Chapter 23

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Blair had been awfully quiet, avoiding eye contact. I'd already threatened Blaise with his life if he dared say anything. Before potions I pulled her outside in the corridor, there was no one else here. She looked up at me with owl like eyes.
"Blaise isn't going to tell anyone." I reassured her.
"That's not the point, we shouldn't have been doing anything with him in there in the first place." She whispered- shouted frantically looking to see if anyone was spying on our conversation.
"We will just have to find somewhere else." She rolled her eyes at my comment. Not in the mood clearly. "You left something." I transferred her pants from my pocket to hers and her face lit up bright red, I couldn't help but chuckle.
"Can we get to class now." She tried moving away from my grip.
"Give me a kiss first." She leaned up to on to her tip toes and quickly pecked me before rushing on inside, I couldn't help the smirk growing on my face.

It took her a while to get over it. Weeks went by and she was becoming more and more distant. Always consumed with anything but me. Latched onto Neville, where he went, she went. When she wasn't around, claiming she was busy studying, I'd go meet with Snape. It was honestly draining the life out of me but I was slowly starting to block out my thoughts. He was impressed but that didn't stop him from dragging it out further.

I stumbled back into the common room late, hoping I could have a few moments alone. But Pansy was there, I tried to make my way to my room but she stopped me.
"You don't have to avoid me at all costs." I looked back at her, sour face like normal. "I have something to tell you anyways." Intrigued I took the seat next to her, my feet resting on the coffee table, slouching into the sofa, ready to be informed on the new gossip.
"Go on then, I've not got all night." I snapped at her silence. She bugged a little closer, too close. I could smell that horrid perfume again.
"Well I thought you'd already know being a prefect." She snickered. "The Gryffindors are up to something, sneaking around, breaking all the new rules."
"Yeah we break the rules too, what's the issue?" I yawned becoming bored of her conversation. I really wanted to get to bed.
"They're Gryffindor they don't break rules Draco." She spat. She was right about that. "Everyone thinks Dumbldore has put them up to it."
"What you think Dumbledore is creating an army of students?" I chuckled at her idiocy. Why on earth would he be trying to create an army and why would he be using students? Is that how low he had gotten?
"Well now you know who is back and Umbridge is stopping us from using spells, it all adds up!" She fought her argument back.
"No one knows for sure that he's back." I seethed.
"We do! We know who killed Cedric Diggeory that night and just because you don't want to admit that to your precious princess doesn't mean you have to act dumb." She spat. I lurched up from the sofa, storming straight to my room.

Of course I knew he was back, the people who didn't were blind. My fathers constant absense, Cedric's death. But I didn't want Blair to be in a world where this was all going on, where she was in danger and I was the threat. I liked living in my protective bubble and there goes Pansy popping it again. I wouldn't allow Blair to get hurt in this, we don't even know if he's going to succeed. But what if she was in this so called army? It would explain her disappearances but surely she'd have told me about it. No, I'm not even going to think about it, I'll question her tomorrow, demand her to tell me where she's been going to. But a top priority was to find out what those idiots were up to. If I could catch them and give them up to Umbridge, believe me I will.

My eyes never left her, watching her at the breakfast table, her head buried deep into a book. Her hair fell so gently against her face, the loose ringlet almost floating in the air. The necklace with my ring, hanging from her neck, snuggled in her clasp as she rubbed over it.

I got up from our table, earning a confused gaze from my friends which I ignored. I headed straight towards her, she looked up at me, her smile blooming. It was a Saturday, we ought to spend it together, that's what couples do.
"Shall we go to hogsmeade?" I suggested, not taking the empty seat next to her.
"Sure, I'll go grab my coat." Relief overwhelmed me, knowing she hadn't shot me down like she had been doing recently. She grabbed her big puffy coat which had a fur hood. It made her look extremely small, gentle and fragile. I grabbed her hand, taking lead to our destination. It was silent, not an uncomfortable silence but it should have been filled, we hadn't spoken properly in so long. Something seemed off. I let go off her hand feeling frustrated, these were the times I wished I could read her mind also. Reminding me to close off mine. I concentrated hard on not allowing her to visit my thoughts which by the look on her face, she was visibly trying to do.
"So I'm guessing it all worked out well with Snape." She said in defeat but I was proud that it had worked, it was a success.
"I'd say so." Then complete silence, she let out an agitated sigh, crossing her arms over her chest.
"So are you going to tell me what's up or are we just not going to talk the entire time?" The bitter side of Blair was starting to come out and I wasn't sure if I liked it. How come when we come back to hogwarts everything goes downhill? This school is honestly cursed.
"I'm not the one with the issue." I retorted. "I just want to know what's so important that you can't make the time to see me." I didn't want to show my weaknesses but I had to get my point across.
"I can't help having a lot of school work to do Draco." She defended.
"We could do it together." I suggested. I was beginning to sound desperate for her attention and I didn't like it.
"We aren't in a lot of classes together." Excuse.
"I can still help-"I started.
"Aren't you busy with Snape?" She snapped, her face was burning red, the angry moss eyes blazing through me.
"Is that was this is about?" We both stopped in our tracks, the argument now getting heated. At this rate we won't be making it to hogsmeade. "Fine! Take a peak I'm allowing you to have a look, find whatever the fuck you want." I let her in, hoping she'd know how angry I was, how let down I felt. Happy now? I thought knowing she'd hear it.
"So you're just going to pick and chose what I see?" She said clearly unsatisfied.
"Why do you have to see everything? Do you know how controlling that is? How about I read your thoughts see how you like it!" I shouted, thankfully we were alone so no one would go around gossiping. Blair reading minds was meant to be a secret.
"Draco don't you dare go there. Do you know why I like to read your thoughts?" I shrugged my shoulders even though I was so interested in knowing. "Because it's home Draco, when I first came here you were the only person I knew properly. You're so difficult, hard to read. I never know if I'm coming or going with you. So yes I like to read your mind for a little bit of clarity, reassurance that you still care." I could see she was trying hard not to cry. Guilt spiked through my core. She was finally opening up, I was just annoyed it had to be like this.
"I still care, I care too much Blair." If she wanted reassurance I'd could give it to her, it just had to be verbal. "I can tell you that, you don't have to read my mind, I can tell you." My arms wrapped around her waist closing the enormously large gap we'd created together. She didn't resist.
"I guess it's just something I'll struggle getting use to, you have to understand that." She admitted, resting her head against my chest.

"Come on let's go get some food." I took her hand again.
"You not get breakfast?" She asked, concerned.
"I was too busy looking at you." I smirked and she gave my hand a little squeeze, her cheeks glowing red. "I love how I do that to you." I smiled. She looked at me confused. "Make you all flustered."
"That's because I really care about you." It sounded so brilliant coming from her plump lips. This is what I needed, this is all I wanted from her. How did we go from having a full blown argument to admitting our feelings? When I said our love story would be tragic, I wasn't lying.
"I care a lot about you too." I nearly slipped the love word but was glad I didn't. I wasn't prepared to lose her any time soon.

We picked a small little coffee shop, she got a hot chocolate which she continued to add more sugar to, I shook my head chuckling. I'd gotten a light breakfast with a black coffee, I needed a bit of a boost after that dramatic performance. Blair got out her book, with the following homework sheet. I guess I did say I would help her, my mistake there. But either way we flew through it, even not knowing much of the topic, I was a master at bullshiting, so we came up with some good answers together. Time with her was so precious, I wasn't too bothered about what we had to be doing. As long as I was with her that's all that mattered. I noticed the small things too, like when she was stuck she'd bite her lip and frown at the pages like she was demanding it for answers. How when she was right, she had this courageous smile that I'd never forget. She was incredibly clever, effortlessly as well. I was absolutely obsessed.

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