My Yandere Girlfriend

By Leo_Matsuzaki

126K 4.4K 1.3K

What will happen when your crush (a Yandere) kidnaps you and confesses her love to you? Why tell them you lov... More

Chapter 1 Our "Encounter"
Chapter 3 Tears, Pity and Love
Chapter 4 Pre-Date Day and Maids?!
Chapter 5 Date Day Has Arrived! Part 1
Chapter 6 Date Day Has Arrived! Part 2
Chapter 7 Date Day has Arrived! Part 3
Chapter 8 Suspension
Chapter 9 "Cosplay"
Chapter 10 The Mall
Chapter 11 Voted Off
Chapter 12 The Student Council
Chapter 13 Double Date Meetup
Chapter 14 Double Date Struggles
Chapter 15 The Lights
Author Note
Chapter 16 Stranger Things
Chapter 17 The Gathering
Chapter 18 A Plan
Chapter 19 K.O
Chapter 20 Soup Spilled
Chapter 21 Sorry
Chapter 22 Run
Chapter 23 Explanation
Chapter 24 Complicated
Chapter 25 Back To The Mystery
Chapter 26 Protective Cries
Chapter 27 Clubs
Thanksgiving! Special Chapter
Chapter 28 Insight
Chapter 29 The Stages...
Chapter 30 A Pep Talk
Chapter 31 Forgiving
Chapter 32 - The End
Ending Specials!

Chapter 2 Girlfriend Pecks

11.7K 316 160
By Leo_Matsuzaki

(3rd Person POV)
Since the kissing incident (Y/n) has since been freed from her chair and let into the famous Kirikaku Minako's house.

They had agreed to dating as they had realized they each loved each other and felt it was only normal to act upon those confessions.

The other agreement was that (Y/n) would stay at Kiri- darlings house. (Y/n) went with darling because being the anime weeb she is she couldn't pass up Darling in the FranXX nicknames, despite how cliche it was.

Yet, one thing was pecking at (Y/n)'s mind and that was wondering when her... girlfriend would... yandere out? Become killer for (Y/n) pretty much. Who knows when but it'll be one hell of a chat when it does happen.

However as of now we are following our two lovers to school as they talk.

(Y/n) POV

We were talking about- I was talking about- ranting about anime while my newfound girlfriend was smiling and listening to my complaining how they did Asuna dirty in SAO and how Kirito is such a Mary Sue. But surprisingly all she did was watch me rant with a very loving smile. It's cute.

I stop talking and stare back at Kiri. She hasn't noticed I stopped talking, 'Was she blocking me out?!' I sweat drop. She jumps finally realizing I stopped talking which makes me jump. We stare awkwardly at each other before I break the tension by laughing. She stares at me perplexed and embarrassed. I wave my arms in front of me, "No no! I'm not laughing at you! It's just that you were so caught up in your staring that you weren't paying attention to anything else and ended up having a staring contest with me!" I laugh even more as she turns away to make sure I don't see her red face, I do though.

I sigh and stretch looking up at her. I'm shorter than her thanks too my stupid genes. I'm 5'0 and she's 5'6... again, not a stalker! But it does make my head reach her neck, at her chin/cheeks when I stand on my tippy toes.

We start to float into the trail of students walking to school and with our uniforms on we could all be mistaken for an army walking into battle if the girls didn't have skirts. A classic blue and white sailor uniform adorns everyone's skin except for the boys which get pants and a coat then again there are some girls who have cardigans on but you need to ask the school office for one. I would but my self confidence is so low you wouldn't know it exists in me. Kirika- my girlfriend has a white lab coat over the uniform and a name tag showing her name.

I never specified what she looked like did I? She has long pink hair that has part of it tied up in a ponytail in the back, not a high ponytail just one the rests in the back and holds up some hair. Then red eyes which despite would seem creepy are actually very beautiful unlike me. (H/L) (H/C) hair and (E/C) eyes. Let's get back on the main topic now which is, school.

As expected I could see a few people looking over at her and even more looking at me surprised at how close me and one of the smartest students in school is, but what happened next surprised even me. She suddenly held my hand and kissed my cheek. Oh how the crowd went wild, "Ehhhh?!!!" was all that was heard in that minute.

I blushed hard and looked over at her, "Wh-why did you do that exactly..?" I cursed in my mind for stuttering. She giggled a very anime like giggle, "I had too show people you're mine don't I?" She finished off with a closed eyed smile. I blushed and looked down at the ground. By now I know I have glares and surprised faces on me.

Timeskip to the school brought to you by my low c o n f i d e n c e

I can feel less of the glares on me but they're still there as me and her walk into school still hand in hand.

We head to our lockers but not after I get another peck on the cheek. I change my shoes as does she and we walk to our classes.

We stop at the nurses office since Kiri does all her class work and work in general there.

"Meet up at lunch?" I look anywhere but her face earning me another beautiful giggle, 'Beautiful?! Oh my god I'm insane... didn't she kidnap me not too long ago?' She nods, "Make sure to grab me at twelve on the dot." She gives me a peck on the forehead this time as I continue to blush like an idiot, "Bye, darrllinngg~" I gulp and shakily nod back before stumbling my way to class, 'Darling in the FranXX, she knows me so well that I might die by embarrassment.'

'Anime gods please have mercy.'
Author Note: Sorry for the short chapter but I gotta get somethin' our right?

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