♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana: When The Timeline Twists Once Again ♥♥♥

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It went on for weeks and Diana couldn't take it anymore. Everyone gathered around Iris as if she was the most important person in the world and Diana was fed up with it. She understood they needed to save her life but to her it was getting too crazy and she needed to let her stress out. So during yet another gathering at STAR LABS and after soo much refusal to her school mates, Diana decided she needed air so she finally accepted a text and agreed before getting up and heading towards the exit

Barry: Diana, were are you going? *asks looking up*

Diana: To get drunk with my school mates

Barry: oh, you haven't done that in long while.

Diana: And I keep wondering why at times

Cisco: its not like you have to stay here.
Caitlin: *nods* your old enough to go where you want.
Joe: Besides i think one person less wont hurt.
Wally: *nods* I agree.
Julian: go on Diana, have fun with your schoolmates. *says with a smile on his face*

Diana then stops in her footsteps with the feeling they were trying to guilt her into stayng which Barry noticed instantly in the change of her aura

Barry: okay, lets not start this guys. If she wants to go let her go. Maybe we should all relax a little and have some fun.
Cisco: *nods* Now that is a good idea.
Cailtin: i think all of us can use some fresh air.
Wally: we've bin cooped up in here everyday just because some guy is after Iris.
Joe: *face palms* Not helping Wally.

Diana on the other hand turns to them with an annoyed look before snapping back at them
Diana: First of all Wally grow some balls and learn to live with risks in your life and try to understand the world won't end because a bad version of Barry is out to kill her to save his own fine ass

Wally: Diana, did you just COMPLENENT the bad guy?
Cisco: i think she did.
Caitlin: hold on...could it be...
Joe: do you know him? *asks eyes widen just like everyones*
Barry: No way, what are you guys getting at. He's a bad guy, she cant know him.
Iris: i hate to say it but i dont know Barry...

Diana then pulled her phone out and write a text that made the mentioned earlier speedster flash inside the room and stand right behind with without his armor

Barry: Savitar. *growls as he moves to stand protectively in front of Iris*
Savitar: *scoffs* i'm not here for her, why would i appear without my armor if i would be here to kill her? *asks crossing his arms looking at Barry*
Barry: *narrows his eyes* your trying to trick us.
Savitar: *rolls his eyes* figures, like i said i'm not here for Iris i'm here for Diana.
Iris: Diana, was he the person you texted just now? *asks eyes wide*
Meanwhile the others watch and listen to this with wide eyes

Diana just rolled her eyes without answering before turning around to face Savitar
Diana: You said you wanted a call if I even get the idea to drink the night away

Savitar: *nods and hums as his eyes are on Diana* yup, i did say that. I'm guessing today is the day? Other wise you wouldn't have texted me. *says the last part to annoy Barry and the others*

Diana: I don't think you needed a text tho. I believe you receiving a memory from Barry about this was enough

Savitar: yeah, that to, being connected to him has it perks.

Diana: Get rid of the idea of seeing me half naked at the beach from your mind, I can already guess what you're thinking while trying to tease me with iit *says as she heads to grab her jacket and purse*

Savitar: i wasn't thinking that at all.
Cisco: Diana you can't be serious...
Caitlin: he's the evil version of Barry witch you already know.
Joe: how can you be friends with a guy like that?
Wally: he's using you.
Iris: this has to be one of his evil plan.
Savitar: oh please. *rolls his eyes annoyed as he waits patiently for Diana to grab everything she needs*

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