♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Rogers Ft. The Avengers ♥♥♥

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While Barry was searching for a way to save Iris from being killed by Savitar, Diana was spending her nights alone on her apartmen roof with his evil remnant who was trying to decide if he even wants to go through with his plan or not, which led him to the only person who he knew would never push him back. At first of course he wasn't sure if he could tell her but as soon as he did his life took a slight shift and all of a sudden he found himself by her side every night as they looked at the people bellow them.
Diana: You know, after work today I had a conversation with Frost and I began to doubt that it even makes sense to help people who I don't even know if I can call my friends anymore.
Savitar: i get what your saying.
Diana: Why don't you move here with me? You've been coming here ever since all of this started and you seem like you don't belong anywhere else. I could even get used to you sleeping in the base bed with me on daily basis *offers while running a hand against his bare chest as then lay on the soft blanket and enjoying the closeness of their bare bodies on this hot summer night*
Savitar: your right but you really mean that i can stay or move in with you? *asks with wide eyes of shock and surprise*
Diana: You didn't honestly think what we just did was a one time thing, did you?
Savitar: well...i...um...never mind. i'll gladly take up your offer. *says smiling while looking at her*
Diana only grins widely at that before rolling on top of him and pressing her lips to his for what seemed like the hundredth time that night
Savitar smiles as he of cource kisses her right back for the umpteenth time now.
Moments later Diana's phone starts ringing and she picks it up just to find Cisco in panic on the other line just because they traced Savitar's suit signal in her area

Cisco: Diana, i need you to be careful. i picked up Savitar suit and he's somewhere near you...please keep your eyes and ear open for him.

Diana: I don't need to Cisco. We already spoke. I'm not going to help anymore

Cisco: wait..what?! Your saying he's with you?! Why?

Diana: Because we are tired of fighting a battle that is of no use. We will come up with another way for him to survive.

Cisco: we? You don't mean him and you i hope?

Diana: I do. I will not fight against the boy I love. I only helped you because I thought this was his destiny, but if Barry can change his, so can we.

Cisco: please tell me your kidding...how can you love a bad guy that's trying to kill Iris.

Diana: Love doesn't ask you when to come and honestly Iris has never been one of the people I liked.

Cisco: Please Diana, rethink this.

Savitar: fat chance. *says from the background*

Diana: I have nothing to think about. And if you don't call me anymore. I have no desire to have empty conversations nor will I come to the labs any time soon.

Cisco: you do realize i'm gonna have to explain this to Barry and the others.

Diana: That is no longer of my concern. Tell them whatever you want

Cisco: as you wish, i'll leave you be then. *sighs*

Diana: Good *says before hanging up on him* And speaking of ways to be alive I just remembered a way for you to do that

Savitar: *smiles* i'm all ears.

Diana: How does a trip to Avenger Tower in New York sound?

Savitar: weird but i'll follow you anywhere.

Diana: Good. Do you want to go now?

Savitar: i guess so.

Diana: Good. You could meet my brother as well by doing that *grins as she gts up and helps him inside and towards the showers*

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