The Secret Avatar

By airbenderwrites

56.1K 1.5K 1.4K

Katara feels herself being drawn to the mysterious Airbender that came out of nowhere. What she doesn't know... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty-One
Chapter Forty-Two
Authors Note

Chapter Thirty-Three

827 33 43
By airbenderwrites

"I'm sorry, but I can't let go of Katara." Aang said. Katara was the best thing that ever happened to him, he wasn't just going to let her go.

"Aang, to master the Avatar State, you must open all the chakras. Surrender yourself." Pathik replied

Aang frowned, "Okay, I'll try."

"Now think of your attachments and let them go. Let the pure cosmic energy flow."

Aang sees an image of him letting Katara go, and a bridge that will lead him to Avatar State mastery. His image looks down, smiles at the bridge, and walks up to the Avatar Spirit, which is an enlarged image of himself in the Avatar State. The Avatar Spirit is holding a ball of energy, and Aang walks directly inside of it. As he does so, his tatooes glow, and he closes his eyes. Right before he is able to completely open the final chakra and master the Avatar State.

But he hears a shriek from Katara. He looks up and sees a vision of her in chains, "Get me out of here Azula! Aang's not going to fall for this!"

At this, he jumps out of the energy sphere and runs away from the Avatar Spirit. The energy bridge that lead him there slowly vanishes behind him until it catches up and falls from underneath him, causing his image to plummet toward Earth. This cuts his connection to the Avatar State, which forces him back to reality.

Aang jumps up, "Katara's in danger! I have to go!"

"No, Aang!" Pathik says, "By choosing attachment, you have locked the chakra! If you leave now, you won't be able to go into the Avatar State at all!" Aang hesitates but leaves anyway, leaving Pathik concerned and disappointed. 

Appa lands outside the house and Aang immediately jumps off. He runs to the front door and slams it open, seeing four of his friends there.

"Aang-" Zuko starts

"Katara's in trouble, we have to help her!" Aang said, "Let's go!" He turns to leave but Zuko grabs his arm.

"Aang." Zuko starts again, "My sister captured Katara to lure you to my father. It's a trap. If they get you, they're going to replace Raava with Vaatu. If they do, you're going to become-"

"A killer! I know I've heard all this before!" Aang ripped his arm out of Zuko's grasp, "I'll become heartless and a symbol of fear instead of hope! I'll become the very thing I fear of becoming! Darkness will cover land and the earth will go into chaos!" Tears began to run down his face, "Do you know how many times I've gotten that lecture!? I've not been able to sleep since I was twelve years old! I've been on the run all my life! And now the girl I love is in danger because I wanted to have something normal in my life! I was told not to make attachments but I did it anyways! Everyone expects be to be the Avatar! I never even wanted to be the Avatar!"

Sokka pulled his friend into a hug and let him cry in his shoulder, tears running down his own face. He gently rubbed his back to calm him down.

Toph wiped away the tears that were falling down her own face, "If it makes you feel better, Aang. I don't expect you to be the Avatar, I expect you to be yourself." Aang looks at Toph over Sokka's shoulders and she gives him a small smile

"None of us expect you to be the Avatar." Mai said

"We just don't want anything to happen to you." Zuko added

"You're our friend Aang." Sokka said, "You're my best friend."

Aang smiled and pulled away from the hug and wiped his tears away, "Sorry for snapping..."

"Being that you're the Avatar and have the weight of the world on your shoulders, I think you're allowed to vent." Zuko says with a smile

"So how are we going to save Katara?" Aang asked, "Without me getting captured."

Sokka smiled, "Listen up kids cause Sokka's got a plan."

Katara struggled against the chains that was holding her. It was no use. The chains were metal and she wasn't a Metalbender. If she had some water though, she could freeze them and break them.

She stopped struggling to take a breather, sweat pouring down down her face. Then realization hit her, sweat was water, and the room was hot. If she could build up enough sweat, she could free herself. Thankfully, her feet weren't chained up, so she started running in place.

Once she built up enough sweat, she bended it to the chains and froze them. She yanked on the chains making them break. She still had the cuffs around her wrists, but she would worry about that later. Then, she heard commotion outside. She rushed up to the cell door and looked out it trying to see what was going on.

The door at the end of the hall blasted open to reveal Toph. Katara brightened up instantly when she saw her friend, "Toph! What are you here?" She asked

Toph smiled when she heard her voice and rushed over to her friend, "We're breaking you out of here." She metalbended the doors open, "How'd you get unchained? Twinkletoes said you were chained up in his vision."

"I used sweat to freeze them, but I still have the cuffs on." Katara replied holding her wrists out

Toph bended the cuffs off her wrists, "Let's go."

Katara followed Toph out, "So... uh... Aang had a vision of me?" She asked blushing

Aang waited on Appa for his friends to come out. He could hear all the commotion in the building and wished he could help. As he carefully watched the building, he saw two familiar figures run out of the building and perked up.

Toph climbed up into Appa's saddle while Katara climbed up on his head, where Aang was. As soon as she was there, she pulled Aang in for a kiss. He kissed her back and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You guys aren't going to have sex right now are you?" Toph asked with a smirk, making the couple pull away.

"Of course not Toph." Aang replied, "There are other people around and that's not a thing you do on a flying bison."

"But we might do it later..." Katara added making Aang blush.

"Uh... do the others know you're out here?" Aang asked changing the subject.

"Yep! They're just finishing the plan." Toph replied

As soon as she said that, Zuko, Mai, and Sokka ran out of the building. They quickly climbed onto Appa and Sokka shouted, "Go!"

"Yip yip." Aang said to Appa. As they lifted from the ground, the building exploded and guards came out, Azula along with them. She watched as they flew off on the bison.

"We need somewhere new to hide out now that they know where we were." Zuko said

"Why don't we go to Piandao's place?" Sokka suggested

"Are you sure that's safe?" Zuko asked

"He's apart of the White Lotus." Aang said, "I'm safer with a White Lotus member."

"Yeah but, so was Gyatso." Zuko replied making Mai smack him in the head.

"We should go there." Katara said

Aang knocked on the big gate and it was soon answered by Fat who looked surprised to see them, "Hi, I need to talk to Master Piandao." Aang said with a smile. Fat led the six teens across the courtyard and towards the main structure. The enter the same room Toph and Sokka had earlier.

Piandao sat at the small table again. He turned towards them when they entered and stood to walk up to Aang.

"Master Piandao." Aang gave him a respectful bow

Piandao returned the bow, "Avatar Aang. What brings you here today?"

"I've come to ask for your sanctuary." Aang replied now standing straight, "The Red Lotus found out where we were staying. We need a new hideout where I can finish my training before Sozin's Comet."

Piandao nodded, "My doors are always open for the Avatar and his friends."

Aang smiled, "Thank you Master."

Sokka's stomach growled loudly making everyone laugh, "Let's go sit down for dinner." Piandao said with a smile.

Fat led them to the dining room for dinner. Inside the dining room looked similar to the rest of the house. The walls and floors were red. There was a wall of windows over looking the mountainside view to brighten it up. In the middle was a long, brown table with matching chairs.

Piandao sat at the head of the table with Aang to his left and Sokka to his right. Katara sat next to Aang and Toph sat next to Sokka. Zuko sat next to Toph and Mai sat next Zuko.

Sokka began telling everyone about his training with the master swordsman as Fat set the table. Then the Gaang explained to Piandao how Katara was captured by Azula to lure Aang to Ozai.

"What exactly did you do to break her out?" Piandao asked

"Well, since they were trying to capture Aang, we figured it'd be better for him to wait outside with Appa as our get away." Sokka explained

"And while he was waiting outside, Mai and I went in to distract Azula while Sokka and Toph snuck in." Zuko added

"Snoozles distracted the guards while I broke in to get Sugar Queen." Toph said, "She had already broken the chains herself using her sweat to waterbend, so all I had to do was open the door and break off her cuffs."

"As soon as they were out, I told Zuko and Mai, planted a bomb, and ran out to Appa." Sokka finished

"And it was all Sokka's idea." Aang said

"Really?" Piandao said and looked at Sokka

Sokka blushed at the flattery, "Well... I wouldn't say it was all my idea..."

"Hm... well I'm glad you all got out of there safely." Piandao said as he started eating since the food had now been brought out. The others began eating as well.

"So Aang... how was your lessons with the guru?" Piandao asked, "Did you master the Avatar state?"

Aang put his fork down and looked at his plate with a sad expression, "In order to master the Avatar state... I had to let go of Katara..." The other's stopped eating and looked at him, "...I couldn't do it..."

"Is that why you snapped at us when you got back?" Zuko asked

"It's part of the reason..."

Piandao placed a hand on Aang's shoulder and gave him a smile, "Aang, Gyatso and I were close friends. I know he wouldn't want you to give up someone so important to you, and I don't expect you to either."

Aang smiled as Mai asked, "So... does that mean you can no longer enter the Avatar state?"

Aang nodded, "Which means I have to train harder. If I have to fight Ozai without the Avatar state, I need to master the elements, and quickly."


Listen... Piandao is an underrated character and he deserves more recognition for how awesome he is. Plus, I want to know why he didn't open his home to the Gaang in the show if he was a White Lotus member and knew Aang was the Avatar.

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