♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana: When Love Has No Boundaries ♥♥♥

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When Barry got back from yet another mission he saw Iris in a bad moon while she watched Julian, Cisco and Wally falling out for Diana who recently came back from a trip and looked like a sexy model right out of the latest PLAYBOY magazine

Barry: guys, i'm back.
Iris: Barry. *smiles wide as she turns around* welcome back.
Barry: thanks Iris. *smiles back*

Diana: Long time noo see Trouble maker *teases as she walks over to them*

Barry: Diana. *meets her half way with a big smile now on his face* It has bin a while, how are you?

Iris frowns, pounts and growls softly at that.

Diana: I feel like a was reborn *says before pulling him in a hug and kissing his cheeks*

Barry: *smiles and hugs her back* that's good to hear you look amazing by the way well you Always looked amazing.
Iris: darn her. *mutters as she watches it with crossed arms and narrowed eyes with a look aimed at Diana*

Diana: Thanks you. How your abs gotten bigger or am I imagining things?

Barry: *blushes lightly at that* No, your not imagining things. *says with a chuckle* maybe they have gotten a bit bigger i have bin going on a lot of missions lately.

Diana: And do you get time to chill out eventually?

Barry: yup, Always after my missions i take some time off witch mean we can spend time together if you want.
Iris: What? No, Barry did you forget?
Barry: forget what?
Iris: *frowns* we were suppose to spend time together with just the two of us...
Barry: oh yeah that. Sorry Iris but haven't seen Diana in quiet a while and i really want to catch up with her.

Diana: Maybe another time. My best friend texted me just now to meet him for lunch

Barry: oh, okay. *frowns before he smiles sadly*
Iris: *cheers inside her head* that also means that we can spend time together. *says with sweet smile on his face as she joins Barry's side*

Diana smiles back at his before kissing his nose and heading for the exit

Barry smiles as he watches her leave with Iris by his side.
Julian, Cisco and Wally watch her leave as well.

However what catches Cisco's attention next was how Savitar waited outside, leaning against a car with crossed arms as Diana ran towards him

Savitar: finally. *says with a wide smile as he opens his arms*
Cisco: Guys, you need to see this.
Julian, Cisco and Wally share confused looks before looking were Cisco pointed.
Wally: what the...
Julian: what is she doing with him?

Diana wraps her arms tightly around his back just as she burts into giggles the moment she gets in his arms just as Barry and Iris join the boys on the screens

Barry: why is she with him?
Iris: and how does she even know him?
Savitar: *chuckles as he hugs her tightly* Missed me that much? *teases and jokes*

Diana: Didn't you? *teases back as she kisses him all over the face*

Savitar: well yeah, i Always miss you.

Diana: Does my car surve you well?

Savitar: of course, its hasn't let me down, I love your car. *says with a grin*
Iris: she gave him...
Cisco: Her Car?!
Wally: Lucky basterd.

Diana: And my apartment?

Savitar: still in one piece, i'm taking very good care of it. Actually i'm taken good care of all your stuff. *smiles as he keeps hugging her close*
Julian: Oh come on...
Wally: seriously?
Barry: what else did she give that guy?

Diana: What about my puppy and kitten?

Savitar: they are getting all the love, care and attention they need.

Diana: Good to know you are learning to take care of my babies *says before pressing a kiss to him nose*

Savitar: *smiles and blushes* Of course, i wouldn't want to let you down i only wish to make you proud and happy.

Diana: You make me proud and happy every day even when you do a bad job of trying to cover up that you read my diary

Savitar: darn it, i was hoping you wouldn't find out about that, oh well guess i'm busted.
Julian, Cisco, Wally and Barry: He read her diary?!

Diana: When will you realize you dont need to lie to me about that. I let you to read it on purpose

Savitar: wait what? You let me read it why?
Julian, Cisco, Wally and Barry: she let him read it?!
Iris: why in the world would she do that?!

Diana: Because I'm afraid to tell you a lot of things out loud, so I write them down to make it easier

Savitar: i see, to be honest there is something that i wish to tell you but i'm afraid of how you will react.

Diana: You do know I love you more then anyone else in the world don't you?

Savitar: *smiles* Yes, i know. I just wanted to hear you say it. *places his lips on hers and lets the emotion he feels for her flow out threw it*
Julian, Cisco, Wally and Barry: No Way?! This can't be happening....*eyes wide jaws dropped*

Diana squeals it return as she opens her mouth for him while her arms snake around his neck

Savitar smiles even more as he slips his tongue inside her mouth exploring every inch of Diana's mouth deepening the kiss while making sure to keep her flush against him.

The kiss soon turns into a make out session while continues in Jitters where Iris and the others head to after they finish work

Julian: Diana, what are you doing with that guy?
Wally: *nods* he's not good for you.
Barry: hold on...is Savitar that best friend you mention?
Cisco: that one would be Obvious, why else would "he" be here.
Iris: if their close and best friends then why did "he" kiss her on the lips?
Savitar: *rolls his eyes* even more Obvious because i love her as much more then my close friend. I have Always loved her from the moment we met. *says looking at Diana with nothing but love and care in his eyes*

Diana: I have something to tell you as well Sev

Savitar: sure, go ahead, you know you can tell me anything.

Diana: Remember when we got drunk one ngiht and did sonething without protection

Savitar: yes, i remember. I can't really forget that. *keeps smiling as he starts to realize something* Diana...could it be that your...

Diana only giggles in return as she places his hands on her belly to feel it himself

Savitar: *his eyes widen before he starts to grin from ear to ear shorty after that picks Diana up and spins her around* I don't believe it i'm going to be father. you are going to keep it right?
Julian, Cisco, Wally and Barry: No way?! *yell shocked surprised and disblief*
Iris: i did not see this coming.

Dana: We are going to keep it and if you wish finally become official?

Savitar: *keeps grinning* that's great news and i know just how to make it official. Diana, will you marry me? Cuss i don't think i can live without you anymore. *asks getting out a small box with a beautiful ring inside*
Julian, Cisco, Wally, Barry and Iris: HUH?!

Diana gasps before slamming her lips against his and bursting into tears while her arms wrap tightly around his neck

Savitar: *smiles as he kisses her right back his arms wrapped tightly around her thinking* i can't believe it...she said yes...she's going to be wife...oh i can't just wait to start my life with her as lovers and future husband and wife.
Barry: *thinks watching this* I don't believe it...Diana and Savitar...Together...there even going to marry.
Julian: *thinks watching as well* I did not see this coming.
Wally: okay, this is weird but if Diana is happy then i guess we'll have to accept it.
Cisco: *thinks watching them* i can't believe it...oh well nothing we can do about it.
Iris: No way...she's actually gonna marry him?! Is she crazy? just watching them makes me sick. *thinks as she turns around and drags everyone else with her*

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