Childhood Friends // Yeonbin...

By Iulanta_Writer

46.1K 2.4K 6.2K

Yeonjun and Soobin meet again in middle school and survive through high school. The boys are casually being p... More

Chapter 1: Newcomer.
Chapter 2: Remember.
Chapter 3: Friends.
Chapter 4: Weekend together.
Chapter 5: Worried about Beomgyu.
Chapter 6: Party.
Chapter 8: Album.
Chapter 9: Denying.
Chapter 10: Fell asleep.
Chapter 11: Morning.
Chapter 12: News.
Chapter 13: Distracted.
Chapter 14: Awkward practice.
Chapter 15: Truth is out
Chapter 16: Meanwhile.
Chapter 17: Nervous.
Chapter 18: Audition.
Chapter 19: Called out.
Chapter 20: Getting ready.
Chapter 21: Party.
Chapter 22: Drunk.
Chapter 23: Accepted?
Chapter 24: Confession.
Chapter 25: Together.

Chapter 7: Surprise.

1.8K 101 183
By Iulanta_Writer

3rd person POV:

Soobin had left to dance in the crowd while Yeonjun stood there and bunch of thoughts were running through his head. He had remembered that he had been getting pretty awkward but had a pleasant feeling when Soobin and him were pretty close. He had just realized that he felt jealous when he saw a bunch of girls flirting with Soobin. He had noticed how he would find even the smallest thing the taller boy does cute. His smile was the cutest thing ever to the older.

"Hold up... Oh God... am I... in love with Soobin...?" he whispered to himself in realization and immediately turned red.

He shoved off the blush and just went to dance as if he hadn't just realized his true feelings for his childhood friend.


Beomgyu's POV:

"Are you ready for the last song, guys?!" the leader of the group spoke into the microphone. The audience was filled with loud but sad cheers. It really felt like performing on a concert.

Our group started playing and it was the one that was with a surprise. In the middle of the song, all of us stopped playing and soon, the recorded version was coming from the speakers. We came up to the front of our instruments and formed a straight line. We all stood with our hands behind our backs and out faces were lowered. The music stopped and after a few seconds it started playing again. The tallest members went to the very back and then two others were standing on the back of me from the sides. I was standing in the center of our 'bird-flight-like' position. Our surprise was a dance in the middle of the song.

We had never done this before but after the members saw me dance the other group's dances, they wanted to try too and in the end, we got the idea of performing our own on the performance.

The room was filled with gasps of amazement and it gave us more confidence since they liked it!

We came back to the instruments one by one as part of the dance and continued playing until the song ended. We were tired and were panting as the crowd cheered.

"That's it for today! Hope you had fun tonight! Thank you for coming and be safe!" we all bowed as the audience then left the room.

As we went back stage, we sighed relieved.

"We did it guys...! We did it!!" I was so happy that I couldn't help but hug all the members from happiness.

"Yeah we did, Beomgyu." one of the members patted my head.

"It really felt like our own concert, didn't it??"

"It sure did."

"I'm tired. I really am."

"Me too."

We were all relieved and happy that the crowd was also left happy. I packed my guitar and waved my good bye to the guys. As I walked out of the room, I was met with my happy friends in the hall and I just couldn't help but smile back, knowing that I had their support all along. They immediately embraced me in a tight group hug.

"Guys, I can't breathe!!" I blurted out as all of them broke the hug, laughing and apologizing.

"Beomgyu, that was so amazing!! And the dance was so awesome!!" they praised and I got shy.

"Thanks, guys."


3rd person POV:

The boys were on their way to their dorms. They kept chatting about the party and the group's performance making Beomgyu feel shy. Yeonjun was unusually quiet since he was in his thoughts still processing the feeling he felt in his chest.

The five of them arrived at Taehyun's dorm. Taehyun looked at the boys and realized that even though he likes quiet, calm places, he wanted to have someone to talk to during the day even after school. When he was home, he always had his siblings and that's why wanted to live alone. But once he did, it felt lonely.

"Hey, guys..."

The focus of the four boys was now on Taehyun who spoke up.

"What's wrong, Taehyun-ah?" Soobin asked.

"I... I know I wanted a dorm to myself... but now that I have one... it kinda feels lonely in there all by myself... I do like quiet places, but I was wondering... if anyone of you would like to at least stay the night...?"

The members looked at each other, then back at Taehyun and awed.

"Awww, hyung, you're so cute!" Hueningkai cooed, making Taehyun blush in embarrassment.

"I guess I can stay?" Beomgyu suggested.

"Knew it." Yeonjun whispered to himself.

"Sure! Thanks, Beomgyu-hyung!" Taehyun happily exclaimed since he won't be alone.

"Guess I'll see you all tomorrow, guys." Beomgyu waved his goodbye to the rest and him and Taehyun got inside of the dorm.

The three remaining boys continued their walk.

"Yeonjun-hyung, is everything alright?" the giant bunny boy asked worried.

"Huh?" Yeonjun snapped out of his thoughts.

"You seem pretty quiet. That's so unusual. Is something up?"

"Ah. No, no, I'm good, everything's fine. I was just in my thoughts" Yeonjun reassured the younger as they arrived at his dorm. "Oh, here's my dorm. The party was truly great, don't you agree?"

"It sure was." Kai agreed.

"Hope you don't feel lonely tonight in the dorm, since Beomgyu is with Taehyun." Soobin said.

"I'll make sure I am not." The older answered and after saying their 'goodnights', he entered his dorm.

Even though he just walked in, the atmosphere already felt lonely. Even though he was going to bed, someone had to be in the dorm to make him feel at least a bit less lonely.

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