Chapter 25

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Blair's dress^^

After recieving the owl from my mother it was certain I'd be spending the Christmas with Blair, we'd go over in the morning to see my mother but the rest was at the Walkers family home and I was thrilled. This Christmas was going to be different and packing my things to leave Hogwarts, I felt no dread, no fear that I'd be spending these few weeks alone.

Hand in hand we accompanied the train together. Blaise and the rest of them were annoyed I wouldn't be sitting with them but me and Blair had a whole carriage to ourselves. I tried to hold back my excitement. Soon enough we got to the Walkers home, littered with decorations, it was bright, colourful, home. Her parents came rushing to us, hugging us both. Like I was apart of their small family. The noturious brownies were waiting, her mother giving me a swift wink. They begged her for all the information about her school year so far. She was embarrassed but she shouldn't be, she should be proud to have parents that care so dearly for her. I wanted that. They asked me too which was nice, I gave them a brief answer, avoiding all the mischief me and their daughter had gotten into. I told them about me being a Prefect and they were proud. Her father giving her a nudge saying 'you've got a good one there'. It felt good to be accepted, if only if they knew what I was really like, what my family was involved with. They'd want me no where near her. But I believed I had changed, I couldn't change the circumstances that I was surrounded by but I was becoming a better person and it was all due to her. I didn't know how I'd ever be able to repay her. I'd give her everything I had, everything.

"I'm sorry," she apologised closing her bedroom door behind her. At the start of summer they'd tried to keep us sleeping separately. As usual Blair got her way but I was more than grateful. Her mother filled her bedside draw to last a person a year or two. She really got away with everything. "They can be a handful." She finished.
"I always wondered where you got it from." I winked and she fell to the bed exhausted. It really has been a long day, her mother's amazing cooking leaving my stomach with no free room. Sleep was calling my name.
"Christmas Eve we're going to a ball with my parents." She brought up, staring at her ceiling.
"You should have said, I'd have brought a suit." I'd have to go back home and grab one, I had plenty.
"It's fine my mum got you one and me a new dress. She's probably trying to get us all to match, you know how obsessive she can be." I smiled her mum was a perfectionist, everything always had to match but I liked that about her.
"I'm looking forward to it." I joined her on the bed, being her into my chest, kissing her forehead.

"I'm tired are you?" She gazed up at me, those big emerald eyes.
"Yeah." I hummed.
She got up from her position, stripping the clothes off her back, I watched in awe. How could it be possible for someone to be this perfect? The dim lighting shadowed here body, she faced away as she got undressed, I got up and spun her around, my eyes wandering taking her all in. She grinned at me before chucking on her fluffy pyjamas, they had pink little bunnies on, even then she still looked hot.
"You got any night wear?" She asked scanning my body head to toe.
"I think I might just sleep naked." I teased. She shook her head crawling back into bed.
"Draco Malfoy, you really are something else."

The next morning we got up bright and early, something the walkers usually did, something I didn't enjoy. I quickly showered and got dressed before heading downstairs with Blair, who remained in her bunny pyjamas. Of course the table was filled with an outrageous amount of food, from sausages, to fruit, to pastries. I wondered how they all remained so slim. The atmosphere was cheerful with her mother singing over the radio, her dad drumming his fingers against the table and Blair just sat there being Blair, with a marvellous smile on her face.
"Already washed and dressed Draco, you don't hang about." Her mother commented on my attire, smiling like usual.
"In fact mrs and mr Walker I wanted to take your daughter out if you didn't mind." I offered, I thought we could go for a walk there was a meadow at the back of the Walkers home, me and Blair explored it last summer.
"You know to call us Philipa and Henry my dear."
"My apologies." It had become a habit.
"But that's absolutely fine we were going to finish a bit of Christmas shopping." So I had Blair to myself the entire day, perfect. Blair shot me a cunning smile, I chuckled but then looked down at the large plate full of food, not wanting her parents to catch on.

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