NA YUTA 。feelings

By watermelonculture

10.4K 413 141

❙ only fools fall for her ⌗strictly no plagiarism ⌗no updates on Sunday ⌗ this does not depict the attitude... More

▎ disclaimer, character aesthetics
▎ intro
▎ one
▎ two
▎ three
▎ four
▎ five
▎ six
▎ seven
▎ eight
▎ nine
▎ twenty
▎ twenty-one
▎ twenty-three
▎ twenty-six
▎ twenty-eight
▎ twenty-nine
▎ thirty
▎ thirty-one
▎ thirty-two
▎ thirty-three
▎ thirty-four
▎ thirty-five
▎ thirty-six
▎ thirty-seven
▎ thirty-eight
▎ thirty-nine
▎ forty-one
▎ forty-two
▎ forty-three
▎ forty-four
▎ forty-five
▎ forty-six
▎ forty-seven
▎ forty-eight
▎ forty-nine
▎ fifty
▎ fifty-one
▎ fifty- six
▎ fifty- seven
▎ end
▎ author's note

▎ forty

158 8 2
By watermelonculture

"Stop," I whispered.

"I'm sorry for giving you a reason to fight with each other." I looked down.

Doyoung and Yuta remained quiet as they anticipated my next statement. It looked like they just realized they were acting like kids and were a little embarrassed.

"Yuta," I glanced at him. When my eyes were swollen from crying, his gaze softened, 

"I'm saying sorry on Doyoung's behalf. It's true that I find it hard to believe that you're suddenly talking to me. It's gonna be a while before I fully trust you. Not unless you start hating me again."

Yuta cleared his throat. Doyoung stared at me, also waiting for me to talk. 

"Doyoung," He looked at me. 

"I know curiosity and worry is killing you. Trust me, I'm feeling the same way. I don't hate you. Sadly, that's all I can say for now."

I hugged him very tight, "But when I'm ready to talk, I promise to call and find you wherever you are," I whispered.

He burst out in tears. "I thought you forgot about me."

I chuckled, playfully ruffling his hair. "Tsk, never."

Doyoung grinned, wiping his tears away. He sighed in relief before offering his hand to Yuta. 

"Sorry for doubting you, man." Doyoung gave him a bro hug which in return, Yuta smiled.

"Yeah, I'm sorry." Yuta murmured. 

Yuta cleared his throat, clearly not used to physical contact. Just on time, Han Byul ran to us. After greeting us and saying goodbye, Doyoung, and Han Byul left.

"So what now?" Yuta asked.

I tucked my arms at the sides and turned to Yuta, "Let's start recording."

I started walking, not even knowing our destination. I stopped my track and stared at Yuta.

He looked everywhere but me. "What?"

I nibbled on my bottom lip before saying, "Can I borrow your guitar? I don't have instruments in the house."

His eyes lit up and I gawked at him. 

"You can just sing. I learned how to play the guitar anyway." I tried to convince him.

Yuta pretended to think with his hands on his waist, he stepped towards me.


I grinned, "Thanks,"

Yuta shaking his head made me stop.

"You can borrow my guitar under one condition." He leaned towards me.

My stomach was suddenly doing backflips. 

"Go get it at my place." He smirked.


"Hi Mrs. Nakamoto." I bowed to Yuta's mother.

She seemed shock after seeing me at her mansion's entrance. Nevertheless, she made me come in.

"I'm so glad to see you." Mrs. Nakamoto held onto her robe as she walked beside me. She was displaying this so shocked expression as if seeing me inside her house was a rare thing, which it is.

I chuckled, "I'm as surprised as you are."

We passed by their luxurious living room. Mrs. Nakamoto gave me a quick tour of the house and offered me a snack while Yuta disappeared to somewhere. 

From the corner of my eye, I saw him run upstairs then carefully walked behind me when he was done.

Yuta changed his jersey to comfortable sweatpants and shirt. 

"Mom. that's enough. She didn't come here for fun." Yuta mumbled, leaning his hand on the counter.

We were now in the kitchen. A frown appeared in Yuta's mother's face.

"If you're so eager to have Eunsol alone, just say so." She flipped her hair, feeling confident from what she said.

I shook my head and waved my hand dismissively. "That's gonna make him mad."

Mrs. Nakamoto opened her mouth. She tilted her head then looked at Yuta. "Really?" She teased.

Yuta groaned in response. "Mom, we're leaving." He rolled his eyes and left me again.

I decided to excuse myself from Mrs. Nakamoto and followed Yuta. Their house was bigger compared to ours and this was my first time coming here, I was afraid to get lost.

By the time I got upstairs, Yuta was gone. 

I awkwardly stood there, debating on what door to open. But the sweet sound of a guitar being played was suddenly heard. My feet took me to the room at the end of the hall and I hesitantly twisted the door knob.

Yuta sat with his legs spread out on the sheets of his comfortable bed, tuning the instrument with his fingers. The guitar was a simple, wooden and acoustic guitar. I found myself sitting next to him.

He glanced at me for a second before focusing on the guitar again.  He cleared his throat and after testing the strings, he began to sing a song.

"I hung up the phone tonight..." He sung an unfamiliar verse.

"Something happened for the first time deep inside,"

"It was a rush, what a rush

Yuta's voice was smooth and angelic. Beautiful is an understatement to describe it. I've seen him dance at PE class and he's very good. Yuta is clearly idol material. But I never heard him sing until today and that convinced me even more. He didn't care whether I was looking at him or not. He was closing his eyes, enjoying every tune his guitar made. 

He ended the song with a smile. 

"That was crush by David Archuleta," He glanced at me and waited for my respond. 

I nodded as I took note of the title. 

"Maybe you wanna hear the song if you're free." He placed his guitar on the side and licked his lips like he was nervous.

"okay, sure." I grinned.

"I see you're greater than me when it comes to instruments." I scratched my head, earning a chuckle from him.

"Mmh," He said, nodding impressively.

"I like to keep it low-key."

"Do you remember our first meeting?" He asked. 

Yuta stopped tuning his guitar and started humming a song.

"Of  course." I smiled at him. Yuta's usual poker face turned bright.

It was actually the first time I saw him smile with me.

"It was in junior year at the gym," I said.

He looked at me and his smile faded. "Right," he mumbled.

"Hey Yuta, wanna get ice cream after this? My treat."

He stood up, resisting to make eye contact with me, "No, it's fine."

"Let's just start recording so we can finish this already." He hissed.

I looked down my lap and nodded. "Okay," I faked a smile.

                                                                                                               Thanks for reading🍁

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