Fight me // nct yuta

By jaeyongg_

129K 5.5K 4.4K

"Listen kid, if I catch you doing that again I'm gonna kick your ass." In which Park Eunji's little brother... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24

Chapter 21

3K 185 49
By jaeyongg_

Eunji's pov:

The car ride to school was quiet. Jisung and Hansuke sat in the backseats and neither made a sound. Yuta, seated in the passenger seat with his arms crossed and jaw jutted out, did the same. His eyes were fixed on the outside view from his window, and he was very one-worded when I tried to start a conversation. His mind was somewhere else.

I'm a little concerned upon seeing the gloomy atmosphere. If they're all in a different head space then it could seriously affect the way they play, and I know they'll regret it later, win or loose, because they won't be at 100%. What can I do? They're all practically ignoring me...

"We're here," I pull into a space not too far from the school gate. As soon as I park, everyone piles out of the car in a hurry.

"Thanks for the ride," Yuta waves before walking off quickly. Hansuke follows him, but not before giving a slight bow of his head and a quiet "thank you."

"I felt like I was suffocating in there, there was so much tension. Did something happen?" Jisung let's out a breath of air before facing me.

Would it be ok to tell him? I mean it's not like we haven't gone through it either, but it was private.

"No, don't worry. Just focus on your game, ok?" I pat his shoulder and start walking to the front entrance. I can still see the Nakamoto siblings walking ahead of us. I'll talk to him after the game.

"I'm going to the locker room, I'll see you later!" Jisung calls out upon reaching the school yard. I give him a wave of my hand, turning in the direction of the bleachers to wait for my friends.

single ladies - minji that hoe✊🏼

hey guys i'm here

ew y r u so early?

i had to pick up yuta

me n jaehyun r
on the way🥰

Ha, Minji's adorable. I chuckle before putting my phone away. Let's enjoy the game.


"I can't believe you guys won!" Minji yells, running into Jaehyun's arms. She gives him a quick peck on the cheek, "I'm so proud!"

"Oh ho ho, look who's blushing!" Johnny teases Jaehyun, who's turned a dark shade of red.

"Stop." He warns, but his smile seeps through his tough facade.

"Do you guys wanna go eat?" Taeyong asks, capturing everyone's attention.

"Yes! I'm starving!" Jikyung clings to my arm.

"Funny, since you were eating my snacks throughout both games." I glare at her.

"It's a nervous habit! I thought they would loose..."

"Wow, no faith! No faith, everyone!" Ten points to her, yelling.

"No I do have faith it's just-"

"Booooooo! THIS GIRL HAD NO FAITH IN US!" Ten cups his hands around mouth, yelling in all directions.

"Would you stop? People are staring!" Doyoung pulls Ten's hands away from his mouth. Ten just laughs it off.

"I'll see you guys later," Yuta, who's been quiet for a while, finally speaks.

"Woah, woah woah, wait. You're not coming to eat with us?" Jikyung questions. "Come on, it'll be fun."

"No thanks." He turns to me. "Could you still give Hansuke a ride home?"

"You're really not coming? Where are you going then?" I ask, confused.

"For a walk." Is all he says. With that he turns around and heads for the school gates.

"What's up with him? Did something happen?" Doyoung turns to me, raising his brows.

"Uhm," Now everyone is looking at me, waiting for an answer. Hansuke and Jisung are standing off to the side, both are listening to the conversation though. I catch Hansuke's eyes, and he looks worried, distressed even. As if he's begging me not to say anything with just a look.

"No, nothing. I'll be right back," I run in the direction to where Yuta went, ignoring my friends calling after me.

"Hey, I need to talk to you." I say, slightly out of breath.

I can here him sigh from where he stands, his head slumps over his chest and the grip he has on his bag grows tighter.

"If you're going to talk about what you heard earlier let me be clear. I don't want your pity, Eunji." His voice is cold, words like ice as he turns his head to where I am behind him.

"I'm not pitying you! I'm trying to help you!"

"I don't want your help! I don't need it!" this time he turns his whole body around to face me.

"Yes you do! And who better to talk things out with than someone who's already gone through what you're going through?!"

"This is different from when your parents split, ok? My parents are still together."

"Yuta, before my parents divorced they would fight like that too. You know that. But as soon as they separated they actually started getting along. Sometimes, people just aren't meant to be more than friends, my parents realized that a little late though."

"They're not getting divorced, or- or separated, or... whatever! It's not happening so just mind your own business!" He runs his hand through his hair in frustration, and stomps his foot on the ground. "They're not fighting because of that..." he mumbles the last bit but I still hear him.

I sigh, a little frustrated. "It's better to talk it out with someone than to keep all your feelings pilled up inside. Trust me, I know." I walk closer to him and place my hand on his shoulder.

"I said I didn't want your pity," he spits, yet he doesn't move away from my touch. His bangs flow over his face, which is turned to the side so he won't look at me.

"I'm not pitying you, Yuta. I just want to help you because... you're my friend." It's quiet for a moment, and thanks to the silence I can here his slight sniffles. Is he crying? I suppose I couldn't tell before because it's already dark out and there isn't much lighting around where we are.

"Hey, it's ok to cry. I know you must be frustrated." I go to hug him but he quickly pulls away.

"I'm not crying. Men don't cry."

I let out a disappointed sigh. "Yes, they do. And it's perfectly fine to cry. It's a normal, human reaction, and whoever told you otherwise is wrong."

"Shut up. You don't know anything about my home life, so don't act like you do."

"You're right, I don't know what goes on behind the scenes. But I would like to help you, if you would let me." I don't know how I'm able to be so patient with him today, but whatever force of nature is helping, I'm thankful.

"Stop. Stop pretending that you care. I hate fake people like you." His words hurt me on a level I never knew words could hurt, but I refuse to give up, even as my eyes get teary.

"But I do care. I care about you a lot, ok? You're my friend, even if all we do is fight. I can't stand the thought of you going though something and not getting any help." Now I can feel hot tears running down my cheeks, slowly dripping down to my chin.

"No, you were always mean to me, ever since middle school! So don't go acting like we're suddenly the best of friends because we both had to go through the same shit!"

"Yuta..." I'm speechless. What do I say to that? Maybe he's right, maybe I'm not the best person for this job. I pull up my sleeve and dab away my tears. "You're right, I'm sorry." I drop my head and turn to leave but I'm stopped.

"Eunji, wait," Yuta calls, pulling my forearm so I don't walk away from him. "I... uhm... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that. The truth is... I... I really need someone right now." Finally, Yuta let's out a sob, his tears run freely down his cheeks. What a sight, the great Nakamoto Yuta crying in front of me.

"Hey, it's ok," I don't hesitate to pull him into a hug and rub his back soothingly. "Shhh, it's ok to cry. Don't worry, it'll be ok," We stay like for a few minutes, me comforting him in this state.

"I can't believe I'm crying, and in front of you, of all people," he let's out a laugh and pulls away, rubbing his eyes.

"Hey now, what? Are you embarrassed?" I tease, now that the atmosphere is a lot less serious than before.

"Ugh, a little," he chuckles, still rubbing his eyes.

"It's kinda late, and I think everyone is waiting for us to go eat, so... How about we talk tomorrow, is that ok?"

"Uhm," he rubs the nape of his neck with scrunched eyebrows. "I don't know..."

"That's ok, I'm not gonna pressure you into talking to me about it. Just know that I'm here for you if you ever need someone."

He smiles, "Thanks, Eunji. You annoying rat." He ruffles my hair and starts walking to where our friends are waiting.

"Psh, whatever. You can walk to the diner, then." I flip my hair and speed up to pass him.

"Haha wait, no. Hey wait up, I'm tired." he whines, dragging his feet.

He seems ok now. I'm glad.

"Finally!" Ten cries out. "You guys were gone for a while,"

"Sorry..." Yuta rubs his neck.

"So... are you coming to eat with us or what? Cuz I'm hungry." Jikyung bluntly asks.

"Haha, yeah. Sorry I kept you guys waiting."

"Alright, let's go guys," Taeyong says, and we all follow him to the parking lot.


ahem. angst. i'm not good at it lmao.

but like damn. so many updates recently i don't know what's gotten into me hehe

don't forget to vote for your favorite chapters. and keep the comments coming! pretty sure i've said this before but y'all make my day with all your comments!

bye hoes.

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