The Sanctuary✔️

By vixen_magic

6K 154 11

"You have no idea how much I would love to tie you up Ms. Nicholes. Make you squirm and flourish underneath m... More



153 6 0
By vixen_magic

The three hour drive down to where the crew was, was interesting enough for Ashley. She really didn't think that she would need to go to the bar or do anything tonight because of the two older women up in the front of the car either yelling the words to the songs on the radio or yelling at each other.

Both made Ashley laugh silently in her head and with the few small yet very drunk calls from the boys at the bar, it was a fun ride.

When the three had gotten to the address Billy had sent, the older ladies chased themselves into the bar, one after a very pregnant lady and the other after the screams of 'drinks on me' from the inside.

Ashley was left by the car in a blink of an eye. Smiling as she headed towards the bar, which was conveniently a few buildings away from the seemingly nice hotel, she took note of the little breakfast and lunch places around the bar as well, knowing full well that most of them would need it in the morning.

Getting into the bar itself was easy, walking over to the table of drunks and non drunks was hard to do without the laughter coming out of Ashley's mouth.

Watching Jack and Danny, yet again, go after each other while drinking was enough to make Ashley wanna cry. Oddly enough, Danny was seated on Jack's lap with a pout as he did three shots before grinding down and around on Jack, whose face was redder than Ashley's car.

While Tommy already had a beer in her hands, Billy was seated next to her while he sipped at something in a glass and his wife was on the other side of him with what Ashley had hoped was a juice and not alcohol.

And of course, as Diana said she would, was right next to her at the big table they had. Ashley could already tell she was asking a million questions after another with the movement of her mouth.

As Ashley neared them, she saw Marco sitting next to Jack as Danny continued to embarrass him, drinking down his own drink. It only looked like two of the boys were drunk already, and the other two were just fine while babysitting them.

"IT'S ASH!" Smiling and waving like the dork he was to her, Ashley waved back when she sat next to Marco, who swung a lazy arm around her in a half side hug as he drank a bit more of whatever was in his glass.

"Yay!" Jack smiles at her with still very rosy cheeks before turning his attention to Danny who leaves his lap to give Ashley a tight hug from behind.

"Hi Danny." Patting his hand, Ashley turns somewhat to see his face though it was hard, she can tell he is smiling like a baby.

"Hiiiiiii Ash." Whispering into her shoulder, Danny stays quiet like a kid would when they are guilty of doing something bad or wrong.

"Why are we whispering."

"Caaaause I don't wanna give youuuuu a headache."

"Well thank you." patting him again as he slugs Marco's arm off of Ashley so he can hug her better without him in the way.

But before the sweet moment stays, Danny jumps back and screams.

"SIKE! WHAT DO YOU NEED SISTER FROM ANOTHER MISTER? Never mind, Imma surprise you silly!" Running off to the bar alone, Ashley looks at Billy with a tight smile after being startled by Danny.

"Should I be worried?." Ashley states, watching warily as Danny flaps his arm around to get the bartender's attention

"You'll be fine. He's too drunk to order something strong."

"Oh. Okay." It didn't help Ashley's mind so much to the fact that Danny was more drunk than anything, or anyone here in the bar. "So, you must be Jasmin?" Looking at the woman next to Billy, Ashley smiles brighter at her as she waves shly.

"That's me, though I've been in hiding for months now I am surprised you know me." She says with a laugh.

"Billy talks."

"I see, good things I hope."

"Of course, I don't think it's possible for this guy to say a single bad thing about you." Looking over at Billy who smiles and shakes his head, everyone else at the table laughed and watched him. "I'm Ashley, by the way."

"Oh. Oh! OH! Your Ashley! Oh my god!" Getting up and running over to her even though she is heavily pregnant, Ashley is greeted by yet another tight--very tight--hug. "Oh my god! I now am so happy to meet you!"

"Oh, thanks?" Ashley says , getting awkward again.

"Billy talks about you too!" Smiling at Billy as he laughs and gets up to pull his wife off of Ashley as they beam shear happiness to each other. "You are so sweet! I need to get your number! We need to hang out! Oh my god! I am so happy, Billy talks about you all the time, he says you make Danny wet his pants sometimes when you're angry at him. I laughed so hard that the other day we thought I went into labor!"

"ASH! HERE!" Setting a drink down in front of her, Ashley looks at the clear liquid before smiling and thanking Danny who goes and sits on Jack's lap, smiling at him and Jack bicker about something quietly.

"So, how was everyone's day?" Diana, calmly looks at everyone around the table, her smile slowly fading as most of them look down at their drinks or at Ashley.

"I-It was good. I guess." Jack mumbles. Everyone was quiet around each other, like they were all walking on eggshells because of the previous events of not only today but this entire week or so. No one had a problem with going in against John, it was if Ashley was okay talking about it.

They all wanted her to be comfortable.

"Yeah, it was good. I...I kinda enjoyed it." Ashley spoke up, talking to Diana as everyone smiled at her. They boys were all proud of her, for whatever reason they had, they were proud of Ashley.

"Good. I am glad....Now Daniel Jackson. We need to have a long conversation." People around them in the bar laughed at Danny's face, which paled and he clung onto Jack for dear life.

"A-about what? I'm behaving, I swear! Right, Jack, back me up!"

"No Diana, he has been a very bad boy." Winking at Danny as he spoke, Danny gasped and hit his shoulder as a response. Diana took Danny's hand and smiled.

"I'm sure he has been. I'm just messing with you son, gosh it is so easy." Diana laughed, patting his hand while Danny looks at her with a mix of shock and offense on his face.

"Don't do that woman! You can be as scary as your wife!" Turning and hiding to Jack's shoulder, Danny mumbles like a child as Jack hugs him and laughs.

"He's drunk, don't mind him Diana. Pay attention to me, your wife! Or I will just have to switch over to Ashley for the night." Tommy whined.

"Don't you dare touch my best friend! She is mine!"

"Oh hush child, if I wanted her, I could have her easily!"

"Oh no you don't! Ashley! Come with me and dance!" Running over to her, Danny grabs her and her drink and drags her off to where, surprisingly, a lot of people were. It wasn't a small bar, but it wasn't a club, something in between. Shaking her head, Ashley just went with it.

I deserve a good time. Chugging her drink quickly, she just let go.


An hour, a few drinks, and plenty of weirdness later, everyone was letting loose and having fun. Summer had showed up at some point, in which Ashley couldn't say because one moment she wasn't here and the next she was.

Billy had eventually brought everyone back to the table as well, where people were just talking and drinking. The group was just letting go from this past week again.

Though no one would admit it, people were stressed for Ashley's sake, even in the short time they've known the girl, everyone had grown fond of her and wanted the best.

"I mean, how long does it take to actually bake a good muffin. Is time equal to quality?"

"You, are fucking weird." Summer mumbled to Marco as she sipped a drink, looking at him with a signature 'what the fuck' look.

"I know, wait....stop insulting me!"

"You know-...are you going to answer that?" Summer glared over to Ashley, who looked surprised at the sound of ringing in her back pocket. Shaking her head for a moment, Ashley went for her phone and got confused that there was no caller ID on it.

"I'll just be a second." Somewhat running out of the bar, Ashley pressed the green answer button and brought the small phone to her head as she answered, walking past people to get outside.


"Ashley, It's Gabriel."

Her heart felt like it spiked, "O-Oh, hey."

"I'm sorry to bug you right now, but do you know where Billy is? Or Summer? I figured you'd know, they aren't picking up their phones."

"Yeah, they are both with me-" Interrupted by a hiccup, Ashley groans before she speaks to Gabriel over the phone again. "Sorry, they are with me. We're all at a bar actually..."

"Alright. Tell them both to call me tomorrow morning, will you?" He asks.

"Y-Yeah. Can I ask why?"

"No." Gabriel's answer was nothing out of the norm, but because of the liquor in her system, Ashley dared to play games.

"No I can't ask? Or no you won't tell me if I ask?"

"No to both. Are you drinking too?"

" can tell?" Ashley questioned, digging the toe of her shoe into the ground.


"Oh. that's cool? I don't even know, I've had a few. You should come up and join us."

"I've already told you-"

"Okay, yeah. But you never know! Do something new, you might have fun. And if you don't...well you can just put up with our dumb asses." She says, not exactly knowing why she was so hell bent on having Gabriel here but set on making him change his mind.

"Is this you really trying?" He asked, a hint of amusement in his voice though Ashley didn't notice it.

"Kinda. Think about it, it's only nine, we'll be here for a while if you change your mind grumpy pants." Hanging up on him, Ahslye smiled triumphantly as she headed back into the bar, she would never have done that or said any of that to Gabriel if she didn't have a bit of liquid courage in her body.

"Who was that?" Jack asked once Ashley made it back over to the table

"Gabriel. He wanted to talk to Billy and Summer." She tells him before sitting down.

"Oh...why does he have your number?" Jack looked at Ashley confused for a moment, of course he was red in the face a bit and swatting at Billy and Danny both, but nevertheless he looked confused.

"He has all of our numbers dummy, we work for him." Summer spoke up as she grabbed Tommy's last drink and swallowed it down with ease.

"Oh yeah."

"I told him to come up too?" Ashley smiles at her clear drink as she swirled it around in the glass, looking up when Danny, Marco, Jack, and surprisingly Summer had all started to speak to her at once.

"Really? What did he say?" Summer looked at Ashley, surprised as her nails clicked against the wooden table.

"I don't know, I hung up on him." Ashley.

"YOU WHAT?" Jack yelled.

"You hung up on Gabriel?" Marco asked, a horrified expression on his face.

"Are you crazy?" Jack questioned, "Ash-Ashley, friend. Why would you do that?!"

"Oh my god." Danny said rubbing his temples because of how loud everyone was being but also at the fact of what his best friend had done. "I've raised you all wrong, I failed as your parent."

"Our boss, the man who could easily fire you as easy as he hired you...that's the man you hung up on?" Marco asked, still horrified.

"What? He can be a big boy, what's the big deal?" Ashley asks, confused as to why her friends were making such a big deal out of this.

I don't understand what the problem is, he's not gonna fire me for that is he?

"You...are something else." Billy, wrapping an arm around his wife, nodded at Ashley as she smiled and shrugged.

She didn't know Gabriel like they all did. It had only been maybe three or four weeks since she met him, since she started to work for him. She didn't really see why they were reacting this way about it; probably because he had been so nice to her this past week.

"Truly amazing."

"More drinks, for Ashley being the first to hang up on Gabriel." Summer, now back to being hot headed and sassy, stood. Her chair skidded back a bit as she did so, swaying her hips naturally as she walked to the bar, catching glances of men and women alike as she did so.

"Is she okay?"

"Probably mad that you talked to Gabriel today."

"Why would she be mad?" Everyone gave her a dumbfounded look, but then reality hit them as they remembered how innocent Ashley could be.

"Uh...she's fucked him."

"Yeah, it's an on again off again type of thing. Now she's just pissed at anyone who catches Gabriel's eye now that he doesn't want her anymore." Marco says flatly, flicking the glass of his drink.

"But...I didn't even do anything?"Ashley frowned at this.

"Yeah, but the fact that he called you, kinda puts it in her head that he sees you more than her. Summer is just someone who needs the attention from people, in this case it's Gabriel right now." Jack tells her.


"Yeah, don't worry about her being a pain or anything. She's fine-" Marco was cut off from Summer returning, slamming drinks down on the table with a huff.

"What are you guys blabbering about now?" She asked, or more so demanded with narrowed eyes.

"You." Danny, blankly stated to her as she became blurry in his eyes. He used Jack as a support and laid his head back on Jack's shoulder.


"What? Like she doesn't already know!"

"It's rude to say that." Diana swatted him across the head.

"It's also rude to talk about someone behind their backs. So, what topic am I a part of this time?"

"Why you're always bitchy to Ashley." Danny again, smiled at Summer not even giving a care in the world if she were to freak out and flip the table.



"I'm a bitch to everyone, don't think you're special Ashley." Surprising Danny and Ashley, Summer just smiled fakely and sat down, shrugging it off.

"I don't-"

"Good. Now let's drink." As most people at the table grabbed a small glass off of a tray Summer had gotten, everyone smiled as everyone washed it down quickly before moving onto another conversation.

No one really paid attention to the people around them as they drank. Meaning they didn't see the group of guys walk in, all dressed in black as they headed to the bar.

They watched the group at the table drink till they were done, the only few not totally done were Diana, Tommy, Jasmin and Billy. The rest of them were long gone by the time the night was over.

And while drinking games were continued, no one there expected to see the one person who never shows up to these things.

As Gabriel walked in the bar, he was repulsed at the old time smell, not used to the smell because when he did go out, it was to high end clubs that he partially owned.

Attempting to ignore the smells and everyone else here, his eyes caught onto Ashley, who threw her head back with a shot. Her short hair fell down her back as she did so, her pinky was out as Marco that she did it.

It almost made Gabriel smile for some reason. He saw her, and soon enough she has seen him. Smiling brightly though she was hammered at this point, Ashley got up and marched over to him with a smile on her face.

"You came!"

"It appears so."

"I'm glad! You need to drink!"

"Why's that?"

"Cause you kinda got a stick up your butt. Sorry, but some days you do."

"You really know how to push your luck, don't you?" Crossing his arms at her, he glared as she smiled brighter with pink cheeks.

"One hundred percent! Come in!" Grabbing his arm and pulling him away from the door and over to the table where jack spit out his drink and Marco choked.

"Guys! He came!"

"We see that. Hey Gabriel."

"What bring you here"

"because no one wants to pick up their phones, and Ashley decided to hang up on me, I decided to make sure you ass holes are fine."

"And we are!" Marco yells with a smile and drink in hand.

"And you are here! Which means you need to drink too."

"I'm good Ashley."

"Are you pregnant?" Ashley attempted the mean look Gabriel used on people, crossing her arms at him with a very fake frown.

"Excuse me?"

"Are. You. Pregnant?"

"No Ashely, I am not fucking pregnant."

"And you aren't old, and unless you're under a sobriety oath, you are drinking." Sitting down next to Summer who hands Ashely a drink, Ashley hands that to Gabriel who rolls his eyes and drinks it to make Ashley shut up before he sits down next to her.

Instantly getting pulled into drinking games and conversations with the drunk people around him, Gabriel relaxes as he pays attention to Ashley.


At some point the three sober women had gotten everyone out and over to the hotel and into rooms, everyone too covered in booze to notice the small group of guys following, far behind them.

"Yeah, she's with them....dude, she's drunk as fuck. Yes, she's just in a hotel room now with a friend? Probably going to fuck him. Yeah man, I'll stay and watch her, the rest are going to get the money for you." When the phone was hung up by who seemed to be the leader of the group, he only nodded to the rest of the guys and they left without a word.

Getting a hotel room himself, right across the hall from Ashley's, he made his way to do his job and watch her carefully.

Very. Carefully.


Alright, As I promised, Smutt, is very very very ready for it most chapters now...

Anyways, how'd you like it?


Love ya!

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