Chapter 5

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The weeks moved on rather quickly, I was able to keep a good amount of space away from me and the girl, I'd watched her a lot though. Everyone seemed to like her, she got on with everyone else to, but she hadn't formed a friendship group as of yet, she spent most of her free time alone, reading mostly which I thought was rather odd. Especially when she had all these people begging to give her their attention but still, she opted out. She was never rude to her admirers even though it was clearly evident they made her feel uncomfortable, I had to calm myself before I told them to bugger off and leave her alone. She was too nice to tell them how she really felt but I'd do it for her, if I cared enough to. I didn't understand people like that, she was too careful not to upset or hurt anyone's feelings, maybe it was just because she was new, didn't want to stand on anyone's toes. She had been different with me though, I read her well, knew when I had pissed her off. How incredibly sad you must be to snatch away any bit of light you see. Her word had stung me, chosen their spot at the back of my mind. She had been bitter towards me; she didn't portray those feelings towards anyone else. But then again it seemed like I was everyone's worst enemy. Crabbe and Goyle had taken an interest in the girl too which annoyed me further. They already had new love interest of their own, if you called it that. Two girls they had met over the summer had carried on taking their attention, I had to admit I was jealous. Those girls didn't care much about the two, but they enjoyed having goo goo eyes directed at them.

The rain was slamming down, the three of us were drenched, covered in mud, thanks to Potter. We had tried scaring him in the match, dressing as the dementors, it got the reaction we craved but the freak shot us with the Patronus charm, I hadn't realised we'd been so true to character. It was then that Crabbe and Goyle had become bored of the joke and it was only me who wanted to tease Harry further. This annoyed me but I had to move on from it, it was no fun to carry on if I didn't have anyone laughing by my side. She had turned up to the match though, she hadn't seen me, I kept myself in the shadows. Neville accompanied her, sharing his umbrella with her, which he didn't do a good job at. The girl was completely drenched from head to toe, her dark hair turning jet black by the rains touch. I could see the boredom in her face, the regretful sulk clinging on against the wind that sent shivers down her spine. This is exactly why Neville would never get the girl, he had been lucky enough to have her come along with him and here he left her wet and miserable. I wondered why she didn't just leave, the game clearly meant nothing to her, but she stuck her ground, shaking like a leaf, I shook my head at Neville's idiocy. We went back to the common room, the game no fun for us to watch either, we presumed it would be an easy win. Gryffindor for the win once again, maybe we should have took the match. I sank in the leathered sofa, my wet jacket darkening the green colour. The fire blazed on, the two of them huddled around it getting warm as they stripped their filthy clothes off.

The continuous weeks at Hogwarts became more and more boring, the only hint of excitement being the rumours of Sirius Black being spotted. That and that my dad had been back in contact with me about his investigation on the ordeal with me and the bird. I wasn't too bothered about it now, I had regretted about telling my father about it, I was more than happy to forget about the incident but Crabbe and Goyles encouragement drove me to take it further. I had joked in potions to Harry and Ron that their beloved Hagrid would lose his job, I didn't know for certain, I had only said it for a reaction and boy did I get one. Weasley jumping off his seat and straight to defence, if we hadn't been in a room with Snape and his beady eyes I was sure Ron would have gone straight for my head. A bit more fuel in the tank. But Harry wasn't as bothered, his mind concentrated on something else, I tried to pick at that also, thinking it would have something to do with Sirius Black, but Harry seemed to know little about the truth, I enjoyed picking at it.
"Of course, if it was me," I started, looking him dead in the eyes. "I'd have done something before now." The image of my mother dead returned, and I quickly wished it away keeping my composure. I had never thought of Harry as so much of a wimp, un loyal even. He had no fight evident, but if that was my parents no matter how scared I was I'd feel the need to get my vengeance. "I'd want revenge." I spoke aloud, "I'd hunt him down myself." A glimmer of anger threatened Harry's posture as he looked at me fury in his eyes. Another point to me. I chuckled and walked through to my other class.

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