Alpha Blake

By MariV4231

119K 5.6K 889

Order of Series Book one- Alpha Blake Book two - Beta Tyler Book three- Alpha Kaiden (coming soon) Blake Land... More

The Chosen Warrior
I Found Mate
Alpha's Maid
Shopping with Mr.Landon
Meeting with the Elders
The Beginning
Facing the Big Bad Alpha
Truth Be Said
Mr. and Mrs. Landon
The Crescent Moon Pack
Damian, part 1
Damian, part 2
The Storm is Coming
Surprised Dream Guests
Friendly Quarrel!?, part 1
Friendly Quarrel!?, part 2
No Mercy For Treason
Harsh Revelations and Training day
My Heart Is Hers!
Husband Dearie!
From Friends to Foe
Damian's Back
Primords Pack
Tyler's Glory
A Second Chance!
A'Las We Meet the Primord Prince
Vivid Deja Vu
5,000 B.C.
Dear Mommy
Duplicitous Carrie
Lineage of the Phoenix
She's Missing
We're Almost Out!
Hidden Agendas
In The Nick Of Time
The End of a Big Bad Witch
Bitter Soul
Like Mother, Like Daughter
I'm Yours, Always!
Slow Dance and Lullabies

No One Takes My Man

2.8K 146 45
By MariV4231


Blake and I had rested for a while in our room. Well, at least I did for the most part. Since he was called down just twenty minutes after, by Alpha Stewart to work out their new peace treaty and alliance contract between the three packs.

Around five in the afternoon, my girl Jazzy came up to my room. They had finally arrived. She got settled and then made her way to my room while my brother Ty had gone to join them in the meeting.

He had stayed behind giving last-minute orders that I'm guessing Blake had told him to do around our pack's territory.

"So, what do you think of this place? Pretty nice huh?" Jazzy asked

" Yeah, I guess."

"Ok... spill it. What's going on?"

I took a long sigh, rolling my eyes. We were both on top of my bed, she leaned against my headboard, and I lay across on my stomach looking at a magazine.

I closed the magazine and turned towards her.

"I just feel like something isn't right Jaz, something here is just not letting me be at ease."

"You know.... maybe you're just overreacting hon. You're used to being on edge and always alert because of a sudden vampire attack on our barracks. But we're not in Sanborn anymore Selene.... we're home."

"I know... I know we're home..... we should all have gone home Jaz.... but we're not all home are we?"

She played with the hem of her dress, her eyes watered knowing I meant Miranda should have been home too.

"Selene.... you need to stop blaming yourself for her death. Damian is the one-"

"Don't Jaz.... it was my fault. I should have been more alert that day. I should have protected her.... rest assure Jaz... I will find him someday, and when I do, I will make sure he wishes he'd been dead long ago." I say, my eyes filling with tears, a knot caught in my throat and I hadn't realized I was gripping the magazine so harsh it tore the pages as I twisted them.

We got ready around six in the afternoon. Blake had sent me a mind link asking me to change into something else and meet him along with everyone else for dinner.

"Darling, dinner is in an hour. Please make yourself present downstairs, I will be waiting for you. We will be seated at table four. Dress with something sexy for me."

I blushed as he talked through the mind link. He always makes me feel blushed.

"Ok sweetheart. I'll be down in an hour."

"Jaz, we gotta get ready. " I said to her.

She took a long sigh, tilted her head back, and closed her eyes.

"Honestly? I just want to go to my room and sleep. This whole being preggo thing wears me out Sel..." I giggled as she gently rubbed her hand over her belly in circles.

I got up holding a hand out for her.

"Bitch please, you look beautiful. Now get your ass out of my room, and go get sexy for Ty." I said as she giggled and left my room.

I knew exactly the kind of dresses Blake liked on me. So I decided to take a quick bath, and changed onto his favorite red laced lingerie, and wore a tight long pencil dress in black, with off the shoulders straps. A deep back cut and high slit on the left side of my leg that went up to mid-thigh. I decided on wearing my black pumps.

I made smokey eye makeup with dark red lips and loose curls on my hair.

I walked down the stairs and knocked on Jazzy's door. She had a light blue chiffon dress that made her look so sophisticated and sweet.

"Aww, whose loving the preggo life now huh?" I said giggling.

She rolled her eyes and laughed as she interlaced her hand on mine.

We made our way down onto the dining hall where there were about ten tables elegantly set up for all of us to sit and dine tonight.

Blake stood tall and fierce next to the alpha's and my brother Tyler. He looked kind of irritated, glancing at his watch. Probably thinking I'm still upstairs getting ready.

Tyler nudged him on his shoulder, he had his hands back in his pocket and Ty held a glass with what seemed whiskey on the rocks.

He looked over and smiled as he saw me getting close. There were numerous people there, and many girls that I'm guessing belonged to that pack.

He met us halfway as we approached. Wrapping his arms on my waist and kissing me. We both had a bright smile on our faces as we pulled apart.

He grabbed my hand, Jazzy and Ty held hands as well. We made our way to our table and sat down, we were greeted by many members. He introduced me to a lot of the men there, and their mates.

Everyone seemed so polite, besides the few now and then arrogant glares and eye rolls of other females who I could care less about that sat on other tables.

"Luna Selene, how do you like your stay so far in our pack?" Alpha Stewart asked as he held Macy's hand and smiled at her.

"I can honestly say it has been a pleasant stay up to now. Thank you for your warm hospitality Alpha Stewart." He smiled as Macy smiled our way, turning quickly towards the kitchen giving them the signal to start serving the tables.

The waiters came and gave us each our plate. Blake had a glass of whiskey with his food, I of course had my favorite, a glass of rose.

I was enjoying my food as he'd glance towards me now and then, smiling at me, gripping my knee from under the table, or kissing me on my knuckles from time to time.

As we neared the end of our meal, more people were still walking in to sit.

I excused myself as I made my way out to the restroom. Jazzy stood up and soon followed behind me, we went in and did our business. We washed our hands, she retouched her makeup and I walked back together with her.

When I went back out, Hazel was furious at the sight before us. My heart sank and I was beyond pissed and annoyed. A stupid female was sitting on Blake's lap, and although his hands were not on her, and it rather looked like he was trying to get her off, it didn't matter to me.

All I know is that she is on his lap, where I belong and no one else.

"Uhm, Selene... calm down. I'm sure she's one of those stupid females that like to just come around and ask for trouble or whatnot for no reason..... but you are better than this."

I took a long sigh, "You know Jaz, for her sake, and everyone else here... she better be off my man before I make my way over there. Or there will be blood in that stupid pretty face of hers when I'm done with her."

She knows what I'm capable of, and knows that no one.... but I mean no one messes with my man.

"Selene, please... that girl will never have a chance to defend herself. Just take it es-"

I left her there talking to herself, pulling my hand out of her grasp, and made my way to the table.

"Fuck, here we go..." I heard her say.

Blake had a blank stare that let me know he was annoyed, but I was more pissed off the fact he wasn't making this stupid female get off him.

She talked in his ear as she tried to wrap her scrawny twig arms around his neck.

"Come on Blake, just one last time, let's sneak out and have some fun. You know you want to shove your delicious tongue of yours down my throat. I miss your kisses baby."

I cleared my throat, as I stood before them. Everyone seemed bothered by her presence, yet the fact no one told her to leave made my rage increase more by the second.

When Blake saw me, his eyes widened in shock, his face was red. Yet somehow the fact he saw me jealous amused him... you have to be fucking kidding me right now? How dare he get amused by this damn circumstance?

She looked up annoyed and rolled her eyes. I crossed my hands over my chest and tapped my foot profusely on the floor.

"What?.... Can I help you with something?" She said as she rolled her eyes. He somehow thought it was amusing to see me there all pissed off. If he was trying to play along now, things were gonna get worse for her and he was not gonna hear the end of it.

"Who are you?" I asked her narrowing my eyebrows and glaring between the both. His face turned into a smile as he wrapped his hand around her waist.

"I'm Tasha, who the fuck are you?" She said tossing her hair back and placing it on top of his chest.

I let out a growl, Hazel was just as pissed off as I was.

"Rip her fucking head off Selene. No one touches our man."

"Give it a second Haze, I'll have my fun at making her regret EVER...... laying a hand on Blake, but I'm wondering what she just said right now?"

"It doesn't matter, just rip her apart, or move aside so I can do it. I'd love to bite her damn head off."

"I said give it a rest Haze.... she wants him for one last time?.... which means there were other times. And if he fucking slept with this female he has a fucking war coming his way."

Haze growled loud, she bent her front paws ready to charge over her and take over, but I refused to shift in front of everyone. I can see James from the corner of my eye with his Luna, a big smile of amusement plastered in his fucking face as his Luna seemed shocked.

"Look here sweetheart, I'm gonna give you three seconds to get your scrawny limp little body off my husband's lap before I make you get off him," I said as my eyes turned dark.

She chuckled as she leaned in closer to him, but by now... he knew I was past pissed off and told her to get off.

"Tasha, I think it's best you do what my wife is telling you. Leave, before things get bad shit ugly for you."

She looked at him confused and irritated. She gasped and placed her hand on her chest.

"Blake.... are you serious? But baby, what about us? What about what we had? I thought I meant something to you?"

Blake sighed, nodding his head in annoyance.

"Tasha, I'm with Selene... she's my wife and have a mate. You knew from the beginning that I was waiting for my Luna to come back. Besides we only messed around a few times, before you found Hector, it was never serious."

I was getting irritated by the second. If he thought him saying all this bullshit was gonna better things,... he was wrong. He was only making shit worse for himself and this Tasha chick.

She got off annoyed from his lap, coming near me as if trying to intimidate me. She came so close I felt her stink breath on my face.

"Just who the hell do you think you are? Do you think because you finally decided to show up that he's gonna stop messing around with me? He'll always come around to see me sweetheart... he always looks for me when he's down here... it's not the first time, and believe me ...." she got close to whisper in my ear.

"Mate, or no mate...If he wants to fuck me, I so would let him." She whispered as she moaned in my ear.

Both Hazel and I growled. I snapped, I was so pissed off, I let my rage take over.

I punched her on her nose, sending her across the room yards away. She got up growling. Everyone gasped, as they stood to their feet.

Blake came up and grabbed my hand.

"Selene, stop.... let's go."

I looked at him, growling aloud. My wolf Hazel threatening to shift over. I yanked my hand away. Tasha shifted to her wolf and launched towards me. I pushed Blake to the side as she neared us.

I caught her wolf in mid-air and tossed her across the room slamming her on the wall. She launched at me again, and I punched her hard on her snout, making her body thump loud on the floor.

When she fell on the floor I stomped hard in her ribs, stabbing her side with the heel of my pumps. She whimpered in agony as I heard her ribs break, and the piercing of my heel on her side.

I kicked her as I grabbed her body off the floor, and threw it again with another kick. My body was pumping adrenaline on its own as if I was in combat again.

I turned my body as I kicked her body again in the midst way before her body hit the wall. She hit the wall, and I was already next to her, punching her profusely on her wolf's face. I could see blood from her snout coming out. I was sure I had broken her jaw.

I got off her and kicked her again, breaking more of her ribs.

"Selene stop please you're going to kill her," Jazzy yelled as she held her hands to her face. Blake came and wrapped his hands around my waist pulling me against his chest. Grabbing my hands tight with his arm.

Even Caleb and James had never been able to still me when I was fighting, but I couldn't get out of Blake's hold, he overpowered me.

I squirmed around in his arms as he tightened his grip. "Enough Selene," he yelled in his Alpha voice. Everyone jumped in shock at his tone.

He'd never used his Alpha voice with me. But it really was intimidating. I stood still, trying to catch my breath, I was still really mad.

Tasha shifted back, whimpering from the pain. She grasped her ribs, I could see both of her sides were red and purple, and covered in blood. It matched perfectly with her broken jaw and the blood pouring from her mouth, it went perfect with her purple eyes and a bloody nose.

When Blake felt my body relaxed, he let go of me. I made my way close to her.

She flinched when she saw me near her. Whimpering and placing her body and face down in submission.

I gripped her hand tight, pulling her from her hair, and slammed her on the wall, hitting her head on the wall behind her. I placed my hand around her neck, she whimpered like the coward she really was.

"Don't you EVER, touch my man again. Do I make myself clear?" I whispered in her ear. She looked at me, fear in her eyes, nodding in submission.

I growled at her, tossing her to the floor, and turned to give a pissed-off look at Blake.

His gaze was down towards his shoes. He looked at me, eyebrows narrowed without fully lifting his head. He gulped hard, unable to say a word.

I looked around, everyone seemed to feel awkward by the confrontation I just had with Tasha... but then again, in a world of wolves, brawls like these always happen, it's not a big deal. Wolves get hurt and even killed for these kinds of shit.

She's lucky I let her walk away alive.

I was so pissed off I was not in the mood to talk to him.

I made my way out and up to my room. Blake left behind me, and although he called after me numerous times, I kept walking. I was so mad at him, for his sake, and mine... I was hoping he got the hint I wanted to be alone.

I got to the door, gripped the doorknob with force, and turned it. Made my way on and closed the door shut with as much force as I could.... but he stood in the way, stopping the door from shutting with his hand.

He closed it slowly behind him, I knew he was there. His sweet earthy scent filled every inch of my soul.

"Selene please.... talk to him. He's our mate.... you know he loves us. Talk to him please?" Hazel pleaded.

I took a long sigh, I stood by our balcony, looking out to the beautiful lake. My arms crossed over my chest as I inhaled deeply and closed my eyes.

He walked slowly, he was near, his scent grew stronger and stronger as he got closer. Silent and determined.

"Leave Blake."

I felt him getting closer, the closer he got, the angrier and more hurt I felt.

He wrapped his hands around my waist, his lips grazed softly across my neck. His breath making goosebumps on my skin. I know I should be furious with him... and I hate that his touch has such an effect on me.

My throat felt dry, yet I could taste the sweetness of his kiss just by his touch on my skin.

"Darling... I didn't know she'd be here. I promise I never meant to hurt you."

And just like that, he ruined the fucking moment.

I moved his hands away from me. Stepping away from his embrace and began waking out.

"So what did you think was going to happen Blake? You'd bring me to a pack where you're used to meeting with your whore hoping to not get caught? Is that what you were hoping for? Spare the misery... I'm leaving. Rest assure you're getting divorce papers, now you can go and keep shoving your tongue down her fucking throat."

"Selene stop.... you're my wife. It was never anything serious with her."

"No? Then what was it? You'd suck faces with her and eventually fuck her until I came back? What if I hadn't come back yet? What would have happened this time Blake? Same ol same ol.... you'd sneak out somewhere with her and suck her fa e? That is.... unless everyone knew about you two."

"Selene I mean it... STOP!"

"NO Blake.... you don't get to tell me I have no right to be mad. You don't get to tell me I have no right to be hurt, or angry at you... how dare you fucking tell me it was never anything serious? Do you hear yourself?" I was getting angrier by the minute, tears ran down my face.

He tried to hold me, but I pushed him away.

"All this time.... you said I was the only one. That you have always loved me... you don't go behind someone's back and suck face with some stupid female while saying you love me still."

"Selene enough... just let me talk? Let me explain!" He yelled. But I was so angry at him. I wanted him to leave, I wanted to go back home.... better yet, I wanted to go back to Camp Sanborn with my team. Where even if I was alone, I didn't have the hurtful feeling of betrayal.

Knock knock

The door opened harshly, and Ty made his way in.

"Blake!" He said worriedly

"What Ty!! Why the fuck are you interrupting?" He yelled at him, his eyes turning dark, his knuckles turning white as he gripped his arms tight.

"We need to talk.... now!" He said, I realized the rest they spoke in a link, closing me out of their conversation.

His eyes turned darker, his wolf threatening to emerge. He growled aloud and clenched his jaw. I knew he was angry at something Ty said, his veins on his forehead, neck, and arms were completely exposed.

"Selene!?" He said calmly as he closed his eyes. He placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me close to him, making me gasp as he claimed my lips, surprising me... I was not expecting him to kiss me.

"I will be back."

"Whatever. " I responded

He growled once more, closed his eyes, and sighed deeply.

I looked away from him. My lips puckered to the way I make my lips involuntarily when I'm mad. My eyebrows narrowed as I took a long sigh.

"Baby looks at me?! Believe me when I say I know I fucked up big time... and I am willing to make it up to you the rest of my life if I have to. But you are not divorcing me.... and you will never leave my side. I love you, darling. You are the only one I have ever made love to, the only one that I love... and I intend to keep it that way." He whispered.

My throat was caught, I had no words to say.... knowing my big ass mouth I was already prepping a way to snap back... yet I lost the trail of thought... all I could do was look at him in his eyes.

"Maybe he meant what he just said Sel..."
Hazel whimpers

"Shut up you stupid pup.... you're just saying this because you miss those stupid runs with Xander."

"I do miss him, I miss Xander.... but he sounds so sincere Selene. Just hear him out.... please?"

"Whatever Haze... go away," I said to her as I blocked her out and ignored her.

"I'll be back as soon as I can. We'll continue our conversation. I love you, sweetheart." He says as he interlaced his hand on my hair, tightening his grip on my waist with his other hand.

He locks eyes with me for a second, he knows I am still pretty upset. He takes a long sigh as he leans close and kisses me gently on my lips... for the first time, I don't return his kiss. He places his forehead on mine and gently lets me go.

The loss of his touch makes me break, it hurts just as bad as I felt when Tasha whispered her ugly words of betrayal in my ear.

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