The Rainlands: Grand Delusion

By MtAlternity

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Levi is a boy born without the special powers that other children have. He can't remember his past life like... More

Chapter 1: Stranger Before the Festival
Chapter 2: Monster In The River
Chapter 3: Anton
Chapter 4: The Rainlands
Chapter 5: Lantern Lighting
Chapter 6: The Far Shore
Chapter 7: What Have I done?
Chapter 8: Fox Girl
Chapter 9: The River Guardian
Chapter 10: Lost
Chapter 11: Disbelief
Chapter 12: Old Scars
Chapter 13: Silver Fox
Chapter 14: Choices
Chapter 15: A Plan
Chapter 16: The Nightmare
Chapter 17: The Rain
Chapter 18: Something In The Rain
Chapter 19: Direwolves
Chapter 20: Training
Chapter 21: Attack
Chapter 22: I Need to Sleep
Chapter 23: Waking from Death
Chapter 24: Foreigners
Chapter 25: How did you?
Chapter 26: Lightning
Chapter 27: Yea You Saved Me
Chapter 28: Men
Chapter 29: Howls
Chapter 30: You Were All Confident
Chapter 31: Just Shut Up Dummy
Chapter 32: Now We're Burying Bodies
Chapter 33: Is This Really Happening?
Chapter 34: Sick
Chapter 35: Rush
Chapter 36: Mistake
Chapter 37: Something Wrong
Chapter 38: Dreams And Nightmares
Chapter 39: What Are You Doing?
Chapter 40: Time to Part
Chapter 41: Peirce
Chapter 42: Empty
Chapter 43: Why Didn't You Take Me With You?
Chapter 44: You're Safe Here
Chapter 45: Castle Hei
Chapter 46: Unit 992
Chapter 47: The Temptress of the North
Chapter 48: Schemes
Chapter 49: The Note
Chapter 50: Hyeorang
Chapter 51: Soju
Chapter 52: Outburst
Chapter 54: Sneak
Chapter 55: You've Changed
Chapter 56: She's Not Who You Think She Is
Chapter 57: Endless Pursuit
Chapter 58: Rain Turns To Snow
Chapter 59: Save Me
Chapter 60: Can't You Show Me Something New?
Chapter 61: Why?
Chapter 62: I know Who You Are And That's Enough

Chapter 53: Watched

10 2 0
By MtAlternity

Days passed, turning into weeks. To his surprise, he was allowed to see Jasmine, but never alone anymore. The guard at her window was always there, watching, and Levi was sure, reporting back to his sister. The first time he spoke to Jasmine after that night, he wasn't sure how much to say. However, at the very least, he felt he owed her an explanation on what had happened to Hyeorang. When Jasmine heard, she was furious but not for the reason Levi thought she would be.

"Look, I don't care about what happened to my sister." She lowered her voice to a hair whisper, glancing furtively at the guard just outside. "Please Levi, just help me get out of here!"

"What? How?" Levi hissed back. Already, the guard outside was shifting, getting suspicious. "I can't do that."

"Yes, you can. They're watching me too closely. Without a weapon I can't get out. But please, you have to have to find a way to get me out of here. I know she's your sister, but she's trying to compete for the throne. I can't do it Levi, get me out of here!" She said frantically, pleading with her eyes. Levi thought hard. Could I do it? Could I get Jasmine out?

"I just found my sister, Jasmine. Can't we stay for a while? Maybe she'll change her mind. She might be keeping you here, but I really don't think she'll hurt us, she's family." Levi tried to convince her, but Jasmine shook her head furiously, terror and anger twisting her face.

"Levi, you don't understand! My father, guess how many siblings he used to have?" Jasmine asked. After a moment of silence, she answered her own question, "Five, Levi. He had five. Guess how many are alive today? Zero. If people find out where I am, I'm a dead girl, Levi. I want to protect the people and warn them about the Deathless City, but I won't throw my life away for them. The crown is a death trap. Help me!" Her voice rose and the guard outside threw a look over his shoulder at them before going back to staring out at the forest.

"I...I don't know. What would we even do if we left? Someone has to warn the Capital about the Deathless City. At least if we're here I can try to convince my sister." Levi said, shaking his head. Jasmine's expression changed, filling with hurt and betrayal. Damnit, I can't betray my sister, but I can't just leave Jasmine like this.

"Fine! FINE! Keep listening to your sister! If that's what you want, sentence me to die! I was wrong! You haven't changed one bit since that night on the beach, still afraid to act to save anyone but yourself! Get out and don't come back!" Jasmine shrieked, her hands shoving Levi off the bed. He startled, and for a second, he felt like he was staring at a completely different person. Did Jasmine always have red hair? No wait, that was just the girl from my dream. The guard at the window immediately turned back at the commotion, and the doors sprang open. Ryu and Will, Levi's guards appeared and checked on them. Unable to take anymore, Levi left. Looking back as he walked out, Jasmine was normal again, tears dripping down under her mask. When he reached his room, he flopped down on his bed, terribly upset. Beside the curtains, Levi's head dropped into his hands, and he groaned. He kept hearing her words over and over again. Have I really not changed? Am I just being selfish? Is this really for the best?

"What do I do?" He asked the night. Outside, only the wind howled in response. I've pissed off the only person I really know in this place. Even Eleana is different. I don't know her anymore. I didn't think it would be like this! I didn't ask for any of this! I'm not a hero. Why is everyone asking me to be one?

He pondered what to do long and hard over the coming days. Time passed slowly, and he didn't really keep track of it, there was little to do to break it up. Afraid of what she'd say, he didn't visit Jasmine again, and no one ever told him she wanted to see him so he assumed she was still mad at him. Eleana stopped by every once in a while, usually with a drink. However, her visits were brief, she always seemed to be called away by something or another. night...while Levi was lost in thought, everything changed. He was with Eleana. It was one of those rare occasions where she wasn't drinking. However, she seemed on edge, tense even though it was just her and Levi tonight. He had been struggling to get her attention, even though she had been the one to invite him to her study.

"Do you remember how Dan wanted to take me out when I turned ten?" Levi asked. He wasn't really sure why he suddenly felt the need to talk about this, but he brushed aside his doubts. "He wanted to take me out on the Yura in a Dragonboat, but Dan wouldn't let him." Eleana glanced out the window, and Levi caught the words.

"Shatterstorm's coming." Before she turned back and answered him. "Oh, yea I remember that. How could I not?" She smirked, reaching absentmindedly for the liquor cabinet before withdrawing her hand. "I was furious at Dan for weeks." Levi stared at her. Off in the distance there was a flash of light, a white bolt of lightning shot across the sky and the room lit up. Eleana's face seemed at first alien, so different in its glow. But as the bolt spent itself and the room was plunged back into darkness, he recognized her once more, the sharp features, the family resemblance. Even still, the bright image of her face in the light was seared into his mind. He looked at her funny, tilting his head. From this angle, she was different again, not who he remembered, a wholly new person. Jasmine's wrong. I really have changed. And so has Eleana...but maybe not as much as I thought. Maybe I just never knew her as well as I thought I did.

"Sis? Did you make Elder Shisshion stop Dan from taking me out?" Levi asked calmly. It was just a suspicion, an innocent suspicion, and Eleana's face twitched slightly, looking guilty. She raised a hand.

"I always thought you knew-" At that moment, the door erupted into bangs and shouts came. Eleana's personal guard, Trevor was yelling at the top of his lungs.

"Milady! Riders coming from the South!" A second later, Tao's voice came as well, and the study door opened.

"It's the Capital, just as we predicted. They've sent men...many men!" He burst inside before seeing Levi. Eleana turned from Levi to Tao.

"They must have found out we have the princess. It's earlier than I thought. That man, Peirce, the one Levi came with, he must be involved somehow, it's the only way they could have known this quickly. Damnit, get the troops ready. A lot of blood may be spilt tonight." She got up, grabbing Levi's hand as well. He looked out the window. Somewhere in the darkness, he could see lights. Torches in the night. It's Peirce. He's come for Jasmine!

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