♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Bolton ♥♥♥

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When everyone sat down to watch TV they allowed Cisco to startflipping through channels till they fell upon a reality show that featured Iris and Barry's childhood best friend Diana
Cisco: Survivor? Isn't this the competition where 52 people have to survive on a lonely island and win battles till they become the last person standing?
Wally: The one and only
Caitlin: Woah! This will be interesting. Which episode is this?
Julian: 15. Today, the third tribe will be divided between the other two. According to the information online, Diana is the leader of the Veterans tribe. They are formed by people with vast experience on the battlefield.

at that the others share looks before looking back at the tv

Joe: Diana? Wasn't she that girl who left a few months before you both got together?

Iris and Barry: your right. *say looking at Joe*

Caitlin: No wonder she was gone for soo long. Seems to me that she had a lot to do in this show

Wally: sure looks like it.

Everyone then starts watching the show and how the tribes start distributing the devidng while the last two remain
The leading: Okay Diana, you're up. Who will you pick last?
Diana: Savitar

Barry and Iris: What?! Savitar?! whats he doing there?! *eyes widen*

The leading: Savitar?
Diana: Definitely. He is a complex player, a great fighter and very smart. He would be especially useful for new strategies

Iris: she's got be kidding.

The leading: Very well. Sev you may join your new tribe

Savitar: of cource. *nods as he joins Diana's tribe*

Diana claps her hands with joy before getting up and pulling him in a hug after he shoke hands with the rest of the tribe

Savitar hugs Diana back
Barry: i don't believe this...

The leading then tells the last player to go to his new team before giving the distinctive signs of the tribe to the captains so that they may give them to the new members. Diana of course hands them to her new members before making Savitar stnd up nd wrapping them round him herself
The leading: Kids, it's time to go to bed. Things got too sexy for your eyes here *jokes as he watches the two*

they all continue to watch the TV with wide eyes and dropped jaws

Diana only bites her lower lip tho while she looks Savitar up and down

Savitar: like what you see? i know i do. *teases with a smirk*

Diana: Your abs are something I haven't seen till now. I have to admit it's impressive

Savitar: why thank you. I have to say you look much more beautiful up close.

The leading: Okay, I think it's time to move on continue this at camp, because we're going to lose the young audience

Savitar chuckles as he pulls back but keeps one arm around her

Diana grins at that as she lays her head on his shoulder

Barry growls at that narrowing his eyes at the tv screen

A broadcast then starts while everyone start to wonder what just happened

Wally: okay...what the heck did we just watch?
Iris: and why is Savitar on it as well?

Julian: Well, according to the show's website, he's Diana's best friend and her right hand man. It even writes that for the next week of trials, Diana chooses him to be the leader instead of herself.

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