The fuck (Hiatus)

By Mads0the0bitch

7.1K 300 11

deku-squad isn't hiding anythin, that's what evveryone thinks, but what if they hid something that could cha... More

What ?
Oh wait
bitch what?
New member
Moving into the dorms
Oh nooo
USJ (2)
search and you may find
Fucking Monday
Heroic lesson
Heroics lesson (2)
Suprise shawwty
Wait a damn minute
live is a bitch
Wakie wakie
dark day
Watch your steps
Aftermath (2)
Where are they?
Training Camp
Training camp (2)
Training camp (3)
Training camp (4)
Training camp(5)
Training camp(6)
Training camp (7)
Training camp (8)
Training camp (9)
Training camp (10)
Training camp (11)
To be remebered
dark suprise

We are our own heros!

633 19 0
By Mads0the0bitch

"You idoit!" exclaimed Shinso laughing a bit. "Oh fuck off!" yelled Izuku getting up from the ground he fell on.  "What happend?" asked Iida coming in the room, since he heard a thud. "Izuku just fell off the couch after i woke him like you said." said Shinso still snickering. "Oh ok if it nothing else." Iida shrugged and walked back into the kitchen, "Oh and dinner is ready get the others,please." Iida added. Izuku and Shinso walked to the diffrent rooms to get the rest of their group. They sat down to eat. 

"So what happened on your mission, today?" Izuku asked Ochaco and Todoroki. "We ran into some heros, but they ended up helping us taking that small drug ring. One of them, i think he was the leader of the group, said that he over look today and let us go since we accedantly led them to the location and saved a new up-coming hero." answered Todoroki. "Yeah the hero didn't had a clue what to do and ended up in a fight that ovrepowered him. Sho literally threw one of the guys at the wall, and then took the hand of the up-coming hero and dragged him outside to the police. He yelled at him and the police something about being stupid and came back inside to fight like nothing happened. The rest of the heros were suprised and looked like we were crazy. we both nearly laughed becaus of that." said ochaco. Izuku and Shinso were laughing, Iida trying not to laugh and Tsyu chuckling. "And i do it again!" said Todoroki, with that the whole group lost it.

"It's been a few years since we met and to be honest i don't regret a thing " said Iida after everyone calmed down. "Yeah me, too." responded Izuku. "Hey i just looked up our cases and they now listed us as dead." said Shinso. "Really?" asked Tsu. "Yes it is in the news right now. After 4 and a half years of not finding any traces of the 6 children that went missing, they are now presumed to be dead. The police and heos couldn't find any thing, till now. a undderground hero found an abdonned place where villians used to meet up, there he found a video of the children and what had happend. The ones that kidnaped these poor children stated on the video that the childrens where killed after one month and their body parts got sold to diffrent villians." read Shinso. "Oh wow. That's new"commented Ochaco. "Well at least they don't look for us anymore and we can move more freely." stated Izuku. "Like we aren't doing it already, the heros already forgot how we look like." commeted Iida. "True." said Tsu. They ate in peace.

"We need to go to sleep, tomorrow is a big mission and we have some vistiors befor that." stated Izuku. "Right tomorrow we are going against a big human trafficing ring." said Shinso. They all went to bed in their rooms. 

The next day a few kids the group had saved and are now in a orphange belong to a woman they saved and wanted to help them. "Hey there!" greeted Iida. "Hey Tenya!" greeted the caretaker. "How have you been, Yuki?" asked Shinso coming into the room. "Ah, don't scare me like that Hitoshi. I've been good, we got a new addition in the orphange a young boy, he was taken in after his parents died in a villian attack. The others are really helping him." Yuki, the caretaker, answered. "Aww, man that's sweet of the others." stated Ochaco coming inside the commen room. "Gahh! I love you guys but please could you not scare me everytime you enter a room." Yuki complainted. The group laughed along side the 5 kids that were there to see the ones that saved them again. "Where are the rest?" asked Haruko. "We are here, but we wanted to let Yuki recover and not scare here to much." replied Tsu. "Aha! That's right the kids have something for you." said Yuki. The kids went up to each of them and gave them drawings they made. "Aww, that is so kind of you!" exclaimed Izuku. "They are not only from us but also from other kids at our orphange, it was a idea to thank you all." said Kimiko smiling. "Too bright" joked Shinso. The group was moved by the idea of the childeren. "Tell them that it is a wonderfull idea and we appreciate it." said Iida getting nods from the little children. "I heard the news, they did cover it in the mornig news, but didn't even put photos on, exept for Tenya and Shoto." stated Yuki, she was mad because of it. "Kinda makes sense, they are the only ones from us that have a pro hero in their family." commented Shinso. "The photo of Shoto was even photoshopped, they had the scar erased." said Yuki. "Ah, that endewhore had his hands in this one." said Todorki. They talked and played with the kids. "We are sorry, bt you guys have to leave now, we are going out later and need to rest and prepare for it." said Iida. "Okay, we see you sometime again." relied Yuki and took the children home. 

" I bet we run into Eraserhead again." said Ochaco as the group run over the roofs to get to their destination. "It is to early for him to be out." commented Izuku. "Guys concentrat!" exclaimed Iida.

The group wanted to go into action, but Izuku stopped them. "What is it?" asked Shinso. "Down there.. is that Eraserhead chained to a chair?" responded Izuku. "I think it is.." commented Iida. "Okay... plan changed!" Izuku spoke to his wrist that had a comunicator on. "We need to get Eraserhead out first, Sis and Mirale that's your job. Dual back them up if needed. Mindis, you watch for sneack attacks. Me and Reap are going to distract and attack the ring." ordered Izuku. "Hai!" replied the group befor doing their  job. Ochaco used her quirk on Eraserhead and freed him from the chains. Tsu took him out of the bulding fast with Ochaco following. Todoroki staid since the girls didn't need a back up anymore. Izuku and Iida attacked the gaurds and then everyone that belong to the traffic ring with Todoroki helping. Shinso stayed hidden andd watched the back of the three. After they took down the boss, the four cuffed the ring and informed the police. They freed the womens that were held in cells and lead them outside befr vanishing. 

The group reunited, the girls still had Eraserhead, who was still knocked out. "Well i guess we have to return him, somehow." said Izuku. "Why not having a bit of fun with that?" asked Shinso already having a plan to do it with style. "I like were this is going." commented Todoroki. "Why not, what's the plan?"  asked Ochaco. "I found his scraf and we could use it to let him hang infront of detective Tsukauchi'S office window with a liitle note from us." explained Shinso. "Now that's what we are talking about." exclaimed Izuku. "Then let's go befor he wakes up!" urged Iida. The group went and did as they said, while snickering.

"Just where is Aizawa, he went to check out this bulding?" mutterd Tsukauchi. He sat infront of his computer typing a report about what happened. As he was nearly finished something knocked on his window. when he turned around he nearly had a heart attack. He opened the window and pulled Aizawa inside, who looked pissed. "Who did this?" Tsukauchi asked. "Like i know! The last thing i can remember is being slamed into a wall!" replied Aizawa and then noticed a piece of paper in his suit. He looked at it and lookedd like he wanted to kill someone. "Those damn Fuckers!" he shouted and throw the note away. Tsukauchi picked the note up and read it. "To the heros, Have fun trying to catch us, if even bastards like those can knock you out and chain up. Hope you were found befor you catched a cold. Signed Lost ones. PFf-" Tsukauchi read and tried not to laugh at Aizawa. "I am tired i go." snarted Aizawa and went home.

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