Chapter 42

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We were only here for three days and the Dark Lord soon got his claws hooked into her. Me, my mother and Blair were sat at the breakfast table, me sat in complete silence but those two were chattering away, like we wasn't stuck in a house trapped with murderers. I had a gut instinct, a sickly feeling in my stomach. We'd made our best efforts to avoid everyone at all costs, especially Lucius. But Blair was too kind of a soul, she hated that my mother was alone, she felt bad for her. Maybe if we'd stuck to just fucking in my room this wouldn't have happened. Lucius and Bellatrix abruptly entered, faces rotten with hatred, the silence crept its way back in and the air once again felt thick. Blair's blood running cold, she knew what they were going to say before they spoke the words. I instantly knew it was bad news. But she covered up the fear with a timid smile. She was trying too hard to protect me, it was meant to be the other way round.

"The Dark Lord would like to speak to you Blair." He didn't even make eye contact with her, he was repulsed by her. She got up from her seat but I quickly but my hand on hers, stopping her at a holt.
"I've made it quite clear." I spat. "She won't be any part of this." I still had to fight for her, I knew she had given up but I wasn't ready for it yet.
"She needs to make use of herself." Bellatrix butted in. I shot her a daring glare.
"I said no!" I spat, the rage pulsing through my veins.
"It's fine Draco, honestly." She tried smiling through the pain. She held my hand that had stopped her from going, rubbing her thumb across it. "I'll be okay." Her eyes were pleading for me not to fight. I huffed in annoyance, dropping my hand and returning to my seat, stirring my cereal. There wasn't a chance I'd be eating now. I couldn't watch as she walked away, from her confidence I knew they weren't going to kill her and that should put me at ease but I knew they were going to make her one of us. There was nothing I could do about it and that's what pains me even more. The lack of control I had was driving me insane.

"We need to talk." Lucius spoke through gritted teeth. I could feel his body lingering behind mine, visions in my head of shoving his face straight in my bowl and hoping he'd choke on it.
"I've got nothing to say to you." I didn't even look at him, pushing my bowl to the other side of the table, I was put off eating before hand.
"You will talk to me, I am your father!" He barked. I spun around, eye to eye, chest to chest.
"Father?" I laughed. "You've never been a father to me, you're a pathetic excuse of a man." He went for my throat but I shoved him back, too quick for his poor attempts.
"You will not speak to me like that in my own house!" He screamed. My mother rushed in between us, desperate to separate the both of us.
"Then let me leave!" I shouted. "You think I want to fucking be here? With you? I'd rather be six foot deep." I spat. He looked at me in such disgust, disappointment clear in his eyes. I'd never be the son he wanted me to be and finally I was happy with that, more than happy.
"Please Draco," my mother begged her body shoved in between us. "we love you, we're doing the best we can." She's so full of shit.
"Love me? Are you having a laugh? You'd chose him over me, you do! And him? He only thinks of number one and that's himself! Love me? You don't know what love is! If you did we wouldn't be in this situation." I'd had enough of this conversation, it wasn't worth my time or effort. I just wanted Blair to be out, family meetings wasn't on my schedule for the morning. I stormed out the room, straight back to my bedroom. It was the only safe place I had and even that was a prison cell.

Time felt like it was going ever so slowly. The clock ticking was painful to watch, she'd been gone too long, I wasn't in there for as long. What if they found out she could read minds? They'd drain her for her powers, she'd be by his side constant. What if they were giving her some awful task? She would never be able to hurt anyone, never mind kill someone. What if they were hurting her? No- I had to push that thought out my mind. The sound of the door unlocking, shot me up from my bed, my eyes instantly scanning hers. She was fine, she looked fine, not scared, not hurt. I went straight to her side, my arm wrapping around her waist.
"Are you okay?" I asked my hand running over her arm but she pushed it away. "Did it hurt?" I needed her to tell me.
"I need to warn my parents." She diverted the conversation.
"Blair it's okay to be upset, angry?" I hated that she tried to hide everything from me, put on this front that everything was fine when it was far from it.
"Look Draco, crying about it isn't going to change anything. I need to make sure my parents leave." She was stronger than I thought, stronger than I had been.
"Okay," I sighed. "Do you want us to go to them now?" I asked, already grabbing both mine and her jacket, wand out ready to take us to our destination.
"No I don't think that would be a smart idea, I don't want them finding out where they live." Her smartness shone straight through. She'd clearly thought through all this. "I've sent a letter, they'll go as soon as they read it." She explained.
"I'm sorry Blair." I tried to comfort her but she shook her head.
"Stop apologising Draco." She moved over to the bed. "Can we just watch a film or something? I don't want to think about it." I joined her, my hand stroking over hers.
"A muggle film?" I teased, trying to lighten the mood. I knew she was looking for a distraction and if that's what she needed I'd give it to her. She smiled at me, answering the question for me. "Fine then, but only this once." I hummed and she planted a gentle kiss against my lips before putting on some romance crap. Wrapping herself in the covers, snuggling into my hold, forgetting about everything just for a few hours.

My dreams were now tormented with nightmares. The same image replaying in different forms, her death. The pale skin, lifeless eyes and blue lips, each time I lost her. The chains fixing me, trapped, forced to watch her soul slip away from her body. I see Cedric there waiting for her, his hand meeting hers, going to take them to paradise. Without me. I just want to snatch her back but the pain is excruciating and I'm unable to move.
"Draco!" She shook my body. "Draco wake up." My eyes sliced open. Her hovering over my body, a pained looked in her eyes. I breathe in the cold air, my lungs desperate for fresh air. Her arms wrapping around me, her head falling to my chest as I try to shake the visions. Smelling her hair, she was here in my arms alive. I had to keep it that way.
"I can't sleep either." She whispered. I engulfed her in my hold, both so lost and haunted. "Walk with me." She spoke quietly, freeing herself from me, instantly wrapping herself in her jacket. I glanced at the clock it was three in the morning but I wasn't tired. I didn't want to sleep if it was going to be terrorised with nightmares. I saw the desperation in her eyes. This place was suffocating her, the new mark on her arms possessing her, she needed a way out.

I followed her out, we could have escaped everyone was asleep, unknowing but we wouldn't get far. Both not strong enough to be on the run right now. But of course she knew that, I already knew she'd planned every thing out, she was smarter than what I gave her credit for, it would be her protecting us, I just seemed to get us in the most dangerous situations. She headed deep into the manors gardens, the grass dried and uncared for, flowers wilting. It should have been bright, delicate, radiating life but it was the complete opposite. The air should have been warm but it was cold, sharp. Sharp like knives. Ever since he came back it's was like the world didn't know how to turn, time was unmoving, we were all trapped until the inevitable. But even then it wouldn't change, with him in power nothing would ever be the same. Would we ever see summer again?
"What did I say about thinking positively?" Her words snapped me from my thoughts. She'd brought us to pond, the moon shining on the ripples that pushed against the land. Her face was pale but her eyes still the most vivid green. My thumb rubbed across her cheek, hoping to bring some of the colour back. Thankful, a small blush whipped across her face as she gave me a kind smile. How was she thinking so positively?
"Does it hurt?" My hand diverted to her mark, the skin still hot, burning from the scar. She flinched away shaking her head, her lies however weren't fooling me. "Talk to me." It sounded more like a beg and it was, I needed her so bad.
"I don't want to tell you I'm scared." She spoke after a moment of silence, carefully thinking through what she was about to say. "I don't want to worry you." She looked at me concerned, searching for a thought.
"But you are afraid?" I asked, already knowing the answer.
"Who in their right mind wouldn't be?" She cocked me a brow. I was glad she was being truthful, letting me in. But I hated the fact that she was scared, hated that I'd done this.
"I'll protect you at all costs." I promised.
"We'll protect each other." She added.
I pulled her in close, my lips finding hers. She was finally mine, properly mine and I wouldn't let go this time. She was an angel, who somehow craved the darkness and I was the devil who needed her light.

She tore off her clothes, I looked at her shocked and confused but she embodied sexy. The moon shone on her body so perfectly, outlining her curves, sketching her stunning figure. Her foot tapping against the water, the ripples scanning over the surface, before she stepped in. It was easy to think she was insane but here I was following her every move, doing what she commanded. We were both wildly crazy but when the world is falling apart right in front of your eyes, it's bound to drive you mad. The water was warmer than the air outside it, but her body was much hotter, intoxicating my senses. I pressed my naked body against hers, engulfed in her heat, my lips crashing against hers, adding to the friction. Was it bad to be doing this? Whilst everything terrible is going on, here we are truly invested in one another. It had to be wrong but it felt so incredibly right. Grabbing underneath her thighs, I lifted her onto my length, her gasp echoing in my mouth. As she rocked her hips against my thrusting motion, I nipped and sucked at her open neck, my hands pushing her into me, like we'd become one.

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