Tracer x Male Reader (no, I'm...

By AnedaBath

97K 752 466

This is my first story! Please give it love and support! Feedback is greatly appreciated! This story is a Tra... More

(A/N) *important please read!*
Getting To Know Overwatch
This is not a chapter...
REAL Confession (I promise)
Cheers, LOVE!!
Not A Chapter :/
Work Out Session!!
This is a chapter
Uhh...not a chapter...?
Attack On Titan -ahem- I mean...Talon
Freedom...With Costs
Yes, voice #32, this again
Sorry guys :/
Birthday--what? Oh...that's the next chapter
Birthday (srsly this time)
Thanksgiving Explanation (not a chapter)
Starting Anew
The Test (not a chapter)
New Life (kinda graphic :/ you are going to a darker place right now)
Uhh...not a chapter...? (Sorry)
New Life (part two, cont'd)
Really sorry u guys!!
I'm (y/n) the wise-cracking ex-boyfriend sent by Lena.
Broken Hearts Mended
The Lemon....
And Fin. Part 1
And Fin. Part 2
Not a Chapter (I Know Sorry Sorry)
Curtain Fall: The Sequel (Electric Boogaloo)
Curtain Fall: The Sequel Sequel

Curtain Fall

570 3 3
By AnedaBath

(A/n) IT'S FINALLY HERE!! Alright I'm gonna save the super gushy, emotional, unnecessary, needlessly long behemoth of a paragraph until after the actual story and the second part. Part 40 something and I'm finally making good decisions. Also bear with me guys. Sorry! I haven't done this in a millennia so this may not be written how your used to. Also, because I've been away for so long, there is probably a shit ton of errors in here: me mentioning stuff that never happened, me mentioning stuff that doesn't make sense, etc., etc. But, ignoring my absolute idiocy, enjoy! You guys have waited fucking long enough! <3

(Voice #32) ...Love you guys...

(A/n) Wait! Waitwaitwait! Was that-? Did you just-?? Did you just show EMOTI-

     "Canopy! Canopy!" your worn, once shiny, battle suit cracked open with a hiss of steam. Light spilled in through the widening crevices as the finely tuned mechanisms sprung to work, slowly opening your battered suit. You quickly scrambled out of the smoldering, smoking wreckage that once resembled a human shape. The soft, curved lines were now jagged, pointed and tipped in flame. Your state of the art, cutting edge suit was now scrap metal. Fuck.

     You quickly snapped back to your senses as a mortar shell landed in a spray of dirt and concrete ten feet away. Its explosion was deafening and seemed to rock the massive hangar. Who the hell fires mortars indoors? Oh, right. Talon. Since when does Talon care about danger close. You quickly grabbed an M4 SOPMOD off the ground and dived to cover behind the smoking wreckage of what was once a Talon helicopter. You took a breath. You didn't feel anything. It was cold inside. It was like someone had replaced your heart with a cold, black stone. You couldn't smell the blood and gasoline. You couldn't feel the heat from the ever consuming fire that was slowly engulfing the far left side of the hangar. You couldn't hear the zipping of bullets constantly and the ever occasional explosion of a mortar or launcher. You couldn't hear the THUMP THUMP THUMP of Baptiste's rifle. Nor the lightning crack of Mccree's Peacekeeper. But you could hear the screams. Oh, you could hear the screams. Talon soldier after another, each with their own rendition. High-pitched, choking, echoed. Your natural (e/c) eyes had faded and given way to a cold, stony black. You grinned an empty, emotionless smile. The screams. They fueled you.

      Snap! Snap! Snap! Rounds ricocheted off the chipping concrete as you pushed farther into the complex. The narrow hallways and dim, fluorescent lights cast eerie shadows that sprawled across the moot grey concrete. Bullets snapped past your head as you emptied your magazine into an automated turret. The turret fizzed and satisfyingly let out a whirrr before deactivating. You calmly ducked back behind cover and dropped the empty magazine with a soft click. You slowly reached into one of your many pouches and retrieved another magazine. You flipped it in your hand and checked the rounds. Six. What irresponsible fucker left six rounds in a maga-...whatever. Doesn't matter. "One, two, three..." you glanced over at Mccree who was taking cover on the other side of the hall. He was counting his remaining rounds, everyone was running low. "Four, One, two, three..." You rolled your eyes. Whatever. 'Fine, I'll do it myself,' you thought. You slid the magazine into the weathered USP .45 and released the slide with a click. You checked the handgun over with a marksman's expert precision, checking for cracks, dents, etc. A round snapped off the corner and ricocheted an inch away from your leg. Mccree flinched but you just continued to inspect the handgun. You let out a quiet sigh and peeked the corner. A round rocketed past your face, singing your right eyebrow slightly and sizzling into the concrete behind you. You didn't flinch and took aim down the USP's iron sights. BAM. BAM. BAM. Three Talon soldiers fell to a heap, each with a bullet in their brain. A fourth soldier, in surprise, peeked for a millisecond longer: all you needed. You redecorated the stark, grey wall behind him in a lovely blend of pink and red. You sprung from your crouched position into a forward roll, throwing off the remaining soldiers' aim. Your momentum carried you several feet down the hallway and you quickly moved from each soldier to the next. Parry, parry, hook, BAM. Jab, jab, BAM. "Fuckin' hell!" you spun and barely parried the soldier behind you. The kebar knife halted a half inch from your face as you stared the soldier dead in the eyes. The name-less soldier's eyes widened as he gazed into your calm, dead eyes. You kneed him in the gut, caught the knife from his slipped grip, flipped it over your knuckles, and buried it into his forehead. Those pale brown eyes of his rolled backwards into his forehead and you proceeded to grab his vest, pull the pin and flick the fuze off an M-67 Frag grenade hanging off his chest, and kick him hard into his buddies. Wasted.

     The bunker rattled like an ancient, awoken beast as the lights flickered, and dust and soot rained from the ceiling. You picked yourself back up and looked ahead of you. There was a smoldering wreck that appeared to have once been the automated turret, and the hall in front of you was covered in black scorch marks and organs. "Jesus" you heard Mccree sigh as you slowly started picking shrapnel out of your forearm. You licked your lips and tasted blood on your face. Hm. Not yours. You cracked your knuckles and started salvaging what you could from the bodies (or what was left at least). "Fuck...why doesn't anyone have any .45..." you cursed under your breath. Damn. No luck. You tossed the empty USP to the side and slowly unsheathed the 60 cm katana strapped to your back. The blade was an empty, ocean black with a trace of electric blue. A gift from Genji himself and upgraded with a few bells and whistles by your sister Sombra. "Let's get evil."

(A/n) Part II coming soon guys! Might even split that into two parts but we'll see how it goes. As always, feel free to comment, I read them all! Oh and am I tripping??? 50k reads?? Sweet Jesus thank you. I don't deserve y'all. Love you guys :D <3

Memento Mori My Friends.



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