Panem Boarding School

By jaded_clovers

38.8K 734 669

I swear the story is better than the description. Clove is a sixteen year old girl that makes the long move... More

Chapter 1- Patience is Virtue
Chapter 2- Assumptions
Chapter 3- Cheese Buns Anyone?
Chapter 4- Coffee?!
Chapter 5- Dodge!
Chapter 6- Paper Airplanes
Chapter 7- You Posted It ONLINE?!
Chapter 8- "My Bikini Top!"
Chapter 9- Mr. Cameraman
Chapter 11- And the Marker Drops...
Chapter 12- No. Just. No
Chapter 13- Delly's Minions
Chapter 14- I Have A Message For-
Chapter 15- Who?
Chapter 16- The Question
Chapter 17- The Pier
Chapter 18- Upperhand
Chapter 19- Jealously, a Downfall

Chapter 10- How Much?

2K 40 22
By jaded_clovers

Clove's POV

The restaurant was very expensive. When we got the menu, the cheapest thing was $40. For a small appetizer. Boy, were me and Cato happy. We both had our wallets, just in case, but definitely didn't plan on actually using them.

"What about the pasta primavera?" I smirk at Cato. "56."

"Why is this place so expensive?" Peeta groans, hitting his head on the table.

"No no! The filet mignon pink sauce ravioli!" He points to the menu. "64!"

Everyone groans knowing they have to pay for both our meals.

"Well, we could always get the filet mignon dish and the sautéed salmon with lemon sauce." I offer. "70 for the salmon." Are we this much of assholes, about to make our friends pay for our $200 meal?

Yes. Yes we are.

"Why is it so expensive?!" Katniss complains, throwing her hands in the air in frustration.

"Sounds good. We'll start off with two Cobb salads as well." Cato closes the menu, ignoring Katniss's comment.

"How much can you two actually eat?" Glimmer glares at us. We both ignore her comment, too busy rubbing our win in their faces.

In reality, I will probably barely make a dent.

"Ooh and for desert, we could get the tiramisu!" I point to the delicious looking desert on the desert and drink menu.

"Sounds good."

When the waiter gets back with our waters,
me and Cato order what we mentioned earlier, making everyone angry with us. We wait to order desert, obviously. Everyone else got something on the cheaper side so they could pay for mine and Cato's food.

The entrées were delicious. The pasta was a little rich and the salmon, a little too much salt. I don't understand why they added salt in the sauce. It really didn't need it. Otherwise, very good.

Driving home was a disaster. This time I called shotgun, making Johanna curse quite loudly at the sky, this time her being stuck in the middle of Katniss and Glimmer.

When we get home, Finnick says we should play truth Odair, with alcohol involved. I almost disagreed at the thought of playing truth or dare again, but I didn't. What happens is if you forfeit a dare or truth, you have to take a shot of rum, vodka, or tequila, your choice, but you only get one out. If you don't get chosen after three turns, you have to do a shot. I'm not scared, its just I like being in control. When you drink you lose control of your actions. And I've been drunk enough times in the past to regret everything I do while under the influence

Gale starts and it lands on Glimmer. "Truth Odair?" He grins.


"Take off one main piece of clothing for the rest of the game until it lands on you again."

She takes off her shirt and Marvel stares. Not so subtly if I might add. That's sad, he's seen her like this before. She wore something like this to school on Wednesday. And not only that, she had to wear a bra instead of her tiny ass bikini top.

Glimmer spins it and it lands on me. Crap.

"Truth." I say before she can even open her mouth.

"Who was the first person you had sex with?" Oh that's easy. Come on Glimmer. That's the best you could think of?

"No one." I state simply. Glimmer cocks an eyebrow.

"You're a virgin?"

"Did I stutter, princess? Not everyone throws their panties at every guy they encounter."

Glimmers eyes immediately narrow, but she decides not to continue the conversation, and for good reason. She knows I'd win, anyways.

I spin the stupid bottle and it lands on Finnick.

"Dare." he says.

"Okay you have to give up your sugar cubes for a week." I smirk, already knowing the answer. He glares at me.

"Pass me the tequila! I ain't doin that shit!"

After he gagged taking a shot of tequila (the worst tasting of the bunch if I might add), he reaches for the bottle and it lands on me, again. Cato, Marvel, Katniss, Gale, and everyone else it didn't land on take a shot of some type of alcohol.

He spins it and it lands on me. "Odair." I say using his last name. "Strip down to just your undergarments. Keep them off for the rest of the night." I glare at him.

"Absolutely fucking not." I cross my arms.

"So you forfeit and take a shot?" He says and I think about it for a moment, before deciding to go through with the dare.

"Ugh... No. I'm not a pussy."

As I literally strip to my undergarments in front of everybody, the attention is on me like a magnet. I hate being stared at. It makes me feel vulnerable.

I take the bottle, throw it at Finnick for giving me the dare, he chucks it back. I spin it and it lands on Glimmer. She puts her shirt back on. "Truth or dare?" I ask.

"Truth." I think about it.

"Have you been to a strip club or worked at one?" Her face flushes red and she replies.

"I was a stripper for, a month." Cato, Katniss, and Finnick die of laughter.

"Really?" Kat huffs trying to catch her breath.

"Yes..." Glimmer covers her face with her hands, clearly embarrassed.

"B-but your seventeen!" Marvel exclaims, clearly shocked. She shakes her head. "I don't want to talk about it." She mutters before spinning it, landing on Cato.

"Truth." he says.

"Ooh, big, bad Cato isn't doing dare?" Jo teases.

"Shut up Jo."

"Who do you like?" She bats her eyelashes, begging for him to tell.

"Not gonna happen. Give me the bottle." He reaches his hand out, and Finnick hands him a bottle of vodka. Cato begins to pour himself a shot.

"You afraid of telling someone who you like? Man Cato's a giant wuss." I joke and he glares at me before slamming the alcohol and we continue the game.

It lands on me. Again. Are you kidding me?

Again, the people who didn't get chosen take another shot.


"Go sit on the lap of the person you spin on next."

I spin the bottle. It lands on, with my 'amazing' luck, Cato. My face flushed red. His as well.

"Are you fucking kidding me..." I mutter and walk over to him, and sit on his lap. Wearing only my undergarments. Yup.

He spins it and it lands on me. I stand up furious. "WHAT THE FUCK IT LANDED ON ME AGAIN? HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE? I'M SITTING ON CATO AND IT STILL LANDED ON ME!" I yell angrily. Marvel chuckles.

"Truth or-" Cato starts.

"Dare." I finish, still clearly pissed off.

"I'll go easy. Show your secret talent."

"Okay fine. I've mentioned it before, and three people already seen it." I go into the kitchen and pick up a decent sized, serrated knife, twirling it around in my hands, playing with it like a toy. It was the closest of the bunch like my collection.

"Target?" I whisper to Kat. "Finnick's sugar cube in his hand." she quietly replies in my ear and I smirk. Hopefully I don't hit his hand...

Without knowing what I'm aiming at, Finnick picks up his sugar cube like he did when I met him, but he was instead turned toward Annie who was sitting next to him. I hold the knife in my right hand, put my right foot back, aim, and throw.

He realized it's coming towards him and before he can shriek, CRUNCH. THUNK.

The knife imbeds in the wall, and Finnick's sugar cube is in half, on the floor. He shrieks.

"Woah, you got some talent girl!" Marvel pats me on the back. I go sit down in my original spot next to Katniss. It still feels weird wearing just a bra and underwear though. Ugh I hate this game.

"Clove, who said you could go back to your old spot?" Finnick smirks, still shaken by the fact his hand almost got cut off by an airborne knife.

"Can I get out of it?" I try to reason, but she shook his head. Cato puts his head in his hands.

"Nope! Unless you wanna take a shot." Katniss says popping the 'p'.

"Fine! Fine." I roll my eyes, choosing vodka for my poison of choice.

It goes on for a bit, until Katniss has it land on me. She was more drunk than I, being landed on a lot less.

"Dare." I shrug.

"I dare you, to completely strip, and run around the street-" she didn't even get to finish.

"Not happening." I cut her off. She smirks, already knowing my answer was going to be no, and hands me a tiny bottle of rum, that in total was probably 3 shots in one. There was no point in pouring a shot, and I was not going to be a pussy.

"Well, here goes nothing"

I drink the whole bottle, everyone cheering after I was finished. There's a reason you're supposed to mix hard alcohol with something else or just slam it, not chug it. The burn of the alcohol remains in my mouth and throat, as my face twists in disgust. We did a few more rounds before I exclaim that I was gonna go to the bathroom. However, getting to the bathroom was a feat. I stand up, putting my hand on the coffee table and then attempt to walk around everyone, failing miserably and tripping onto Cato. Well isn't that just perfect.

"Shit...." my face flushes a deep shade of pink.

We ended the game, then and there. Marvel explained it was getting boring anyways. Gale also mentioned that I probably couldn't actually answer a truth or complete a dare thoroughly.

"Hey hey hey!" I sit up, waving my hand slightly.  "Who said I can't do things? F-fuck you!" I lay back down.

"Well at least she's still herself somewhat."

I noticed through a side glance that Cato looked over in my direction every once in a while. I caught him the last time and he smirked and quickly jerked his head away to talk with Peeta.

I want to talk to Katniss, so I stand up and walk over to her. I didn't trip, so I silently congratulated myself. They were in deep conversation so I wait to poke her shoulder. When I do, her head swiftly turns and she smiles. Gale leaves the room.

"Hi Kitty." I say, poking her shoulders.

"Don't call me Kitty Cloverbells." She smirks. I frown immediately. Cloverbells? That's the best you could come up with?

Finnick walks over when she says that.

"Woah, Kitty got claws!" Finnick's jaw drops and he raises his hands.

"What happened to Clover?" I mock, crossing my arms and leaning forward, only to almost lose my balance.

"That's Cato's nickname for you."

"Does it matter? Everyone calls me that. Now he'll start to call me Cloverbells! That's even worse!" I yell in annoyance. Right on time Cato walks over.

"Hey Cloverbells." he smirks.


"Fine. How about Four Leaf Clover?" He smiles, causing me to groan. Katniss just laughs.

"Clover's fine." I state.

"Okay. Okay." He raises his hands up in surrender. Katniss gestures them to leave. They walk away reluctantly before Katniss turns to me.

"So what did you want?" She asks and I respond, "To talk."

"Okay." she agrees and sits on the couch behind her. Katniss gestures me to sit, and when I lean back, I don't feel the soft cushion of the sofa. My legs feel cold as pain shoots up my back. I just missed it and hit the hardwood floor.

Katniss cracks up as I stand and sit back on the couch. "Shhhht up bitch" I slur and glare at her.

"So when's the big date?" I ask her, raising my eyebrows.

"Next Wednesday. For some reason we don't have school on Thursday and Friday." she replies and smiles warmly.


She nods her head. "Extremely. What if it was a dare? What if he doesn't actually like me? I saw Cato smirking at me when he saw Peeta hugging me and... and..." she looked at the verge of tears. I'm guessing Katniss is very sensitive, but she hides her emotions with a mask. It's the alcohol making her say all of these emotional things. I know because I do the exact same thing. I'm just not as emotional, but if I cry, something really bad happened, my sister died, or someone did something so bad that hurt me, a lot.

"He likes you Kat. I've seen the way he looks at you. If it was a dare, it was because he needed courage to man up and ask you. Peeta is... different. If he knew you liked him and he didn't like you, he wouldn't dangle himself in front of your face and pull away when you go and try to grab it, like a dog to a bone. He's too nice to do that to his best friend. Don't be nervous, just relax a little and maybe I will help you get ready for the date." I comfort her with my little speech.  It seemed to work and she was happy. Good. Comforting I'd definitely on the bottom of the list of things I'm good at.

"Thank you Clover. I needed that. Even drunk, you can definitely make me calm down." she warmly smiles and we walk back, well I stumble, into the main room where Jo was popping in the movie, Paranormal Activity. The other girls besides me and Jo were scared and they cuddled up to their boyfriends, and future boyfriend, who were watching the screen intently while 'protecting' their girlfriends. And soon to be girlfriend. I laughed at the parts the others screamed at. At least the parts that I did focus on... there's a reason people don't tend to play movies at parties.

Still, I enjoyed the movie, along with Jo and the other boys besides Marvel, who almost peed his pants. He ran into the bathroom after he screamed like a girl. I died of laughter. (Marvel is a pansy)

We left the room to go to bed, and I decided not to put on pjs because I could sleep in my undergarments, even though it was slightly weird. I totally forgot to change.

I drifted off but woke up to a knock at the door, and a pounding headache. Groaning, I sat up and jumped off the side of the bed. Looking at the clock, I notice it says '4:05'. 'ugh why so early? Who needs me at 4:05?' I think as I walk over to the door and put my hand on the handle. I opened the door and Katniss was standing there, bearing a clipboard with paper and a pencil.

"What are you doing here at 4 in the morning Kat?" I groan, my head throbbing.

"Pranking. I got an amazingly funny idea to prank the boys. But we are mainly going to target," she holds up the clipboard closer to her face and flips a paper back. "Peeta, Finnick, Gale, and Cato." she lets go of the paper and looks back at me.

"I'm in. But I need some Tylenol first. Is there a reason you picked who you did?"

"Gale is my best guy friend, Finnick made up the nickname Kitty, Peeta is Peeta, and Cato cause of you!" She smiles. My frown deepens.

"Wait cause of me?" I ask surprised.

"Come on I know you like Catobear." I blush at her comment.

"Really Catobear?" I laugh.

"Yes. Really Catobear."

"Isn't Peeta in your room?" I say changing the subject.

"Nah we have our own now. Annie is sleeping with Finny in the master bedroom."

"How'd you do that?"

"Finnick wanted it." She explains.

"We will have to wake up Annie in that case." I inform as we sneak past a snoring Cato in his room with the door open, and up to the cracked door to the master bedroom. The door didn't squeak, luckily, and we tiptoed next to the large king bed.

"Poke Annie." she whispers. I poke her, and when she doesn't move I shake her a bit. Her eyes fly open and she sits up immediately, her brown hair a complete mess. Not like mine looks any better.

"Hi Clove and Kat. What do you want?" She says quietly and gets out of the bed, careful to not wake Finnick up.

I point out the door and she follows us out.
When we are out of earshot, I say, "We are going to prank some of the guys. Finnick was one, and so we had to wake you up. You can go to sleep in mine or Kat's room if you don't want to participate."

"No, no. I want to do this. Whats the plan?"

Kat goes up to her and whispers in my ear, then hers. We grin evilly.

"Oh this is going to be fun." I smirk.

//This chapter was a little longer because I'm on a six hour drive and I have nothing to do. I'm not being rushed, and the radio is taken up by football. SOOO FUN! Note the sarcasm.
Anyways, I could call you sugar cubes.
((Jesus I'm happy I didn't))

And sorry if there is mistakes in the chapter. I don't really go through and edit them anymore. Mostly because of laziness. ((It's edited now))

I won't be posting as much because school is starting up again tomorrow. Thank you for the amount of views this story has. I appreciate it.

((Stay alive my little tributes))

-CløverXX //

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