Star Maniac

By xinsyuhxdx

726 10 2

when a famous girl band Space Note disbanded, the member takes their own path and carry on with their life. e... More



12 0 0
By xinsyuhxdx

Holiday has started. I packed all my stuff. Jacob and I will be taking Victoria and Cora at the airport tomorrow. Alice has already left and went back to her home. Her parents pick her up. It was nice meeting her parents. I really can't wait. They estimate they'll arrive London at 2 p.m..

So, here's the plan. Tomorrow morning, I'll follow Jacob to his home and took his car. Since Jacob's home somewhere around London. His brother will picks us tomorrow morning. Then, we'll wait until Victoria texted me to pick them at the airport. From airport, we went to Victoria's family villa and stay there until the audition day. If we succeed, we'll continue stay there and if not, maybe I'll be tour guide for Victoria and Cora and then maybe we'll be fly back to New York.

I fall asleep quite early. I am tired. I also have book place for audition and luckily there's still empty slot.

"AAAA!!!" I screamed in the middle of the night. I woke up from my sleep. My face is sweating pretty bad. "Fuck nightmare!" I mumbled. I had a nightmare. I unlocked my phone to see what time is it. It's 2.30 a.m.. Then the door being pushed. It's Jacob.

"Are you okay? I heard you scream," Jacob looks concerned.

"Nightmares," I said. "Sorry I wake you up," I stared at him.

"It's okay. Nightmares sucks. Good night. Sleep well," he smiled. He turned around and about to leave the room.

"Jacob," I called out his name. He turned around and looked at me raising a brow. "Can you sleep with me tonight? Stupid nightmares make me scared to sleep alone," I looked at him.

"Of course," he nodded and closed the door. He walks upstairs to my bed. I squat a little closer to the wall make space for him. I lifted the blanket allowing him to get in.

"Thank you," I whispered. Our face really close. I can see his pitch black eyes. Perfect.

"Your welcome," he whispered and wrapped his hands around me. Okay, this is awkward but somehow, I feel safe. "Good night," he continued.

"Good night, too" I smiled before I fall asleep.


I woke up seeing Jacob still asleep next to me. Beautiful. I smiled. "Morning," I whispered even though I know he's still sleeping.

He moves his hand rubbing his eyes. He's awake. He turned his face and looked at me. He smiled. "Morning," he whispered. He stared at me with a smile. "Pretty," he mumbled. I stared at him.

"Are you really awake?" I asked him cause saying pretty early in the morning is quite weird. He nodded and smile. Oh god. His lips so sexy. I stared at him. I move my head closer to him and my lips brushes against him. I kiss him. He was my first kiss. His lips move sync with mine.


Both of us stay silent inside the car going to Jacob's house.

"Are you sure you guys know each other? You guys look awkward together," Jacob's brother, Jack broke the silence.

"Early in the morning, we didn't speak, right Nat?" He glared at me at the backseat.

"Yeah," I agreed. Think about it, I don't know why the fuck did I kiss him. This is bad. I can't have a feeling for him. I can't! He's a friend of mine. A friend. A friend. A friend.

We arrived Jacob house shortly after that. Jack parked the car in front of the garage.

"Where's mom and dad?" Jacob asked Jack.

"Milan. Working. They left this morning," Jack said. Jacob nodded.

"Let's go to my room," Jacob said. I nodded.

"Hey Jacob," Jack called him when we're half way on the stairs.

"What?" Jacob looked at Jack annoyed.

"Don't forget condom," Jack laughed.

"Fuck you!" Jacob shouted from the stairs. Jack laughed louder.


From : Victoria

Nat, babe, we'll be landed for about an hour.

"Jacob, let's go," I said right after I read the text.

"They've arrived?" Jacob looked at me.

"Maybe an hour," I said. He nodded. Taking his bags downstairs. I did the same. Taking all my stuff and my baby guitar downstairs.

"Jack, we're going now. I'll take mom's car," Jacob shouted.

"Okay!" Jack screamed from I don't know where.

Both if us put everything inside the car. Jacob drove to the airport. Both of us stay silent along the journey.

Once arriving at the airport, Jacob park the car. Both of us stayed in the car while waiting Victoria call me.

"What's that kiss for?" Jacob asked me. Breaking the long silent. I startled. I don't know what to answer.

"That's my first kiss," I answered him.

"Not answering my question," he said throwing his face looking outside the window.

I was about to answer him when suddenly my phone rings. It's from Victoria. She and Cora has arrived. I left the car while Jacob stay in the car.


"Natalie!" Both of them shouted and waving at me. Oh god. I miss them so much. We hugged each other.

"Where's your boyfriend?" Victoria elbowed my stomach.

"What boyfriend? I never have a boyfriend! Let's go!" I said grabbing Cora's and Victoria's hand and make ways to Jacob's car.

Jacob drove the car by Victoria's guide to her family villa. Once arrived there, the villa was fucking big and beautiful.

Victoria walks to the main door. A few knocks, the door open. "Lady Victoria," the maid looks shock.

"Hello, Linda," she smiled. "This is my friends, Cora, Natalie and Jacob. We'll be staying here for awhile," Victoria smiled. The maid named Linda nodded and invite us to come inside. The inside was way more beautiful. The interior designer must be working really hard to able to make the villa so beautiful.

Linda showed four of us our own room. Victoria gave us a small tour. So that we won't be lost.


Hi! How's the story so far?
Wohooo!! I made it to the 20th chapter! Yay!!
This 20th chapter dedicated to every of you who's reading my book till this very chapter.

I hope you like my book :)

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