Chapter 8:Um,PDA!

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Arizona's POV(Recap)

I walk around the corner to see....Harry and the maid making out! Ok like eww. PDA! Gosh,calm down a little. Oops I think I spoke out loud. "Oh...sorry."Harry says releasing the maid. "Harry?"she asks. "Not now Hanna."he says. She walks off. "Well that's a pleasant way to greet your guests."I say crossing my arms. "Sorry it's just,I um..."Harry stutters. "It's okay,I know how you are."I say. "Thanks."he smiles.

Gosh he's hot,just look at him standing there doing absolutely nothing!And making it look sooo gorgeous. I think I've been staring too long. I walk away in embaresment of how long I stared.

Demi's POV

I wake up when I hear the door slam open and 4 rowdy boys come storming in. Not just any rowdy boys. "Ahhhhh!Why are there 5 girls sleeping on our couch!"Louis yells. "She's Simons niece(I say pointing at Jade) and we're her friends,we'll be staying here for the summer."I say. "Ohhhhh."Louis nods. "I bet Harry's happy."Liam laughs. "No he's probably too busy snogging Hanna."Zayn says. "Lol I bet!"Niall says.

Mariah's POV

I wake up and one direction are standing in front of me,it takes me a while to register it,but before I start freaking out I remember. "Hello sleepy head!"Niall waves. I yawn a hello back. Jade and Ella are still asleep. "I'm going to my room."Liam,Louis,and Zayn say waking up the big staircase. "This is my spot,and she's in my way."Niall pouts looking down at sleeping Jade. "Then move her."Arizona smirks. "Ok."Niall throws Jade over his shoulder and throws her on the other couch on top of Ella,waking the both of them up. Oh no.

Ella's POV

I wake up and Jade is on top of me. "Ahhhh!"I scream. "Get.Off.Of.Me!"I yell. "Ahhh!"Jade yells hoping off. I groan and roll over,but roll back over when I realize I just saw Niall Horran. "Waaaa?"I moan. "Hello!"he smiles. I look around and realize where I am. Oh yea!I'm in Simon Cowel's flat! No big deal! I sit up and quickly flatten my hair,because there is no difference between it and a rats nest. "Umm,why are you in Simons flat?"Jade asks. "Because we stay here sometimes."Niall replies. Now it's just awkward,nobody's talking. Not until Hanna screams at the top of her lungs.

Jade's POV

"I thought we had something Harry!"Hanna yells. "Well your wrong,now get out of my room!"Harry yells. Ohhhh,well then. "Ugh!"Hanna screeches. Harry walks into the living room. "Oh,did you guys hear that?"he asks. "Only all of it."I say. "UGGG,I hate Hanna,well actually I like her,but not in a love kind of way,it's complicated."Harry sits beside me and Ella. "Heyy."he smirks at me. "Eh no."I glare shoving him towards Ella. "Heyy."he smirks at her. "Seriously?"she rolls her eyes.

"I'm thirsty. Haaaaaanaaaaaaa!"Arizona yells. "WHAT!"Hanna screams from the kitchen. "Water."Arizona rolls her eyes. "I could get used to this."she says leaning back and hitting her head on the wall. "Ouch."She rubs her head. That's the Arizona I know. "Here."Hanna walks in shoving a glass of water in Arizona's face. "Thankyou."Arizona glares. "Guys guess what!"Niall exclaims looking up from his phone. "What?"Mariah replies. "The guys are coming over tomorrow!"He yells. "The guys?"Demi asks. "5Sos of course!"Niall yells.

5Sos are gonna be here tomorrow...Oh my JollyRanchers.

Hola! Guess who? Oh yes me the new co-writer! Mwahahahaha this is fun! I hope you like it.

Peace out Penquins✌️

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