♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana: One woman can always change your life ♥♥♥

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When Barry returns from another meeting with Savitar he comes face to face with hiswhole team who were gathered around Diana. She on the other hand was covered with a lot of cuts and bruises while her face was also showing signs of deep confusion

Barry zooms over to them and pushes his team aside to reach Diana.
Barry: whats going on? what happend? *asks taking in that Diana is coverd with cuts and bruises*

Caitlin: We have no idea Barry. We found her unconscious in front of her house

Barry: What?! *yells with his eyes wide* Can she remember anything?

Cisco: She doesn't even recognize us. Her whole mind is blank

Barry: say what?! That's impossibe...how can that be...*starts to think about it*

Julian: We are not sure. But what's worse is that we can't help her because she won't let us

Barry: darn it...of course she wont let us help her...were complete strangers to her. *sighs*

Iris: We even tried to talk to her and try to show her that we are her friends, but she didn't trust us.

Barry: i see. How in world are we gonna help her...
Savitar: how about i help you with that? *says as he just arrived*
Caitlin, Cisco, Julian, Iris and Barry: Savitar?! what are you doing here?
Savitar: *rolls his eyes* i told you, i can help you or better yet her. *says reaching them and looks at Diana*

At that moment Diana looks up with wide eyes at the familiar voice and in wonder if she should know the person behind it

Caitlin: guys look. *says as saw how Diana looked up*
Cisco: strange...i wonder...
Savitar: *rolls his eyes once again and ignores them as he walks closer to Diana* Hey, Diana, Its me Savitar. *says giving her a smile*

Diana: I should know you most of everyone else, shouldn't I?

Savitar: *nods and hums* yes, you know me very well in fact. *says kneeling down before her* you know i mean you no harm...i would never harm you.

Diana: Can you hug me? I would feel safer if you do *says as her hands reach for his*

Savitar: of course, i'll gladly do so. *says taking her hands in his and pulls her towards him before wrapping his arms around her and hugging her close and tight*
Meanwhile Barry's, Iris, Caitlin, Cisco and Julians eyes widen and their jaws drop at that and yell: HUH?!

Diana: I'm scared Sev *says as her arms snake around his as she hangs on him for dear life*

Savitar: you don't need to be scared anymore, i'm here now...i wont let anyone hurt you. I promise you that.
Barry: Sev? Seriously?

Diana: I was attacked whenIwas going home Sev. Some monster stole my memories and I don't know why

Savitar: *his eyes widen as his grip tightens around her* What? you were attacked and a moster stole your memories. Can you remember what it looked like?

Diana: No *says as she hugs him tighter as well*

Savitar: *hums* hm, we'll figure something out...i'll find that "monster" i'll make him tell me why he took your memories and i'll be sure to get them back to. *growls anger rising in him*

Diana: I can't go home alone

Savitar: i'll escort you home and stay with you if it will make you feel safter.

Diana: It will. Thank you *says before pressing her lips to his cheeks*

Savitar smiles and blushes as he keeps holding her close and tight.
Barry: okay, what the heck is going here?
Cisco: since when is Diana so close to Savitar?
Iris: does she even know he's bad guy?
Caitlin: if i didn't know any better...
Julian: their close or even best friends.
Savitar: we are close and best friends you idiots. *sighs annoyed but his attention is still on Diana*

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