Blessed With A Curse

By Harry_styles911

55.3K 989 215

He's lost and confused. He's a death eater. But he's madly in love, her life means more to him than his own. ... More

Part One
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Part Two
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Part Three
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Part Four
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Part 5
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 6

1.2K 25 18
By Harry_styles911

Christmas was soon approaching, and I would have to make up my mind on what plans I wanted to take up. Christmas with my family wasn't your usual fun holiday, it was like any other day just add on the gifts. Usually my father would be out, and it would just be me and mum, which I didn't mind. I could stay here at Hogwarts, but all my friends were going home, most people were this year, the fear that the famous Sirius Black might invade the halls in search for Harry. Home was definitely the better option, I had little to do here anyway, all my work already completed. My attention in class was lacking but I was able to follow and keep up with it just fine, what I craved for most was the weekend to come so that I could go back to Hogsmeade, I had forgotten to ask her in our last class what she planned on doing over Christmas, she hadn't brought the event up so I didn't think about it till now.

On our way to Hogsmeade I couldn't stay clear of Crabbe and Goyle, they wanted my assistance in terrorising Granger and Weasley which I would take every pleasure in doing. On the other hand, I had mentally already made plans with Blair, but the temptation to screw Ron over one last time before we broke up for Christmas was more than tempting. The snow was finally settling, and I could just imagine flinging one at that big, fat, ginger head, maybe it might finally wake up the brain cells he claims to have.

When we got to our location, I saw a certain Longbottom getting a little too close to comfort to Blair. Although I would have joy separating the two and take her all for myself, I saw how she smiled and laughed at him, it would be cruel to do so. Which is the normal for me, but maybe I was just searching for an excuse to free me in terrorising Ron. I looked at both Crabbe and Goyle, the same mischievous look in their eyes. Game on. We followed them around all day, throwing snowballs, hurling insults, it wasn't long till they lost it and then all of a sudden, a giant ball mangled with dirt and snow smashed me straight at the side of my head. I instantly looked for its perpetrator but was shocked to see no one there.
"Who did that!" I barked and everyone looked clueless, a smile on both Ron and Hermione's face. What did they know that I didn't? Again, and again the dirt balls were lurched towards us from numerous directions we had no other option but to fleet. I turned around and took a final glance. Raven hair, ridicules rounded glasses, a smug smile. Potter. He shouldn't be here, who's was the invisibility cloak he'd clearly stolen! Snape would here about this, this is the last time Potter gets of trying to make a fool out of me. At that moment I wish Sirius Black was here, maybe he'd finish the job for me!
"Draco." A voice gasped, a voice I didn't click onto straight away, clouded by rage. I pushed past its caller, one mission in mind, rat that slivery, slimy snake straight to Snape.

Unfortunately, Potter beat me to it! He was already back before I even had the chance to snitch. It was greatly infuriating, how did he get back so quick, there's definitely a way that he's sneaking about and I will find out. Again, it's Harry I blame for completely sabotaging my day. If it wasn't for him, I could have spent the rest of my afternoon stealing Blair from Neville, but he had to get in the way like usual. I was disappointed that I hadn't gotten to spend my weekend with Blair, it had been something I was holding onto most of the week. Especially now that Crabbe and Goyle spent not only all their time talking about the girls they fancied but they also spent all their time with them too. Fools. I wasn't going to let it be the last time I saw Blair before the Christmas period was over, so I devised a plan.

Our common rooms were close to one another, so I waited out there a slit of paper in my hands with a clear set of instructions, waiting was the only part I failed poorly at, I had no patience. After waiting what seemed like forever she finally returned, a frown very clear indented on her face. Was she confused or angry? I passed her the folded paper into her delicate hands, still covered by gloves. She opened it up, reading it her eyes lifting, her mood automatically changing, back to the Emerald.
"But we aren't allowed out or rooms at that time." She said dumbfounded.
"I won't tell if you don't." I winked, automatically making her blush, I liked how I had that effect on her, more than liked it was my new fuel and I was thirsty for more. I slipped away into my room, ready to prep myself for tonight's antiques. I questioned how she saw this, I hoped she didn't think it was a date, we were still just acquaintances, I just had to see her one last time. I wrapped up in a scarf and hat, gloves were needed to. I wished I had the invisibility cloak I knew Harry had but I would have to sneak out with all the hard work included. It wouldn't be too difficult; I'd done it plenty of times before. I waited outside her common room at the time I gave her, and she didn't disappoint, dead on the clock. I grabbed her hand and led her out and to the courtyard, quiet and stealth enough that no one would notice. I could see the thrill in her face, she's never broken the rules before, but damn didn't she look good doing so. As soon as we were in a clear a laugh, she'd been holding on escaped her cherry lips.
"So," she gleamed. "Why have you gotten me out of bed at this time, we best be doing something interesting." I could tell I looked smug, I had the perfect plan. I walked up towards one of the lakes that had been frozen up, out of sight. Someone had to teach Bambi how to skate. "I hope you're joking." She gasped.
"Look I even stole a pair of ice skates, size four I presumed that was your size." I chucked her the skates, she stumbled back slightly by the added weight.
"What are you trying to do? Kill me off?" She spluttered, she looked cute nervous.
"Maybe." I smirked. "Listen, I won't let you fall."
"I don't know if I trust you." Ouch.
"You don't really have a choice." I stated putting my own pair of skates on. I enjoyed skating, at home I did it a lot when our pound froze over, I knew what I was doing. It wasn't even that hard. Her arms crossed over her chest and she gave me a deathly glare. "Don't be a cry babe." I teased. I'd get her to skate one way or another I'm sure there was some spell I could force her with. She flung her arms in defeat before badly attempting to put the boots on. "Clutz," I mumbled going to her aid. "You'll get your feet wet if you aren't careful." I warned.
"If I fall my entire clothing will be soaked." She warmed me her eyes trying to be scary, but they were still the perfect shade of emerald. "And when we get caught, I'm saying you kidnapped me." I couldn't help but laugh at the fabricated story she'd already started to develop.
"We have a deal." I shook her hand, smile wide on my face. Taking her hand, I led her over to the frozen lake. Her hand began to tremble, from the cold or the fear I didn't know. I went first, moving backwards so that my body was facing hers. The fear was present in her eyes I held on to both her arms, her fingers wrapped around mine, digging into my skin.
"Ow!" I whined.
"I'm sorry." She whimpered. Again, a pang of guilt, I shouldn't have shouted. I tried to make my face soft, inviting, but she stared at the floor underneath her, her toes edging towards the ice.

I had enough of waiting, we be here until first period tomorrow by the time she's gotten onto the ice. I pulled her forward, closer to my chest. She wobbled at first, shocked by my abrupt movement but I made sure my arms steadied her. Looking down at her smug, she took a glance up at me completely terrified. I felt her icy breath on my neck, sending shivers down my spine, I felt an urge to separate the connection. I moved back, creating space but still being her support, she wasn't going to let go of my arms any time soon.
"One foot in front of the other," I instructed. "No glide your feet don't pick them up." Had she never been ice skating before? I guess it wasn't necessary when she lived in such warm countries. She slowly filled the space between us, looking up at me for reassurance. I moved back out allowing her to copy the movement she'd previously done. Bambi, she really was. After a few moments more of allowing her to use me to stable her we reached the middle. "Look you're doing well." I cheered her. Her eyes sparkled with excitement when she realised how far she had gotten even if I had been doing all the work. "Now for you to let go." I dropped my hold on her arms and she instantly grabbed at the air for me to come back.
"Draco no." She cried, the excitement ripped off her face. I took a few more glides back, about two meters away from her now. I had faith she could do it, she'd have to do it, can't be babied the entire way through it. When I learned to skate, my father was the most brutal, he wouldn't let me hold onto him to settle myself. It had been the best way really, I learned quicker I didn't have much choice, I wanted to impress him.
"Just do what you've been doing." I ordered my voice came out a little harsher than I had intended. "I'll catch you if you fall... promise." She bit down on her lip before taking a deep breath, closing her eyes and then opening them, she kept them on mine the entire time. Two glides, that's all it took, and she was back in my arms.
"I did it!" She cheered and I couldn't help but laugh, I'd made it to easy for her.
"Now follow me." I tried to escape to force her to do it all on herself, but her fragile hand gripped onto mine before I had the chance.
"At least one hand, just for now." She pleased and I couldn't help but agree to it.

I cupped her hand in mine, locking it away safely. Then pulling her forward, she'd have to keep up with my pace if she wanted me to have her hand. But she complied easily, not too far behind me, our arms stretched out, just a metre away, easy catchable. She stumbled a few times but nothing major, she was getting the hang of it, her grip on my hand slowly softening. I kept looking back on her, just to double check. The moonlight hit her perfectly, lighting the shadows under her eyes, glowing up her perfect white smile, I was starting to see what everyone else saw, she was sort of beautiful. I shook my head, ripping my hand away from hers, she pouted like a puppy from my vacant touch. I darted off in front, my pace ten times as fast as hers, I was doing laps around her, it was funny. I knew I was showing off, but I enjoyed it, it was something I was good at and I wanted to impress her. I skidded against the ice, my breaking surfacing up the grit, spraying up her legs.
"Okay show off." She huffed, also coming to a stop.
"You'll have to practise." I said looking down at the skates and then back to her face.
"Only if you'll be here." She smiled, it was a sweet smile, an innocent smile. "I'd say we're a little more than acquaintances now." She suggested. I hoped I hadn't given her the wrong impression. My body felt tense, I didn't want to hurt her feelings. "I'd say friends. Wouldn't you?" She offered.
"I'm not a very good friend." I warned her.
"I enjoy your company." She answered honestly. The warmness at the pit of my stomach returned, slowly rising up.
"Friends then." I wondered how Crabbe and Goyle would think of this, would they laugh or would be jealous. Would it matter anyways I hardly had the chance to see them recently. "What are you doing this winter?" I asked. If she was to stay here, I would too, I'd make her a pro ice skater before anyone else came back.
"Me and my family are going to Germany, they pretty much invented Christmas." She explained. I couldn't hide the defeat on my face. "You could come Draco... I mean if you wanted to, my parents wouldn't mind." I shook my head instantly. Although I would love to, it felt a little out of place, not something you'd do with new friends. Plus, my family wouldn't be happy about the idea anyways, I'd never left home.
"Thanks for offering, that was kind of you." I admitted. "I need to go back home this Christmas anyways, my mother will have missed me." I hoped.
"That's sweet." She smiled. "I'll send you a post card." She winked and I couldn't help but smile back at her, there hadn't been a soul purer. So why the hell was I messing with it? Was being friends with her a good idea? I wouldn't fight the selfishness, I knew I wanted to be around her, even if it did break her in the process.
"I guess I should really get you back before people really do believe I've kidnapped you." I laughed half-heartedly. She looked disappointed that the time had been stripped from us so quickly. "Race you." I smirked before jetting off.
I heard her shout behind me but didn't pay attention. She tumbled forward trying to get closer, her rhythm was all wrong, but she did a good job on catching up. One foot in front of the other just at the wrong time. Her face ran pale and she attempted to rush her hands over for protection. My stomach twisted, heart racing, I'd never acted so fast to instinct. There would be no way she wouldn't slam onto the ice beneath us. Out of rash thought I flipped her body onto mine seconds before the ice hit us. The crash jolted through my spine and I winced in pain when her frail body flew on top of my own. Her worried eyes looked me up in down, search for a scratch or a mark, she looked relived to not have found one. Her weight still on me, her eyes unmoving from mine. What was she thinking? She grabbed hold of my coat and pressed her head against my chest, letting out the trapped air she'd held in her lungs.
"Thank you Draco." She whispered, barely audible. I wrapped my arm around her small waist, I would allow myself these moments, these small moments of happiness. Id savour them, they'd keep me running for a couple of days. I leaned on my elbows, lifting us both up. "Sorry." She muttered, pressing herself up from the ice, instantly shivering the from the chill. She handed me her hand and I took it gently not that it would help me up, but it was a kind gesture.
"Practice is certainly needed." I breathed, keeping hold of her hand so that there would be no more mistakes. I thought of how if it had been someone else, I would have acted completely different. Probably laughed and watch them squirm on the floor. In fact, I wouldn't have taken them ice skating in the first place. I was confused, confused on why her happiness brought me happiness. It annoyed me. She stayed silent until we'd got to our common room doors. We hadn't been caught as of yet.
"Thank you for tonight." She whispered in my ear, peaking up on her tiptoes, "and sorry for falling." She smiled lightly before pressing her cherry lips on my ice-cold cheek. The gentle gesture, completely shocking, completely thrilling, my heart felt like it beated for the first time.

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