Love For A Spider | Sanders S...

By HarperIsGonee

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There are not just humans in the world. Humans and.. the others. The others are many different creatures of a... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Halloween Special
Chapter Twenty-One
Christmas Special
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven

Chapter Fourteen

830 60 40
By HarperIsGonee

Virgil blinked open its eyes, groaning. God, too eaaaaaarrrrlllllly.

After last night, they got someone to fix the window at 1:00 a.m. so it could sleep. Then Janus and Remus cuddled and possibly fucked after it went to sleep. Who knows.

Well, Janus and Remus know, but that's besides the point-

Right now, it was early as hell.

Virgil huffed, getting up, stretching its spider legs, deciding if it should wear a shirt or not. It decided against it, grabbing its phone and walking to the kitchen.

Remus was in there eating toast, his tentacles swaying and wiggling. He had his insane smile as he chomped into the toast.

He looked up a smirked, "Hey edgy kid! Wanna eat out tonight?" he asked.

"Will dad let us?" Virgil responded, looking for its favorite cereal. Remus shrugged, "I'll convince him."

"Convince me to do what?" Janus asked suspiciously, six arms stretching.

Remus waved it off, "Nothing!~"

Janus raised an eyebrow, but went over to the kitchen to eat. He grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl.

Virgil sat down, eating while it scrolled through Tumblr. Remus tapped it with a tentacle, it looking up annoyed.


"Are you going to see Patton today?"

"What? No. The date is next weekend." Virgil glared at Remus with a pink face.

Remus whined, "How boring! You should see him! Get you two closer to becoming mates!"

"Shut up! I'm doing it the human way. I'll mark him when he wants it." Virgil hissed, picking up its bowl and phone, "I'm eating outside." it mumbled.

"Virgil! Come baaaaaaack!" Remus reached for it, but Virgil was already out the door.

Remus huffed, then yelped when he felt Janus smack him, "Ow!"

"Way to go, you mad it leave!" Janus hissed, a pair of arms crossing. Remus pouted, finishing his toast.

Janus rolled his eyes, patting Remus, "Oh, be quiet."

Virgil dug its legs into the wall, climbing up onto the roof, settling down on the web it had made yesterday.

It sighed, placing the bowl down and webbing it up so it doesn't fall. Once nice and wrapped, it layed down, looking up with all eyes open, watching the sunrise.

Virgil couldn't help but wonder what would happen living with Patton. It hoped to whatever gods were out there that it wouldn't end up like Remus and Janus.

They could have a nice small house. Maybe a kid or two. No pets, that's weird. Well, maybe a cat. The kids could play in the backyard, where a little playground could be. Patton could stay home with them while it went out to work, coming home to a nice dinner. They could share many small kisses, cuddle, maybe be fully mated.

Virgil hummed, closing its eyes. That's the dream.
"Virgil? Are you up there?"

"Dr. Gloom, come down! One of your dads said you were up here."

"Roman, don't try to climb it! You'll fall and hurt yourself."

"Jeez, sorry nerd."

"I'm talking that as a compliment, since nerds are people who are intelligent. And I am rather intelligent."

"Don't let that go to your head."

"Guys! We're here for Virgil!"

Virgil blinked open its eyes again, looking away when it was met with sunshine.

"Virgil! Are you there?"


Virgil shot up, looking over to see the bowl was still in a cocoon. It quickly crawled over to the ledge, staring down at the three.

"Virgil!" Patton beamed, but then went red and looked away. Roman laughed, Logan rolling their eyes.

"What do you all want?" Virgil grumbled, laying upside down, its legs clutching onto the web.

"We wanted to hang out! Now come down and put on a shirt." Roman called back, pointing at his car.

Virgil hummed, "But it's nice up here."

"Is it?" Logan had a sparkle in their eyes, "Is it because you are surrounded by webs? Does that make you feel more at home? Like how climbing and webbing feels nice to you?"

Virgil nodded, twisting so it was laying on its stomach instead, "Something like that. It would explain why my room is covered in webs."

Virgil looked over at Patton, him hiding his face in his hands. Virgil was concerned, but Romam was grinning at him, and then it realized.

Virgil smirked, rolling off, falling down. It heard the three yell at it, but it landed perfectly, walking up to Patton.

"Hey, wanna go inside? We can hang out here if we want." It said.

Roman shrugged, "Why not. Didn't have any ideas anywho."

Logan nodded, "That would be satisfactory."

Virgil poked at Patton, "Wanna go inside?" It asked again. Patton nodded, removing his hands, but refusing to look at it.

Virgil wasn't really muscular. It was skinny and lean, kind of like Logan. Though it had more muscle then them. Possibly from climbing.

Virgil nodded, "Alright, let's go in." It walked to the front door, grabbing the doorknob before it turned to them, "Warning, my parents aren't like your parents."

Before anyone could talk, Virgil opened the door, revealing a red Janus and a terrified Remus.

"You bitch! I sssssaid to ssssssstop!" Janus hissed, a hand reaching for his brand new chair.

"B-But, you said- NO WAIT-" Remus jumped behind the couch, a chair hitting where he last stood.

"Alright, let's go." Virgil said casually, three spiders legs holding onto their shirts to drag them with it.

Remus looked behind him, smiling, "Hey edgy kid! Hey friends of it!"

Remus felt the couch move, so he turned back, only to see a very pissed of Janus attempting to pick it up.

"Oh shit." Virgil quickly ran to its room, the three stumbling to keep up. Once inside, it shut and locked the door, letting them go.

"What the actual fuck?" Romam eventually said. Patton erupted into a fit of giggles, Logan chuckling.

Virgil shrugged, "They are my dads. Janus is the one throwing chairs, Remus is the one running away."




"Will they be ok?" Logan asked, now worried. How strong are creatures? Could they be alright with a couch thrown at them?

"Which one?" Virgil asked, walking over to the window, opening it. Logan had nothing to say about that.

"Why are you opening the window?" Patton asked, taking a seat on its bed, now realizing there were webs everywhere.

"Just in case." Virgil responded, whispering, "you open it, not throw something and break it," to itself.





A loud crash was heard, then it was deathly quiet.

Virgil went over infront of Patton, ready to protect him from its crazy dad.

A few seconds, they heard light footsteps, and then a knock.

"Virgil? You can open the door now, I want to see your friends!" Janus said from the otherside. He sounded calm.

Roman grabbed onto Logan's sleeve, "Should we run for it?" he whispered, honestly scared of Janus.

Virgil shook its head, "No, he's fine. For now. Can't say the same for Remus."

Virgil opened the door, feeling Patton grabbed onto one of its legs. It smiled, turning and giving him a reassuring smile, "I won't let anyone hurt you."

Janus was smiling at them innocently, and gasped when he saw Patton, "Is he Patton?" He asked, Virgil nodding.

"Oh, he is perfect! And those two are Roman and Logan?" Janus turned to them.

Logan took a deep breath, walking up to him, and raised their hand, "I am Logan, they/them pronouns."

Janus' extra limbs disappeared behind his back, offering his hand and shaking Logan's, "Janus, though I'm sure you already know. You did meet my husband outside."

"Yeah, about him," Roman spoke up, "Is he alive?"

"Who, Remus? Yeah, he's fine. Say! Do you kids like pepperoni pizza?" Janus changed to subject quickly, "I would love for you to stay."

So much for eating out.

"I do, and I can stay to eat!" Patton said, standing up and staying rather close to Virgil, still holding onto to one of its spider legs.

"I like pepperoni pizza. And I do believe I can stay to join dinner." Logan said, glancing over at Roman.

"Ah? I mean, I love pizza, but I don't think.." he trailed off, trying to think of an excuse.

"Oh? Are you bussssy?" Janus smiled sweetly. Virgil immediately shook its head at Roman, a warning look on its face.

Roman got the hint, laughing nervously, "Just k-kidding! I'd love to stay!"

Janus smiled normally, "Great! I'll go get Remus to go buy more pepperoni." He chirped, walking out.

"Hey love? I need to you go buy more pepperoni, or I'm throwing the bed at you next."

"Y-Yessir! J-Just give me a-a sec.."

Pattom giggled, "What a strange family."

Virgil smirked, "Yeah, we aren't human normal. I don't think we're creature normal either."

"Anywho, you guys wanna chill on the roof?"

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