But Beautiful

By Jineatjin

7.8K 490 164

Jimin's boyfriend and Seokjin's husband left the both of them for each other. Although heartbroken, Jimin onl... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 9

Chapter 8

870 51 15
By Jineatjin

"I'm so sorry."

It's quiet but Jimin could make it out.

Seokjin turns around with no other way out, facing the other man, who still stood from behind the door. He clears his throat and repeats, "I'm so sorry, Jimin. Did I wake you?" It's a useless question since he already kind of knew.

Jimin stares for a second, wary of his words and sudden presence. "No. I wasn't sleeping in the first place so you're good."

Seokjin tilts his head in an attempt to examine him. When caught, he stood straight again, trying to remain as professional as he can despite his heart thumping.

"How are you feeling?"

"They said that I'm healthy," Jimin says with a slight shrug. "You?"

Seokjin's eyes wander as he fidgets, trying to choose an answer. "I... uh..." he stammers. He decides to just be honest while he can. "Truthfully, I'm not so well."

Darkness loomed over Jimin as he looks at the ground. Seokjin bites his inner cheek, still standing stiffly.

"I'm really sorry, Seokjin," Jimin says, head still facing down. "I-"

Voices are heard down the hall. Seokjin glances toward the direction of the sound but no one seems to be coming near them.

"Can I come in?" he asks, to Jimin's surprise. "If you're okay with it, I'd like some privacy."

Jimin is still worried. "Are you sure? We can talk somewhere else, where you'd feel more comfortable."

Seokjin shakes his head though, even if Jimin's suggestion was preferred. He can't wait any longer or he might really chicken out.

"Your room is fine."

With that being said, the omega enters, hearing the click of the door being closed behind him, lock left untouched though. The room is small, fairly neat with a few things cluttering the floor.

Jimin pulls out the only chair for Seokjin to sit in. Then he sits on his own bed, the blankets wrinkled and cushions pushed to the side.

The two face each other again, and Jimin is first to continue where they left off.

"Like I said, I am extremely sorry."

"Me too," Seokjin admits.

He's taken aback when Jimin shakes his head a little too harshly. "No! It's totally my fault."

"Hey, don't say that-"

"Just hear me out," Jimin sighed. "Please."

Seokjin remained silent, a sign for Jimin to speak.

"I don't even know why you're apologizing. You did nothing wrong," Jimin shuts his eyes, fists clenching the sheets beside him. "I should have never touched you. Especially in the state the heat left you in, especially when... when you're still technically considered mated."

The mark tingled, Seokjin rubbing the side of his neck. It still hasn't fully disappeared yet.

A cry erupts from Jimin as he tries to stop himself with his hand. "You had every right to avoid me, to be disgusted."

He's full on sobbing at this point. Seokjin stands up but Jimin raises a hand, "You don't have to say or do anything. It's okay. I'm already planning on leaving."



Seokjin had kept his distance at first but with that sudden announcement, he steps forward and crouched awkwardly until he can look at Jimin's face, at eye level. "Jimin, what are you saying? Do you hear yourself right now? Where are you even going to stay?"

Jimin wipes his tears with his hands and sleeves, unable to say anything back to Seokjin.

So he takes the younger omega's wrists away from his face, the touch tentative but still gentle to silently assure the other that he's not angry. Jimin grows quieter, though the hiccups don't stop. A heavy tear slipped down his cheek, both eyes alarmed. Seokjin then realizes their proximity.

"Don't say things like that. I know you don't have a solid plan," he groans, not sure what to make of all of this. When he looks right at Jimin again, the pained expression, he gave in. The omega is most likely going to keep beating himself up over what happened no matter what. "Alright. Let's say that I can forgive you."

Jimin doesn't look satisfied. Before he could protest, Seokjin continues, "Let's say that I agree with you. What you did... shouldn't have happened."

Now the both of them are on the same page, somewhat. Jimin watches him intently, eyes still glossed.

"But can I ask you something?"

He gets approval from Jimin's single nod.

"What really made you do it?"

He already got an answer last time, but Seokjin wonders if there's more to it. "Was it really only because I looked like Jungkook?"

Sure, Seokjin is an omega with soft features like possessing a dainty waist but it's his proud stance that leaves him tall and broad, making it slightly easier to compare him to an alpha at times as well.

Jimin grows a bit flustered, probably from recalling the memory of Seokjin sprawled on the bed looking like the said man. He finally pull his wrists out of Seokjin's hands.

"Remembering Jungkook was the trigger, I guess," Jimin says, palms rubbing his swelling eyes. "But originally, my intent was just to help you."

Seokjin hums. That's kind of what he expected to hear. It is partly instinctive and natural for omegas to help each other at desperate times after all... but why... must it happen that way? That, in his current opinion, is not normal.

Suddenly, Jimin seemed to perk up at something, perhaps a detail he may have forgotten. Eyes wider than usual, Jimin wonders about something silently to himself.

"What is it?" Seokjin asks.

Seokjin is so beautiful.

Jimin freezes.

Seokjin has pretty lips, pretty lashes, pretty pretty...


Shaking his head out of the strange thoughts that had replayed, Jimin didn't realize the subtle panting coming from his mouth. 'What was that all about?'

A hand, Seokjin's, placed itself on his shoulder, wavering just the slightest bit, the touch unsure.

"Did something happen?"

Jimin stands up from the bed, a little too abruptly. "No. Nothing."

"... Okay, then."

It's definitely not merely 'nothing,' Seokjin thinks but Jimin's face didn't look too well so he decides not to push it. Taking in a gulp of air nervously, his mind wanders back to the other's previous suggestion.

"Anyway, don't leave."

Those words seem to quickly aggravate Jimin, enough for him to immediately protest. "Isn't it better for me to leave? I'll get out of your hair, you won't see me again, I promise."

The words made Seokjin feel a tinged of frustration making it's way to his temple. "No, Jimin, please understand that doing that won't do any good for either of us. If anything, that's exactly why you shouldn't leave."

Jimin visibly wilts, head still hung low and the sight prickly stabs Seokjin's chest from the inside out. He looks so different from when they first met; the smaller omega filled with determination and sometimes too much giddiness for Seokjin's personal liking. Yet, it's pathetically similar to how he found Jimin, alone in his car in a cold place.

"Do you remember why I brought you into my home?" he asks, gentle in tone.

"Because you broke the only thing I could call a home," Jimin replies monotonously but he's sure there's a hint of sarcasm somewhere.

Seokjin bites his lip from the slight smile that arose by the memory. "I guess you forgot already then."

It only took three steps for Jimin to reach the wall across from Seokjin. He turns and lean on it, expression still downcast but he corrects, "No, I remember. You agreed with my plan to talk to each other, sort of like a healing process."

"Okay. I'm already giving it a chance by bringing you in, so we can be better acquainted. If you leave, aren't you abandoning this then?" Seokjin probes.

"Yes. No! I mean-"Jimin sighs exasperatedly. "Maybe. I might because it clearly isn't going to work anymore. I've only caused more damage... It's all my fault..."

And the wilting continues, along with Seokjin's headache that has shortly returned.

"I am clearly wrong, I admit it. This," he motions to Seokjin and him, "is never going to work. I've only brought you pain... it's because of me..."

"It's not your fault it's not your fault it's not your fault, Jimin!" Seokjin raises his voice. It's probably the loudest he's ever gotten with Jimin. "I'm so extremely sorry. Did I make you think this? I didn't mean to shun you away- ugh, I mean I did push you away but I-" he stammers, not sure how to word his feelings. Even his hands and arms movements couldn't help in conveying his point. "I didn't think clearly about how you could have been affected by my careless actions, I j-just..."

His limbs go limp, dropping to his sides as he lets out a sharp exhale.

"I was just scared..."

It's quiet, Jimin doesn't say anything in response to that. But based on his fairly neutral expression, Seokjin hopes it's something he can understand on his part.

"I'm trying to understand how all of this happened. I don't even remember everything in that night clearly. For all I know, I could've have done something to you too!" He wants to drill this into the latter's head, make him see that he's sorry for making him feel like such a burden. He's not a burden.

"Trust me, you didn't do anything."

"How can you be so sure about that?"

The simple question seems to affect Jimin, irritate him even. The omega's usually tender face contorts into a frown. "Because I was the one in the right state of mind! Like I said, you couldn't do anything! I had the choice and I chose to hurt you!"

"But I'm not innocent myself! I am an adult, not some teenager who's clueless about heats. I knew better, I should have taken more precautions- there's so many ways I could have stopped this from happening too. It's not fair for you to take full responsibility!" Seokjin yells but Jimin began to storm towards the door.

"You don't understand!"

Seokjin is ready to shout at Jimin not to leave. Just as his mouth open in protest, the sudden sound of the lock clicking stiffens his bones. There's a brief moment of quiet, only the breathing from the two are heard. He's not leaving like Seokjin thought...

"Don't you understand?" Jimin hisses lowly this time. "This is serious. You can't just brush it off so easily."

Seokjin couldn't ignore the quick zap of panic run down his spine at the insinuation of the current situation. Especially with what Jimin says next.

"What if I do it again?"

Seokjin is up and guarded, he can't help it. He knows Jimin has a gentle soul but the haunted memory that he's trying to overcome by coming here seems to be crawling it's way back, clawing itself up onto the surface.

Jimin turns around, though still sad and angry, there's a dull threat in his eyes. He slowly walks closer, pacing his steps, almost with a sort of purpose. Seokjin, however, doesn't budge. He has a hunch on what Jimin is doing.

"Really? You think I'll fall for that? That's low," he says steadily quiet. He's come here for them to come to an understanding and this is what Jimin is going to pull?

Jimin pushes Seokjin lightly; he feels the bed right behind him. "What do you think? What if I really did do it again?"

"You won't."

He tries not to yelp when Jimin pushes him onto the mattress. Seokjin can feel the fear thrumming inside his chest but he chooses to listen to the voice in his head which tells him it is not true.

He almost feels hypocritical now: it's not Jimin's fault, he's not like that. Then why is fear showing itself through the sweat forming on his forehead?

Because Jimin wanted Seokjin to feel afraid.

"I will," Jimin begins to climb onto the bed, his knee sinking in the soft material. His other knee swings over Seokjin swiftly before planting itself on the other side, pinning the taller man below with nowhere to go.

He should close his eyes, scream for help, hit Jimin, do anything to protect himself. Scratch the soft hands that found their way under his shirt, the pads of his cool fingers creeping up the heated skin of his abdomen towards his chest.

But he doesn't.

Not because he wanted it. No.

It's because he knows what Jimin is doing.

"Why aren't you fighting back?" Jimin whispers, lips remaining only an inch away from his ear, which inevitably turns one shade darker with each waft of his breath. "Come on, didn't you think this is wrong? A small, petite omega, lusting after you. Fight back."

Seokjin didn't realize the tears gathering in his eyes until a shudder spills them out. Jimin is trying to recreate this mess. Get Seokjin to freak again, to feel disgusted once more. A small part of Seokjin can't stop himself for hating Jimin for it, for daring to do it.

"Tell me why," Jimin tries again, leaning back to stare at Seokjin. And he doesn't look away, does his best to show Jimin that he's not afraid, even when he unavoidably is.

"I-" he gulps nervously before regaining himself. The view of the Jimin on top of him is unfitting, like Jimin isn't suppose to be there, in that position. It must be because they are both omegas.

They're both omegas. Placed at the bottom of the food chain, looked down on by society, abandoned by all and left with no one but themselves.

And each other.

"I trust you."

It came out more meek than Seokjin wanted but it's enough to catch Jimin's attention. And it's true. Despite everything that had happen, in the few months they spent trying to know each other prior to that night, Seokjin felt like Jimin has always been trying to help him, no matter how simple or difficult things are: from merely driving him to work everyday to personally taking the time to talk freely about his heartache.

There is a short flash of something in his eyes that left too quickly, vanished before Seokjin can determine what it could possibly interpret.

Seokjin couldn't hold back his whimper this time when Jimin shoves his face into the space between his neck and shoulder, pushing his body down on him even more. They're close, so close that it's getting harder to breathe even when his airway is clear and unrestricted.

"I'm going to do it."

Fingers begin to trace Seokjin's ribs. Shakily,

"No, you won't."

Legs tangle around each other.

"Yes, I'm really going to do it."

His hair is tugged back to expose more of him. Trembly,

"I don't believe you."

A thumb swipe at his lower lip.

"You don't know how much I want to do it!"

Heat glazed over his old mate mark.

"You would never do it, Jimin!"

The hot breath on his neck pauses. The fingers quit trailing along the curves of his body. The weight him, however, grows heavier.

Seokjin clutches the body above him as Jimin sobs loudly. The facade, thin from the beginning, drops to the ground like a curtain to reveal the vulnerable man. Seokjin isn't surprised, instead letting out a relieved sigh as he lets Jimin find comfort in his chest. The anxiety that he knew stemmed from something unreal dissipated now that it is confirmed that Jimin dropped the act.

As he feels Jimin come back to his real self, Seokjin finally reprimands him, crying out tears that blurred his vision no matter how much he blinks them away. He also sobs, "Why would you do that to me? I can't believe you would do that!"

"You were suppose to be afraid of me!" The words leave Jimin in continuous waves of wails. "Why aren't you afraid?!"

"I was!"

"I'm so sorry!"

When Seokjin first stepped foot into Jimin's room, he didn't know how things will be like once he comes out but he definitely did not expect it to end in a crying fest full of apologies and messy attempts in trying to explain themselves.

It's true that he was scared, not necessarily of Jimin but more of the situation. Most importantly, it's the reminder that he trusts Jimin that he didn't fall into his trap that would ensure Jimin's leaving.

That night, the one where all of this came from, is something Seokjin and Jimin promise to try to move on from. It couldn't be ignored, which is why they needed to approach each other but it shouldn't happen again.

Seokjin could easily let Jimin go, forget about the 'healing' stuff as it may seem pointless if he had significantly decided to take it that way. He could have let him leave and then pretend that this never happened, pretend they don't know each other anymore because it's so shameful, doing such intimate actions with an omega. But he didn't.

It made him question himself about why he cared so much.


Minutes later, almost an hour later, really, Seokjin finds himself sitting back in Jimin's chair, the latter on his own bed, back propped against the wall.

Although they've resolved things, Seokjin still felt like things were incomplete. Both of them have established that they have forgiven each other, considering what happen as somewhat of a huge accident.

However, it will take time for them to go back to 'normal,' to how they were before the heat. Truth to be told, their developing relationship or friendship may never be the same again. There's no doubt that their incident has hindered that.

Seokjin sighs with exhaustion as he finishes up tapping something on his phone. Looking up from the flat device, he sees Jimin already staring back at him with equally tired eyes. The tears have dried but fatigue has replaced them.

"I think we should spend some days away from each other," Seokjin says first. "I know we haven't spoke to each other as much before today but I think you deserve a few days to relax without worrying about anything. Don't mind me at all, I'll be staying at a hotel."

Jimin breathes out with a small, appreciative smile. "Okay, yeah. Feel free to take some time only for yourself. You deserve it too."

Seokjin slips the phone into his pocket, standing up and ready to finally take his leave. Jimin does so too to bid him a temporary goodbye.

"I know I said this a million times already but," Jimin holds his gaze. "I'm sorry."

Seokjin is quick to stop him, "Enough of that already. I know you are and your apologies will last ten lifetimes."

Jimin's small chuckle came out mostly breathy but it's enough for Seokjin to feel more at ease.

"Thank you, Jimin."

"What for?"

Seokjin gets a little shy, just a little. He doesn't know what to thank him for, and do so without making it awkward or cheesy.

"Thank you for talking to me."

"Talking?" Jimin parrots.

He almost regrets it because although it's true, it's also so vague; he could've have put in more effort or at least try to be creative with it.

Thank you for always helping...
Thank you for working for me...
Thank you for being so patient with me... even after the way I treated you from the beginning up until now.
Thank you for talking to me, trying to reach out to me. I used to not care but I can see now that it always feels better just talking with you about anything.

Instead of those things, Seokjin nods dumbly, shoulders stiff, "Yes. I really appreciate you talking to me."

"You're welcome," Jimin hums in acknowledgment. He has already walked to the door, showing the way out. He remains quiet as Seokjin walks past.

The taller omega turns back to face the doorway once he's completely in the hall. Jimin gives him a last smile (well, half of a smile).

"Take care."

Those are Jimin's last words.


After Seokjin had left, Jimin goes back onto his bed. He simply sits on it, breathing calmly as he thinks about nothing but the pale walls of his room. He shifts a little into a more comfortable sitting position when his foot bumped into something.

A small skidding noise caused him to lean over. Spotting a corner of an item, Jimin extends his arm to pick it up.

It's the little white box from Seokjin, the red ribbon now gone from when Jimin threw it on the floor a day ago.

Should he still open it?

The timing seems off now. He had been instructed to open it on Christmas but couldn't after what happened.

But now...

Jimin's hands grip the box firmly. His fingers tighten at the edges of the lid.

It gets opened.


Seokjin starts walking down the hall, his shoes clicking on the hard floor. His mind wanders to how he and Jimin had been like before. It's strange to him that he became as comfortable as he was with Jimin despite their backgrounds.

It's because of Jimin's kindheartedness that Seokjin couldn't help but want to give something back.


The image of a little box sent Seokjin whipping around, exclaiming, "Wait!"

It fall on deaf ears since Jimin has already shut his door moments ago. Contemplating whether he should go back to the room or not, Seokjin also ponders if Jimin had already opened his gift.

They were so caught in their matters that he wonders if the present had been forgotten in the midst of it.

In the end, Seokjin continues his way out, seeing it more appropriate to do so. He can remind Jimin about it when they see each other again. It's likely that Jimin just didn't have the chance to open it.

Or maybe he just didn't like what Seokjin gave him.

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