ear, slowly grabbing his hands from around her waist.

His hair was still shadowing his eyes as he followed her lead not making a sound. 

She stood up helping him to his feet and closed the door behind them. 

Taking a deep breath, she exhaled before turning back to the ash blonde who stood where she left him. 

The pinkette was nervous watching the boy. She's NEVER seen him like this. 

So vulnerable... so broken. 

Taking the more responsible role, Komei mustered up her confidence and walked over to her bed flipping a part of her comforter over. 

Turning back to Katsuki, he stood unfazed. 

Walking over to him, she softly grabbed his hands intertwining them with hers and led him over to the bed. 

She got him to lay down and once his head hit the pillow, she walked over to the other side and got under the covers. 

Flipping to her left side facing the boy, he was already asleep. 

'Well, that was fast.'

Though, she watched his now peaceful expression. He was now so calm, lax--

'Wow-' Komei gasped seeing him jump to 100 to 1 so fast... 

Wanting to be near him, she scooted closer to the blonde... or at least trying to, without waking him. 

She smiled to herself before closing her eyes drifting off to dream land.


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