That Moment (Harry styles/Sel...

By elizabeth_756

72.4K 2K 275

Meet Claire Woods she's a famous successful celebrity. She's terrified of love but why? She has everything in... More

Hi my name is. . . :)
- Chapter 1 -
- Chapter 2 -
- Chapter 3 -
- Chapter 4 -
- Chapter 5 -
- Chapter 6 -
- Chapter 7 -
- Chapter 8 -
- Chapter 9 -
- Chapter 10 -
- Chapter 11 -
- Chapter 12 -
- Chapter 13 -
- Chapter 14 -
- Chapter 15 -
- Chapter 16 -
- Chapter 17 -
- Chapter 18 -
- Chapter 19 -
- Chapter 20 -
- Chapter 21 -
- Chapter 22 -
- Chapter 23 -
- Chapter 24 -
- Chapter 25 -
- Chapter 26 -
- Chapter 27 -
- Chapter 28 -
- Chapter 29 -
- Chapter 30 -
- Chapter 31 -
- Chapter 32 -
- Chaper 33 -
- Chapter 34 -
- Chapter 35 -
- Chapter 36 -
- Chapter 37 -
- Chapter 38 -
- Chapter 39 -
- Chapter 40 -
- Chapter 41-
- Chapter 42 -
- Chapter 43 -
- Chapter 44 -
- Chapter 45 -
- Chapter 46 -
- Chapter 47 -
- Chapter 48 -
- Chapter 49 -
- Chapter 50 -
- Chapter 51 -
- Chapter 52 -
- Chapter 53 -
- Chapter 54 -
- Chapter 55 -
- Chapter 56 -
- Chapter 57 -
- Chapter 58 -
- Chapter 59 -
- Chapter 60 -
- Chapter 61 -
- Chapter 62 -
- Chapter 63 -
- Chapter 64 -
- Chapter 65 -
- Chapter 66 -
- Chapter 67 -
- Chapter 68 -
- Chapter 69 -
- Chapter 70 -
- Chapter 71 -
- Chapter 72 -
- Chapter 73 -
- Chapter 74 -
- Chapter 75 -
- Chapter 76 -
- Chapter 77 -
- Chapter 78 -
- Chapter 79 -
- Chapter 80 -
- Chapter 81 -
- Chapter 82 -
- Chapter 83 -
- Chapter 84 -
- Chapter 85 -
- Chapter 86 -
- Chapter 87 -
- Chapter 88 -
- Chapter 89 -
- Chapter 90 -
- Chapter 91 -
- Chapter 92 -
- Chapter 93 -
- Chapter 94 -
- Chapter 95 -
- Chapter 96 -
- Epilogue -
Authors Note

- Chapter 97 -

599 14 2
By elizabeth_756

Vote and Comment. :) Enjoy!

Final chapter!!!


"You did great!" Danielle said as she walked over to me.

"Thanks." I grabbed the towel she was handing me and took it.

I had just finished a concert and I loved these things. My fans as always were amazing and I loved interacting with them. The past months have all been a blur and all went by real fast. It wasn't the best and I felt empty but I managed as I spent more time with my younger brothers and family.

Xavier got married to his now wife Jasmine and let me tell you it was beautiful. The decorations and just everything was amazing. She looked beautiful and it made think of my once wedding with Ed.

Ed is now dating some girl I don't know but he said he was going to introduce her to me. Me and him were still friends and joked about our once wedding. He seemed happy and he has gotten so successful that I'm proud.

Victoria had practicaly begged for forgiveness which I had forgiven her but I would never trust her. Our relationship isn't as tight, thinking back it was never tight at all. We always argued and had different point of views. James and her managed to get back together over the past months and thank God he was keeping her in the right path.

Justin and I managed to be friends. He still likes me but good thing is he's stopped pestering me about dating him. He was a wonderful guy but I just don't want a relationship.

Danielle, well let's say she's not as bitter about Sophia anymore. She hasn't talked to Liam and refuses to even speak about him. Liam has tried to apologize but everytime he tries he gets a bucket of cold water thrown over him, door slammed in his face, or kicked in the balls.

Perrie and Zayn got engaged which is bloody amazing because I Iove Zerrie. I didn't know Zayn was such a romantic but I heard he had help from the boys. At the moment they were both focused on their careers. I still saw them and me and Perrie still hung out time from time with her bandmates.

Alex and Niall were still going strong and only managed to have a fight once that broke them up for a week. Niall still loving food and Alex still feeding him food. They were so cute that they make me sick. In a good way of course. Alex had gotten better and I loved that Niall always protected her from hate on Twitter. I also loved how my fans protect and defend her as well. They met each other's family which is cool.

(^ when Niall hooked up with Ellie they were broken up)

Eleanor and Louis were also going strong. Eleanor still received hate on twitter for being fake and just someone management "hired". Seriously I think the Fanfictions are getting to the fans. There called Fiction for a reason. Louis of course defended her and she paid no attention as if she was with Lou she could care less what they thought. We all hung out a few weeks ago and it was fun.

Liam and Sophia were still dating and fans didn't like that as they have grown fond of Danielle. Sophia didn't care as she was happy and so was Liam. They looked cute and honestly who cares what people think.

My father and I have worked on our relationship since months ago. We got along now and we even exchange hugs and kisses. I call him daddy now which is weird but nice at the same time. He divorced that women and she managed to gain no money from my him. He was much more understanding and kind now.

"You have a week off." Danielle said as we pulled up to my hotel room. We were in Florida and I was staying in the same hotel room as when me, BTR, and One Direction were touring together. It was weird.

"Thanks Dani." I said as I stripped off my clothes and headed into the shower.

"Eww not in front of me." She covered her eyes.

As I was in the shower I thought back to a few months ago. It was so weird to know that I've almost married Ed. I looked down at my right fist and saw the faint scar from where I punched the wall.

"I'm stupid." I said as I proceeded to wash my hair.

My life was so different then what it was a few months back and it was weird.

My hand reached for the soft towel and I proceeded to cover myself up. I dried off my skin and changed into my sweats. I blow dried my hair and then put it up in a messy bun.

"You look tired." Danielle said.

"I am but hey I'm going over to the beach." I reached for my car keys.

"This late at night?" I nodded.

"Sure but if you get kidnapped I'll say it was all you."

"Shut up." I threw a pillow at her and headed out.

It wasn't cold outside even if it was winter. It was always warm in Florida. I clicked a button and my orange range rover beeped. It was a beautiful color so I never bothered to give it back since I loved it.

"Memories." I said softly as I turned the car on and drove to the beach.

Honestly I don't know why I decided to go at this hour and especially to the exact spot where we had our first date but something drew me here.

I sniffed the air. "I love the ocean." I sat in the sand and just looked over at the sea.

My life wasn't sad or anything. It could be better but things don't work out. Last year I would have imagined me and him still together but yea things don't work out.

I haven't heard much about him and neither have the media printed any stories about him. It was good I guess since they didn't attack him for being a manwhore anymore.

I wonder where he's at?

I know their working on their next album and on a world tour at the moment. My eyes wandered over to the moon.

"Are you looking at the moon like I am?" I whispered.


"I am." I turned around startled and found myself staring back at Harry.

"Harry." I quickly got up and cleaned sand off me.

"Claire." He said softly.

"Hi." I said.


I looked down to the sand and then up at him after a LONG period of time.

"Uh look at the time I have to go." I motioned to a watch that wasn't on my wrist and started walking past him.

"Claire Wait!" He reached out for my wrist and pulled me back.

"No please stop your making this harder then it already is. I have been doing great." I clenched my fist and shut my eyes tight so no tears fall.

"Kiss me."

My eyes opened and I quickly thought back to the past.

Those words.

"What did you say?" I asked softy and slowly.

"Kiss me Claire." I turned around and looked at him with hurt clearly seen in his eyes.

Should I?

I don't want to get hurt again and it's best for me to stay away. It isn't healthy.

But I want too.

But it isn't healthy.

"I'm sorry I really am." I covered my mouth as sobs started escaping from my mouth.

My feet quickly made a run for it and I never looked back.

This is the final chapter!

Do you love it!?

I do!

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