Wannabe // NCT College AU

By Svnwoo

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"You're a wannabe me." Nct college AU! Warning: college life, kinda nsfw at times, alcohol, weed, etc :) More



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By Svnwoo

Quick authors note idk if I need to mention this but Hyunjin isn't famous in this story (at least not yet) so that's why Hyunjae posted a picture of him. Also nobody knows that Hyunjin is yeji's brother hence it's okay to post about him. :D

Hyunjae sat on the train reminiscing about her weekend. She already missed her family if she was being honest. It was great to reunite with her dad, she missed him so much and of course Hyunjin and even Yeji. She did feel bad that she thought Yeji was being a bitch to her this whole time, when it was her mother in reality. Though there was the lingering feeling that her mother wasn't done yet.

Bad witches

Are you on your way back

I'm on the subway

Ok we're not gonna be at the dorm
But it's cause we're out buying food ok?

Aweee 🥺
You guys don't have to do anything

This isn't even what we've planned heheh
See you in a few hours!
Rest up!

Will do!

Hyunjae smiled locking her phone happily. At least she would be able to see her friends. It was only a weekend trip but it was quite draining which made it feel like a week. She scrolled through Instagram as the ride continued. Finally her stop. She stood up and got off the subway train along with the crowd of people. Since it was noon the sun was a bit warmer than usual, she stepped to the side to remove her jacket and take out her AirPods. She stuffed the AirPods in her bag and continued walking out of the station. As she walked out she looked ahead to see Yuta running her way. She wasn't expecting him to actually be at the station, but she couldn't help but smile seeing him.

He ran towards her with open arms before scooping her up to hug her tightly. Hyunjae laughed hugging him back just as tight. As expected there were lots of weird looks from the other people in the station.

"You're back! Finally!" He said happily, despite it only being the weekend Yuta felt like it was an eternity. He had been so bored.

"You're here!" Hyunjae replied just as excited.

If she was honest, it felt like a scene right out of some movie or kdrama. A very cliche and cheesy one but she didn't care.

"How was it? Tell me all about it," He said letting go. He took her jacket into his hands as they began walking back towards the school.

"It was weird," She admitted with a chuckle, "I got to see my dad and brother who I haven't seen in ages and I even got to see my little sister which was an even bigger surprise."

"But your mom huh," Yuta said intrigued.

She nodded trying to forget about her mother. She always killed the vibe, "Yeah. She killed the vibe but I was just happy to see everyone else. What about you? What did you do over the weekend?"

"Not much I hung out with Win and we played games. A typical weekend with the boys," He admitted with a short chuckle.

Yuta's weekend was pretty much uneventful. He just spent time with Sicheng and sometimes Kunhang would join them but aside from that not much happened. He did paint on his own though and not to sound conceited but he thought he was improving fast. He'd definitely give Winwin a run for his money soon.

Hyunjae smiled feeling at ease. It felt great to be back with the people she cared about. Of course, she cared about her family but being with her friends was different. She could always vent to them or rely on them, her family was often too far for her to vent to them.

"Oh, by the way, we still have to talk about something," Yuta said with a smirk.

Hyunjae shook her head, "N-NO I don't think so."

She knew exactly what Yuta was referring to. The kiss on the cheek. She kind of forgot about it over the weekend until he brought it up. They were arriving back on campus which meant Hyunjae could easily leave the conversation.

"Fine fine," he sighed, "Maybe some other time. Like when you least expect it."

"Why do we have to talk about it?" She mumbled hiding her face, she blushed the more she thought about it. Why she did it who knows? It just felt right at the time, but now she was mentally cringing thinking back to it.

"Cause you didn't even give me a chance to react," Yuta pouted putting an arm around her.

"That was the point. I told you," she laughed.

"Whatever. Are you free today or do your actual friends have you booked?" He asked jokingly.

"You're out of luck buddy. My friends do have me booked but for later tonight," She said with a smile, "but until then I'm all yours."

"Hm what to do what to do?" Yuta asked almost teasingly, "Wait lemme guess. Food."

It wasn't even a question, he said it like a statement and he was right. But the question was what kind of food.

"Okay you got me there, but what kind of food?" She asked raising a brow. Hyunjae knew exactly what she wanted and if Yuta guessed correctly, she'd be surprised.

He paused to think as they entered her dorm complex.

"You can think while I go put away all my stuff. Sound good?" She asked with a laugh.

He nodded while still thinking. She called it his thinking face cause it looked like he zoned out while pouting. It was adorable but Hyunjae would never tell him that to his face.

While Hyunjae left her bags Yuta continued to think about what his girlfriend would want. There were plenty of options. First, the usual, McDonald's. Second, Korean barbecue. Third, some other random thing. Knowing Hyunjae she wouldn't make this easy on him so he could cross out McDonald's. Korean barbecue they hadn't eaten that together in a while but she usually went with her friends, so not that one either. And then it hit him right as Hyunjae returned.

"So the final answer?" She asked looking forward to hearing his answer.

"Is it takoyaki?" He asked with a smile.

Hyunjae's jaw dropped, "How? I thought you were gonna say McDonald's or something." She really was not expecting him to get it right. McDonald's was their go-to spot. They had only gotten takoyaki together like twice.

"Easy because it's our food. McDonald's is too but you're smarter than that," He admitted with pride in his voice.

"Well you're right," she nodded trying to hide her face. She could feel a blush forming on her cheeks, "congrats, now lead the way."

"Wait do I get a prize?" He asked seriously.

She patted his cheek with a smile, "No."

"Aw, man."


Liked by notkunhang, baeirene, heresjohnny and 2894 others
Hyunjaes YES FINALLY 🤤🤤🤤🤤
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Notkunhang thanks for the invite 😔😔
Hyunjaes I'm sorry 😭
Baeirene you and your food journeys lol
Loselose I can guess why we weren't invited
Notkunhang ohhhh same
Hyunjaes 🤨 you're sounding very sus right now

Hyunjae and Yuta sat at a table across one another while eating outside. She missed this, it had been a while since they had gone to eat, just the two of them at least. She didn't mind when Sicheng and Kunhang would join them, but Kunhang tended to tease Hyunjae a lot, especially when they were out in groups.

"Food really does taste better with the right company," Yuta smiled sipping his drink.

"Oh does it now?" Hyunjae chuckled, "I'm glad I'm the right company." She smiled using air quotes.

They ate two plates and then just sat there and conversed. Hyunjae found out that Yuta had painted while she was gone. He said it was his best piece yet so she was looking forward to that. Hyunjae told Yuta about how happy her brother was to see her and that they finally are able to contact each other.

"Random question but do you wanna get high?"

Hyunjae almost spit out her own drink at his question. That was definitely random, but hey who was she to say no? She could definitely use it after the weekend she'd had.

"Is that even a question?" She asked him with a laugh, "Lead the way."

Sicheng and Kunhang heard laughter as they entered Yuta's dorm. Kunhang had been looking for Hyunjae all day. It didn't help that she wasn't picking up her phone, he really thought the worst-case scenario.

"I told you they'd be here," Sicheng said shutting the door behind them.

The pair followed the noise towards the bathroom where Yuta and Hyunjae sat in the tub.

"Jesus Christ," Kunhang sighed seeing the two.

It was just like the night of the party they both sat in the tub conversing about the most random things. Only this time there was no alcohol involved sadly.

"Kunhang!" Hyunjae smiled waving at him, "I feel like I haven't seen you in days."

"Jae you've been gone. Why haven't you answered your phone?" He asked her confused.

She shrugged, "It's in my bag but I got high and kinda forgot about it. I didn't think anyone would try to call or text me."

Yuta laughed at her comment, "Dude you want some?"

As much as Kunhang kind of did want some he knew now was not the time for it.

"I'll pass for now. We need to go Jae," He said.

She groaned laying her head back, "It's actually really comfortable here."

"I bet," Sicheng laughed, "I might join in after you leave."

Hyunjae blinked letting out a laugh at Sicheng's words.

"Irene is gonna be back with everyone soon come on," Kunhang said holding his hand out for her. Sometimes he honestly did feel like a babysitter, but to be quite honest he didn't mind it. He loved being able to blackmail Hyunjae for stuff he wanted. Just jokes he actually worries for her sometimes so he does his best to make sure she doesn't end up in some sticky situation, the blackmail is just a bonus.

She pouted sadly, "Fine but tomorrow it's just me and Yuta got it."

Yuta couldn't hide the blush creeping on his cheeks. Tomorrow just the two of them again. He was beyond excited just at the words. She slowly got up being careful not slip or step on Yuta as she took Kunhang's. Yuta followed since he didn't want to be in the bathtub alone, even though Sicheng offered to join him. Hyunjae grabbed her bag from the couch.

"I'll see you tomorrow, if you want ya know," Hyunjae smiled as she stood at the door.

"Yeah I'm down. Just text me the info or whatever," Yuta said trying to be nonchalant.

Hyunjae laughed lightly, "You got it. See you sicheng." She waved shutting the door behind her.

They could hear Kunhang nagging her for not having her phone on her. Yuta chuckled hearing them bicker, it reminded him a lot of himself and Sicheng.

"You're so lame," Sicheng laughed patting his back before throwing himself onto the couch.

"I think I like her a lot more than I thought," He sighed.

He knew he liked her from the moment he first talked to her, though he thought of it as just a small crush, that's how things always went. This time though it felt different. He wanted to talk to her every day or see her every day. As much as a he sounded like a simp, it was true. He didn't think he'd end up enjoying spending time with her as much as he did.

Sicheng raised his head, "That's not bad. I think she really likes you too."

Yuta smiled running a hand through this hair, "Yeah you're probably right. Look at me."

"Shut the fuck up," Sicheng groaned throwing a pillow at him, "When did you make this realization?"

Sicheng was intrigued, he thinks Yuta liked Hyunjae since they painted together, so he wants to know when Yuta thinks it happened.

"I thought it was when I saw her at the party, but I think it's when she left for the weekend. It was weird to not text to see here and it was just like two days. Do you think I'm too attached?"


"How was the trip?" Kunhang asked her as they walked back.

"It was weird. I found out a lot of shady shit. Let's just say my mom is worse than I thought."

Kunhang made a disgusted face, "Yikes. So it was bad?"

"Yeah at first but then I saw my dad, Hyunjin, and Yeji and we had a little family dinner."

"Wait! You saw Yeji?" He asked stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, he also made sure nobody was around them, "Nobody saw you right?"

She smiled lightly, "You really do care! But no, we went to some classy ass restaurant far away from houses and such. So all is well."

"Of course I care dumbass," he sighed as they continued walking, "I'm glad. Things are looking up for you."

She smiled brightly as she opened the door, "I really hope so."

"Surprise! But not really!" Her friends cheered turning on the lights as they entered.

Hyunjae laughed loudly at the cute attempt at a surprise party. The dorm was decorated with black and white streamers and on the table was a bunch of alcohol and some food. She even loved the handmade welcome back banner. To think she was only gone for like two days.

"Guys!" She gleamed going in for a group hug with all of them.

They spent a few minutes all hugging before finally detaching from one another.

"Sit, sit, come on," Irene smiled dragging her towards the table.

They all sat around to listen to her talk since they had a million questions they wanted to ask. She kind of felt like she was being interviewed.

"How was it?" Johnny asked from across the table.

She then explained her experience for the few days that she was there. Just like Kunhang they were shocked to find out she talked to her sister. Then they were even more shocked to find out her mom was impersonating her younger sister to make her look like the bad guy. They were all worried about her going there for just two days, but they were also glad that she was able to clear things up with her sister.

"Well we prepared this incase it didn't go well, but I'm glad it went well!" Yerim smiled clapping.

They all laughed at her bluntness. She could tell Yerim was already slightly tipsy, of course she didn't mind.

"It was so boring while you were gone," Taeyong mentioned, "Yerim wouldn't shut up about missing you."

Johnny scoffed, "You were the same. Don't pin it all on yeri."

Yeri stuck her tongue out laughing, "Yeah Yong. You were like ' I miss my best friend wah wah wah'"

"It was only two days guys," she smiled lightly laughing, "also love the emphasis on the cries yeri."

It seemed like it could be a day or a year and they'd all miss her the exact same. She'd miss them the same way.

"Alright simps let's get drinking and eating," Kunhang said as he reached for one of the boxes of cookies.

"He's right," Johnny chuckled opening one of the bottles, "Bottoms up!"

Needless to say, it was a fun night for all of them.


Liked by hyunjaes valentineboy iamyeri and 2884 others
Txyong welcome back loser
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iamyeri as always i am fighting for the best friend spot with you and kunhang
heresjohnny pic creds to the best photographer in town ME
notkunhang I'm still the best friend yeri, pls accept it
Iamyeri never 🤩
Hyunjaes <3 🥺

"That turned out super cute," Hyunjae said looking over Taeyong's shoulder as he showed them the pictures Johnny took.

"I like this one," Yeri smiled pointing to the one where Hyunjae was clinging onto Irene like a koala.

"Same, send me those please," she smiled.

"You got it," Taeyong nodded before sharing them with her.

She didn't realize how much she loved her friends. She took a step back to admire all of them crowded around the table laughing at the pictures. What better friends could she have asked for? A smile grew on her face while she took a quick picture of the group.

"Jae look at this one," Kunhang called as Johnny burst out laughing.

She moved back towards the table to look at the pictures with them.

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