Savitar BOOK 1 Imagines

By dani_sd

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Between two worlds, a lot of things can happen and believe me, this is just the beginning More

♥♥♥ How much can a man change for the perfect woman ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Allen (twin brother-sister): The cost of sacrifice ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana: When The Timeline Twists Once Again ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana: When Love Has No Boundaries ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Silvers: Salvation From The Eternal Trap ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Barnes ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana: One woman can always change your life ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Pan ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana: For the love of my best friend ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Pan ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Potter ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana: The True Power Of The Siren ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Carol ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Rogers Ft. The Avengers ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana: Magic Is All Around Us ♥♥♥
♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Bolton ♥♥♥

♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana ♥♥♥

203 5 0
By dani_sd

When Diana didn't show up for work one fine Friday, everyone thought she had a cold, but her absence continued for a week, after which Barry found himself with Barry and Cisco before Diana's door since she didn't pick up a phone after they tried to call her

Cisco rings the doorbell a few time as both males wait patiently for her to open the front door.

Diana: Come in!

Cisco: well at least we know she's okay. *says entering her house with Barry beside him*

Diana's apartment: 

both Cisco and Barry look around her apartment.
Barry: nice place you have Diana.

Meanwhile Diana was in the kitchen preparing many things as she checks out what she had finished making so far
Diana: Oh ... hello boys! And thank you. To what do I owe the visit?

Barry: we were worried about you.
Cisco: you haven't been coming to work for a week...
Barry: not only that but you didn't pick up your phone as well so we grew worried and decided to pay you a visit to make sure you're okay.

Diana: Ah, there are actually two reasons for this. My phone is being repaired currently and my husband asked me to use his until mine came back. And I had no time to call in because we have many guests lately.

Barry: hold up...Husband? since when have you been married?

Diana: For 10 years now

Barry: What?! How did i not know?

Diana: It never came up I guess

Barry: seriously?
Cisco: and who is the lucky guy?

Just then the front door flies open and Diana's son comes in on the run
The boy: Mommy we're home

Barry: you have got to be kidding me. *tries not growl*

A small girl also comes in soon enough who Diana bends down to pick up in pure joy
Diana: Well hello to you too Amy! How was school?

Amy: *giggles hugging Diana* it was okay, like always.

Diana: Really? And your grades?

Amy: how do you think? *asks cutely*

Diana: Well done. I'm proud of you. And your brother?

Amy: well not so good, he did his best thou.
The boy: hey, i can speak for myself. *pouts*

Diana: Aww, well tomorow is a new days. So you can try again Liam

Liam: *smiles up at Diana and nods* i'll try even harder tomorrow. *says with a determined gleam in his eyes*

Diana: Actually you should try a different method but we will talk about that later. Now I want you to go wash up and change. We will have guests for lunch

Laim: okay mommy.

Diana: Good *she then kisses their cheeks and shoos them away*
During this Savitar back from the door to let the kids pass before coming in with a package that contained Diana's phone

Savitar: look what i brought my love, your phone has been fixed.
Cisco and Barry: Savitar?! Whats he doing here? *narrow their eyes at him*
Barry: hold on...don't tell me...He's your husband?!

Diana: Uhhh.... yes of course he is. Is there a problem with that?

Barry: he's a bad guy.
Savitar: Me? i have no memories of ever being evil besides in case you don't know, my full name is Savitar Sanders.
Cisco and Barry share looks with each other at that

Diana: Barry my husband is a former soldier and he only has honors during his service. There is no way he did anything other than that without my knowledge. We've been together since we were kids.

Cisco: is that possible...
Barry: could this be the wrong Savitar? *says as they start talking umong themself*

Diana: I sure hope so because I would be very angry otherwise. Baby come here *sys as she motions with open arms, scared for her husband's well being*

Savitar: *quickly moves over to her wrapping his arms around her* i'm here my love...i've got you.

Just then Iris and Caitlin come in and gasp before slapping Barry and Cisco over the heads

Cisco and Barry: Ow! What was that for?
Iris: your scaring her.

Caitlin: Please excuse them Sev. We just had trouble with a look alike of yours and aparently our friends can't tell the difference

Savitar: that's alright, thou i would ask them not to scare my wife again saying something like that. *says narrowing his eyes at Barry and Cisco*

Iris: They won't trust us
Caitlin: We will even make sure of it *says as they both drag Barry and Cisco to the balcony so they can talk alone* Are you guys crazy? What wer you thinking?

Savitar: good. *says hugging Diana close and pampering her face with kisses hoping to ease her*
Cisco: we're sorry okay.
Barry: they look alike and even have the same name...
Iris: their lastnames are diffrent, think before you accuse people like that.

Caitlin: Look the time remnant and this Savitar have nothing in common
Cisco: What about the scar?
Iris: Error of a surgeon who was convicted. Savitar went to the guy for a nose plastic surgery and the surgeon poured acid on his face due to negligence.

at that Barry and Cisco share looks before looking back at Caitlin and Iris.

Caitlin: The boy in front of you is a current law enforcement officer.
Iris: I even checked in the department. Dad said he was the best cop in town

Cisco and Barry: that's a seems we were wrong.

Iris: Beside it couldn't be our Savitar because I shot him in the back. Don't you remember?

Barry and Cisco face palm wondering how they could forget that little fact.

Caitlin: And besides they couldn't know about him. Diana's family wasn't here during the particle accelerator explosion and they have never seen a meta humn in their lives. They are compeletely normal people

Barry: now it all makes sense...

Iris: Do you think?

Cisco: what else are you trying to say to us Iris.

Iris: Just look at them

Meanwhile inside Diana had calmed down and was dancing round the room with her lover, hoping his nerves were disappearing as well

Cisco and Barry do just that watching Savitar and Diana.
Savitar chuckles as his nerves are gone as well enjoying spending time with his wife and mother of his childeren.

Diana: Happy anniversary by the way, love. I have a gift for you as well

Savitar: Happy anniversary as well, dear. Really? what is it?

Diana: Can't you tell? *teases as she motions to her belly*

Savitar: *gasps laying his hand on her belly* Your...pregant...again...*looks up with wide eyes before a grin spreads across his face* oh baby. *pulls her into his arms and kisses her lips with love*

Diana: I love you more than anything in this world Sev *says as she kisses him back with her arms wrapped tight around his shoulders*

Savitar: and i love you for all eternity my wife and mother to our beloved childeren. *says against her lips holding his wife close and tight against him*
Cisco: what did we do...
Barry: how could we make a mistake like that...
Iris: at least you both know and realize your mistake.
Caitlin: just make sure to apologize personally later to both of them.
Cisco and Barry: We will, we promise. *says as all four of them watch the married couple make out*

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