Helsworld: A Hermitcraft Story

By TheLateNightHermit

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The Hermits once again have shenanigans coming their way as Helsknight starts causing mayhem on the server. T... More

Helsworld- Chapter 1: Diseased Nether
Helsworld- Chapter 2: The almost forgotten Knight
Helsworld- Chapter 3: Page of Concern
Helsworld- Chapter 4: No more hiding
Helsworld- Chapter 5: A little bit of crazy
Helsworld- Chapter 6: Two for One
Helsworld- Chapter 7: Too easy, Too soon
Helsworld- Chapter 8: Found Out
Helsworld- Chapter 9: One or maybe more Hermits
Helsworld- Chapter 10: Last one out
Helsworld- Chapter 11: The start of the war
Helsworld- Chapter 12: Death by many
Helsworld- Chapter 13: Plague by Fall
Helsworld- Chapter 14: One problem after another
Helsworld- Chapter 16: More Mumbo Jumbo
Helsworld- Chapter 17: The return of the Goat
Helsworld- Chapter 18: The trial
Helsworld- Chapter 19: Hit and Fall
Helsworld- Chapter 20: Finding the Truth
Helsworld- Chapter 21: Growings and Findings
Helsworld- Chapter 22: Hoped, not lasted
Helsworld- Chapter 23: An (almost) certain death
Helsworld- Chapter 24: Alive and more than well
Helsworld- Chapter 25: Book of Spells and Beings
Helsworld- Chapter 26: One big party of confessions
Helsworld- Chapter 27: The end, and the beginning

Helsworld- Chapter 15: Came back to bite the dust

172 13 11
By TheLateNightHermit


We were all heading toward Helsknight and HEdoubleL666. All with our swords out and ready to strike. We were waiting for this, so what were we waiting for? We all ran in at the same time, swords swinging, blade against skin, and the next thing we knew, all the Hels had come back. 

"Well how the turn tables" Helsknight said as he battled me. "How many of your friends do you think will be dead by morning hmmm?" I almost slipped, we were right on the edge of the cliff. "You probably won't be around to find out" and he pushed me off the edge. And, unlike Bdubs, their was no one around to try and catch me. Which meant that no one saw me fall. 



I was in the bunker, watching the Hels. I couldn't let any of them wake up. Like Helsknight, each Hels had their own special ability. I didn't want to figure out what each of theirs was. If your wondering, why don't I know all their abilities and why hasn't the writer been telling you all this before, well, its really simple. The writer didn't think it would come this far. She didn't plan this story out or anything. So this is entirely her fault. So go blame her for any confused knobs that are turning in your head because you don't understand. Its just how the story works. 

For the purpose of this story, and for the blessed heart of the writer, I am going to tell you how its meant to be. I, as pure spirited as I am, did not enter the Helsworld until very recently. Grian only had evil in him after the watcher incident and his spit for them and blah blah blah. So, you could probably guess what my Hels power is!!! Want me to give you a hint? Well! You guessed it! Watcher Power! Woot! Woot! 

This next part Is a little weird though so hang on with me. In other watcher fanfics, yes we are getting to those! They are so good! Especially when the writer wants to........ oh sorry. I don't want to spoil that story. So, I have insecurities, yay me! I'm a typical fanfic watcher Grian, but with a twist. So I have hidden in the deepest parts of HelsWorld not wanting people to find me because of ALL THE DUMB STUFF THAT GOES ON IN THE WRITERS HEAD!!! Oh wait, did I just say that out loud. Oops. Well, I guess I have to explain something ELSE now!

As a watcher, sorta, oh! well! you get the idea! I can listen to the writers mind! So hint hint, that might happen later! Its also how I can talk to you right now. And you are probably thinking, when will Helsian stop talking!!! Well, sorry! but I gotta help you to un-cunfuzle your brains with the story. So, I think that is it? Yup. 

So all the Hels have special powers and Doc just died, boo for him, but the hermits are gonna have a bigger problem because as the writer already said, the Hels got past me and are hoping to unlock HelsWorld, and OH NO THEIR THEY GO!!!!

Dang it! They flew past me as I was helping you guys understand the story! Oh well, I guess I'm gonna fly after them and try to fix this myself.



I was so mad. First, I got captured. Then, I wake up to find Helsian STANDING THEIR, talking to some invisible person about Hels Powers! I just wanted to strangle him! But, I couldn't because he was the last Hels to be able to open HelsWorld. 

I still wanted to squeeze his guts out. So I let MumboHels take apart the redstone (his power), and we all flew away. Leaving the other Hels to deal with him. 

"Guys!" He shouted at us "Don't go! Their are lots of fun things to do in the bunker!"

"Not interested" Helskall said to him. We were nearing the HelsWorld border. I turned around and Helsian was turning pale. 

"Well, ill see you guys around then because I'm going back to the bunker."

"Oh no you don't!" StressHels606 said as she froze his body in a thin layer of ice. (You can already guess that that is her power) 

"Helsotizd and HelsBCrafted bring Helsian to the rift" I told the Hels as I noticed the Hermits fighting HEdoubleL666 and Helsknight, "The rest of us have some Hermits to take care of"

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