Beyond the Realms of Reason (...

By Miracle-the-Fangirl

53.5K 1.6K 1.1K

A human from our world gets teleported to the trollhunters show. Now they must find a way home without destro... More

A New World
Figuring Things Out
HeartStone TrollMarket
A Heroes Merit
Trollhunters Woes
Magic Musings
Gnome Hunters
Reposting this from another Chapter
Hi this is important
Shrinking Solves Everything
CreepSlayerz X Reader?
Small Issue
A Decision to Make
Waka Chaka
I started a Ko-Fi!!!
Goblins and Changelings
Guys I'm Alive, Chill

A Friendly Visit and an OtherWordly Call

4.3K 131 130
By Miracle-the-Fangirl

 A/N: Don't ask for updates please. Also long chapter!

Swallowing nervously you look at Jim. He steps forward smiling but stops clinging to the doorknob. He hides behind the door and peaks his head in, still a little shook up. Your hand touches his jacket and you rub his back. Jim smiles and nods feeling better, his hand lets go of the doorknob. He takes a deep breath before walking inside Stricklers office.

 "... Uhhhh do you have a minute?" Jim asks looking at Strickler embarrassed. Strickler looked up from the work he was doing before smiling widely at you and Jim. He pauses however seeing your face.

 "Are you two alright?" Strickler asks as he glanced over at Jim and you. "You look pale Young Atlas. Here sit." He offers the seat in front of his desk. You sit at the piano in the back of the room while Jim sits in front of Strickler.

 You observe his office like a battlefield. Glancing at his desk it's covered in papers with English and Trollish but also pens and pencils that could stab you. Staring past him at his bookshelves, antique books, unique decorative pieces, and ancient artifacts cover his walls making you tense, this room eas full of magic and curses. The curtains are open letting light flood the open space so he couldn't transform but you had a feeling he didn't need too. He had the home advantage after all.

 The floor creaks below you and a piano key shifts letting out a quiet hum but it sounds like an echoing war cry. Another smaller bookcase rests behind you and you remember the smoke monster Strickler sent after Blinky Toby and Aarrrgh. Your tense you know this but you try and act natural. Strickler was safe for now. He didn't know who you were or what you knew. He may have the home advantage but you jad the element of surprise.

 Taking a deep breath you watch as Strickler clicks his changeling key pen. Your eye catches Stricklers and you stiffen. He smiles at you and for a second you see fangs.

 You blink trying to make it go away. But when your eyes open you see yellow glowing eyes and green emerald skin. Even sitting Walter towers over you and Jim. A long cape hangs off Stricklers shoulders elegantly with a collar of knifes surrounding his neck. He has long horns that curve back and black greasy hair. His pointed nose almost takes up his entire face and it points out like a beak. You can see his chiseled chest with clan markings and swallow nervously as you watch claws fiddle with the key pen. 

 You blink again and it's gone. Walt sits in front of you fiddling with his pen at his desk. His green eyes shine with warmth and he's smiling at Jim softly. His skin is no longer green and his hair is smoothed back with gel not grease. 

  Just like with Otto it's almost like it never happened but you know what you saw. And you could never unsee it.

 "Okay I don't really know how to say this." Jim interrupts your thoughts and you watch as he plays with the seat adjusting it to be higher than lower than higher again. You fidget with your hands as he looks at Strickler excited. "Okay Last night something incredible happened. Actually unbelievable." Strickler briefly glances at you looking amused before looking back at Jim intrigued. "Completely unbelievable. As in you won't believe me but I'm telling you anyways. I'm telling you it's true I promise it's true." Jim states as he finally finsihes spinning the chair and sits down. He kicks himself in a circle once before looping his legs around the stool and stilling himself. Bouncing excited Strickler begins laughing.

 "Alright. Alright calm down. I'll believe you." He states clicking his pen. Looking at your shoes you hear Stricklers pen continue to click repeatedly. You don't want to be here. Walter wasn't your friend he was lying. To you, too Jim, too the entire school. Maybe you could make him get better, help him in some way but all you knew right now was that he was dangerous and you and Jim weren't safe for long. 

 "Okay uhhhh... last night two things... Showed up at my house." Jim says. Strickler tilts his head looking confused.

 "Things?" He questions putting his pen down confused. Jim blinks before nodding.

 "Y-you know things! Guys! But really weird. One had these..." He stops himself. "Strange... Yeah, strange eyes and the other one was huge and he was hairy and they said they were trolls-" Jim temporarily panics. He looks at you and then around the room trying to dind and answer.

 You facepalm. J i m.

 This kid was gonna get you caught before you even started actually trollhunting. 

 "Tr...?" Strickler sounds out confused.

 "Trainers." You intercept. He looks confused but nods urging Jim to go on.

 "Yes trainers. Trainers who want to train me in uhhhh..." He pauses and looks around the room. He's tapping his fingers nervously so you intervene again. 

 "Chess." You state. You glance over at Stricklers office window and in the windowsill is a gorgoues chest set. Black and gold pieces were laid out. Strickler looks at you curiously while you look at his chest set before tilting his head and scanning Jim. He raises a brow looking amused but hums wanting Jim to continue. 

 "Hmmm." Strickler watches Jim curiously.

 "And these chess players...? Tell me more about them." Jim swallows and nods. Looking up at Strickler he looks back at the floor. You begin to tap your foot hands in your lap.

 "Well they wanna train me. In... In the art of chess..." He mumbles before shrugging emabrassed.

 "I fear you have quit a lot on your plate Young Atlas." Strickler says looking concerned. Turning he stares at you. "And you Hecate. Did they offer the same thing to you?" You pause thinking of Blinkous and Aarrrgh coming last night. They did want you as a companion to Jim so in a way they had asked you as well. It seems you were stuck in this world whether you wanted that or not.

  Nodding your head Strickler hums. "Well I do believe you both have a lot going on. I fear too much." Placing his pen down he looks out the window. "For Jim. Your schoolwork. Your mother. Your home duties. The play coming up, young Romeo. Now... this chess club." Closing his eyes he takes a deep breath in. His nose crinkles a bit and you look alarmed as his eyes open snapping gold. Eyes wide you watch Jim but he remains calm. He didn't see, but Stricklers reaction? Did he know you were lying?

  "I believe these chess trainers as you called them may be..." Walter pauses and you watch him closey. He seemed genuinely concerned for you and Lake. He looked tired like he'd been fighting too long and he wishes he had your kind of problems. Oh to be young. "Well I can only suggest you do what you think is right and what feels good too you. If you want their teaching take it. Maybe you'll learn something you never knew you needed. If not then that's fine. It simply wasn't meant to be." Smiling he stands up. "If that's all, pace yourself Young Atlas, Hecate." Jim perks up looking bubbly after the talk. He holds his messenger bag close feeling better. "Oh and do take care." He calls as you leave.

 Yeah care.

 Leaving his office you look around the school. The show had shown the gym and a couple classrooms but you'd never really seen it in detail, being this close to all of it was strange. The floor had recently been buffed and was shining with a fresh coat of wax. Banners with Arcadias team logo and mascot hung everywhere. Large murals from the art class covered the school walls as well as portraits and school projects. Outside of English some of the students works were framed. The school was well funded and had cool equipment to look at as you walked through the otherwise empty school.

   Your walking past the school trophy case when you pause. Looking at the glass, at yourself you wish you could answer all of your answered questions. All of Jims. You stare at your reflection wishing it'd give you the answers you want.

 "Hey are you okay?" Jims reflection appears next to yours and you smile softly staring at the mirror you. You thought of everything you knew even if it was fuzzy and how you being here was going to affect your favorite show. You wonder if things were okay back home and if your friends and family knew you were gone.

 "..." You felt confused. Worried. Stuck. Would you ever get to go home? Was there a home to go back too? Jim wraps an arm around you and you lean against his shoulder. Closing your eyes the softness of his bkue jacket comforts you.

 "... Lets go." He says gently. You nod and follow him unaware of your reflection watching you leave.


 You were walking home. Toby was still at the dentists. Jim wanted to storm in but you didn't want to see that death machine used on Tobies mouth. Also you weren't looking forward to watching Gladyss morph into a changeling before your eyes.

  'It'll be eight hours.' Was all the dentist had told you as Tobes screamed in the background.  Who had an appointment for eight hours and why didn't the dentist give Toby pain meds? You loved this show but sometimes the creators were just mean.

 You looked down at the road listening as your footsteps echoed some the empty street. A heavy silence had fallen between you and you realized you were walking by the canals. Jim was quiet. Too quiet. Looking at him you see something shine blue. Humming you take the amulet out of Jims bag and hold it close. It glows lightly in your hand almost buzzing. You wished you could chuck it back into the canals and make this all go away. Maybe you could save Jim the pain and go home.

  The air rustled around you leaves blowing past the cracked sidewalks and observing the amulet, it pulsed in your hand as if it were a beating heart. You wouldn't put it past Merlins character to have put a beating heart in this thing. You weren't actually sure what the amulet was made of. Morganas hand sure but what else did he do? What was the man willing to sacrifice? 

 You wondered if the amulet could send you home. If Merlin was somehow to blame in all this. Maybe Vendel could help you or Blinkous. You wanted to help Jim but this had to be a mistake. You being here shouldn't be possible. Getting lost in thought grip tightening painfully around the amulet you don't realize your almost home, well your fake home. 

  Looking up it's now late in the day, you and Jim had walked for some hours. Your shadows were cast behind you as the street light lamps snapped on. You clutched the amulet tighter watching the shadows shift and squirm. You subconsciously step closer to Jim looking around for any hidden dangers.

 "..." You feel eyes on you and realize Jim is watching you stare at the amulet. He looks like he wants answers too. He seems so carefree and innocent and your worried of the war your both about to face. Changelings. Trolls. Gnomes. Goblins. You could only do so much.

 "(Y/N)?" He asks worried. You blink and hand him the amulet back. The wind gets colder but you ignore it, your at your street anyways. Taking a glance at his amulet as he slips it in his bag you almost wish you'd tossed it in the ravine when you had the chance.

 "... Sorry just trying to figure this thing out. Figure everything out really." You respond looking back into his stare. His blue eyes study yours before a small smile comes on his face, Jim nods.

 "It's all a lot to take in." He answers quietly. The woods howls as wind passes over the trees. Your hair tussles and so does Jims. You pause before smiling.

 "... But you wanted an adventure." You say smiling as you bump his shoulder. Smiling back he blushes lightly bumping your shoulder back before looking away.

 "Yeah this thing definitely gave me one." He says jokingly. Silently agreeing you stare at your house and see the lights are off and the driveways empty. You don't think you've seen anyone in that house since you got here. Jim follows your gaze. You flinch as warm hands wrap around your cold ones, his fingers intertwining with yours. "They're probably at work. You can stay at my house til they get home. We have a lot to talk about anyways."

  Blinking you feel empty, like your house was a set and you we're an actor. You were lying to Jim, to yourself, to this world and you felt like that'd have horrifying consequences

  Closing your eyes you didn't want to meet your fake parents any time soon so you follow Jim up his creaky steps. It was weird how natural it felt, how normal. You guess this was your new normal for now.


 Hours later and Toby had finally arrived. He walked into the house before striding straight for the kitchen. Other than slightly swollen cheeks and his face being a little red he looked fine. You get up off the couch following Jim and Toby into the kitchen. Flinching as Toby turns on the lights he begins scavenging.

 "Eight hours. What dentists appointment takes eight hours?" Jim demands leaning against the wall. You hum in agreement grabbing chips and hopping on the kitchen island. You had the same question.

  Toby opens his mouth before closing it, his entire face was numb and he felt terrible. He waves off you and Jim looking around for something to help his sore mouth.

 "What can I say? I want my braces off before I turn 30." He hums. You chuckle and he rolls his eyes before looking at you frustrated. You shrug and open the bag beginning to eat your chips. Tobes hand skims over the counter under the window before stopping at the fridge.

 You squint thinking you see movement in the trees but shake it off as you look back at Toby.

 "Come on Tobes this is serious." Jim states. Toby huffs and you shake the bag offering him a chip. He pushes the bag away and keeps looking for whatever he's looking for.

 "Do you have any aspirin Jim?" He begs turning away from you to look at his friend. Jim ignores him and begins ranting about the amulet and his destiny and powers. You smile before turning towards Toby.

  "Toby shouldn't you be super drugged? Why are you so sore?" Toby shrugged looking at you unamused before opening the fridge. He finds a frozen pizza and smiles putting it against his face. C o l d.

 You roll your eyes and look to Jim. He smiles holding out the amulet.

 "Tobes. Tobes. You're not gonna believe this." Jim says excited. "Just. Just Watch. Watch." Taking a deep breath in the amulet begins to glow softly. "For the glory of-" A loud ding makes you scream almost falling off the island. Jim turns and glares at Toby who looks like he doesn't care.

 "Continue. Continue." Toby insists taking the pizza slice out and beginning to eat it. You throw a tubberware at Toby because he scared you but the boy seems unphased as he blows on his pizza. 

  Jim frowns but rolling his eyes tries again. Taking a deep breath the amulet glows. Objects around Jim levitate slightly as he's pulled up into the air. The amulet surrounds him in a blue light, the silver gray armor appearing before materializing around him. Jims face breaks out in a grin as he begins looking at himself and the armor. Jim did it. He had summoned the armor and was on his way to becoming the Trollhunter.

 "See Tobes? I told you!" Toby gasps as you smile. Jim looked so happy and Toby looked amazed. A moment ago he had been standing in his kicthen a normal boy, now here he was a knight in shining armor.

 "Pretty awesome sauce huh?" Toby nods his head limpy before shoving the rest of the pizza slice in his mouth and going closer to Jim.

 "Awesome sauce! Jim you're like a hero! Like a superhero! Like you have a sacred duty to protect people and stuff!" Toby says awwing over the armor. You slide off the island and putting the chips down you walk over.

 "That's what they said Tobes! Isn't this so cool?" He asks. He looks at you and you feel your face grow hot. His excitement made your chest flutter and you felt yourself growing excited too.

 "Dude. You could totally kick Steves butt!!!" Your snort stiffling giggles as Jim pauses looking flabbergasted. He looks at you for support but you just laugh and knock on his armor.

  It felt cool to the touch like regular metal. But it buzzed with a soft energy leaving your fingertips tingly. The armor was strange to see in person and not what you expected. Merlins armor was so detailed, carvings depicting epic battles and troll lore. It was one thing to see it in the show but here in person where it felt so real. Where it was real. You couldn't believe it. You touch Jims shoulderpad and a zap of energy travels through you.

 "Tobes! I show you this amazing awesome sauce thing that's probably magic. I mean a rock with a crystal we found that turns into a suit of armor and all you can say is that we should kick Steves butt? Seriously?" Jim asks aspirated. You laugh and he pouts looking offended.

 "Well he does have it coming." You chime in leaning against the column next to the kicthen counter. Jim groans glaring at you and Tobes.

 "(Y/N) not you too." He whines and you chuckle. The boys continue to talk but you pause when loud thumps are heard outside. There's suddenly a booming knock from the back door. The hinges on the door creak and your eyes widen.

 "Woah Jim who's-" Toby starts to ask but interrupts himself with a scream as six eyes appear in the doorways window. Blinkous! Aarrrgh! Oh crap.

 "Master Jim! Companion (Y/N)!" Blinky greets from outside. Toby screams jumping over the kitchen island and hiding behind it. You run forward to open the door remembering how Aarrrgh accidentally bashes it in but your too late.

  Aarrgh almost knocks the door off it's hinges banging the door against the wall. The two trolls squeeze through the door and stand in the kitchen looking at Jim and you smiling innocently as if they hadn't just caused major damage. Aarrrgh chuffs and moves his horns so they don't scrape the ceiling and you feel yourself having a heart attack at the mess.

 "Ahhh Master Jim the amulet has called upon us." Blinky states. He looks at Jim in his armor proud.

 "Called?" Jim questions smiling at the two trolls.

 "Well yes and no." Blinky states walking further into the house. "We've been watching you." Blinkous further explains.

 "Spying." Aarrrgh elaborates before turning away and exploring the kitchen. His paw sweeps over the counter under the window scattering supplies everywhere. You flinch and Toby screams beginning to panic.

 "Jim we need to call the police!" Toby shouts shaking. Peaking over the island he screams and hides again as Aarrrgh looks at him. "No Animal Control!" He whimpers grabbing a laddle as a makeshift weapon.

 "Tobes it's okay their friendly!" You try to reassure. Aarrrgh however gets too close to Toby frightening him. The poor boy scoots backwards trying to keep hiding behind the island as Aarrgh peeks curiously over it.

 "Hello animal control? There's these big monsters at my friends house-" Toby states hands shaking as he closes his eyes. He's curling up on the floor and is almost a ball.

 "Is this a joke kid?" The operator demands.

 "No please call the coastal guard bring in the navy call-" A loud click is heard making you snort. Oh poor Tobes. "They hung up on me." Toby pouts before screaming when Aarrgh leans in to sniff him.

 He clutches the laddle scooting back before he jumps onto the island holding the laddle out like a weapon.

 Toby continues screaming as Aarrrgh tries to bite the laddle thinking it's a snack.

  "Aarrrgh your scaring him." You try and pull the Kuberra back but he's too heavy. He turns and begins to nuzzle you.

 "Hi. Friend." He greets leaning down and purring. Aarrrgh pushes against your stomach accidentally pushes you against the counter as he nuzzles you. Smiling you use one hand to supoirt yourself while the other goes through his thick hair. You blink in surprise when it feels more like moss than hair. His body is cold and cracked with intricate tribal patterns but the moss is soft and warm.

 "Toby he's a friend." You try and soothe but Tobies convinced Aarrrghs trying to eat you. Sighing at Tobies attempt to rescue you from an otherwise harlmess Aarrrgh you hear Blinkous groan. Turning towards Blinky Aarrrgh continues rubbing against your soft hand chuffing softly. Toby is stuttering nonsense about monsters and how Aarrrgh needs to let you go but you don't really hear him as you focus on Jim and Blinkous. 

 "Master Jim did you tell your tubby friend about us?" Blinky scolds. You duck away from Aarrrgh making him whine and stand in front of Jim protectively.

 "It was both of us!" You interject and Blinky shakes his head putting two arms on each of you.

 "Did we do something wrong?" Jim asks confused.

 "Master Jim. Companion (Y/N). We trolls have gone great lengths to make sure no one discovers our secret. Lest we cause panic and choas in the human world." Toby screams as Blinkous finishes and he flings a hand that way raising his six eyebrows to make a point. Glancing at Toby to see if he's okay Aarrrgh is sniffing him curiously.

 "But he's our friend." Jim says looking at Blinky worried. You wince seeing Toby was curentully making a mess kicking things off the island as he avoided a curious Aarrrgh who still wanted the laddle he was holding.

 "A trollhunters mantle is to be handled alone." Blinky says softly bringing my attention back to him.

 "Hey!" You snap and Blinky blinks before holding up his hands waving them dismissively.

 "Oh no no no. (Y/N) I do not mean you." He reassures and you look confused.

  "Hey!" Toby complains. Aarrrgh nuzzles him and a screech leaves the poor kids throat as he falls on his back. Aarrrgh lays on his tummy pinning the struggling teen.

 "Well I mean no offense to you either Tobias. Rather what I mean is we'd never want to separate mates." He states clasping his hands together and nodding.

 "Young love." Aarrrgh coos before getting up to eat the laddle Toby was holding. Toby scoots back before staring at you and Jim wide eyed. You and Jim pause before your eyes meet and both your faces go bright red.

 "Oh remarkable humans can change color?" Blinkous questions poking your face. It only gets redder as you try to form coherent sentences.

 "We're not together!" Jim snaps. He coughs before calming down. "I mean (Y/N)'s great but I like someone else..." He mumbles quietly. You look away trying not to feel hurt. Claire was his intended love interest after all and this wasn't even your world.

 Jesus Christ thanks for that Blinkous.

 "Oh. Oh dear I've made a grave mistake. Ahhh well bigons be bigons." Blinky says embarrassed. A scholar should know better than to assume. Aarrrgh laughs and thankfully the room becomes less awkward. Toby gets up and sits on the island now much calmer.

 "Wait if Jimbo here is the hero and (N/N) is the love interest... What does that make me?" Toby questions curious. Aarrrgh nuzzles him and Toby scratches the trolls horns making him purr happy. You process what Toby said and glare at him.

 "Toby!" He ignores you and begins kicking his feet over the kitchen island.

 "Wait wait wait. Does this make me the heroes side kick?" Toby asks excited. He begins bouncing in anticipation. "Can I get a cool name? Like Shadowfist or Viper Death?" He asks eyes wide.

 "Well now that you all know I assume Vendel won't mind if you help Jim out. Not that we have a choice in the matter. Just know if you tell anyone else of our existence you will meet swift but grim ends." Blinkous states very seriously.

  You glance at Jim uncomfortable. Did Blinkous just threaten to murder all of you if you told others about the Troll World? That... That got very dark very fast.

 "... Oh." Toby says looking concerned. "So uhhhh... what... What are you?" He questions looking Aarrrgh and Blinkous over. He pokes Blinky with a wooden spoon several times before you grab it.

 "Toby that's rude." You chide and he looks sheepish as he shrugs.

 "Yes I agree, stop that Tobias." Blinky snaps before smiling at you. "Now my humble friend here and I are trolls. I insist we really need to be going and begin your training Master Jim and... Associates." Blinky declares clapping his hands together.

  "Wait what kind of training?" Jim questions looking curious.

  "Why your trollhunting training of course! You must learn how to protect after all." Blinky states looking around the kicthen.

  "Protect what?" Jim asks.

 "Why us of course. Trolls. Oh and humans such as yourself. The Trollhunters job is to keep our worlds separate and protect both from harm." Your open your mouth to say something but pause when you hear a car pull up.

 "Jim your mom!" Headlights fill the kitchen making the trolls freeze. "Quick I clean you hide up stairs!" You begin to rush around the kicthen picking up the thrown around and fallen items. You quickly shove them in cupboards and shelves as the others move.

 Jim looks at you mouthing a quick thankyou before Toby and him push Blinky and Aaargh upstairs. They rush through the hallway and Aarrrgh accidentally bends the staircase but pushes it back in place before Jim pushes harder leading them to the upstairs bathroom.

 As you put things away you hear a loud thud from upstairs the same time a door creaks open. Keys jingle as their thrown into a small dish and Barbara looks around.

 "Jim?" She asks. You panic and stay low not wanting her to see you. God this could get bad. What if she saw the trolls? What if the whole show was messsed up?

 "Jim I forgot my phone. Are you okay up there?" Barbara calls from the hall as you hear gross sounds. Oh god she was going to go upstairs!

 "... Uhhh..." You hear Jim clamoring for an excuse and pop up before she can go talk to him.

 "Miss Lake!" You chirp. Barbara jumps before turning away from the stairs and looking at you.

 "Oh (Y/N) you scared me." She says chuckling before readjusting her glasses. "And please call me Barb were like family." You smile nervously and nod.

 "Oh Jim sounds like he isn't feeling well. I'm going to get him some medicine. What are you doing here?" She asks politely. Leaning against the counter the cool tile feels nice against your sweaty palms as you scramble for a lie.

 "Oh I uhhh..." Seeing movies on the coffe table from last night you get a light bulb. "Movie night? My parents aren't home yet and I wanted to wait here till they got home." You croak. Barb looks at you strangely but doesn't push it.

 "Oh of course. Our spare bedroom is always open. Excuse me." Barb reaches past you and grabs medicine from the cupboard before heading up stairs. You try and come up with a reason to stop her but fail.

 Oh shit.

 Racing out of the kicthen and too the bottom of the stairs you watch Barbara knock on the bathroom door.

 "Jim I have some medicine. Come on out." She states.

 "I'm fine mom really!" Jim calls. Barbara looos unsatisfied and you swallow. She's gonna find out unless you do something.

 "Jim I'm a doctor I'm going to treat my own son." Barbara checks her watch before signing. Her shift probably started soon. You just needed to keep her away for a minute.

 "I'm fine." He calls back. You hear a thump and wince, real convincing Jim.

 "You're worrying me." She reaches for the doorknob and begins twisting it. "I'm coming in." Eyes wide you run into the kitchen creating a loud bang.

 "OWWW!" Barbara pauses before loud squeaks are heard as she rushes downstairs. You watch as Jim walks out of the bathroom and peaks down the stairs. You wink at him and he sighs closing the bathroom door with Toby and the trolls.

 "(Y/N)?" Barbara calls concerned. Barbara comes in and you groan convincingly holding your side.

 "Ugh... sorry ran into the island and dropped some stuff." A plastic mixing bowl laid on the ground along with a tray. Coming closer Barbara sees it's nothing major and hums nodding her head.

 "I'm glad your okay. I have to go now for my shift. Don't stay up at night." Kissing my forehead she turns to leave before seeing Jim. Smiling she kisses his forehead too. "Glad your doing okay too. Stay out of trouble Jim." Waving goodbye she grabs her keys and phone before she turns and leaves. The door clicks locked and you and Jim watch from the couch as she pulls out of the driveway and leaves. 

 Once the lights recede the trolls stumble down the stairs.

 "You are an intelligent one (Y/N)! You distracted Jim's mother and saved us." You nod rubbing your sore stomach. You'd rammed the kitchen island pretty hard when you dropped that stuff. Barabta was s doctor after all and you wanted the Oww to sound convincing.

 "Thank you." Blinky smiles at you right as Aarrrgh stumbles over the stairs. He knocks over books and makes a shelf full of items wobble before crashing to the ground.

 "Owww Cave too small." Aarrrgh whines hitting his head againt a hanging light as he tries to back up from the scattered books.

 "Oh Aaargh be careful." You warn helping him untangle his horns without destroying more of Jim's home. He chuffs and you smile scratching his chin. He didn't mean too.

 "So Master Jim are you ready? We should begin your training. Immediately!" Blinky states looking frantic. Jim frowns and begins cleaning up. His chipper attitude was gone and he looked more pissed than anything. What did they talk about in the bathroom?

 "... It's a school night..." Jim mumbles picking up books. You bend down to help him but he won't look you in the eyes. You look at Blinky concerned, what happened upstairs?

 "I'm not sure of the relevance this gives me." Blinky says tapping his fingers together. He didn't understand. Looking at Jim he sighs clutching the books and scattered objects close.

  "I'm 15 I have to stay home and study and stuff. And do homework. I can't be out you know trollhunting." Jim responds angry. He puts the books down and glares at Blinky. You swallow looking between the two feeling the room grow tense. What's going on why was Jim acting this way?

 "... Because...?" Blinky asks confused. You see Jim growing frustrated and put your hand on his arm.

 "Jim." You say softly but he nudges your hand away.

 "Because the whole getting killed by the vicious Bular might be a deal breaker!" He snaps shaking. Blinky blinks several times as if processing and hums still confused. You realize Jim now knew the terrible truth of trollhunting, the costs that came with it.

 "Dude he eats V.H.S." Toby states. You turn and see Toby feeding Aarrrgh some of Jims old junk. You see a movie go into Aarrrghs mouth and he smiles cruntching on it.

 "Dealbreaker?" Blinkous asks looking concerned. You try and get him to stop to just let Jim process but Jim's already close to loosing it.

  "I don't want to DIE!" He snaps. Blinky tilts his head before he begins to laugh.

  "Goodness Gracious who does?" He responds smiling. Jim frowns and clutching the amulet he holds it out to Blinky.

  "You should take this back." He states trying to force it in Blinkies hands. Blinky gently pushes it back.

  "The amulet called to you Master Jim. It chose you. It is-" Jim pushes it back harder trying to make Blinky take it.

 "Please don't say destiny." He states frustrated. You snort but stop yourself seeing Jims not in the mood.

   "Sacred obligation." Blinky finishes with a small smile.

 "Or that...." Jim scoffs. Blinky has the amulet in his hands and handing it back he looks at Jim remorsefully.

 "You can not refuse it. You can not give it back. It is yours until you die." Blinky states closing Jims hands around the amulet gently.

 "And I'd like to get a little past puberty before that happens." Jim answers shaking. You give him a small hug and he turns hiding in your shirt.

 "Master Jim you are now responsible for the protection of two worlds. Human and troll alike. If you do not accept evil trolls like Bular will come to your world and wreck havoc." Blinky warms. Jim turns staring at Blinky eyes wide.

 "Your saying this Bular could hurt people?" Jim asks clutching the amulet.

 "Like you." Aarrrgh states. Jim looks petrified and Blinky turns to glare at Aarrrgh.

 "Not helping." He hisses.

  "What's he talking about?" Toby asks curiously and you look at Blinky waiting for the answer.

  "With the amulet now in your posession Bular will seek you out and you'll face him one way or another." Blinky states. Jim looks sick and you feel bad. Stepping up you pat Blinkies arm.

 "Uhhhh Blinky... were humans. We sleep during the night. Maybe.... maybe we could continue this tomorrow?" You ask hopefully. Blinky pauses and looking at Jim having a mini panic attack he hums in understanding.

 "Yeah." Toby speaks up. "Maybe what Jim needs is a little time to process all of this. You laid a lot of heavy stuff on him." He states looking at Jim worried. Blinky looks at you than Jim before he closes his six eyes and nods.

  "Fine. Fine. We shall return tomorrow. To begin your training." He agrees. "All of your training." He clarifies.

 "Awesome sauce." You and Toby state at the same time before fist bumping each other. Blinky smiles at you both.

 Toby rushes to the kitchen before he looks out the back door. Scanning the fenced yard, it's all clear. Opening the door he helps Aarrrgh squeeze out.

 "For the road big guy." Toby offers giving hin another VHS. Aarrrgh nuzzles Toby goodbye.

 "VHS." Aarrrgh says happily and chomps down on it. You wave bye to Aarrrgh and are about to do the same for Blinky when you pause and see Jim. 

 Jim leans against the kicthen column and stares at the amulet unsure. You tap Blinky and using your eyes motion towards Jim. The troll looks at you in understanding and nods before he walks over. He coughs to get Jims attention. Jim looks up looking scared.

 You give Jim some space and watch from the doorway with Aarrrgh and Toby. Blinky takes a deep breath before smiling softly.

 "Master Jim if I may, destiny is a gift. Some go their entire lives living existences of quiet desperation never learning the truth of what feels a burden pushing down upon our shoulders is actually a sense of purpose that lifts us to greater heights. Never forget fear is but a pursecurer to valor and to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means too be a hero. Don't think Master Jim. Become." Blinky pauses before looking at Jim with a soft look. "Will you at least consider?" Jim thinks for a second before nodding. He fistbumps each of Blinkous fists. Blinky blinks in understanding and leaves through the backdoor with Aarrrgh.

 One minute their they're the next they're gone in the trees. As if they had never come at all.  

 "They're pretty stealthy." Toby notes. "So how's that Jimbo we bought you a night." Toby states watching as they leave.

  "A night?" Jim complains. You laugh and he frowns looking tired.

 "Your the one who's always talking about wanting adventure and something more. Well wish granted." Toby shrugs closing the back door with a click.

 "So you guys gonna tell me what happened in the bathroom?" You question. You semi remember what that moment from the show bit you weren't positive. 

 "Not right now (Y/N). Tomorrow I promise." Jim states. Nodding he smiles at you before signing. You and Tobes leave letting Jim have some time alone. As you walk into your still empty house and make it your room you lay down staring at the ceiling. 

 .... It begins.

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