I Can't Lose You | Walking De...

By phoenix1450

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After Violet lost Minnie, she thought there was nothing left to live for. She wasn't living for anything anym... More

Chapter 1: Ericson's School for Troubled Youth
Chapter 2: Trust and Loss
Chapter 3: You're Easy to Talk to
Chapter 4: Lies and Betrayal
Chapter 5: Where Loyalty Lies
Chapter 6: I Need You
Chapter 7: Because You're Here
Chapter 8: It's Not Like That!
Chapter 9: Promise Me
Chapter 10: You'll Have To Kill Me First
Chapter 11: Jealousy
Chapter 12: The Replacement
Chapter 14: It's Your Choice
Chapter 15: We Need You Clem
Chapter 16: You're Not Ready
Chapter 17: A Fighter

Chapter 13: I Can't Forget You

1K 11 4
By phoenix1450

Violet's POV
I asked Clem to meet me up by the bell tower, I wanted to reassure her that I wanted to be with her and only her. I sat in our usual spot, where we would stargaze, crack jokes together, or just talk and enjoy each other's company. I don't like to admit shit like this often, but I was actually kind of happy that Clem chose coming up here with me over going with Louis. I really hope Louis is okay, as annoying as he is, he really is my best friend. He was one of the few at this stupid school that didn't just label me as a temperamental bitch. He actually really wanted to get to know me and liked who I was as a person, he never asked me to change for anything or anyone. He really has always supported me, and now I just want to return the favor and go save him. "Hey beautiful, you wanted to speak with me alone?" Clem asks with a smile, drawing out the word 'alone' in a teasing tone. "Yes, indeed I do." I say mocking her tone as she sits down next to me. "I just thought you'd like to know that I had a chat with Minerva. Made it very clear I love you and only you." I say looking over at her with a smile. Clem gives me a bright smile before tackling me in a hug, resting her head on my shoulder. "Thank you. If I'm being honest, she was kind of being a bitch to me. She was so insistent that you loved her and that I was just her replacement." Clem says softly as she sits next to me again, still resting her head on my shoulder. "Yeah, that sounds like her." I say wrapping my arm around her and pulling her close. I sigh at the thought of it, I knew Minnie was like that and I ignored it all just because I missed her for reasons that aren't even true anymore.

"I really am sorry Clem. I have known Minnie for years, I do know her better than anyone. And I know she can be very selfish and violent. But I completely ignored it just because I was mourning her for so long, when in reality I needed to just finally let her go." Clem looks up at me with a smile. "It's okay, I know you were just happy to have her back. I just wish she came back for the right reasons." She says, resting her head back down. "What do you mean?" I ask confused, Clem seems shocked for a second before she sits up. "Shit! I never told you. She fucking threatened me in the office." Clem says looking down at the courtyard. "What?!" I ask pissed off, I could feel my blood boiling. I couldn't tell if it was from Minnie lying to me or Minnie treating Clem like that. "It didn't really scare me, not like she could do much being here and not out there." Clem says crossing her arms, but it didn't make me feel better. "And if she does run back to her raider friends, that's just one more person we'll have to show we're not fucking around." She adds with a confident smirk. "Clem? There's something I've been really wanting to ask about that." I say softly, not looking over towards her. "What's up?" She asks, looking at me with a bright smile. "Back at the raid, Louis and I both needed you. But you saved me, why?" I ask, looking over towards her. Clem was looking at me with a sad and guilty look, making me regret my question. "It all happened so fast but- when I saw you getting taken away, something in me just snapped. I was so afraid I was going to lose you, I just fired without thinking. I wanted to save you both I really did, but I couldn't let them take you." She says softly.

It felt like butterflies in my stomach, no one has ever really cared about me as much as Clem does. "Well, while we're talking about things that are bothering us. I got something I want to get off my chest." Clem says quietly, hugging her knees and looking out towards the forest. I nod and move closer next to her, following her gaze out to the trees.

Clementine's POV
I couldn't stop feeling guilty after that nightmare, thinking back to all the death that I caused. All the blood that was on my hands, it scared me to think I was just like Lilly. "Remember that girl Lilly that we talked about?" I ask, turning towards Violet. "You mean the child-snatching bitch from your old group that killed that woman? I think I recall." She teases trying to lighten the mood. I nod and smile softly, looking back out towards the trees. "Well, during the raid she said something to me that's been bothering me. I've been in a lot of groups, met a lot of people I loved very much. Luke, Kenny and his family, AJ's parents Rebecca and Alvin, Lee. Every time it felt like I had a family, and every time it ended in heartache and death. Lee taught me to be a protector, but whenever I look back-" My words seem to get stuck in my throat as I choke back a sob, feeling my voice break as I struggle to talk through the tears.

"Whenever I look back it always seems like it was my fault. I left Kenny to get eaten by walkers, I couldn't save Luke from drowning, I couldn't save AJ's dad from getting killed by some asshole, I fucking shot Lee with his own fucking gun." I say through sobs, Violet looking over at me with a very concerned look. "Lilly and Minerva keep saying how much blood I have on my hands, and how I'm gonna get you all killed, how I'm exactly like them. And I'm so scared they're gonna be fucking right." I say breaking down entirely as the sobs drown out my words. I hug my legs tighter to my chest as I cry. "Clem..." Violet says softly, pulling me gently into her lap. I move my legs around her waist, looking down as the tears fall. Violet gently lifts my face to look at her, wiping my tears away with her thumbs. "None of that is your fault, you got that? You always say how you wish AJ could just be a normal kid and not have to act like an adult. But you're just a kid to Clem! You've been through so much and had so many adults rely on you as a young child, and that's not healthy for your mental state. You're nothing like those assholes. I mean yeah we can't save everyone and it sucks, but at least you fucking tried! That's more than Lilly, Minerva, Marlon, or a lot of other fucking people can say. You're a fighter Clem, you don't give up you keep trying, and I love that about you." Violet says softly, I bring my hand up on top of hers still resting on my cheek. "I love you too." I whisper, my voice sounding so fragile from all the crying. "And now, we're gonna go save our friends. All of them." I look at Violet with a smile. "Yeah, all of them." I repeat back with a soft smile.

Clementine's POV
I start packing my bag with weapons and bandages just in case things go south. Violet leans against the dresser, watching me with a soft smile as if lost in thought. "Hey Clem? There's something I always wanted to try with someone I cared about. And I never have." She says softly, standing up from the dresser. "What is it?" I ask, tossing the bag onto the bed and walking over to her. "Have you um- have you ever dance with anyone before?" She asks shyly, rubbing the back of her neck. I love whenever she got so awkward and cute around me. "Nope." I say smiling softly, assuming where she was going with this. "Do you . . . wanna?" She asks, holding her hand out for me to take. I smile and take her hand, gently pulling her to me. Violet moves her hands to my shoulders as I bring mine to her waist. We swayed slowly back and forth as I stared into her beautiful sea green eyes full of love and passion. Violet moves her arms around my torso, I pull her closer closing the gap between us. She lays her head on my shoulder, the feeling of her soft blonde hair against my cheek. I rest my chin on her shoulder and sigh in content as I hold Violet close. In that moment nothing else mattered, not the raiders, not the walkers, not that we were possibly running to our deaths. In that moment it was just us and only us, Violet in my arms as the world around us just faded out. That was all I needed, just her in my arms telling me it was going to be okay.

It felt like butterflies as we just stayed like this, I never wanted it to end. That dream was cut short by Violet pulling away and smiling softly towards me. Her bright green eyes were shining in the small sunlight peeking into the room. "Thanks for the dance." She says backing up slightly, I immediately missed her touch. Without even thinking I pushed her against the dresser, my arms on each side boxing her in. "Clem what are you-" Violet's sentence was cut short as I capture her lips in a deep romantic kiss. Violet seemed shocked for only a moment before relaxing into it, wrapping her arms around my neck once again. I tried to copy Violet's actions from before, biting her lip gently before licking across the bite. Violet gasps at the sudden sensation and I take the opportunity to slide my tongue into her mouth. Almost as if instinctively Violet jumps up and wraps her legs around my waist. I set her down so that she is sitting on the dresser, not breaking the kiss. Both of us fought for dominance, and I wasn't gonna let Violet take control this time. Eventually I win, sliding one hand down onto her thigh and the other up into her beautiful blonde hair. Violet moans softly as I grip her thigh, pulling away slightly for air. "Holy shit.." Violet whispers, making me laugh. Violet grabs my jacket, about to pull me back in. But she was interrupted by the door swinging open abruptly, causing us both to break apart. "Hey Clem! Heads up!" AJ yells, throwing a beach ball to me. I manage to catch the ball looking it over and smiling.

"Where did you get a beach ball?" I ask, looking over at Violet who was slowly getting off the dresser. Her face was flushed red as she looked to the ground, she is so adorable. "I found it outside! I had to blow it up and well, that was gross but look it works!" AJ yells happily, I throw it back to him and he catches it. "Well um, I should probably get going." Violet says as she walks to the door. I grab her wrist and pull her close enough to whisper in her ear. "Don't think I'm done with you just yet." I tease, Violet's face flushes red as she pulls her wrist away. I look at her with a confident smirk as she rushes out of the room. "Come on AJ, let's go." I grab AJ's hand and walk with him out of the room towards the library.

"She's gone." I hear Willy say as we walk in. "What do you mean she is gone?!" Violet shouts, she looked really worried about something. "What's going on?" I ask as I sit down next to AJ. "Minerva is gone, she just fucking left." Violet snaps, looking out the window. "Well, that's one more person we're gonna have to deal with at the boat." Ruby says in an annoyed tone. "What if she warns them that we're coming? We're so fucked!" I grab Violet's hand to try and calm her down. She grips my hand tight and sits next to me, I could tell she was more afraid than she was pissed. "Vi, calm down. We've beaten them before, Minerva isn't gonna help their odds. Not with the plan we have ready." I say with a soft smile, trying to reassure her. "You don't know Minerva like I do." Violet whispers softly, crossing her arms. "I agree with Clem, Mitch's Masterpiece is gonna destroy those raiders." Willy says confidently as he holds up the bomb. "Careful! Don't go waving that thing around like that!" Ruby yells, taking the bomb from Willy.

The night was definitely a stress reliever for everybody, especially given what waited for us. 

I couldn't help but toss in turn in the bed as I glance over at the purple candle I had taken up to the room. AJ hadn't come to bed yet, insistent on hanging out with Willy and Ruby for a bit longer. The purple glow of the room had me lost in thought, thinking about everything that has happened. I sit up and grab my hat from the dresser, glancing between it and the candle as if looking from the past to the future. "Of all the colors, you pick purple." Violet's voice from the door interrupts my train of thought. "Hm? Oh, yeah." I say with a soft smile, looking at the candle. "I guess you can say it's relaxing to me." Violet rolls her eyes and sits next to me on the bed. She glances down at my hat and laughs softly. "I always hated baseball." She says as she looks the hat over. I smile and put it on her head, pulling the visor down over her eyes. "Well I think it looks cute on you." I say with a smile as she pushes it out of the way of her eyes. I could see a faint blush on her face, which only made her look cuter.

Violet's POV
I brush my fingertips across the visor of the hat, I could feel the burning feeling on my face. I take the hat off, holding it in my lap and scanning over the 'D' that was slowly falling off. "Eh, not my thing." I say softly, handing it back to Clem and trying to hide my underlying desire to keep it. "You barely even tried it, you didn't even see yourself in it." Clem jokes before setting it back on the dresser. Clem leans back on the bed, laying back with her feet over the edge. I smile at the opportunity and sit on her lap, my legs on each side of her waist. I lean over and look down at her, her eyes were shining a bright gold in the moonlight. Clementine really was one of the most beautiful girls I had ever met. "So, you ready?" She asks, putting her hands behind her head. I shrug looking down at her with a smirk. "I mean we haven't been dating that long but if you want to-" Clem's face flushes red before she cuts me off. "I meant the rescue! Oh my god!" She yells, covering her face as if trying to hide her blush. I break into laughter, grabbing her wrists gently and pulling them away to look at her. "I know, but I like seeing you blush." I tease, leaning down to kiss her cheek. "You're a pain in the ass." She mumbles, pulling me down to hug me. "Wow Clem, I didn't know you were into-" Clem cuts me off again. "Violet! Knock it off!!"

Minerva's POV (From Earlier)
"No matter what, I'm always gonna choose her. Even over myself I'd choose her." Violet says before storming off, not even giving me a chance to respond. All I could do is glare as I watch her vanish from view. "We'll see about that." I mumble under my breath before storming out of the gate. Willy called out to me but I just ignored him and kept walking, my anger growing as I continued to walk. That bitch got our friends killed, and only wants to get more of them killed and Violet still fucking loves and trusts her. I fucking hate Clementine, she is going to fucking ruin everything

"You look peachy." One of the men comments as I get onto the boat. "Shut the fuck up." I snap as I walk across the deck to find Lilly. I step into Lilly's room, closing the door behind me as the woman looks up at me. "What are you doing here? You're supposed to be waiting for us to come back for the rest of them." Lilly says as she stands up and walks over to me. I look over at her with a confident smirk before crossing my arms. "New information has given me an even better plan to convince them to come quietly and peacefully." I say confidently. Of course this plan was more to get Violet rather than the rest of those brats, but I didn't need to tell Lilly that. Violet would always choose Clementine hm? We'll see just how true that really is.


Violet's POV
We decide to scope it out one last time before James sends in the heard of walkers. We waited patiently at the perimeter of the boat, the waiting felt suffocating. As I stared at the boat I couldn't help but get lost in thought. "Clem?" I ask without really thinking. "What if someone else gets caught while we're in there?" I ask, crossing my arms as stare at the boat in the distance. "What if it's you?" I turn to face Clementine, who looked at me with a soft smile. "I- . . . I really care about you Clem. If you got hurt because of me. . ." My voice trails off at the thought sending a sharp pain through my chest. "I can't lose you Clementine." I say holding back tears. Clem doesn't say anything, she just rests her hands on my shoulders and pulls me into a soft and gentle kiss. "Please don't disappear on me." I whisper, moving my hands on top of Clem's. "I promise. I'll never forget about you, I can't forget you. I'll always find my way back to you." Clem says smiling, backing up slightly and taking off her baseball cap. "Here, hold onto this for me. I'll get it back from you when we all make it out." Clem says as she puts the cap on top of my head. "Besides, I think you look really cute with it on." Clem says with a smile as she moves her hand from the top of my head to my cheek. I blush slightly as I bring my hand up to adjust the visor of the hat. I smile softly and look at Clementine and her reassuring smile. "Let's get our friends back."

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