Camp Camp X Counselor! Reader

By ItsyBittySpider01

357K 9K 16.6K

When (Y/n) gets hired as a camp counselor she wasn't expecting much. She just wanted a summer job to get away... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
The Best Script Reading, Ft. (Y/n)
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Hey Guys
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
115 Follower Special
Chapter 28
Chapter 28.5
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
this will only be up until the next update!
Chapter 35

Chapter 29

6.1K 154 520
By ItsyBittySpider01

Late into the night, Max walked through the forest. In the crisp night, Max finally made it to the bunker. He talked a bit with Neil and Nikki before pulling out Dark Reflection.

The Comedy trio watched the episode closely. They sat in the cold floor while eating popcorn. The scene showed a jump scare that caused the three to scream. They all screamed louder as the door opened and someone turning on the lights.

The three looked over to see David and (Y/n) walking into the bunker. Both had upset looks written across their faces.

"Why I'd never," David walked deeper into the bunker, "You three are supposed to be asleep not watching Dark Reflection! Your young minds aren't able to take in this type of bleak content. You're not british!"

Max shrugged, "Whatever it wasn't even that scary,"

"Oh really, you think your so tough?," David leaned in closer, "Well you know what happens to arrogant little boys like you who think they are too cool for school? Sometimes, they go a little too far and rub the wrong person the wrong way. "

David gave him a creepy look, "And you know what happens next? They disappear and their little arrogant bodies are. Never. Found. Again."

"Huh?" Max looked between (Y/n) and David confused.

(Y/n) pulled David to stand next to her, "Ha! He's just kidding! It's a quote from episode 7, the death ghosts!"

"Yes! Now you kids run along now and done let us catch you having nightmares!" David smiled wider at the three.

Max walked over to (Y/n) and lifted his small hand. The woman looked at him and his hand confused.

"Um, kiddo why don't you run along with your...friends,"

Max lowered his hand slowly. (Y/n) smiled down at him as Max took a closer look. Her smiled seemed forced and she wasn't wearing her usual blue hoodie. Max looked down at her shoes. The usual faded shoes were replaced with new, bright, white sneakers.

As Max walked off confused, David and (Y/n) stared at him intensely.

"I wasn't kidding you know," David glared at him with a wicked smile. It was instantly dropped with a normal one, "Ha! Yes I was...or was I.....Yes I was....or was I....Yes I was-"

David didn't finish as (Y/n) smacked him over the head.


The next morning, Max started to think about the events of last night. He shook his head as he tried his best to explain things to Neil and Nikki.

"I just can't stop thinking on how weird they were acting last night. David sorta looked pissed off at you guys, but to me," Max shivers. "Not to mention my mom, she looked so..."

"Lifeless?" Neil finished

"Yeah... Almost as if-"

"Good morning campers!" David shouted as he walked next to (Y/n) and Gwen.

Both women had disapproval looks on their faces as he continues.

"Oh, I'm sorry if that sounded harsh. I'm not my usual cheery self." His eyebrows knitted together in a similar disapproval look, "that's because a terrible violation of camp rules had me tossing and turning all night!"

"Last night," (Y/n) spoke, keeping her eyes on the kids, "an unnamed trio had broken into Gwen's video cabinet and stole an ADULT movie,"

"GROWN UP!" Gwen shouted over her as she jumped onto her. "She means grown up movie!"

(Y/n) shoved Gwen off in an unusual fashion. Gwen looked at (Y/n) as she dusted herself off.

"This type of mischief has become too common at Camp Campbell lately, and after giving the situation some thought it's time for a drastic change." David's eyes narrowed

"Which is why, each and everyone of you, will have a personal counseling section with David and me!" (Y/n) announced, "lashing out is a clear sign your all feeling underappreciated. So the two of us will dedicate a full quarter of an hour for every camper! To understand how we can make your stay at camp the best it can be!"

"We can't wait to hear what everyone has to say during our chat. Just the three of us!" The two said in perfect sync, before staring straight at Max

"All alone,"

"Did you see that! They did it again!" Max shouted.

The trio watched as (Y/n) smiled. "C' kid, you get to go first! Since your the most...special!"

Max stared at her. If that was his mom, if that was (Y/n), she would've called him Space Niel. Not space kid.

"Seriously, am I the only one who doesn't find this whole thing suspicious?" Max asked again

"I think that tv show scrambled your brains," Nikki joked. "You don't really think those two are aliens right?"

"No! Of course not..." Max looked down before looking back at her, "do you?"

"Why would aliens take David and (Y/n)'s bodies when they can take the body of John Cena? Or BEYONCE?" Nikki rationalize

"Fine, if you won't help me I'll get to the bottom of this myself!" Max said as he walked off.


Max didn't make it far, he only reached the tents. He mumbled to himself in frustration as he neared the tent where the sections were happening. "Bunch of bastards think I'm crazy. I'm not crazy! He looked at me!"

He stepped closer and heard David's voice. Max decided to overhear,

"All this hard counseling work has me famished (Y/n)! Why I'm so hungry I can eat YOU!"

"Holy shit! Mom! Space Kid!" Max shouted as he rushed towards the entrance. He forced himself inside with an angry expression.

"What the FUCK is going on?!"

(Y/n) looked between Max and David surprised. David just smiled,

"Why hello Max! You just caught us in the middle of our snack break. Gingerbread man?" He asked him

"W-what did you do to space kid?" Max's eyes darted around the room before they landed onto (Y/n)

"Oh... He's gone," she answered him, keeping her hands ontop of her lap. Max kept his eyes onto her nails, which were painted white.

David stood from his seat before pushing Max out of the tent. "Run along now, we have more kids to get to. But I can't wait for our time Max, we have something special planned for you!"


"Things aren't adding up!" Max mumbled to himself as he searched through (Y/n)'s desk.

He was careful to not mess up her organization system she has for herself.  His search wasn't long before he landed onto her journal.

Max opened it and began to scan through the pages. Nothing interesting as he's already looked through it before. Things that he's already read.

Her adoption


University at England




Not caring about finding a proper job or working at the company


Parties and joined a band


Getting kicked out of the apartment given by her adopted parents


Being homeless and living at her car


Getting a job at Camp Campbell



Max's eyes widen as a letter fell out of the section that was dedicated to Daniel. His eyes dashed back at the pages as he saw the story of what happened that day.

It talked about the tinder incident and Daniel arriving. How he called her "Juliet," before she began to describe the inside of the sauna. Max winced as he saw an ink splatter at the end before she got into more detail.

He picked up the envelope from the floor. Max scanned it again. It didn't say anything more than just her name written in red marker.

Max placed the journal back inside her desk drawer, but put the envelope inside his pocket.

He went back to his search. This time he focused onto David's desk. Instead of being neat like with (Y/n)'s things, Max began to throw papers over his shoulders.

"Something just not right about it! There's gotta be something in here that proves that I'm not crazy!" Max shouted as he pulled out Bonquisha's shirt. He cringed as he began to look again.

"I mean that there's something crazy!" Max pulled out a blue hoodie. He gave it a closer look before he realized-

"This is mom's hoodie you sick fuck!" Max yelled as if he was getting onto David. He slapped himself, realizing he was talking to no one. "Keep it together Max,"

He looked inside before finding David journal. Max smiled in victory as he began to read it outloud.

"July 26- I told (Y/n) that I lost her (F/c) pen, but I found it later in my vest. I'm so ashamed! No one must know!"

Max only rolled his eyes, "Jesus Christ he's boring,"

The door began to open. Max heard and quickly rushed over to hide underneath Gwen's bottom bunk. It gave him perfect view of David's shoes as he walked over to his desk.

"Oh I hate this part," David said to himself as he messed with his eyes. Not long before he sighed and looked out his window, "Oh finally! I have the campers just where I wanted them! The feast is being prepared!"

He laughed while Max stared in fear, covering his mouth. As David left, Max got up from his spot and began to run towards the mess hall shouting for his friends. When he heard a scream, he realized about the feast that David talked about earlier.

"I got you now you torso taking asshole!" Max pointed and yelled. His arm lowered when he saw the rest of the mess hall looking pretty much normal.

"What's going on?" He asked

"Hey Max!" Nikki said through her mouthful of chips. "Did you get your counseling section done yet? There's refreshments!"

"But...but I heard someone screaming," Max looked towards Neil.

Niel held an amused laugh, "You mean Preston? Nerris just spilled soda over his new dance shoes."

Max watched as Preston called Nerris a vile creature. She looked at him nervously.

"But space kid! He disappeared!"

"He's been helping up here for hours," Nikki pointed towards him, "David and (Y/n) had him helping with this whole thing!"

"I asked them both for more responsibilities around camp!" Space Niel smile as he dropped a light.

"Wow, I guess I had it all wrong," Max mumbled. He sat onto a chair and pulled out the letter from his pocket. "That stupid tv show did mess me up,"

"It happens to the best of us," Niel smirked, "but not me, my superior intelligent can under fact from fiction,"

He stopped himself when he saw Max raise a fist, "Not the time! Got it!"

"There you are Max! I hope your ready for our counseling section!" David asked him with excitement

"I guess...I am?" Max looked back down at the letter before putting it back into his pocket.

He followed David to the tent, sitting himself down onto the chair. He looked around when he saw that it was just the two of them inside.

"Where'" He asked, choosing his words carefully, avoiding eye contact.

"She needed, a little break," David smiled, "But don't worry, she won't miss out on you! We've been looking forward to seeing you all day!"

David's smile fell flat. He looked at him in a more serious mood, "before we start, I've been meaning to ask you something,"

"Max, do you hate me?"

Max looked up, he saw David's hurt look as he continued.

"I've been trying so hard to make camp fun for you, but it seems like no matter what I do, you never respond! I can't help but feel a little hurt."

David leaned in a little closer, "would you be happier with a different counselor?"

Max looked back down, "Um gee..I don't know. Look I know I've been kinda of a dick lately, but so much changes have been going on with my life and it didn't help that you and my mom have been acting so weird today!"

He then laugh to brighten the mood, "I even thought you both were taken over by an alien lifeform!"

David smile but looked away, "Really? That's preposterous!"

"Yeah, its kinda stupid," Max then asked, "there is one thing I don't understand. I saw that you messed with your eyes earlier but I'm sure there's a perfectly good explanation, right?"

The two laughed before David stopped. He looked down at Max in a smug expression. Max grew cautious, looking up at David.


"Oh Max, so clever," David began as he took out his contacts

Before he finished, he heard laughter towards the entrance of the tent. (Y/n) stood there, putting on a pair of white lace gloves. She smirked as she took off her own contacts as well to reveal unnatural shade of sapphire blue eyes,

"Yet so naive,"

Max stayed seated as he turned his attention back at the man infront of him. He began to point and scream, "You're not David! You're! YOU'RE!"

"That's right! Daniel," the man laughed, before Max leaned back in his chair in relief.

The two cultist looked at each other on shocked as "(Y/n)" got closer,

"Your not scared? That's our big reveal you brat!"

"You kidding me? I spent this entire day thinking either I've gone insane or that you two were body possessing aliens who ate space kid," Max rolled his eyes. His attention went over to "(Y/n)"

"Oh and by the way, I don't excatly care about you, you're a downgrade compared to the real (Y/n)," he turned back to Daniel, "What the hell are you two even doing here? Didn't you like, die?'

"Oh I think I'm pretty resistant to look aid poisoning at this point. I just can't eat dairy anymore," he turned upset, "Do you know what that's like Max? No ice cream?!"

Max looked back at the fake (Y/n). She fixed her gloves, while looking down at the kid infront of her.

"Whatever! You can't get us to join your stupid cult, you already tried and failed,"

"Failed," the woman then laughed, "we aren't here for that yet."

"We're here for you," Daniel smiled at him, "you see Max, the last time I had the misfortune to meet you, you had me introspective. Where did I go wrong? Why didn't (Y/n) love me like how I love her?"

Daniel grabbed his shirt, "Why didn't she love me before I threw her into the sauna?! Why did she only care about you?!"

"Focus imbecile," the woman said. Max could see the jealously oozing from her sapphire eyes.

"So, thanks to (S/n), I was able to have a lengthy conversation with Zeemug! I came to a personal realization. In the presuit of the entrtale salvation for humanity, I forgot to salvage myself. And my idea of selfcare?"

"Killing Max!" He smiled down at him

Max looked at the two in shock, "wait but why is she here?! She's got nothing to do with me!"

"Do you think Daniel is the only one who needed self-care?" (S/n) rolled her eyes, "I can't kill my ex. No matter how badly he fucked up or how much pain he causes me,"

(S/n) pulled out her own dagger, her smile widening, "So I'll go for the next best thing! I'll kill David!"

"Wait, you can't kill David! He messed up Daniel's plan, he did nothing to you!" Max said in a defensive voice

(S/n) laughed tauntingly, "Oh? So now you care about this David? Weren't you the one who wanted to separate him and (Y/n)?"

She looked at her dagger, "it's nothing personal to David, he's cute I'll give him that. I can totally see why (Y/n) likes him better than Daniel"

Daniel glared over at his ex before glaring down at Max, "It's a better plan for him, after what's he done. Watching his favorite camper losing his grip on reality, only to be murdered!"

"It's being Livestream to them as we speak-"


"We really need to fix the wifi around here," David mumbled.

(Y/n) looked back at him. The two were tied up down at the bunker while watching the tv show. She lowered her head and groaned.

"If he puts a finger on him, so help me I'll make sure he never walks again!" (Y/n) huffed


"There's no use calling for anyone, their locked in the mess hall," (S/n) twirled the dagger in her gloved hands

"But don't worry, were not completely heartless! We'll let you decide how you die!" Daniel smiled

"Oh ok, well uh... I always wanted to know the whole history of your ridiculous religion! You know the Zeemug, the star wars. Every little detail!" He faked a smile, "Even if it takes, I don't know, serval hours!"

"Please, you don't think we're stupid enough to fall for that," (S/n) rolled her eyes

"I'm not David," Daniel added in a mocking tone

"Your right," Max then looked up at him smugly, "David would've been able to do it in song,"

Daniel looked down at him. He pulled out his Fiddle and pointed the bow at him, "And he would've been off key! But you can prepare yourself for an auditory obituary you'll never forget!"

Daniel began to tune his fiddle and harmonize himself. When (S/n) noticed Max grab the guitar, she pulled herself out of the way to let Daniel get hit in the face. Daniel fell forward as Max stood over him with David's now broken guitar in hand.

"I fucking hate musical numbers!"

Max turned to the woman, her doll like blue eyes stared intensely at him. Max quickly ran out of the tent with (S/n) following behind him.

He ran past the mess hall, passing by Gwen. Max slowed down and turned over his shoulder. He saw the door was pushed down and yelled out at Gwen.

"They aren't David and (Y/n)! It's the cultists!"

Gwen turned over and saw (S/n). The woman stopped and stared at Gwen, shocked to see her out of the mess hall. Max continued to run, now knowing Gwen was chasing after (S/n). It didn't take long before he heard them both tumble down, but he didn't turn back.


Gwen struggled to keep the fake (Y/n) down. With the adrenaline kicking in, it made her forget about her anxiety for just a couple of moments.

Gwen had her pinned down, with her face against the floor. Gwen's left hand grabbed the back of her throat to keep her from moving, while her right held onto her arm. Her lower body kept this woman from being able to move.

The woman, who could be (Y/n)'s twin, layed there. Lifeless.

She then managed to move her head, slightly. Gwen's iron grip held her down firmly, but this didn't stop her to them give her a sadistic smile.

Unlike (Y/n)'s smiles, which are filled with genuine happiness, her's were empty. The pure insanity dripped from the twisted smile she gave to Gwen.

"My, my," she whispered, "Aren't you a strong woman, physically I mean,"

Gwen's eyebrows knitted together, not saying a word. The woman continued,

"Because emotionally," She did a loud tsss sound, almost like mimicking a burn. She gave her a mocking smile, "It must be so hard to see the person you love persue someone else,"

"What the hell are you talking about," Gwen's grip got tighter, "You psychotic bitch?"

"Oh sure, you can deny it to yourself," (S/n) continued, "But you can't fool me. I see how you look at her. I see the jealousy that oozes from you whenever David and (Y/n) get closer,"

She finally laughed, "Because knowing that David LIKES (Y/n)! It bothered you, didn't it? To know that the one person you consider as your best friend, to have him like her? It bothered you!"

Gwen didn't respond, unconsciously her grip loosen a bit. (S/n) continued, knowing looking excatly like (Y/n) made the situation harder for Gwen,

"Because you like her. Despite the teasing you did towards David, you knew you liked her as well!" She waited before continuing, "I've been watching this hell hole for a while and I gotta say I'm impressed with you,"

(S/n) yanked her head backwards and smacked it onto Gwen's face. Gwen slammed into the forest floor, holding tightly onto her nose.

Gwen looked up at (S/n). She now was standing over Gwen, towering her. She kicked Gwen's ribcage, causing her to stay down. (S/n) placed her shoe against her chest and pressed her down onto the floor.

(S/n) smirked down at her, "I do have to give it to you, Gwendolyn Lucas. Pretending to not remember David's jealousy to try and seperate them? That's pretty cruel of you,"

Gwen struggled, her nose bleeding out and her chest burning. (S/n) grabbed the edge of the wig and took it off, along with the wig cap she had. Gwen could now see her with the fake blonde hair and striking blue eyes.

"I'll do you a favor though, because I really do like you," (S/n) shurgged while smirking, "I'll make sure that Daniel never has a chance with (Y/n), so it'll bring your competition down to just one!"

(S/n) didn't notice a familiar figure come out from behind her. The large figure grabbed her by her rib cage and throat. (S/n)'s eyes widen as she was lifted from the ground.

Gwen coughed, finally able to breath. She sat up, holding onto her chest where (S/n)'s foot was and looked up. Gwen made eye contact with Cameron Campbell, who struggled to hold the lookalike.

"You are feisty, little one," Cameron joked as (S/n) thrashed around.

"Cameron?" Gwen asked, she stood up holding onto her nose, "Where's-"

"Quartermaster is with the kids inside the mess hall. He called for me to go after you," Cameron explain, "Now where's the others?"

Gwen stood up and looked towards the direction where Max ran off. If one cultist was here, chances are Daniel was here as well.


Max ran as far as his feet could let him. He stopped by a tree to catch his breath when he heard Daniel's voice.

"Oh Max? Why did you hit me so hard, Max?"

The boy continued to run as he heard Daniel's voice closing in.

"Now I got guitar splinters all over my face!"

Max stopped again to stand behind a tree. He looked over his shoulder, before Daniel jumped infront of him.

"Aha! I win!" Daniel claimed

"Tell me where they are, you maniac!" Max shouted, giving him a harsh look.

"I put them someplace where no one can ever find them!"

"Is it in the bombshelter?" Max asked with a stoic look

Max and Daniel stared at each other for a few seconds. He lunged himself at Max, but he immediately went under his arms. Max was able to swiftly escape. Daniel tried to run after him, but his foot caught a tree root and caused him to trip and fall. This gave Max a chance to escape towards the shelter.


David stared at the tv, his eyes were filled with a mixture of confusion and worry. He wouldn't lie, he was disappointed in himself. If only he put up more of a fight.

He looked over at (Y/n), who had her head hanged low. David didn't know what to say to her. She looked frighten, angry, and worried.

Watching the entire Livestream caused (Y/n) discomfort. Seeing the lookalike walk around to pretend to be her, seeing Daniel again. It began to take a toll on her. The last thing to appear on the TV was (S/n) being caught by Campbell, but it didn't show where Max and Daniel were.

The two heard the door open. They looked over and saw Max run towards David and began to untie him.

"Max! You came to rescue me!" David cheered in happiness. (Y/n) smiled in relief as David continue to talk, "I always knew that deep down-"

"Don't ruin this," Max told him as he successfully untied David. He then focus his attention to untie (Y/n).

David stood up while holding his wrists, "How did you know Daniel wasn't me?"

"Easy," Max smirked as he untied (Y/n) "he acted like a good camp counselor for a change,"

"I'm so happy your here, I'm only going to cry over that remark for two hours later,"

Max gave him one of his famous stares before looking at (Y/n). The woman stood up, before falling to her knees and hugged Max.

The boy stood in surprised as she said, "I'm so happy your safe,"

She grabbed his face and kissed his forehead before hugging him again. (Y/n) held Max for dear life as David awkwardly coughed.

"C'mon, let's get out of here,"

Max began to lead them out of the bunker, but Daniel stood at the entrance. His psychotic smile shined as he spoke.


David screamed. Both Max and (Y/n) looked at David confused on why he yelled.

Daniel stepped closer to them, looking straight at Max.

"I wanted to give you a nice memorable death Max!" He said, grabbing him and pulling out his dagger. "But now you gave me no other choice but to stab you. Like some commoner,"

"Max!" David and (Y/n) shouted. But David immediately jumped in. Max fell as the two men began to fight. If it wasn't for the situation, it would've been comical. They only slapped each other around before Max found a crossbow.

"Freeze! I sorta know how to use this!"

"Don't shoot, it's me David! Ha, you wish you were David, I'm David! Agh! No! Me!" Both men said at the same time.

Unlike (S/n), Daniel put his contacts in so he still looked identical to David.

"Okay I'm just going to shoot you both," Max said as he pulled the string back.

"Give me that!" (Y/n) said as she took away the bow. She looked at the two men to see if she could identify who was who.

"(Y/n), Max, search your heart. You know it's me, you have to know!" One of the David's said

Max pointed at him, "Your over estimating this weird relationship!"

(Y/n) looked between the two again, aiming the bow. Max pulled her shirt, causing her to see his attention. Max looked up at the shelves, seeing the expired milk. (Y/n) took a deep breath, trusting Max and shot the milk.

The milk poured down, hitting the two men. David and Daniel's eyes widen, but for different reasons.

"What the?" David asked before Daniel groaned

"No! Not dairy! Oh god it's getting in my mouth," Daniel groaned

(Y/n) set the down down, looking at Daniel as he held his stomach. David walked over to the two as Max quickly explain.

"Daniel has a weird milk thing? It is was too boring to follow, let's just get out of here!" Max said as he grabbed (Y/n)'s hand.

The three walked out, but Daniel stayed laying on the floor. Before they closed the door Daniel began to scream.

"(Y/n)! Don't leave me!" He tried to stand but tripped and fell. "My Juliet please!! (Y/N)!! DON'T LEAVE!"

David grabbed the door and was about to close it. (Y/n) turned to see him.

"PLEASE, (Y/N)! JULIET, I LOVE YOU!" Daniel cried out, using David's voice.

(Y/n) stood shock as David finally closed and locked the door. He backed up, hearing how Daniel finally stood up and began to slam his hands against the metal door.

David began to lightly push (Y/n), while Max guided her out. The three claimed the ladder listening to Daniel's screams turn to desperate sobs, calling out for his "Juliet"


(Y/n) and David looked at each other, surprised at the woman claiming to be Daniel's ex. Max coughed awkwardly before saying,

"Damn," he looked between (Y/n) and (S/n), "Daniel's got a type!"

(Y/n) stared back at (S/n) who was being escorted by the sheriff. The three made it back to the mess hall and we're now standing outside with Gwen and Campbell.

"So you two were kidnapped, tied up, and replaced by two identical cultist," Cameron summarize. He then shrugged, "Seems like what we normally go through on a daily basis,"

"I'm just glad you are safe," Gwen smiled at (Y/n). Gwen's nose was now patched up, no longer bleeding out like before.

(Y/n) turned around to look at her lookalike, who was now inside the car. (S/n) looked back at her, but then smirked,

"You know, it doesn't matter what you do. You're just like me."

The car door was slammed shut. The sheriff got inside and drove into the woods to get Daniel.


The car ride to get Daniel didn't last long, before the car lost control. The car crashed into a nearby tree, causing the man to groan loudly.

Jen stepped out from the shadows, skipping over to the back doors and opened them without a care. She smiled widely as (S/n) stepped out onto the moonlight. She turned over and let Jen pick at the lock of the handcuffs until they fell off her wrists.

"Go make sure that he's dead, Jen," (S/n) commanded.

Jen smiled wickedly as she skipped over to him. (S/n) dusted herself off before grabbing her pocket, pulling out her red lipstick.

As she was about to put it on, she heard Jen call out to her.

"Are you okay? You seem stressed?"

"I'm not going to be replaced by some wannabe," (S/n) spat, "If she wants to be Juliet so bad, I'll spill her blood with Daniel's own dagger ontop of his dead body!"


I rewrote this chapter and I wasn't expecting it to be this long!!

Also, in unrelated news.

I have a chapter done that explain a bit of (Y/n)'s backstory. I sorta hinted at it in the book a couple of times but I want to do a vote.

Would y'all be interested in those chapters? Should I post them in my oneshot camp camp book or add them here?

I want to hear your opinions! I'm open to hear your suggestions!

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