♥♥♥ Savitar X Diana Carol ♥♥♥

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Truth to be told Diana was never really a person that could actually hate someone so as soon as Barry came back and they found out who Savitar really was, she decided to just walk out of the lab and onto the dark street where Killer Frost and Savitar walked in front of her to which Diana just bit back a laugh just as they both noticed that she wasn't really going to argue or first with them

Savitar and Killer Frost: *raised their eyebrow* something funny? *say facing her*

Diana: Just the irony really. Are you honestly here to kidnap me or am I just imagining things?

Savitar and Killer Front: *share looks before looking back at Diana* Do we look fake to you?

Diana: Not really what I had in mind *says as she moves towards a railing and light up a cigarette*

Savitar: shouldn't you be scared or even try to fight us? *asks walking over as he motions for Killer Front to keep an eye out in case Barry would come*

Diana: Scared? Of what? A misunderstood bad boy and a trapped iced princess who wanted freedom for soo long? No not really *says as she smokes* I actually came to think that all of this is stupid really

Killer Frost and Savitar share shock and surprised looks with each other before Savitar looks back at Diana.
Savitar: if your not scared would you come with us willingly then?

Diana: I have nothing better to do anyways *says as she offers him to try to smoke if he wants*

Savitar gives her a look before accepting it and gives it a try.

Diana: Sav I'm sorry for judging you wrong. I'm usually not a person who does that to people. I should have never done that in the first place

Savitar: Don't be, i'm actualy pretty used to it. Besides i'm glad your coming with us willingly thou i still can't figure out why? Are you bored of being with Barry and the others?

Diana: I myself don't even know why I'm still with them after Barry and Iris became a couple.

Savitar: well i'll make sure you feel at home with us. Shall we get going? *asks Diana as Killer Frost joins them while still keeping an eye out*

Diana nods in return as she starts walking besides him after snaching back her cigarette

Savitar: *chuckles* your gonna fit right in. *says as all three of them head off*


A month later around Christmas Barry heads out towards Jitters just to come across Diana who was humming a Christmas song as she walked out of a local decoration shop

Barry: *stops in his tracks eyes wide in surprise, shock and disblief* Diana? Is that you...*runs over to her and grabs her by the shoulders* Where have you been?! You didn't return to the lab and that was a month ago...*tries not to yell and shout to loudly*

Diana: Oh .. hey Barry. Didn't see ya there. *says as she takes her ear phones out of her ears* I was trying to relax since today is one of my only free days due to my switch of shifts at work

Barry: what? Where have you been? everyone has been worried sick when you didn't return.

Diana: Told you, work. A colleague went in maternity , so I took her shifts.

Barry: work? that's why we haven't seen you in a month? Is it so bussy that you didn't have the time to inform me?

Diana: I told Julian who got pissed off since I didn't answer the phone the first 2 weeks

Barry: you told him...why didn't he tell me. Wait i've been pretty bussy myself i guess that's why.

Diana: He must have forgotten. Julian gets mad easy and can forget just as fast

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