Immortal Love Book #1. Awaken...

By JustMe_RosieD

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It's been four years since vampires were exposed to the public, but Stella Newman has never really minded the... More

1. "Home sweet home"
2. "Barely alive"
3. "Not all vampires"
4. "Screaming woman"
5. "Stay away"
6. "Can't stay out of trouble"
7. "Vampires all around us"
8. "Vampire attack"
10. "When death comes knocking on your door..."
11. "Blood"
12. "Deceptive appearances"
13. "The tallest vampire in the universe"
14. "Bad vampire"
15. "Tall and dreamy"
16. "Vampire virus"
17. "Bait"
18. "Unexpectedly nice"
19. "Bad feeling"
20. "Compel me"
21. "Trust issues"
22. "Bite me"
23. "Impossibility"
24. "Extinction"
25. "Imperium"
26. "I will protect you with my life"
27. "Save me"
28. "Unknown power"
29. "Alive for now"
30. "The world is coming to an end"
31. "War is around the corner"
32. "She's the reason"
34. "Save the world"
35. "She's gone"
36. "Goodbye"
37. "You saved me"
Second Book

9. "Interview with the vampire"

331 30 18
By JustMe_RosieD

I had been waiting for Dennis to come to my house and tell me how I could help him find the killer vampire, but because he was a vampire, he could only come at night. So, I waited all day laying in my bed watching movies with Sophie, without being able to focus on the movies. Then the night came, and I started to get worried when he still hadn't showed up two hours after sundown, and then he did. As handsome as ever with his black hair and blue eyes he knocked on my door on Sunday night.

Because I'd hoped he would come that night, I was looking prettier than usual. He smiled when he saw me and I smiled too. My mother suddenly wasn't so against me seeing a vampire, mainly because he had saved his daughter's life. So, Dennis walked into the house for a minute so say hi, he asked Sophie how she felt, and then we left.

I didn't know exactly where he was taking me when we first got out of the house, but it took me a second to figure it out. We were going to Kimmel's. We walked for a couple of minutes in a comfortable silence and when we got to Kimmel's it was as empty as you'd expect it to be on a Sunday night.

He opened the door for me and we sat on one of the booths on the corner of the bar. Merissa had a shift that day, so she walked towards us to take our order.

"What can I get you this fine evening?" Merissa asked. I thought I should introduce her.

"Merissa, this is Dennis, my..." oh, not again. "... friend" Dennis gave me a funny look, and then he looked at Merissa. "This is my friend Merissa, the one I told you about." Merissa gave him one of her big smiles.

I'd always though Merissa was the most beautiful woman in Santa Mon, and I saw Dennis take note of how stunning she was. I didn't mind, Merissa was gorgeous, and everyone could see it. She extended her hand to him and he took it.

"Nice to meet you, Merissa." he smiled at her and she smiled back.

"The pleasure is all mine." she let go of his hand and then she looked at me for a second and then back at him. "She's talked a lot about you." I could feel the red start filling up my cheeks. Dennis looked at me with care, and I looked away, trying to hide how embarrassed I was.

"I'd like a coke, please." I tried to deviate the conversation. Merissa laughed and then she wrote something on her little notebook.

"And I'd like a blood shot, please." Merissa nodded and then she wrote on her notebook again.

"Coming right up." she said with a smile and then she turned around and walked away.

"Do you always use those?" I asked, referring to the blood shots.

"Are you asking me if I feed on humans?" He asked, reading my intentions. I found it ridiculous for people to assume vampires were going to stop feeding on humans just because the United Nations asked them to. But I was curious to know if Dennis had stopped feeding on humans since the blood shots came out four years ago.

"Do you?"

"Sometimes." I didn't know exactly what answer I wanted or expected from him, but that one sufficed. "I try not to." he looked like he felt a little guilty. I nodded.

"Is it better?" I didn't know how long our 'friends' state was going to last, so I thought I'd get as much information out of him as I could while it lasted.

"Yes." he answered, immediately. "You have no idea how much better it is to feed from a human." I almost felt bad for him. "But the blood shots keep us working." he said with half a smile on his face. I nodded.

"Here you go." Merissa came to the table, left our orders on it, and then left.

Dennis injected the blood to his right arm and that was the first time I really saw him feeding. His fangs came out, shiny, long and sharp, and I gasped as soon as I saw them.

"Sorry, it happens when I feed." I nodded, speechless. Once he finished, his fangs retracted, and he looked "normal" again. I sighed.

"So, what are we going to do about the murders?" I tried to focus on something other than his feeding process.

"I already reached out to my contact in The Academy, and I scheduled a meeting with them next week. I thought I'd go and inform them on everything that's been going on." I thought it was a good idea, so I nodded.

"We." I corrected him. He looked confused. "You thought We'd go." he put his hand on his mouth and laughed softly.

"You just don't give up, do you?" I smiled.

"Not often." I said as I opened my coke.

"I forgot to tell you the police brought me in for questioning the other day." I almost choked on my drink. I swallowed.


"Yes, it was the night after I came to the bar and ordered one of these." he pointed at the empty shot. I looked at him with a surprised expression. "I knew it was coming, to be honest. There have been two murders in less than two weeks in the hands of vampires, of course they'd question me." he had a point.

"I'm surprised you're not in jail right now." sheriff Woodenford was a known vampire hater, and it surprised me that he didn't put Dennis in jail as soon as he saw him.

"They didn't have any proof, so they let me go. But the sheriff didn't seem to agree with it." I knew it. I took another sip of the coke.

It was funny for me to think about what had happened if they tried to keep him locked up; he could've compelled someone to let him go or broken the cell himself. The image made me smile. Then I noticed Dennis was looking at me in that way he sometimes did, like he was trying to read me. I looked down.

"So, I thought we could do the interview now that we're friends again." I said, without thinking too much about it first. He looked amused all of the sudden.

"Friends?" he asked, with a smile on his face. He was so handsome it distracted me at times.

"Yes." I realised I was hunched over in the chair. I was wearing a dress that made my boobs more noticeable, and they looked even more noticeable in the position I was in, so I sat straight. I saw Dennis take a quick pick at them and then look at my eyes again. I smiled.

"Do you honestly think we could be just friends?" he asked, and I knew the answer.

"I never said just friends, I said friends." he smiled, but it was a different kind of smile. It was an I want you smile. I swallowed nervously.

"I'd love for you to interview me." he said. I nodded in excitement.

"Great. Do you mind if I record you?" I asked. He looked surprised.

"Did you mean right now?"

"Yes, is that a problem?" he shook his head. "Great." I took my cell phone out of my purse, pressed record, and then I put it on the table.

I had been wanting to do this ever since vampires came out four years ago, but I had never been close enough to one of them to do it. Now there I was, sitting in front of a vampire about to get all the answers I wanted. I didn't even know where to begin. I took a deep breath and tried to get my thoughts straight.

"How many vampires are there?" that wasn't a good question, but I was so nervous all the sudden that my journalistic skills where nowhere to be found.

"I don't know. The Academy supposedly keeps record of all of us, but I'm not sure that's completely true." I put my hands together on the table and nodded, trying to look professional.

"How do you become a vampire?" now we were getting somewhere. He looked around to make sure nobody was listening to us, and then he opened his mouth to talk.

"You have to drink vampire blood and then die."

"But wouldn't the blood heal the wounds?"

"Not all of them." he got closer to me. "If I give you my blood and then I break your neck, my blood's not going to heal you, it'll make you a vampire." the thought of me as a vampire made me feel weird, so I pushed it away.

"Okay, and then I'd be like your slave?" I said in a sarcastic tone.

"We always hold a level of admiration and care for our makers, but it's not like I could make you do anything. You would just respect me more." I nodded, and then I took a sip of the coke I'd forgotten was even there.

"Can vampires have kids?" the thought of a vampire baby made me shiver.

"No, but we sure love to try." I blushed, and he laughed.

"How do you kill a vampire?" all the sudden I had all these questions inside my head that I just wanted to bombard him with.

"Stake to the heart. A wooden bullet would do it too." he was letting me know all the ways I could destroy him. I really hoped no one was listening.

"Can you see your reflexion in the mirror?" he smiled. Maybe it was a silly question.


"Does garlic hurt you?"

"Not in the slightness."

"How about churches and holy water and crosses?" it was like a lighting round of questions.

"Pure myth." I nodded.

"Do you always sleep during the day?"

"Not always, but usually."

"In a coffin?" he smiled again.

"No, in a bed." I nodded.

"What happens if you go out in the sun?"

"I'd burn to death."



"When I drank your blood, I felt different. What did it do to me?"

"Vampire blood makes humans feel high. The more you take, the higher you get. That day I gave you just a sip, so what you felt was a pinch of what vampire blood can do." he was right the other day. If word got out that vampire blood makes you high, everyone would want a sip of it.

"How much did you give my sister?" if Sophie had gotten unwillingly high, I wanted to know.

"Same as you." I nodded.

"I've seen vampires drink, can you also eat?"

"We can, but it's not as enjoyable as it is to a human. And it also doesn't have any nutritional value for us." I was getting so much information and I loved it.

"Is it the same with alcohol?"

"Drinking helps with the cravings, and it keeps us warmer so people don't suspect of us."

"Can you get drunk?" I thought of a drunk vampire and it seemed a bit dangerous.

"Yes, but I would have to drink everything in this bar. We have a really high tolerance for alcohol."

And then I felt like I had all the answers I wanted, and we decided it was time to go home. We walked side to side in silence once again, and by the time we got to my house I'd decided I was going to kiss him. So, as soon as we stepped on my porch, I put my hands around his neck, and I pulled him close. He kissed me back, and it felt like he had wanted to kiss me for a while, and I reciprocated the feeling. His hands went to my back as he pulled my body closer to his, and the feeling became intoxicating. It felt like we were meant to be doing this forever.

"Stella..." he whispered into my lips. I sighed.

"Wait." I kissed him again. "Do you have to go?" I asked between kisses. He pulled away completely but didn't take his hands off my waist.

"I'm trying to be a gentleman." that made me want to kiss him even more.

"You don't have to be." and I kissed him again.

I wanted him, I wanted him like I'd never wanted anything in my life.

"Your house isn't empty." he said as he pulled away once again. Fuck, he was right.

"But yours is." he looked at me for a second, like he was thinking about what I'd just said. Then he looked at my lips, and then at my boobs. I blushed.

"Are you sure?" he was sweet, asking me if I was sure I wanted to have sex with him. I couldn't think of anything I was surer of.

"I am." I said before kissing him again.

He pulled away and I immediately felt empty, but he only did it to take my hand and guide me to his house. He went at vampire speed, which means I did too, and it made me kind of dizzy, but I didn't mind. We got to his place faster than I thought we could, and as soon as we did, clothes began to come off.

First it was my dress. Because the possibility of having sex with Dennis that night was in my mind all day, I had picked out the perfect underwear. I was wearing a black two-piece that made me look stunning, and as soon as Dennis took off my dress, I knew it was the right decision.

"You are..." he looked like he was at a loss of words. I held his face with my hands, as I watched him examine every square inch of my body. "... perfect." I kissed him, because I felt like I'd die if I didn't.

He took me to his room in vampire speed, and it looked a lot better than the last time I'd been there, but I didn't pay too much attention to my surroundings to be honest, the only thing that mattered to me in that moment was him. Nothing else. He threw me to the bed in an almost animal way, and then he took off his shoes, his shirt and his pants. And as he did that I took off my white sneakers.

He was also perfect. My stomach took a turn and I almost died of excitement when I saw him standing there with his six-pack and his black boxers. I didn't just want him now, I needed him. He got on top of me and I immediately felt that he was also very excited as he pressed up against me. I took off my underwear and he took off his boxers, and right when he was about to enter me, he stopped.

"Stella..." I could've killed him right in that moment.

"Please don't tell me you can't have sex with me because you want to protect me. I will murder you if you do, and now I know how to do it." he laughed.

"I was going to say that this might hurt at first." I sighed, relieved.

"I'm not a virgin." I wasn't afraid to admit it, but for a second I feared he might not like as much. He didn't seem to mind.

"But have you ever had sex with a vampire before?" he asked. He looked as flawless as ever under the moonlight that came through the window, while I probably looked like a red agitated mess.

"No." I admitted.

"Well, having sex with a vampire is very different than with a human." was he trying to scare me? "Just let me know if it hurts and I'll stop." I nodded, without wanting to talk anymore. I just wanted to feel him.

And then I felt him. I felt him entering me and it hurt at first, but then the feeling turned into something else. As soon as he was completely inside of me, I moaned.

"Fuck." he cursed. I wasn't sure how good sex with a human could be for a vampire, but Dennis seemed to be enjoying it. "Did I hurt you?" he looked like he was trying really hard not to fuck me until I lost consciousness.

"No. I'm fine." he moved, and my entire body started shaking.

I didn't feel pain anymore, I felt pure placer. And it was nothing like I'd ever felt before. It was a completely new feeling. He continued to move inside of me, and the feeling kept getting better and better, until at one point I exploded. I felt like I was floating all the sudden, like I was outside of my body. I screamed in placer and then I started kissing Dennis's neck, trying to get him to feel as good as I did.

After a while -a long while- he finished and collapsed on top of me. That was the first time I saw him so vulnerable, so... human. He stayed there for a second and then he laid next to me.

"Did I hurt you?" he asked again. I wondered if it was too soon to tell him I loved him. I didn't know if I did, but in that moment I felt loved, and I also felt like I loved him.

"No." I said as I was trying to regulate my breathing.

I turned to face him, and I just stayed there looking at him. He had his eyes closed and he looked different than before. He looked better, if that was even possible. The moonlight hit his face perfectly and his skin looked flawless and almost shiny. I felt good, like I belonged there, like I belonged with him.

"Did you like it?" he asked me, with his eyes still closed. I gave him a confused look. I thought my screams and moans had given it away.

"Saying I liked it would be an understatement." he opened his eyes and gave me one of those looks that pierced into my soul. "I loved it." I kissed him on the cheek, he smiled. "I loved every second of it." I kept kissing him all over his face. Then, a scary question came into my mind.

"Did you like it?" I was terrified of the answer. I mean, it's like he had super-powers, and I was just human.

He grabbed the back of my head and softly pushed me to my back again. He got so close to me that his nose touched mine, and his piercing eyes looked even bluer than usual. And then he kissed me, deeply and passionately.

"I loved it." he said when he pulled away. I smiled, satisfied.

"I'll get better." I said. He shook his head, and the tip of his nose brushed against mine.

"It can't get any better. You're perfect." I wanted to cry. I was so full of happiness in that moment that I actually thought I would cry.

"Well." I started talking in a provocative voice as I moved my hand down the length of his body. "Practicing wouldn't hurt, right?" I asked innocently, trying to sound sexy, and I felt like it worked. He hid his head on my neck and I could feel his smile against my skin.

And then we had sex again, and again, and again, until the sun came out.

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