mattia and i.

By isabellaapolibio

4.3K 108 10

isabella and her three best girl friends have always been close with the nj boys but now that they are older... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
small update <3
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28

Chapter 19

93 2 0
By isabellaapolibio

*The next day*

*Izzy's POV*

"Tia that's amazing ! Yeah she's still sleeping but I'll tell her when she wakes up. I'll see you soon, love you, bye Tia." (all in italian)

I woke up to the sound of Mattia whispering loudly and excitedly on the balcony with the door slightly opened. I sat up, making myself comfortable as he said his goodbyes and ended the call he was on and came back inside.

"Morning beautiful." He said, flashing me and smile and coming to lay next to me again.

"Morning bebe. What's happening ?" I asked, giggling.

"Sooo, my Tia, Elena, you remember her right ?" He replied.

I nodded and he continued.

"She's been engaged since August and my mom forgot to tell me but they're getting married next week Friday which means we'll be there for the wedding." He finished, "I mean, if you wanna go."

"What ! Of course I wanna go ! Shit, I don't have a dress though." I replied, getting more and more excited. I loved weddings but I've barely gone to any but I still love them.

"We can go and buy one today. My suit is already in Italy because my Tia's fiancee, Ciro wants me to be one of his groomsmen."

"Mmm, can't wait to see you in a suit." I said seductively.

"Oh yeah ?"

I nodded and connected our lips making the kiss deepen immediately.

"Okay wait lemme go get done, we got a long day ahead." I said excitedly as I broke away from the kiss and ran to the bathroom, causing Mattia to laugh.

I got done in the bathroom and came out to get dressed into :

I put my wet hair into a sleek low bun and did my edges while Mattia sat on the bed on his phone already dressed in :

We left and drove to one of the nearest malls which was called Westfield and went into one of the stores. 

"Okay Tia, go look for possible dresses on that side and I'll go look this side." I said, turning around to face him while pointing the left side of the store where he needed to go.

"Okay baby." He replied laughing, at my bossiness before giving me a quick kiss on my cheek as he walked away.

I copied his actions and walked to the side I was supposed to look at and found quite a few dresses in beige seeing that that was the theme for the guests at the wedding. After 10 minutes, Mattia came to me and handed me the dresses as we walked to the dressing room. I tried on the first five dress out of the ten we had chosen together. The next dress I tried on both of us agreed on it and bought it. We went back to the hotel straight after we bought the dress. 

*Skip to the day leaving to Italy*

Mattia woke me up at 4:30am seeing that our flight was at 7am. I was excited to go and see Mattia's family and go to the wedding but I'm not a morning person at all so I knew I would be moddy for the rest of the day. Mattia's parents and little brother was going to meet us at his Nonna's house and they would be there for the wedding too. I got up, did my morning routine, put my hair in a sleek high bun and got dressed into :

and Mattia was dressed in :

(I can't find an individual picture of him wearing this fit)

When we had packed up everything, we made our way downstairs to our car who was, as always, waiting for us. We loaded the car with out luggage and got in, driving to the airport. We checked in and made our way through the airport to get to our gate. We stopped at a Starbucks to get some breakfast and some coffee. 

*Skip to after they land in Italy*

We had finished going through all the check ins and where now coming out of the gate through the arrivals exit. As we walked through the doors we were bombarded with a middle aged lady with shoulder length dark hair and tanned skin. She ran up to Mattia and pulled him into a tight hug and planting kisses all over his face with her lips that had red listick on, making us disconnect our entwined hands and wrap his arms around the woman. I giggled at their reaction. The woman was his Tia Elena who had her wedding tomorrow. Mattia and his Tia were very close and I loved their relationship with each other.

"Finally, you are here nipote !" She exclaimed with a strong Italian accent as she pulled away and stopped kissing him.

"Yeah, I've missed you Tia." Mattia replied, "Tia, you remember Isabella, my girlfriend ?" He added as he put his arm around my waist.

"Of course, of course. I knew you two would get together eventually !"She said excitedly, turning to me and pulling me into a tight hug as well.

"Its nice to see you signorina Elena." I said giggling into the hug.

"Oh please, call me Tia. You are family now." Elena replied, pulling away and putting both her hands on my face, holding my cheeks and kissing the on both sides.

I smiled broadly and nodded. Elena used to babysit Mattia and I when we were younger when she used to come and visit New Jersey so I remember her faintly. But I remember how funny and enthusiastic she was and I can see that she still is the same beautiful soul she always was.

"Okay let's go, everyone is waiting for you at Nonna's !" She said as she hooked her arm into mine and Mattia followed as we all laughed and spoke getting into her car.

We drove for 20 minutes, talking about the wedding and how London was before we pulled into a long gravel driveway which was surrounded by grape vines. Mattia's Nonna lived on a vineyard due to his Nonno who owned a wine company and made expensive and the best wine in all of Italy. We came to a stop and got out. The house before us was very big but still very much looked like an Italina style house. We entered through the front door to be greeted with cheers and hugs. Everyone in Mattia's family was here, his Zio's, the rest of his Tia's, his Nonno, his Nonna, his Cugina's, his Cugino's and his mother, father and little brother. It was all so overwhelming as they all came to greet us but in a good way. For the rest of the day we were given lots of glasses of wine and there was a big table outside, where most of the men of the family where sitting, that was full of Italian salumi, cheeses, cured meats, olives and pickled vegetables.

By the time everyone needed to go and sleep for the big day tomorrow, almost everyone was extremely drunk. Everyone said their goodnight's, surprisingly Mattia's Nonna allowed us to share a bed even though she was very traditional but I knew it was because she trusted me more than Mattia and she even said that she trusted me more than Mattia which made him scoff sarcastically at her which we both laughed at.

*The next day, the wedding*

I woke up as the sun was shining softly on my face, warming the room. I rolled over to face a sleeping Mattia. My fingers traced his features softly. 

"Morning beautiful." I heard Mattia groan, with his eyes still closed.

"Morning baby." I replied as he pulled me close into him making me nuzzle m face into his neck.

"What time is it ?" He asked as I rolled over to check the time on my phone which one the bedside table.

"7:15" I replied.

"And you were up before me ? Are you feeling okay Izz ?" He questioned, opening his eyes with a smirk.

"Well, we are in the most beautiful country in the world, of course I'll be awake before you." I replied, smiling.

He chuckled and pulled me back into him and we laid there until 8 before getting up and doing our morning routine at the same time. We went into the kitchen and greeted everyone before sitting down and enjoying the breakfast that was set out before us. After everyone had eaten, the men all left to go to the guest which was a little bit further than the house. Mattia pecked my cheek after kissing the rest of the females in his family. The makeup and hair started pretty soon after. It was 10 in the morning and the wedding was at 1 so we had enough time.

"So, mi amor what are you going to be wearing ?" Elena asked me as we were all getting our makeup and hair done.

"I have two dresses but I don't know which one I should wear." I replied.

"When the signorina finishes with your makeup come and bring them both out and we will help you choose, okay ?" 

I nodded and smiled as the makeup lady sprayed some setting spray on my face to secure the makeup and I got up to go and fetch the two dresses. I was walking back towards the front of the house again but stopped when I heard the conversation.

"She is so good for him and they are so in love." I heard Mattia's mom, Sofia say making me smile.

"I knew they would end up together since they were very young." Elena said.

"Mi amor, when are you going to tell Mattia about the check up ?" Mattia's Nonna asked which made me frown. What check up ? What was happening ?

"After we get back to New Jersey, I guess I'll have to tell him. I don't want to because I don't know how he will react but he's going to find out sooner or later so I might as well." I heard Mattia's mom say. My eyes grew big and my mouth feel open at the realisation of what had possible happened at the "check up".

"Sorella, you have cancer, you can't keep something so big from your son and especially not from your other child, Isabella. You know how hard it was for her when Francesco died." I heard one of the Mattia's other Tia's say. My eyes begun to brim with tears at the mention of my father and the news of my other mother having cancer. I stopped listening and walked in slowly, my teary eyes transfixed on Sofia. They all stopped talking and faced me, realising that I had heard everything.

"P-Please Tia, tell me it's not true." I said, my words barely a whisper.

Her head dropped low and I didn't want to believe it. I ran to her and hugged her tightly in opes of squeezing the cancer out of her so she could be healthy again and this nightmare could be finished before it even properly started. I pulled away and she kissed my head. Both of us were bawling our eyes out silently and the other women came to embrace us in a group hug and we all cried.

"Okay we have to stop crying, today is supposed to be a happy day and we've already ruined our makeup !" Sofia exclaimed making us all laugh.

"Tia ? Can I ask you something please ?" I said.

"What is it mi amor ?" She replied.

"How long have know...known ?" I said, already dreading the answer. Knowing Sofia was exactly like Mattia. They both always kept things to themselves in the attemt of not hurting the people they love and care about so much.

"Since November." She relied, her eyes not meeting mine.

"Oh." Was all I could get out.

"Just please, promise me, mi amor, do not tell Mattia, okay ? Please." She said.

"I promise." I said, without hesitation. Even though I always told Mattia everything, I knew that this was not everything. This was serious and he would have to find out from his mom.

For the next two hours we all got dressed, had our hair done and our makeup fixed and by the time 12:45 rolled around we were gathering the last few items and had gotten into multiple cars.

My hair, makeup, dress and shoes was this :

All the other women except for the mother of the bride were bridesmaids and were dressed in :

I walked into the church along with Mattia's Nonna and sat down in the front row. The ceremony started and the bridesmaids and the groomsmen came in as pairs. The groomsmen were all dressed in :

My eyes wandered over to Mattia as he walked in as he walked in with one of his Tia's arms hooked into his. They parted ways and the best man and the maid of honor walked in before four of Mattia's cousins came walking down, two girls as the flower girls and two boys accompanying them dressed in :

Ciro, the groom walked in and went to go and stand next to his groomsmen and his suit looked like this :

The traditional music begun to play after another five minutes and everyone stood up as the doors opened revealing Elena and her father walking down the aisle as both the bride and the groom's eyes begun watering as they stayed looking at each other as she walked down the aisle in this dress :

Elena and her father finally got to the front and Ciro came to collect his bride. The priest then started the ceremony allowing us all to sit down. After a few more minute the priest asked the couple to say their vows to each other. The vows were beautiful from both the bride and groom but my eyes locked onto Mattia's and his stayed on mine. My tears begun to water as the vows were said and Mattia smiled softly at me mouthing "You look beautiful" while I mouthed "Thank you." The rings were exchanged and the priest finally announced them husband and wife before cheers erupted throughout the church as the couple ran out. 

After pictures were taken and we had all arrived at the reception and seated, the groom and brides first dance commenced followed by the father daughter dance.

"Will all the couples now join the father and daughter on the dance floor." The MC announced on the speaker.

*Play song*

I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned to be faced with a smiling Mattia.

"Would you do me the honors and share this dance with me mi'lady ?" Mattia said in a goofy posh british accent.

"Of course sir." I said matching his energy.

I slipped hand onto his and allowed him to lead me to the dance floor where his hand rested on my waist and my hand hooked around his neck as we smiled at each other and our eyes stayed atsring into each other's.

"You look so beautiful princesa." He said softly, admiring me.

"Princesa ? Now that we are in Italy, you become more Italian." I said giggling "But thank you mi amor." I added, smiling and planting a kiss on his lips.

We laughed and spoke about the wedding and what had happened when he had left. 

"Tia, do you remember the rules we made when we had just started talking ?" I asked.

"Of course I do princesa." He said smiling, " Which one are you referring to right now ?" He asked, searching my face.

"The one where we said no matter what we tell each everything and we don't break up over shit ?" I replied, nervously.

"What happened Izzy ?" He asked, his smile slowly fading.

"Nothing, I just... I just, I love you and you know I'm always here for you through thick and thin and whatever your going through I'm going through it with you." I said searching for the right words.

"Okay. I love you too. We're never going to break up, okay ?" He said, as he grasped my cheeks and planting a deep kiss on my lips. 

He pulled away leaving me smiling at his words as the song ended and we walked back to our table.

                                                                                   *    *    *    *

*Authors note*

hey my babies !

the story is FINALLY taking a big turn but i won't spoil it anymore ! thank you for all the support, please don't forget to vote and comment on what you think is gonna happen next ! xoxo

love you guys <3

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