Changing opinions//Draco malf...


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||| COMPLETED ||| - SPICYish (at times) - 🤰🏻Celina washes up at Hogwarts after a freak boating accident.Du... Еще

0.5) prologue
1) Where?
6)why though?
8) Suspicion
10)Dracock InmyMouthfoy
11) Write up
16)Detention Attention
17)did someone say Draco Malfoy?
18)Lemme tell your fortune
19) + 19.5) +19.75)
20)Good Chr!stian girl
21) Like a G
22)We love a bad boy dont we?
23)On her knees for J3sus ;) (Seggs)
24) The damn cleanup
25) 1/4 of a hunny
26)Snap goes the ankle
27) Gluck - gluck 99,000(seggs)
28) No more Lies
29)A good Die job
30)New bitch who this?
31)Frickin'n a jacuzzi (seggs)
32) A good Dye job
33)Marry me Rosie
34)The tides will sing
34.5) epilogue
35) but life still goes on (end)

15)Catch on!

352 5 1

SPELLING MISTAKES - are unfortunate autocorrect! (If you spot a mistake please comment on it so I can fix it!)

Draco's povvvvvv

For gods sake it was me who saved you!
Gosh she's agitating. I get one step forward and two steps back every damn day.

When her wand would not work I was gripping the table edge, ready to stand up and expose her. But suddenly with a little crack it popped to life. I was truly stunned. It worked...
Her wand was working. It was the first time I had actually seen her use it but it was working and she did use it. Yes it was a simple spell but that's completely besides the point. I found myself questioning my theories but it's impossible! Truly, really impossible!

Blaise thought it would be hilarious to pull a fast one while the teachers were focused on her. Without my counsel he quickly pulled out his wand and turned her into a bloody rat!

How old school and boring. I punched him hard under the table and slapped his almost bald head as he curled over in pain. Serves him right the bloody fool. She's clearly going to belame this little stunt on me.

It was my quick thinking that transformed her into that beautiful dress. I saved the day! Not Cedric, not Weasley or Potter or Granger or anyone else! Me.

But of course I'm the bad guy. I will not be admitting it to the muggle however. I do not want her to get the wrong ideas. The completely wrong end of the stick.

I spotted them inside the Hog's Head today. Gosh they look painfully awkward together. I wonder what they see in each other. There was a table quite close free so I steered Blaise slightly off course and we managed to get to it before the horde of Ravenclaws did. Bloody annoying pricks.

Well she could be saying anything to him. Revealing her plans on exposing the wizarding world to the other muggles - or even plotting to take out a wizard or two before she makes a brilliant escape !

These are two scenarios of many that I have thought of and I have concluded that they are the most probable.

God that Diggory gets on my nerves. He won't stop looking at me, turn around for goodness sakes and look back at your date!

Gosh. The muggle has herself a date. She's only been here two weeks! I must say I did not have her pinned as that kind of girl.

And of course she picks one of the most self centered, arrogant cunts in the school. He makes me want to rip out all my hair and then take my two eyes after it.

She stormed out in quite a hurry much to my amusement. I gave Diggory a cheeky smirk and quick laugh as he ran out after her.

I ditched Blaise there with the bill and everything. My little bit of a win back for that stunt he pulled at the Halloween party. He shouted at me as I strolled out.

I loved watching Diggory frantically search every inch of Hogsmeade for her. It was extremely entertaining and truly made my day- no, my whole week!

How the hell is he missing her? She's literally right over there by that shop hiding behind the poster. I laugh as he nears her but quickly turns away at the last second thinking he saw her elsewhere.

I see her sprint off back to Hogwarts when he enters a shop and I pick up my feet as I follow her back. I need to get my word in before he finds her again.

Celina's POV


"Sorry." I pant, slamming my book firmly on the desk at the back of my herbology class. Six minutes late. "I got lost."

It is not the lady who was teaching the class last week that takes my apology. But instead a new intern teacher. He looks extremely annoyed and already at his wits ends.

"Just get in , sit down and stop interrupting my class!" He shouts suddenly, spit flying from his mouth making the girls in the front row squeal.

"I-I'm sorry." I gasp slightly, my voice quivering. I am not him the slightest mood or state of mind to take a battering and quickly sit down.

"No not down there!" He slaps his arms against his side in despair and rubs his eyes with his thumb and fingers.

"Up here where I can keep an eye on you!" , he points to a seat in the front row. I gulp as I look down at it and see no other than Draco sitting at the seat beside it.

"But I-" I begin to protest but he shoots me a defying look so I quickly make my way down to the seat.

"Now the Puffapod..." the teacher begins as he moves away to the black board and begins writing notes.

I pause at the desk but Draco keeps his eyes on the board as I sit down.

"Quite a show you put on for us Halloween night." he immediately brings up what I was dreading he would. I have not spoken to him since the night before the celebrations and had I not been moved to this seat I never intended to ever again!

"Do not talk to me Malfoy." I hiss under my breath. Anger beginning to boil up inside of me. I catch him smiling at my response.

"Sheesh...that's no way to talk to your tailor." He smirks to himself as he scribbles down random shapes into his book as to look busy.

I pause as I process what he tells me. 'Your tailor'? ... 'tailor'? Oh! He must have been the one who made the dress...No! He was the one who made the rat costume!

"Your a rat! A bloody rat!" I blurt out, trying my best to keep my voice to a minimum. "How could you! in front of the entire school how could you!?"

He looks extremely taken aback and looks straight at me instead of vaguely at the board.

"What? What are you talking about? You're tailor - I cast the spell for that dress!" He raises his voice slightly from a whisper as he exclaims.

The teacher sighs deeply and drops his chalk to the floor.

"Draco Malfoy and...what is your name?" He shakily exhales.

"Uhhh...Celina Brown sir."


"Oh come on!" Draco slaps the table hard making me jump. "I've got quidditch practice this evening!"

He shakes his head clearly angry at the ruling. "Look what you've gotten us into now." He snarls.

He ignores me for the rest of the entire class. Thank god. I cant tell if he's lying or not, but his statement sticks in my head for the rest of the day. If not him then who else truly?

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