My Uncle Simon?(1D and 5sos)

By fakelimapayne

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Could this summer get anymore interesting? Jade and her friends go to live with her uncle for the summer,but... More

My Uncle Simon?
Chapter 1:L.A. Bound
Chapter 2:Can I Sit Here?
Chapter 3:Were Here!!!!!!!
Chapter 4:Wait What?
Chapter 5: Your Who?
Chapter 6:Hospital
Chapter 7:Ouch
Chapter 8:Um,PDA!
Chapter 9:Not so good first impression.
Chapter 10:Racing
Chapter 11: Hospital, again.
Chapter 12: Worst day ever.
Chapter 13: Im free!
Chapter 14:Im awkward.
Chapter 15: Penguins and ghost stories.
Authors Note
Chapter 16- A Day In L.A.
Chapter 17- Eat it!!!
Chapter 18-I hate all of you.
Chapter 19-I Don't Wanna Go.
Chapter 20: Crap
Chapter 21: The Plan

Chapter 22- Backfired

167 4 1
By fakelimapayne

Jade's POV

"Hello? What's the Ultimate Act of Matureness?" I asked with an irritated expression as these four idiots grinned at each other.

Arizona nudged Demi while smiling nervously, knowing that I wasn't going to approve. So Demi cleared her throat before speaking:

"Okay, so we set the park on fire and-"

"NO WAY!" I stood up immediately, are they crazy? "This is pathetic. Why on earth would you set our public park on fire?!"

They all stared at me sheepishly. As if it just now sounded ridiculous.

"You didn't let us finish." Ella spoke up.

"What could you possibly say that would make the first part sound any better?" I sighed.

"If you would quit treating us like mental hospital patients and freaking hear us out then maybe we could get on with this conversation." Mariah glared at me. I returned the glare, she's always been the one with a smart mouth.

"Whatever. Just go on." I sat down again with a frown.

"Well, after the park sets on fire, we put out the raging fire and bam, we're heroes." Demi finished.

"But we still set a perfectly fine park on fire. How could we even put it out? This is dangerous and stupid." I stated as an idea popped into my head.

"If you really wanted a plan like this to work, you'd be better off staging a kidnaping. Like, have one of us dress up like a creepy man and pretend to steal a little girl but have the rest of us save her. I swear, you guys can't think of a smart idea to save your life." I rolled my eyes, but when I looked up at them, they were all devilishly grinning at me.

"What did I just say..." I drifted off.

"And that was our real plan." Arizona beamed. "We knew our idea was a joke, and if we told you, you'd come up with something to top it like you always do."

"And sure enough, you did. Thanks for the idea, none of us could think of anything." Mariah smiled at me, but I just sat there.

"You dirty little fags played me-"

"Don't mention it. Because how we have a full proof plan to get our butts back in L.A for the summer, all thanks to you." Ella stood up and walked into the kitchen.

"I call being the rapist!" Demi shot her hand up.

"Whatever, you won't get the credit of saving a child like the rest of us." Mariah laughed.

"Are you guys sure this is a great idea? I was just thinking out loud." I asked nervously.

"Of course, how can anyone say no to us being mature after saving a child?" Arizona smiled.

"But we have to promise something," Ella walked back in, placing her hand on the table.

"We're all in this now, no ones backing out. We all take full responsibility for everything. For L.A, and our friends, alright?" She looked at us.

"Alright." Arizona placed her hand on top of Ella's. "We can do this."

"Alright." Mariah confidently threw her hand on theirs.

"Alright." Demi placed hers, then they all looked at me anxiously.

I've got myself too far into this to back out. After all, they are my best friends- no matter what.

With a small smile, I placed my hand on the top. "Alright."


Ella's POV

Today is kind of a scary day, to be honest.

Because if this plan doesn't work, we're all screwed.

"I hate wearing this." Demi grumbled. "It's too hot outside for baggy man jeans and eight layers of padding."

"You volunteered to be the kidnapper." Mariah pulled Demi's hair into a bun and placed a cap on her head as Jade used her makeup talent to turn Demi into one fugly man.

"This better be fun." Demi muttered.

"Okay, let's go over the plan one more time." I said as we stood in our bathroom. We're finally ungrounded, so our parents think we're all meeting at the park to hang out, besides Demi. Who's suppose to be sick of course.

"We've gone over it eighteen hundred times, I think we've got it now." Arizona said to her. "As long as Mariah's cousin cooperates."

They all nodded, looking a bit unsure. "She's a smart kid, two grades ahead and a great actor. Don't worry." Mariah assured us.

Sitting in our living room watching spongebob, was Mariah's seven year old cousin named Macy.

We didn't want to scar a random little kid by pretending to almost kidnap her, so we got Mariah to use her cousin as a fake damsel in distress.

Sounds horrible, but this kid is sharp as a knife.

"Macy, you know what to do, right?" I walked in there and asked.

"Yeah. I play dolls by myself without a guardian, than one of you guys pretends to take me, and the rest of you save my life. And I can't tell mommy that this was fake." She sipped from her juice box.

"You don't tell anyone. They all think you were actually being kidnapped. Got it?" I asked.

"Got it." She flashed an adorable smile. I smiled back and walked into the bathroom. "Is Demi ready to go?"

"I think we're done." Jade stood back and smiled proudly. My eyes widened along with Arizona's, she does look like a forty year old man for sure.

"Let's go!" I squealed excitedly, everyone except for Demi piled into Mariah's car and drove to the park in the middle of town.

Arizona's POV

"Crowded and full of children, perfect." Mariah grinned.

"Okay Macy, get out and run to that empty spot by the benches. Don't even look at Jade, Ella or Arizona, they're strangers." Said Mariah. Her mom thinks Macy is at the park with Mariah, and that the rest of us are just hanging out having no idea.

"Okay." Macy snuck out and skipped happily to where we told her to go.

We got out and walked around the park casually,waiting for Demi to drive here and start our mission.

"She's here." Whispered Ella. "Just follow her, but make it look natural."

Demi got out of her car and shuffled around, creepily staring at children. I struggled to contain my grin as we causally drifted closer to her.

Mariah is lurking behind the trees pretending to be on the phone as her cousin is playing a few feet away.

Demi locked her eyes on Macy, staring deeply with a grin. Jade, Ella, and I sat on a bench near her and pretended to take selfies and talk.

Okay, we didn't pretend to do it, we actually did take selfies and talk.

So much in fact, that none of us seemed to notice when a different man actually walked up to Macy and grabbed her arm, whispering something in her ear.

"Guys." Ella whispered. "That's not Demi."

Demi was standing a few feet away, staring them down.

"Maybe it's someone who knows Macy and is wondering why she's here by herself?" Jade suggested

"I don't think so..." I drifted off when I noticed Macy shake her head at him, looking scared and confused.

Demi looked taken back, not knowing what to do along with the rest of us.

Suddenly, the man lifted Macy up, holding her little arm tightly.

"What the crap." Jade hissed as we all stood up in panic.

"Who the heck are you?" Mariah popped out from behind a tree, asking the random man who was slowly walking off with her cousin.

He didn't reply and walked faster, dragging Macy behind.

"Guys! Do something!" Ella jumped in fear.

"Stop right there faggot, that's my job!" Demi yelled as she stomped towards him as fast as she could, stripping from her layers of patting and ripping the hat off her head.

The man picked up Macy and ran to his vehicle quickly, causing us all to chase after him.

"Don't you DARE TAKE MY COUSIN!" Mariah screamed as she sprinted towards them.

Demi caught up with the kidnapper and jumped on his back, kicking and hitting him as she screamed repeatedly. Her whole disguise was gone by now, but that didn't matter.

Mariah struggled to rip Macy from his arms, he was strong and wasn't going down without a fight.

Ella dialed 911 a couple feet away as quick as she could, bystanders around us were coming closer as we fought in the middle of the parking lot.

"Let go of her!" Mariah and I grabbed Macy's legs, playing tug of war with that creep.

Jade, not knowing what to do, took a pen out of her purse and jabbed his hand with it.

"OW!" He screamed and let go of Macy with one arm. But used his free hand to snack the pen out of Jade's grasp.

"Don't touch her!" Ella dropped her phone and ran towards us to kick him in the balls.

Demi was still on his back, pounding his head and screaming in his ear, which wasn't doing much good. Because he still had a hold on Macy and no one could get him to let go.

"You're caught now, you'd have a better chance dropping the girl and driving off while you can!" I yelled at him as I tried to pry Macy out of his grasp.

His eyes lit up at my idea and immediately let go of Macy, causing Mariah and I to tumble to the ground in a flash.

He ripped Demi off his back and shoved Jade and Ella out of the way before dashing to his car and driving away at the speed of light.

We all laid on the ground, panting and shaking in fear as a crowd of people surrounded us with questions

"You poor things, the police should be here any minute." A random lady said to us as other helped us off the ground.

"Are you girls alright?" Someone asked us, mainly looking at Macy, who is obviously scared crapless.

Mariah's POV

"Yeah, I think we're fine." I breathed, shakily pulling my sobbing cousin closer to me.

"I think I'm bleeding." Demi looked at her hands. "But that's for hitting him so hard."

"I want MOMMY!" Macy bawled. I sighed, technically, this was the plan. But Macy is seriously scarred this time.

"I know, let me call her." I patted her back as I pulled out my phone and called my aunt, nervously explaining what happened.

"Oh my gosh! Is Macy okay? Is she having a panic attack? Are your friends alright? Oh my gosh!" She rambled on.

"We're all fine. Macy is crying, but that's it. Just come pick her up please, I'm sorry." I sighed into the phone.

"I'll be there as fast as I can." She hung up.

The police showed up and asked us multiple questions. How did he look like, what's is license plate, did he hurt us, ect.

"That was awful brave of you girls, to put yourselves in danger to save her cousin." One police officer said to us, the looked at me with a small smile, "Your cousin really does owe you."

"Thank you." Ella smiled politely. We were all covered in sweat and dirt, and looked like we just survived the zombie apocalypse.

"Girls, over here!" A lady called to us. We turned towards her and a camera guy, she smiled widely and held a microphone closer to us.

"These five teenagers saved a little girl from being kidnapped in the park by full on fighting the man! Tell us, what did you think when you saw a mysterious man dragging off a child?" She asked us.

We all gave each other nervous glances, before Demi spoke up.

"We thought it looked strange, so I asked the guy what he was doing. When he just ignored us and ran off, we knew what was going on." She replied.

"Isn't she one of you girl's cousin?" Asked the reporter.

"Yes, I took her to the park for fun. I got an urgent phone call from someone, so I had to take it. I was watching her, but in a flash she was being drug away." I partially lied, feeling awful.

"Amazing, you girls truly saved a life today." She smiled.

"Thank you." Arizona smiled back with the rest of us, before we turned back around to see my aunt running towards us.

"Oh Macy!" She lifted Macy up into her arms, rubbing her back in comfort.

"Thank you so much for saving her, I know you just wanted to have a fun day with your cousin." She said to me.

"It's fine Aunt May, I'm sorry that I wasn't paying enough attention to her." I replied.

"I've got to get home, your mom should be here soon. Bye girls, thanks again." She waved towards us and walked off, holding Macy to where her head was looking at us as she was carried off.

I gave her a stern look, silently telling her to stick to the plan. She wiped a tear and nodded, giving us a thumbs up.

With a sigh, I turned towards the other four.

"Looks like that backfired."

Demi's POV

"Actually, it kind of back fired in a good way." Ella stated as we sat on the grass, waiting for our parents to show up

"Because now we all get credit for saving someone."

"As much as I feel bad for half lying. We did honestly save her, this part wasn't planned. So let's just forget about the old plan and focus on the fact that we saved someone today." Jade said to us.

"Things might seem a bit suspicious that we were all at the park at the same time, and Demi looks like a half man/ half teenager. But I don't think anyone going to notice that part." Arizona nodded.

A few minutes later, our parents vehicles pulled in. The policemen helped us off the ground again as our parents came running to us in relief.

Maybe our plan actually did work.


Wowe we haven't updated in months.

Idek what to say at this point.

-sar-bear 🐼

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